August 2000 - Understanding Corporate
- Definitions
- Models of Corporate Culture
- Influences and Trends
- Resources (Books, Articles,
The Lighter Side)
Corporate Culture is a broad term used to define the unique
personality or character of a particular company or organization. Within
the company, there may be sub-cultures in departments, divisions,
regions or operating units.
Corporate culture starts when the organization begins and develops as
it grows. Over time, the culture changes as people come and go. Culture
reflects the values, ethics, beliefs, personality and traits of the
company's founders, management and employees. In a well-established
company, the culture is so strong that even new top management may not
be able to change it. Or, if they try, it may take 5, 10 or 20 years to
change. Employees who feel comfortable and compatible with the company
culture will stay; those who don't will leave or will not perform as
well as they can.
Corporate Culture is the
Culture is so important that it literally underlies the way business
is done in every way. Recently, there has been more attention to the
influences culture, management style and personality style play in the
overall success of a business venture. Where people move within
narrow employment circles, there is also an industry culture, such as
the banking industry or the industry.
As executive leaders become more aware of the productivity benefits
of healthy corporate cultures, employees come to expect and demand
healthier environments. Once an industry culture becomes
seriously contaminated, it may affect many companies as people move to
others within the same industry.
In a very tight employment market as we have now, many people will
refuse to work in the less healthy corporate cultures. The result
is that only those who tolerate them will stay and people who are aware
of the difference will not accept a job with companies that do not treat
people well. Eventually, companies that cannot find qualified
employees will either change or suffer the consequences.
Leadership is now a popular term, moving from the theme of
'management' practices as the success factor in the 1950's and 1960's.
Recognition of employee's individual needs in order to perform at their
highest levels is the essence of 'leadership.'
Leaders are more
intuitive and people-oriented; managers are more fact and
procedure-oriented. Good leaders can often manage and good managers can
often lead. However, a good manager is not necessarily a good leader,
nor is a good leader necessarily a good manager.
Corporate culture is highly influenced by the individual personality styles of the company
founders in the early stages. Later stages are defined by the
executive management team. . Where many of the top management come from
the same company or the same industry, they unconsciously bring that old
culture to a new company they start.
Understanding a company culture, particularly when entering as a new
employee or working as a consultant can be the difference between success and
failure in that environment. Ignoring the culture or working at
counter-purposes with it are almost sure to lead to failure.
There is no right or wrong corporate culture. There is a right or
wrong fit for each individual person. In order to fit and be
successful, the company's values,
beliefs and ethics must be compatible with the employee's. If not, value
clashes will inevitably occur, usually leading to failure, dismissal or
resignation of the employee.
Rarely does a company become the failure
in a clash with an employee. However, over the long term, companies with
unethical and/or illegal business practices, or a seriously sick
corporate culture, will suffer their own destruction.
So many factors enter into defining a corporate culture that it is
not always an easy task to uncover. Using the tools provided on this
website, books and many other resources available, asking questions and contemplating the overriding themes will provide some
insight into a culture.
Corporate cultures are often described in major groupings, with
predominate traits. There are as many groupings as there are authors.
Some of the more popular groupings are as follows:
Blake/Mouton Model:
- Country Club Style:
thoughtful attention to needs of people for satisfying
relationships; comfortable, friendly organization atmosphere and
work tempo.
- Authority-Obedience Style:
efficient operations where human elements interfere to a
minimum degree.
- Impoverished Style:
exertion of minimum effort to get required work done.
- Organization Man Style:
balancing concern for people with concern for production.
- Team Style:
work accomplishment is from committed people; 'common stake' leads
to relationships of trust and respect.
Jeffrey Sonnenfield's Model:
- Academies:
for steady climb through the organization; IBM is the classic
'academy' where employees think of themselves as "IBMers"
for the rest of their life; constant training to reinforce the
- Clubs:
group consensus and the good of the organization comes first;
employees tend to have substantial equity in their company and
expect to stay throughout their career.
- Baseball Teams:
entrepreneurial style; people are rewarded for their individual
contributions; great emphasis on personal freedom and flexibility.
- Fortresses:
concerned with survival; many are struggling to reverse their
fortunes; no promise of job security or reward; often turn-around or
crisis situations.
Adizes Model:
- Courtship:
pre-organization birth; as in "falling in love," courtship
may or may not lead to marriage and family; people are committed to
developing an organization; entrepreneurism is pre-dominant.
- Affair:
courtship leading nowhere.
- Infancy:
very early stage company; performance is predominant.
- Infant mortality:
death in the early stages.
- Go-Go:
performance of the company and entrepreneurism are predominant
- Founder/family trap:
death due to lack of the development of administrative and
integration functions.
- Adolescence:
administrative roles and entrepreneurism are balanced as
pre-dominant, with performance and integration less prominent.
