April 2007 - Dealing with Difficult People:
Workplace Jerks
- Tips for Victims of Workplace Jerks
- Dirty Dozen
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
with Difficult People: Workplace Jerks
For our occasional series on Dealing with Difficult People, this month our guest author talks about a problem in far too many
workplaces — workplace jerks —
with tips for dealing with them. We are very pleased to see some movement in the U.S. to
recognizing that unhealthy workplaces are more than just "the way it
is." — they can do serious damage to people's physical health in
addition to their emotional and psychological health. The U.K. is
far ahead of the U.S. in acknowledging the challenges in this area and in working
to make their workplaces healthier.
for Victims of Workplace Jerks
by Robert I. Sutton, Professor,
Stanford University
I’ve spent much of the last few years thinking about how what it takes to
sustain a humane workplace and how employees who are stuck with nasty bosses and
peers can deal with their predicament. I’ve developed these ideas in my
new book and I continue to develop these ideas (using
both research and the stories and advice that I hear) on my blog.
I’ve been asked a lot of questions lately about the best way to survive a
nasty workplace or boss. Here are some of my top tips for victims of
workplace jerks. Before I get to the rest of the tips, one is in a
class by itself:
The best
thing to do if you are stuck under thumb of an jerk (or a bunch of them) is
to get out as fast as you can.
You are at great risk of suffering personal damage and of turning into an jerk
yourself. Acting like a jerk isn’t just something that a few
twisted people are born with; it is a contagious disease. But escape isn’t
always possible; as one woman wrote me, "I have to feed my family and pay
my mortgage, and there aren’t a lot of jobs that pay well enough to do that
around here."
So here are my top tips for coping with workplace jerks that you can’t
escape (at least for now):
1. Start with polite confrontation.
Some people really don’t mean to be jerks. They
might be surprised if you gently let them know that they are leaving you feeling
belittled and demeaned. Other jerks are demeaning on purpose, but may
stop if you stand-up to them in a civil, but, firm manner. [See Marge's
jerk management metric for one way.]
An office worker wrote me that her boss was "a major jerk" (he
was a former army major, who was infamous for his nastiness). She found
that "the major" left her alone after she gave him "a hard
stare" and told him his behavior was "absolutely unacceptable and I
simply won’t tolerate it." This is also pretty much what Ron Reagan
(the late president’s son) told me on his radio show about how he dealt with jerks, as did a fashion model who described constructive ways to confront an
2. If a bully keeps spewing venom at you, limit your contact with the creep
as much as possible.
Try to avoid any meetings you can with the jerk.
Do telephone meetings if possible.
Keep conversations as short as possible.
Be polite but don’t provide a lot of personal information during meetings
of any kind, including email exchanges.
If the creep says or writes something nasty, try to avoid snapping back; it
can fuel a vicious circle of jerk poisoning.
Don’t sit down during meetings if you can avoid it.
Recent research suggests that stand-up meetings are just as effective
sit-down meetings, but are shorter; so try to meet places without chairs and
avoid sitting down during meetings with jerks whenever possible – it limits
your exposure to their abuse.
3. Find ways to enjoy "small wins" over jerks.
If you can’t reform or expel the bully, find small ways to gain
control and to fight back — it will make you feel powerful and just might
convince the bully to leave you and others alone.
Exhibit one here is the radio producer who told me that she felt oppressed
because her boss was constantly stealing her food — right off her desk.
So she made some candy out of EX-Lax, the chocolate flavored laxative, and left
it on her desk. As usual, he ate them without permission. When she
told this thief what was in the candy, "he was not happy."
4. Practice indifference and emotional detachment – learn how not to let an
jerk touch your soul.
Management gurus and executives are constantly ranting about the
importance of commitment, passion and giving all you have to a job. That
is good advice when your bosses and peers treat you with dignity. But if you
work with people who treat you like dirt, they have not earned your passion and
- Practice going through the motions without really caring.
- Don’t let their vicious words and deeds touch your soul: Learn to be
comfortably numb until the day comes when you find a workplace that deserves
your passion and full commitment.
5. Keep an jerk diary — carefully document what the
jerk does and when it happens.
Carefully document what the jerk does and when it happens. A government
employee wrote me a detailed email about how she used a diary to get rid of a
nasty, racist co-worker:
'I documented the many harmful things she did with dates and
times.....basically I kept a Jerk Diary. I encouraged her
other victims to do so too and these written and signed statements were
presented to our supervisor. Our supervisors knew this worker was an jerk
but didn’t really seem to be doing anything to stop her harmful
behaviors until they received these statements. The jerk went on a
mysterious leave that no supervisor was permitted to discuss and she never
Similarly, a salesman wrote me that he has been the top performer in his
group until he got leukemia, but his performance slowed during
chemotherapy. His supervisor called him every day to yell at him about how
incompetent he was and then doubled the sick salesperson’s quota. The
salesman eventually quit and found a better workplace, but apparently because he
documented the abuse, his boss was demoted.
Actions that workplace jerks use:
- Personal insults
- Invading one's personal territory
- Uninvited personal contact
- Threats and intimidation, both verbal and non-verbal
- Sarcastic jokes and teasing used as insult-delivery systems
- Withering e-mail flames
- Status slaps intended to humiliate their victims
- Public shaming or status-degradation rituals
- Rude interruptions
- Two-faced attacks
- Dirty looks
- Treating people as if they are invisible.
Robert I. Sutton, Professor, Management of Management Science &
Engineering, Stanford University, and author of The No Asshole Rule: Building
a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn’t (Warner, 2007). His
blog is www.bobsutton.net. Copyright Robert Sutton © 2007 all rights reserved.
Article used with permission of the author.
Note: we changed the word "A*****" to "jerk" for this
article to make it easier to read and help our corporate readers avoid
triggering their Internet content filters.
Books Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
Related newsletter articles:
July 2005 - Bullying in the
September 2003 - Dealing with Difficult People (Recognizing & Working with
Personality Dragons)
March 1999 - Dealing with Difficult People
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