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9.99. May 2012 ~ Learning Through JoyWe heard yesterday that humans were created to experience pain. That didn’t seem right until Brother Ishmael Tetteh explained that if all we are is Love, we can’t EXPERIENCE Love for our self. So, the Creator created "obstacles" or "filters" so that we could "split apart" into fragments of light just as light coming from the Sun splits through the clouds and becomes a rainbow. In that "splitting apart" from the Creator (or the Source, the Tao or All That Is or what ever you want to call it), we then operate as spirits in a human body on the Earth from the illusion of separateness. At first, we still remember being all together, so we feel the inherent pain of separation from our One Self and that memory gets filed away. Over time, that memory fades until we live our lives feeling separate and seeing others as separate. Yet, deep in our instinctive memory remains the feeling of being One. As we travel through our lifetimes, we begin to "remember" that we were once all One and start to seek out the joy of connection with the other parts of our original self. It is through our travels as a spirit in a human body that we can experience all facets of life – the hardships, the sorrow of loss, the joy of birth and rebirth, the battles and the successes, the pain and the laughter. We see both sides of everything – up/down, right/left, hard/soft, sad/glad, life/death, win/lose. Learning about duality is the primary lesson of the planet Earth. We learn from our hardships and our sorrow until eventually, we begin to realize that we can also learn through joy. We spent 5 days last week with a group of our ‘soul family’ at an annual conference. About 65 people — all with open hearts throughout the event — met in the beautiful countryside near Charlottesville, Virginia. It was absolutely an amazing experience! From that extended joyful experience, we can
see how it is possible to learn through joy as well as through pain. We
saw old hurts and misunderstandings dissolved. We saw new friendships
made. We saw deepening of existing friendships. We saw new ideas
brought forth and a coming together of people from widely separate places around
the world. And, it changed all of us for the better. Our choice now is to remember what we learned and apply it to our daily lives.
Our wish for you this month: that you recapture the Joy in your life and allow yourself to be a little kinder, a little more forgiving, a little happier, a little more joyful in your every day interactions with others. If you are tired of the pain, now is the time to make a choice to live from Joy instead.
If you are thinking about creating sources of income, new business ideas or exploring expansion of a existing business, our book Income Without a Job has some great exercises to assist with that. This page is |
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