December 2000 - Sponsoring Successful
- The Business Side vs. the Technology Side
- The Role of the Executive Sponsor
- 20 Tips for Success
- Internet Resources (books, articles,
links, the lighter side)
to Sponsor a Successful Project
The 20 Tips for Project Success were prompted by an actual client
situation. A business unit manager was asked to be the Executive Sponsor
for a new technology project. Never having been asked to play such a role before,
the person asked for guidelines on how to be a successful sponsor. When
we couldn�t locate anything in our extensive file of project
management information, we developed the following list.
The tips provided are a compilation of many years experience in
managing successful projects, consulting with organizations that
succeeded and � perhaps more importantly � our experience with projects
that failed to meet expectations.
You may want to add a few tips to the list or add your own insights. Some
points may be obvious to experienced executives or to IS professionals.
We�ve tried to make the list and explanations both simple and
There are many examples that contradict
generalities and stereotypes. No offense is intended toward any group or
individual by using stereotypical examples of "IS folks" and
"business folks."
The Business Side vs. The
Technology Side
"CIOs still feel besieged," the headline blares. "Top
executives are still hounding CIOs about information systems� value
for the dollar and IS alignment with business needs," according to
a Computerworld article. CIOs complain that they don�t
have adequate resources; executives want more value for the dollar. Both
sides seem to feel their needs are misunderstood � often blaming their
problems on forces outside their control.
Many of the difficulties faced by Information Systems/Information
Technology (IS/IT) managers and staff result from
miscommunication, leading to confusion and unproductive results. Many high-dollar, mission-critical projects are started with great fanfare,
then somehow fail to achieve their objectives. People become
disillusioned; fingers are pointed and careers are jeopardized � on the
business side and on the IS side.
Business people often wind up with incomplete systems and new
programs delivered late, which then are blamed for delays in getting the
"truly important" work done. Users do not understand the
"black-box" of IS and are often afraid to challenge the wisdom
of the technical folks.
IS folks tend to feel that users do not appreciate them. Many of them feel
also overworked with impossible deadlines imposed upon
know they are often dependent on IS to accomplish their job, yet are
unable to communicate their needs to the IS folks who design systems according
to their understanding of users� specifications, which often
turn out to be not what the users really wanted. When it comes to
new projects, the business folks feel that only they have the real handle on
corporate priorities and that they should control corporate
re-engineering efforts.
IS folks accuse upper management of constantly changing priorities,
failing to support the IS folks, seeking outside advice without the
participation of IS, not giving the IS manager a seat at the Executive
Council, then criticizing IS for failing to deliver against corporate
Many IS folks feel unappreciated or that the "plum" jobs go to
outside contractors while they are stuck with the unglamorous
maintenance chores. They often feel that management takes them for granted. Many CIOs
and IS
directors feel that they do understand business already and
since they also know about technology � they are the best group to lead
corporate-wide re-engineering efforts.
Is there a middle ground or will this constant war of the resources
kill any chance for mutual understanding?
Is there a way to blend the
talents of both the business side of the house and the IS side of the
house so that everyone gains from the experience?
As the move toward more efficient business increases � through the
major restructuring, wide-spread corporate re-engineering efforts and
the move to client/server or Internet-based applications � the need for better
working relationships becomes even more important.
For the survival of
IS and for the business side to utilize the vast benefits possible from new
technologies, it is time to stop the war and move toward
productive teamwork.
The Role of
Executive Sponsor
One way to bring the two sides together is through successful
project management and executive commitment to technology projects.
All current research shows that the most
successful IS projects are those that have good advance planning, good
project management, the right people assigned to the project and a
committed Executive Sponsor.
From the confusion that still exists between the business side and
the IS side of most organizations, there seems to be a viable
opportunity for improvement by more clearly defining the role of the Executive
This article provides some guidelines for the people who may find
themselves asked to play the role of Executive Sponsor. IS
directors can use the list to open a discussion with their business
executives � hopefully providing an opportunity for more
Business executives can use the list to open a
discussion with their CIO about how the two sides can better work together.
