Online NewsletterAugust 2011 ~ Changes, Changes, ChangesWe finally moved in the past few weeks and we have been reminded of many things that we learned in other moves, and have newly discovered that every move is different. Some of the things that worked for us in previous moves, didn’t go as well with this one as they did last time. Some of the things we learned and did differently this time, have helped a
great deal to make this move smoother than it might have been had we not learned
those things. We are still in the throes of unpacking, arranging and rearranging and making our new place "home." Some things don’t "fit" as well as they did in our previous home. New things have shown up and new ways to do things have shown up as well. Every day is an adjustment of making new habits, unlearning old habits, seeing where things should be and figuring out how to make this new space work well for us. We have been remembering the advice of a friend who had moved many times: "Don’t make any major decisions for a year after a major move." That’s good advice and, given that some decisions have to be made earlier, not easy to follow completely. We are creating some new ways of doing things and we are consciously noticing that we are not ready to make other decisions about where some things should go. We are reminded of comments from another friend: "It’s good to make major moves slowly. Moving too quickly is a shock to the system." This is has been a long-drawn-out process, starting several years ago when we first starting thinking about moving back to California. Then, more than a year ago, we put our house on the market and started the "getting ready" stage in earnest. That entire process took about 8 months from putting the house on the market to the final closing. We went through a clearing out process of moving out many things that no longer served us and would not fit in a smaller place in California. Then, the actual move of our things into storage and staying with family. Then an offer on a new place and more than 6 months before escrow closed on this one. Then, moving things out of storage and into the new place. And, we are having all the adventures around painting and fixing up: finding what we wanted (or thought we wanted), finding vendors, dealing with logistics and scheduling, dealing with wrong things sent and having to be redone, things not fitting they way we thought they would, and then making new decisions. Things not working and needing repair. . . . The adventures have been many and are continuing. And, the wonderful discovery that we have a great deal of built-in storage within a much smaller place than we had in Washington has been a huge benefit in being able to adapt. Every day, we are appreciating the upgrades that came with this new place and realizing that there are some things we’d just rather not have to deal with. It’s all part of the glorious adventure of moving! Over time, we may come to love those things that now seem awkward. We try to remember that it is a journey through life and an ongoing adventure and not see them as a roadblock or disaster. This year, we know many other people who are moving and going through similar adventures. We have to remember to not get impatient with our self and with others. To be polite and professional and know that everyone we deal with is doing the very best they can. Just as we are. We have to remember to get plenty of rest, to stop working when our body complains, to use good safety practices with tools, to be extra careful in our new surroundings as our bodies haven’t become totally comfortable here as yet. And, to be gentle with ourselves. We remind ourselves every day that we are grateful to be here and to be living the life we are living right
now. We dearly miss our friends and family in Washington and will be
seeing them again when we visit.
Where ever you are on your adventure of life this month, we wish you joy and the thrill of new discoveries every single day. Take time to appreciate where you are and how far you have come to get where you are today. And, know that many more adventures await you on the road of life.
If you are thinking about creating sources of income, new business ideas or exploring expansion of a existing business, our book Income Without a Job has some great creative ideas and exercises to assist with that. The book is a great gift for friends who have been laid off or need extra support during these times. This page is |
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