The topic for tonight is Generosity, especially as it relates to Prosperity and as an anti-dote to this year's dragon of Greed. Many people are feeling the sense of not getting enough, of feeling pushed to accomplish more, do more, have more this year. That is part of the Greed energy. Also, the power mode/moving center energy this year is like a gale force at times...pushing hard! Periodically, we need to take a break from the pressure and put things into perspective. Generosity is the aspect of opening up to both giving and receiving ... the "flow" of the universe. That energy can be stopped dead in its tracks by Greed, or by feeling a need to hold onto what we already have. Generosity allows us to give of ourselves (love, money, time, whatever). It also requires that we be open to accepting those things from others as well. If we only give, where would it go if there were no one to accept what we have moved along? This exercise may be of interest to any of you who would like to be more open to Prosperity of your own. You can read this later in the log, so don't worry about doing it right now, just try to get the "feeling" of it a little bit, then try it when you have a more quiet place. Meditation Exercise: Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet on the floor, hands in your lap, uncrossed. Take a few breaths and feel yourself relax. Connect with the earth and feel it's strength supporting your body. Feel your aura around you and notice how wide it spreads. Now, consciously expand your aura until it is about a foot wider. Notice how that feels. You may find that you need to breathe more deeply to expand your aura. Allow your breath to move, as it needs to. Then, consciously expand your aura slowly until it fills the room. Notice how that feels. Feel the energy coming to you from the earth, the sky, the air and feel your energy expanding as you move your aura outward. Take some time to simply enjoy that expansion feeling. As you get more comfortable with exercise, you can practice expanding out farther than just the room. Don't try to cover the whole world in one exercise, but allow yourself to expand, as you feel comfortable. While you are in that expansive place, take a moment to think about some small act of generosity that you would like to do, a letter to a friend, a phone call, a donation of some kind. Make a mental note to remember that when the exercise is over. Also, take a moment to think about some area of your life that you would like to be more prosperous. Allow the expansive energy to help you open up to more prosperity and again, make a mental note to remember that when you are done with the exercise. When you are ready, bring your aura slowly back toward yourself. Allow it to remain a little larger than it was before you started. If you can do this exercise fairly regularly, you will find that your ability to give and your ability to receive will be increased. It can happen rather quickly, so do not be surprised if things start to change rapidly for you. Also, do not get discouraged if you don't see immediate results. Everyone has their own right timing and you must get into your own "groove" before it will work very quickly. Please, everyone, take a couple deep breaths and bring yourself back to the present time and space. -------------- Another exercise that can be very helpful is to write down what it is that you would like to achieve before starting such an exercise. The clearer and cleaner your own energy, the more powerful the results. -------------- If you'd like to stay in that place, feel free to work with it. Doing an exercise in a group, even such as this, adds more energy to the experience. We all feel part of the collective power that is available here tonight. This power can literally move mountains when pure and focused like a laser beam. Student Comment: I liked the fact that Generosity is both giving and receiving. There must be other words for just giving and just receiving. Energy has to move in order to work properly. It can be up/down, +/-, in/out, over and through. They are just words, expansion./contraction. You might want to ponder the nature of energy when doing the exercise. Find new ways of describing what it is doing to and for you. Student Comment: Well, if I'm understanding your premise correctly, energy requires actualization. YES! Energy IS active. Student Comment: In other words, don't wait for the reflection in the mirror to smile. Smile and the mirror will smile, too! In order to accomplish prosperity, you must first give what you want to receive. You must become what you want to be in order to attract what you seek. That's the principle of tithing...priming the pump. Give a little to get the flow started. Once the flow of energy is flowing freely, it can sustain itself with very little additional energy. That's why the rich get rich. And, stay rich without seeming to work very hard at it. Student Comment: Hmmm....less work, more money. I could get aligned behind that concept. That's the secret! Student Question: Also, don't you need to make room for new "stuff"? Keep cleaning out the closet and the garage. Keep the energy moving along. Student Question: But the rich traditionally rise to the top by stepping on the backs of others. How does the spiritual person compete with this mindset? Some of them do yes. It will come back around to them later. Competing is not necessary. There is more than enough for everyone. We can increase the energy as needed. When you see a big foot coming down, move out of the way. Don't get trampled. If we work on our own energy, we don't have to worry about anyone else's. That's their job. Student Comment: Sounds like the old soul motto to me. Yes, indeed. We are very old. We've probably all been together in one time or another. Student Question: With the shift to more mature focus on working together, won't a lot of this competing and trampling be lessened? Yes, the competitive nature of everything is shifting and changing quickly. -------------- From an online chat group facilitated by Barbara Taylor, March 23, 1999 (e-mail:, For more information about the use of certain words (dragon, mode, center), see The Personality Game definitions on the website. Copyright information: This piece may be freely shared by permission of the author as long as it remains intact.