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For instance, our Love Position person is someone who always loves us no matter what; and we love them no matter what. Our Healer Position person can be our health practitioner, massage therapist or just a friend to take us to the doctor.
One of the most important people we can have around these days is our Anchor person.
Our Anchor will help us feel connected to our core on just about every level — spiritual, emotional, physical. Our Anchor person will often times show up as our favorite loving parent or a long-time neighbor who takes care of the house while we're away.
Our Anchor person can be a good friend, a beloved relative, our spiritual teacher, our pet dog or even someone famous whom we've never met. (For instance, Larry King and Dan Rather are Anchor Position people for millions — and they're called "news anchors" for a reason.)
Anchor people are people who are grounded and who are always there for us through thick and thin. They are people we can trust. Possessions can step into the Anchor role when our primary Anchor Support person isn't around. For a lot of us, it's our homes, our cars, our clothing, our book collection, our backyard garden. We can also get anchoring from our church, ashram, professional organizations and neighborhood coffee klatches. These things ground us and make us feel safe.
What I call "The Great Acceleration" is now happening full bore. Everything is speeding up — karmas, agreements, life circumstances, births, deaths. It's hard to keep up.
April 2009 was an especially difficult month for most of us and just about everyone I ran into was having a huge, major life crisis — threatened or real job loss, home loss, medical problems, loss of income, loss (by death) of loved ones.
It's been a hard year so far for most of us. At times like this, our Humor Position people can be helpful in giving us the transcendental experience of laughing. Our Discipline people can help us get out of bed and out looking for a job. Our Knowledge people can offer helpful information to get ourselves out of the well of depression. All of our Support Circle can make us feel better. In turn, we ourselves act as Support Circle people for others. It's a nice back-and forth relationship with the Universe.
Because the economy is in such bad shape and the karmic speedway is going too fast to control, most of us are longing for something to anchor us. The problem is, our Anchors are moving around and looking for their own Anchors. It's helpful to know that our Anchors tend to change through the lifetime. Sometimes it might be one person, then after a few years or decades, someone else will be our Anchor.
We might anchor into our local meditation group that meets once a week, then as people come and go, we'll find new anchoring either there or elsewhere. All this shifting of our anchor points can be scary and unsettling until we find that our ultimate anchor is ourselves. Many mystics and saints have realized that this world is never anchored and is never anchoring. We can never, ever be anchored in this consensus reality simply because its nature is change.
Spiritual maturity means we turn away from fruitless anchoring in outer things and people, and we turn toward fruitful anchoring in our Core Being — that which never changes. This takes courage and readiness — something that happens when we stop and pay attention to what is real. Discovering the true Anchor inside is a happy accident that we can't control, but (as my teacher Ngeton once said) we can be ruthlessly self-vigilant to make ourselves more accident-prone. We can be ready for it when it happens.
If you're not authentically There yet in your own anchoring, here's how you can soothe your mind and emotions:
This will soothe your Instinctive Center by reminding you of your many, many past lifetimes. You'll get a sense of eternal continuity.
Copyright © 2009 by Emily Baumbach, CCHT. (Adapted from Emily’s June 2009 newsletter - used with permission of the author). Emily is a clinical hypnotherapist, professional astrologer, author and teacher of the personality system we call The Personality Game. Emily's company, Causalworks, is a publishing and educational company devoted to the study of who we are. Many of the personality descriptions we have on our famous people pages come from Emily's book, Celebrities.
Related articles on our website:
October 2002 - Reducing Stress in
the Workplace
September 2004 - Stress
Busters: Managing Stress in the Workplace
July 2001 - Balancing Life and
Support Circle positions
Personality Game (overview)
Other Personality Game / Michael
System articles
About our resource links: We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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