Online Newsletter
Question |
What do we want to achieve? |
Description |
A common focus helps overcome individual agendas. This must be a shared goal. If there is insufficient time devoted to reaching a shared goal, the effort will not be optimized and the best scenario will be that not all participants will be engaged. Without a shared goal, the worst scenario will be that the entire effort will unwind and be discarded. Note that a shared goal is one that all participants can articulate in ‘their’ way. Hence, if the goal is not clearly stated, it will be a challenge to agree how to proceed. |
Question |
How are we going to do it? |
Description |
Of all the stages, this may be the most important one. If the process is poorly considered, then the entire effort is at risk. Asking this how question, at this point, will focus the group on methods and procedures to be aligned with the goal, purpose, or vision and hold off discussions about what can’t be done because there is a lack of personnel or funds. As the original goal was shared by all participants, completing this stage before considering resources should not be controversial. This stage is critically important if one is building a coalition working on a common cause. Then it will be important to agree on desired behaviors as part of the process that will help offset differences in personal values and organization norms. Decision making considerations must be articulated here as well. Is this by consensus? How is consensus defined? Who represents each group? Building a coalition is a deliberate act and if a key step is missed, it makes the effort more difficult. |
Question |
Who or what do we need? |
Description |
This discussion is guided by who or what is needed to manage or act on the processes/methods. The rubber finally meets the road here because by answering this question one determines whether the in-house talent, experience, or materials/technology is sufficient or not. At this point, if the effort has been conscientious and the goal desirable, there will be strong impetus by participants to consider ways to obtain the needed resources, rather than give up for lack of resources. |
Question |
How are we going to assure reproducibility and performance success? |
Description |
Structure refers to policies and procedures, rules and regulations, and operating norms that provide guidance to such efforts. It refers to procedures such as clear, transparent, and consistent means for communications; it refers to the office responsible to manage the project that includes the means for reporting progress. It refers to the necessary administrative hierarchy; it refers to the process to evaluate and measure results; it should also refer to deliberate ways to acknowledge successes – individual and group! The latter is especially important for all participants, regardless of status – employee or volunteer. |
The first steps taken with this four stage approach allow free thinking that energizes participants because constraints are not called into play until after different options for getting the work done are presented under Process.
When limited funds and other resources constrain the plans under Resource, efforts to find ways to overcome the limitations are greater when there is passion and ownership of the efforts.
In contrast, if constraints are brought into play early in the planning that inhibit expansive thinking, there will be less invested emotional energy to seek ways to find needed resources.
About the author:
Baldwin H. Tom, CMC® Former instructor
in Strategic Thinking and Planning for the United Way of America; Past National
Chair of the Institute of Management Consultants
USA, 2004-2006. Get free
management downloads from www.tbgroupconsultants.com
(under Publications).
©1999-2008. The Baldwin Group, Inc. All rights
reserved. Used by permission of the author.
Related newsletter articles:
2001 - Successful Project Management
2006 - Project Management - Early Warning Signs
2000 - Sponsoring Successful Projects
1996 - Management vs. Leadership
2001 - Consulting Skills for Managers
2004 - Successful Stakeholdering
About our resource links: We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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