- Unfulfilled entrepreneur:
entrepreneurism high, but other styles can't develop.
- Premature aging:
performance and administration high, entrepreneurism low,
integration never develops.
- Prime:
performance, administration and entrepreneurism are balanced as
pre-dominant; integration is less prominent.
- Stable:
performance, administration and integration are all balanced
as pre-dominant; entrepreneurism is less prominent.
- Aristocracy:
administration and integration are balanced as pre-dominant;
performance and entrepreneurism are less prominent.
- Early Bureaucracy:
administration is the pre-dominant trait; performance and
integration is less prominent; entrepreneurism is non-existent.
- Bureaucracy:
administration is it; performance, integration and entrepreneurism
are non-existent.
- Death:
limited or no functionality, the organization cannot survive without
emergency measures.
We see a movement away from a Competitive Model toward a Partnership
Model in business in the past decade.
The chart shows some of the differences between the two models -
their values and styles of working, how they cope with stress and
pressure, and their needs.
Competitive Model
Model |
- Competing against others
- Winning against opponents
- Individual power / control
- Individual goals
- Accomplishing objectives
- Impersonal management
- Giving orders
- Hierarchal / structured
- Relationships / team power
- Common, shared goals
- Communication / understanding
- Working with others
- Empowering people
- Personal bonds / empathy
- Building unified teams
- Leadership by example
Tendency to FIGHT or
Tendency to PITCH IN and
- Taking the offensive
- Blaming / judging others
- Trying to change the situation
- Justifying themselves
- Intimidating others
- Withdrawing / denying
- Refusing responsibility
- Doing whatever is necessary
- Facing the problems
- Taking care of priorities
- Bending to meet the situation
- Acknowledging emotions
- Stepping forward to help
- Assuming responsibility
- Admiration
- Expression of power
- Appreciation
- Validation
- Success / conquest
- Reassurance of power
- Understanding
- Respect
- Acceptance
- Mutual trust
- Caring / authenticity
- Encouragement
The Competitive Model focuses on gaining the upper hand and
individual power to be successful. The Partnership Model focuses
on people working together to be successful.
Putting it all
It may seem simple or easy to place a company in one of these general
groupings, yet each company is uniquely different. These models are
provided to give some indication of the complexity of making generalized
statements about the type of company culture that exists.
They do provide some indications of critical factors to watch
for, and some guidelines to use in trying to determine the culture of a
Culture is influenced by the age of the company, as noted in the
Adizes model. Some cultures can only survive in the early stages, for
Death can come in many ways. In the corporate life cycle, death comes
more often than success, particularly in the beginning. It is
interesting to review the top companies of 100 years ago - few of those
companies exist today.
Understanding corporate culture � especially the one where you find
yourself � can be a challenging exercise. By digging into how
things work, you can gain a glimmer of why they work that
way. If you are in a position to influence the corporate
culture, by understanding where you are, you can make changes to move
your company, organization or department in a different
Beware of casting the corporate culture in concrete. Key people can
have great influence on the culture in a very positive way if they
understand how it works. And, a few very negative people can undo
all the good work of many others in a short time. Monitoring the
culture and making changes is an on-going process. By the time all
your changes are implemented, new people will have arrived, others will have
left, the market may have changed and the world political situation may
have moved dramatically.
The most useful exercise for anyone interested in corporate culture
is learning to assess the situations they find themselves in and compare
those to what works best for them. One tool for doing that is
described in the February 1998 newsletter
article "Assessing corporate culture and your compatibility."
Source: In Search of
Identity: Clarifying Corporate Culture, (c) 1993-2000 Barbara
Taylor and Michael Anthony
- Disclosure: We get
a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
A few newly defined management styles (courtesy of the Humor at
Work newsletter: "Jesture # 64: Management By...?"):
- MBB: Management by Brainstorm (This could either be a sudden clever plan
or a sudden violent disturbance of the mind).
- MBD: Management by Divestiture (This will be a spin-off of all corporate
units acquired in the nineties).
- MBM: Management by Monologue (Two way communication never really
- MBOST: Management by Old School Ties (The management gang working together
with ideas from their college athletic department).
- MBO: Management by Over-correction (It is sometimes necessary to correct
above and beyond to get employee attention).
- MBPW: Management by Piece Work (Paying for work done will eliminate coffee
breaks and unnecessary rest room trips).
- MBSC: Management by Space Craft (Top management will be in space looking
for new places to benchmark).
- MBV: Management by Vortex (This is a whirling mass of air from
headquarters that will suck everything near it to the central vision).
Admiral Grace Hopper on advice to the young (whom she defines as
"anybody half my age"):
You mange things, you lead
people. We went overboard on management and forgot about
leadership. It might help if we ran the MBAs out of
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