- Understand what makes projects succeed or fail
- Know the danger signs of troubled projects
- Appoint experienced project managers and team members
- Use outside consultants to supplement, if necessary
- Provide leadership, guidance and support to the team
- Enforce the ground rules of good project management.
- Help the team manage expectations
- Conduct regular, productive committee meetings
- Hold people responsible and accountable
- Don�t micro-manage the project
- Stay out of the way most of the time
- Know when to step in
- Know when to ask for help
- Don�t accept guesses � make sure the facts support all project
- Identify and solve small problems as they surface
- Understand the dynamics of your organization�s culture
- Use your political clout, if necessary
- Be the project�s champion
- Reward success
- Set a good example.
Each of these tips is explained in more depth.
Tip 1: Understand What Makes
Projects Succeed or Fail Project Success
There is massive research on what
makes projects succeed and fail. Why then do projects continue to fail
at alarming rates?
Only 16 % of IS projects were completed on time and
within budget, according to a 1995 Computerworld report. In
general, the situation has not improved in the years since that
The Year 2000 effort was a major success for the technology community
and the business community. It stands as a stunning example of
what can be done with committed people and resources working
together. In that massive world-wide effort, people were able to
focus their energy on the task at hand and did accomplish a very
challenging goal. The many lessons learned from that effort need
to be applied to more projects in the future.
Some projects start out doing all the right things, then get into
trouble. Others simply meander along without any clear direction �
"guided" by people hoping that things will somehow fix
themselves. Successful projects seems like a well-oiled machine � arriving
on target, within budget and meeting user expectations.
What makes one project succeed ahead of schedule where another fails
Known Success Factors
- A project manager with comparable experience in large-scale
- An experienced core team supplemented by outside experts
- A well-defined project plan
- A rigorous quality assurance process
- Open, honest communications
- A process for keeping the team energized and motivated
- A committed Executive Sponsor with the time and energy to be the
project's champion.
Known Factors that Lead to
Project Failure
- Incomplete requirements
- Lack of user involvement
- Lack of resources
- Unrealistic expectations
- Lack of executive support
- Changing requirements and specifications
- Lack of planning.
Tip 2: Know the Danger Signs of
Troubled Projects
A key responsibility of the Executive Sponsor is to provide high-level guidance to the implementation team and
to be the project�s champion within the organization. The sponsor must
be constantly encouraging the team, yet watching for potential bumps in
the road that might derail a project.
Indicators of a High-Risk
- The project is the largest ever taken by an organization
- The project is highly integrated (that is, interlocking systems
depend on each other in order to function)
- The software is new (or relatively new) and has not yet been
proven in the market
- The software needs additional modification to meet your
organization�s needs
- The project uses leading edge technology (also known as "bleeding
- The project is out-sourced to consultants who are inexperienced
with a project of comparable size and/or unfamiliar with your
- Internal technical staff, key users and/or the project manager have
not successfully implemented a project of comparable size or
If any of the high-risk factors exist, the project
starts with a considerable handicap. Obviously, projects with multiple
high-risk factors have a higher handicap.
The Executive Sponsor may have
to supplement the project team (both technical staff and users) with
more experienced people � with consultants or others in the
organization � who have been through a major project similar in scope
to the new project.
A Big Red Flag
Individual egos get in the way of good teamwork.
If this happens, the project may have to be stopped until changes
are made or sufficient training is done to insure that people can work
together as a team.
The most elegant hardware and the most sophisticated
system cannot overcome people�s resistance to accept the finished
Tip 3: Assign Experienced Project
Managers and Team Members
value of having the right people on the team cannot be over-emphasized.
Successful projects occur because the right people are involved � not because of hardware, software, networks, spiffy screen
design or any other technical wonders.
It is always people who
make the project work. If the people are not committed to the project,
to getting the right things done and working together, no amount of
fancy technology can make the project succeed.
One of the inherent dangers in technology projects is to becoming
caught up in the technology and ignoring the people issues.
The Executive Sponsor must be a people-oriented person first and foremost. If they are
able to work well with technology issues, so much the better.
