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May 2009 - Make a Wish List 

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We were recently reminded about a very powerful process to draw out creativity - making a Wish List.

What has been going around in your mind that you'd like to have or do or be?  Write it down!

Surveys say that only about 5% of people write down their goals, yet about 90% of the people who write down their goals achieve them.  There is something very powerful about writing down your goals and your wishes.  

To make a Wish List: 

  1. If you want to do a meditation or play music or be outside in a special place when you do your wish list, that's OK, too.  It doesn't have to be a formal process or a planned process, or it can be.  Do what feels right for you.
  2. Get a blank sheet of paper and start making a list of the things you would like to accomplish in your lifetime - they can be big ideas or small ideas.  Just start it.  
  3. Expand your mind as you work with your list and dream BIG!  If money and time were not a constraint, what would you want to do or be or have?  
  4. Write down the hopes that have been sitting deep inside your unconscious.  You may be surprised what shows up on your list.  
  5. When you see things pop up on your list that you didn't have any idea were coming forward, that's OK.  It's just your sub-conscious mind telling you something.  Pay attention and listen.  
  6. Let the ideas flow.  
  7. Your list can be short or long - it doesn't matter because it's your list. 
  8. Once you start your wish list, allow yourself to add to it whenever you feel the urge.
  9. You don't have to do anything about the wish list right now - just let it grow and develop.
  10. Over time, you may find that you start to accomplish some of the things on the list.


Another very powerful process is creating a Vision Journal or a Vision Board.  Next month, we'll go into more details about how those work.  

If you are thinking about creating sources of income, new business ideas or exploring expansion of a existing business, our book Income Without a Job has some great exercises to assist with that.  

This page is http://www.income-without-a-job.com/news/may2009.htm                    

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