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Resources by Category
7 Principles of Spirituality in the Workplace
- our definition
to the American Spirit - inspirational messages and photos following the World Trade Center events of September 11, 2001.
and Newsletters & Magazines
Books - list
of books and printed materials
Conference Websites
- general information
and Trainers who specialize in spirituality in the workplace
Schools, Colleges and Training Centers
(current year) - Conferences,
Seminars, Workshops, Retreats, Classes
Events (past events)
Information &
Resources - individuals, companies, organizations
- Radio, TV
Projects and Surveys about Spirituality in the Workplace
The Michael
System - Foundation for our Personality Game. More about this body of knowledge and its workplace applications
Wisdom, Wit and Fun - downloadable files,
words of wisdom and inspirational things.
top of page
- Richard Barrett, formerly of the World Bank, and author of A Guide to
Liberating Your Soul and Liberating the Corporate Soul, has a successful
consulting practice using the Values Audit that he designed that includes a section on
Spiritual Values. He offers consultant training twice a year. www.corptools.com.
- Diane
Brandon, Intuitive/Spiritual Counselor, Personal Facilitator,
Speaker and Writer, Author of Invisible Blueprints: Insights of an Energy Reader
Dor� - Power Vision Dynamics: Visualization Through the Heart www.caroledore.com
- Diane Fleck and Associates is a performance improvement company,
specializing in Passion, Purpose and Spirit. www.itswithin.com
- Barbara Glanz, author of CARE Packages for the Workplace
- Ellen Hayakawa is an
author, management consultant and corporate coach on Spirituality in the Workplace
as well as a keynote speaker. www.EllenHayakawa.com
- Carol James speaks, consults, educates, mentors and writes about
Talent Management: retention, talent utilization, skills management,
career development, stress reduction, employee effectiveness and
managers' role in leading people to greatness. www.caroljames.com
- Nancy
Kehoe, training program in spiritual and religion needs of
patients and stress reduction in workplace for health care professionals. www.expandingconnections.com
- Dr. Rita Louise, alternative health practitioner.
Her website, SoulHealer, contains an index of terms www.soulhealer.com/altindex.htm
and more information about her services.
- Barry Johnson, author of Polarity Management, and consultant on managing
unsolvable problems, www.polaritymanagement.com
- Andrew LeCompte deals with conscious communications and has an article titled "The
Art and Science of Communication" http://letstalk.hypermart.net
- Dorothy Marcic, author of Managing With the Wisdom of Love, has a website with
information on her book and interesting links to the worlds major religions
- Rob Rabbin, author of The Sacred Hub and Invisible Leadership: Igniting the
Soul at Work, speaker, workshop presenter and columnist for Spirit at Work
- Martin Rutte, coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work, and well-known as
an international speaker
www.martinrutte.com. Martin has been one of the staunchest
supporters of the Spirit at Work newsletter and is a significant force in the Spirit at
Work community.
- Barbara Shipka, author of Leadership in a Challenging World: A Sacred Journey
- Jos� and Lena Stevens Pivotal Resources /
Power Path Seminars and Training
Santa Fe, NM
- Pat Sullivan is founder of Visionary Resources and contributing editor to Spirit at
Work http://visionary-resources.com.
- Cindy
Wigglesworth, President and Founder of Conscious Pursuits,
Inc. Speaker and Consultant; Author of a competency-based Spiritual
Intelligence Assessment instrument; founding member of Spirit
in Business. www.consciouspursuits.com.
- The
Yardley Group. Comment from a reader: "A good link would be to the Contemplative Dialogue training that the Yardley Group folks do.
I heard of them from the International Thomas Merton Retreat 2000 and took their "Path of Contemplative Dialogue" training that was truly amazing.
... Their focus is on tending the group spirit and they make it applicable to any type of group setting.
More depth than I'd found in other 'Spirit at Work' offerings." www.theyardleygroup.com
The Personality Game -
A Practical Personality System for personal and professional growth
Michael Teachings -
A brief overview of this system with links to Michael sites on the
Michael Books -
Complete list of books on the Michael System
Many thanks to Judi Neal and
the members of the Spirituality in the
Workplace discussion group for adding many valuable links.
Page updated: May 11, 2023
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