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December 2011 ~ Loving Your Work 

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Do you love what you do all day?  Many people would say "NO" emphatically.  Why?

I’m going to challenge each person who reads this and say that if you don’t love what you are doing, why in the world are you doing it?  

Most people forget that they have choices how to view the world.  We can wake up and be happy to see the sunshine or the rain or the clouds or the snow or whatever is going on outside.  Or, we can wake up and feel trapped or miserable or discouraged by imaginary problems.

We can look around us and see beauty, joy and happiness.  Or, we can look around and see misery, unhappiness or unfulfilled promise.

Regardless of what our situation is, we have a choice every single day how to feel about our world, our work, our individual situation and our life.

If we choose to feel happy, our energy is lifted up and we can tackle any job with vim and vigor.  We can look around us at our workplace and see all the beautiful people that are surrounding us.

We can find joy in the simple pleasures of helping someone or producing something or creating something or resolving some type of problem.  We can face each new day with wonder, expecting good things to happen.  Or, we can complain or make ourselves miserable or choose to see only the negative side of life.

Every day, we make those choices – how to see our world — unconsciously.  Every single day, we renew our commitment to live a life of happiness or to live one of misery.

If we start to be consciously aware of our thoughts and feelings and actions, we can realize that we have so many choices all day about how we will DO something or how we will THINK when encountering someone or how we FEEL about something.  We have those CHOICES available to us every single day, every single minute of our lives.

We can choose to put a smile on our face when we greet a customer or a co-worker or a manager or a client or a patient or anyone else that might be in our work-world or our personal life.  We can choose to put a smile on our face before we pick up the phone.  We can choose to write emails filled with good news and positive messages.  

We can choose to know that this day we are living will be a good day.

We can choose to be grateful for every single experience that comes our way – giving us a chance to show off our talents, to share our gifts with others, to learn something new, to make new friends, to feel more alive, to forgive someone, to forget something that has bothered us, to lift our spirits and to lift the spirits of someone else who has forgotten how to do that.

We can choose to experience our life as awake and aware human beings.  Or, we can make other choices.

Whatever we choose, that is how our day will be, how our month will be, how our year will be and how our life will be.  This is YOUR life - you created it so why not enjoy it to the very fullest? 

A good day or a bad day – it all starts and ends with us.

Earl Nightingale in his recording, The Strangest Secret, reminds us that whatever we focus on, expands.  So if we have positive thoughts, they expand and our experience becomes even more positive.  Or, if we have negative thoughts, they also expand and make our experience more negative.

A special gift for our readers this month.

On this last month of 2011, how will you choose to spend your time – in joy and happiness and gratitude, or otherwise?  Are you willing to stop complaining for the month and try choosing happiness every single day – just for a month?

When some event comes up that might have seemed disappointing or annoying in the past, this month try to see it as a gift to be unwrapped and enjoyed.   Keep working until you can tap into the excitement of finding the good parts of it to be enjoyed.  Practice changing something "disappointing" into something "wonderful." 

This quote from Steve Jobs is a powerful reminder of what is possible for each of us: 

For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.


We wish you a joyful December and know that happiness is possible for everyone who makes that choice.   


If you are thinking about creating sources of income, new business ideas or exploring expansion of a existing business, our book Income Without a Job has some great creative ideas and exercises to assist with that.   The book is a great gift for friends who have been laid off or need extra support during these times. 

This page is http://www.income-without-a-job.com/news/dec2011.htm         

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