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March 2010: Seven Sins that keep you from getting what you want

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The Seven Sins that prevent people from getting what they want are:

  1. Self-Destruction, which is the fear that life has no meaning.
  2. Greed, which is the fear of not having enough.
  3. Self-Deprecation, which is the fear of not being good enough.
  4. Arrogance, which is the fear of being judged.
  5. Martyrdom, which is the fear of being trapped or being a victim.
  6. Impatience, which is the fear of not having enough time.
  7. Stubbornness, which is the fear of authority and sudden change.

Each of us has one or more of these Seven Sins operating when we are under stress.

The Seven Sins usually start some time when we are children as a way of protecting ourselves.  By the time we get to be adults, they have been with us so long, we actually think they are a real part of us.

They are not real and we don’t have to keep holding on to them.  They are simply learned behaviors that can be changed.  It does take conscious effort to identify them, do the changes that are necessary to send them packing and to eliminate them from our lives.

These Seven Sins become self-fulfilling prophesies if we allow them to take control of us.  Therefore, if you allow them to control you, you will bring to you exactly what you are afraid of:

  1. Self-Destruction will cause you to lose control ultimately.
  2. Greed will cause you to lose everything you want.
  3. Self-Deprecation will cause others put you down.
  4. Arrogance will cause people judge you.
  5. Martyrdom will provokes others to hurt you.
  6. Impatience will slow you down.
  7. Stubbornness will bring authority down on your head.

Why is that?  Because what we are afraid of becomes like a huge energetic magnet.  If we focus our energy on our fear, it draws to us what we are afraid of.

How to break the cycle?  

Focus on what you want — NOT what you are afraid of.

If you want more love, become more loving and focus on giving love to others.  Then you become a magnet for more love.

If you want more money, become more generous with money and focus on giving money to others.  Then you become a magnet for more money.  Be extra grateful for all the money that you have right now

If you want more peace, become more peaceful and focus on giving peace to others.  Then you become a magnet for more peace.

If you want more time, become more generous with time and focus on giving time to others.  Then you become a magnet for more time. Be extra grateful for all the time that you have right now.

If you normally resist others when they want you to do something, practice changing things in your life and when someone asks you to do something, say "yes" no matter what it is learn.  Learn to try new things and to be excited about changed.  You will draw to you many more opportunities for wonderful experiences to come into your life.

If you think life isn’t worth living, try focusing on what you have right this minute.  Focus on all the many blessings you have right now.  Allow yourself to count the simple things like the sun shining, the roof over your head, the bed you sleep in, the strangers who smile at you on the street, the air that you breathe, flowers, trees, birds, the Earth itself that supports you and gives you life.

The Seven Sins are part of our growth and our journey on this planet.  They are our personality’s way of giving us obstacles to overcome and can provide a great opportunity to learn about our self and others.  They also provide a way to have compassion for others when we see those fears operating in them.

This month, try to see the seven sins operating in yourself and others.  For each of the Seven Sins, here are some affirmations you can use to overcome them.  


  • My life is sacred and full of meaning now.
  • I make wise choices and trust myself.
  • I have excellent boundaries.


  • I am full and complete now.
  • I am deeply grateful for everything in my life.
  • I savor all my experiences.


  • I am amazed at the success I experience every day.
  • It is easy to accept compliments graciously.
  • People really like to spend time with me.


  • People experience me as warm, open and approachable.
  • I am comfortable in letting people see all of me.
  • I am equal and unique.


  • I have a great time every day no matter what I do.
  • I regularly allow others to see me enjoying myself.
  • Everything good always happens to me.


  • I have always have plenty of time.
  • I am present and relaxed in all situations.
  • I find it easy to be patient and tolerant of other people.
  • I am always on time without having to rush.


  • I am a relaxed and flexible person.
  • I like change.  I find it stimulating.
  • When I say "yes" to others, I learn a great deal.
  • I am a good listener.  I like to hear new ideas.


This article is based on the work of José Stevens and his book, Transforming Your Dragons: Turning Personality Fear Patterns into Personal Power. José Stevens.  Bear & Co, 1994 ISBN10: 1879181177  ISBN-13: 978-1879181175


If you are thinking about creating sources of income, new business ideas or exploring expansion of a existing business, our book Income Without a Job has some great creative ideas and exercises to assist with that.   The book is a great gift for friends who have been laid off or need extra support during these times. 

This page is http://www.income-without-a-job.com/news/mar2010.htm                        

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