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September 2012 ~ Dealing with Changes in the World

Life changes all around us — all the time.  Our physical bodies change all the time.  And, as humans, we love new adventures, we love seeing new things, and we deeply resist changing when someone else wants us to change, or when our favorite "something" or someone is no longer available to us.

We are a living dichotomy – wanting to change and not wanting to change at the same time.

The pace of life is changing all around us and seems to get faster and faster with each passing year.  Technology alone is outstripping our ability to keep up with it and that new gadget is obsolete as soon as we buy it.

How can we cope with this increasing pace of change in a way that allows us to stay healthy?

We have some specific suggestions for habits that will help to keep us healthy – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually:

1. Daily meditation

How long you meditate is up to you.  The purpose is to connect to "All That Is" or "God" or your own "higher self" or "Great Spirit" or whatever you call something other than your physical self for some amount of time every day.   You can say "good morning" to the sun or the flowers or the birds or to the Earth and that's enough, or you can sit in silence for however long feels right for you.  

2. Good diet

Eliminate alcohol, cigarettes, chemicals, drugs, etc.  Eat a balanced diet that is right for your body type.

3. Eat consciously

Be grateful for all that has been provided for you to nourish your body.

4. Regular exercise

Exercise your body regularly in a way that works for you.  You can do simple exercises or elaborate ones.  Do what is right for you and what works for your own body.  The body is the temple where our spirit lives, so taking care of it now makes a hug difference later in life. 

5.  Sleep enough

Be sure to get enough rest.  Each body is different - some people need much more sleep than others.  Learn what works best for you and discipline yourself to go to bed when you need to.  

6. Balance your work

Our society tends to expect people to work constantly, with an occasional short vacation.  That really doesn't work well for the human body and leads to severe burnout.   Balance your work and make sure you have time for play, study and rest (the 4 pillars of vitality). 

7. Watch your thoughts

Watch your thoughts. Be aware of martyrdom, anger, arrogance, stubbornness, etc.  Think positively at all times.  Be aware of your negative thought patterns and work on changing them or eliminating them.  

Be grateful for everything that happens to you.  You are creating your own life, moment by moment., so acknowledge all the good that you a have created.  

8.  See good in everyone 

Learn to see the good (God, Spirit) in everyone and every situation and every person you interact with.  Open your heart and see/feel a beautiful ribbon of energy connecting your heart to their heart.  Breathe in that beautiful colorful energy as you connect with them.  It's amazing how much better your interactions will become. 

9.  Be gentle with yourself

Be gentle and loving with yourself also.  Eliminate self-criticism of all kinds and that nagging voice that says "you always screw up."  Tell that voice to go way, forever.  There is no room for that any more.

10.  Be a loving presence in the world

Fill yourself with the positive energy of LOVE!!!  At all times.  Whenever you feel depleted or weak or tired, do something that is uplifting for you —music, art, prayer, exercise — whatever works for you. 

STOP all activities and obligations if necessary to get yourself back into a good place.

If you are willing to do these few things consistently (even somewhat consistently), your life will become smoother, easier, simpler and you will feel more in control of your own life.  

Ultimately, all we can control is ourselves and even then, we don’t have complete control.  We certainly cannot control what is going on in the world around us.  However, with a positive attitude, we are able to adjust and adapt more easily when something happens that is unexpected.

This month, may your life be filled with ease and grace, no matter what else happens around you. 


If you are thinking about creating sources of income, new business ideas or exploring expansion of a existing business, our book Income Without a Job has some great exercises to assist with that.  

This page is http://www.income-without-a-job.com/news/sep2012.htm                    

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