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October 2014 ~ What is Good Luck?

Are some people destined to be "Lucky" and others destined to lead troubled lives?

Why do some people seem to get everything they want and others can’t win to save their life?

Why do some people float through life without trying hard and others struggle every single day?

What makes life so unbalanced that some people "have it all" and others seem to have nothing?

There is an old saying "what goes around, comes around."  What does that mean?

The answer it seems . . . is flowing in the wind. 

I believe that there are patterns for our lives.  That we set up for each lifetime with goals we want to achieve.  Some lives might be about fame and fortune.  Other lives might be about learning about hardship or addictions or poverty.  Some lives might be about living a simple life and others might be about living life in excess.  Some lives might be about raising a large family. 

Some lives might be about living in quiet solitude out of the mainstream of society.  Some lives might be about living a short life and others about living a very long life.  Some lives might be about expressing musical, artistic or literary talents.  Some lives might be about learning new skills and some lives might be about teaching others.  Some lives might be about war and other lives might be about peace.  Some lives might be about breaking all the rules and some lives might be about rigidly conforming.

Whatever our life path, each person is unique and different in how they approach life.  Each person is unique in the tools and gifts they bring with them into a life.

Stephen Cope, in his book The Great Work of Your Life talks about dharma — finding our life’s work.  Through stories of his friends and famous people, he outlines how each person faced their life’s challenges and how each found their own way, often struggling at times until they felt the inner calling that would bring them joy and personal satisfaction.

It seems that when we are born, we spend so many years learning and growing and being shaped by our parents and teachers, that we forget those goals that we set originally.  Through our trials and failures and hardships, we begin to gain a glimmer of what truly makes us happy. As we begin to follow those "callings," we may still be confused.  If we keep trusting that our inner intuition is leading us in the right way, we finally find the path we have been searching for.  Once found, life becomes much easier and we can feel the joy of doing what we set out to do.

It seems pretty simple what I’ve just written.  I do know that looking back on my own life, it look a lot of years of trying different things and stumbling around before it got easy.  That’s all part of the natural and normal learning and growing process.

We always have a choice: to follow what we love and listen to our inner calling — even if our thinking mind or other people think we are crazy — or continue to be miserable doing whatever we are doing. Each person is unique, so what works for one person may not work for another.  We each have to find that unique path that is the right one for us in this lifetime.

The process of learning to find our own path has been described this way by Dr. Dyer - "My Life in Five Chapters:"

Chapter 1: I walk down a street. There is a big hole in the sidewalk and I fall in. I am shocked and surprised. It’s not my fault. I am lost and helpless. It takes me a long time to find my way out.

Chapter 2: I walk down the same street and pretend not to see the deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in again. I can’t believe I’m in the same predicament again. It’s not my fault. It still takes me a long time to get out.

Chapter 3: I walk down the same street. I see the deep hole in the sidewalk. I still fall in. It’s a habit and my eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately.

Chapter 4: I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it.

Chapter 5. I walk down a different street.

As we change seasons, is there some obstacle in your life that is urging you to walk a different way or to walk down a different street?  If so, pay attention and change what needs to be changed.

"Good luck" or "bad luck" are simply labels we put on things.  One small action on your part by trusting your intuition might bring you to a great breakthrough.  That happened to me just this week.

We wish you great joy and Good Luck on your journey this month.  

ps: I have to share this: This morning when I woke up, this article was bubbling up in my brain so before I did anything at all, I wrote it down.  Originally, we had planned for a guest author this month and we had been working together on that article.  This morning, after writing this article, I checked my email and there was a message asking to postpone the guest authored article.  Was that "good luck"?  I have learned to pay attention to my intuition, and things like this happen a lot now. 

The larger breakthrough mentioned above was a complete stranger who supplied me with some information I had been looking for over the past few years. It came after he commented on something I posted online.  We started a dialog back and forth.  I told him a little about what I had been working on.  Out of the blue, he sent me the missing link, without me even asking or knowing that it existed, which was a major breakthrough for something I had been working on.  Is that "Good Luck" or just getting into the flow of life and allowing good things to happen?  


If you are thinking about creating sources of income, new business ideas or exploring expansion of a existing business, our book Income Without a Job has some great exercises to assist with that.  

This page is http://www.income-without-a-job.com/news/aug2014.htm         

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