The Executive Sponsor must be an inside coach, constantly promoting the positive aspects of
the project to the team as well as helping other executives understand how
the new project will benefit them.
Tip 4: Use Consultants to Supplement the
Project Team
The value of
consultants is their extensive experience and unique skills gained through
many different projects and many different organizations.
jealousy arises on the part of internal staff, who feel they have been
bypassed by people who are outsiders. This may happen in user
departments as well as in the IS department.
Consultants are most effective when they become part of the team, working along
side the internal staff and sharing their experience so that when they
leave, the internal staff has developed new skills.
If consultants do only a specified job (i.e., implement and install a
new system) without passing along their knowledge to internal staff, the
organization is weaker after they leave � not stronger. This occurs
when the organization becomes dependent on consultants doing the work for
them if staff does not take the initiative to improve their own skills
as the project progresses.
When internal staff does not accept
consultants as valued, respected members of the team, the entire
team suffers. Some consultants actually promote this type of separation
by holding themselves aloof from their clients.
This is similar to a baseball team composed of nine players who are
more concerned about their individual priorities than the priorities of
the entire team. They do not assist each other nor provide automatic
backup unless forced. A high-energy baseball team functions as a fluid
force, where the actions of the individual players flow as a unified
movement of the team rather than as individuals who wait for someone to
tell them what to do next.
A highly productive project team functions in the same way.
Accomplishing this takes commitment on the part of internal staff,
external consultants, the Executive Sponsor and the support of the
organizational culture.
A one-time pep talk at the beginning of the
project is not the answer. Ongoing leadership by example and continuous
efforts to encourage and reward team participation are vital to a
well-functioning team, just as constant coaching is needed to keep a
winning baseball team performing at their peak ability.
The Executive Sponsor should have the human understanding,
team-building skills and communications skills as well as the broad
organizational vision to be able to prevent such divisions from
occurring or to nip them in the bud should they surface during the
Discord in the team continue can destroy the project or lead to
crippling cost overruns due to lost productivity.
Tip 5: Provide Leadership,
Guidance and Support to the Team
Leadership is a fuzzy quality �
people know it when they see it, yet have difficulty describing it
exactly. Leadership can be demonstrated in many different
ways. The result of effective leadership is a powerful,
well-functioning team that accomplishes its goals.
One of the ways IS can help their Executive Sponsor is to participate
actively in regularly scheduled project status meetings with the
Many organizations have established an Executive Technology
Council or Project Steering Committee for this purpose. At these
meetings, key members of the team should discuss the progress of the
project, identify and resolve outstanding issues and brain-storm ways
to make sure the project stays on target.
Each person must be willing to
understand the pressures faced by the others, then develop ways to deal
with whatever challenges arise.
One-on-one meetings between the project manager and the Executive Sponsor
must occur regularly in addition to the larger group meetings.
The one-on-one meetings must be an open forum and a vehicle for
developing rapport between the members of the project. All parties must
be willing to be honest and candid with each other and listen to the
Trust develops
over time. Nothing builds trust between people better than a consistent
working relationship devoted to solving mutual problems.
Leadership starts by setting a good example. When executives
and IS work well together, their staff gets lessons in the right way to
do things. For all the good words managers might deliver about
motivation, nothing motivates and inspires people better than seeing
a leader in action and watching how it is done.
Leadership by
Example is the by-word of all great leaders.
Advice to the Executive
If you don�t know anything
about technology, don�t pretend you do � ask IS management for help
or ask another executive who is computer literate to help you.
If you
know a little bit, be willing to learn and try to apply what you learn
to your day-to-day responsibilities.
Be willing to learn from IS and be
willing to share your business knowledge with them.
Try to find a middle
ground where you can build both your own knowledge and develop a solid
working relationship with a technology-savvy person to assist you when
you need information.
Advice to IS Management and
If you think you are the
expert on technology and you cannot understand why business people have
trouble with technology, you are already in deep trouble with business management.
Be aware than many people are still intimidated by technology.
Your arrogant attitude will not help you or them. Business
people constantly complain about IS folks and their inability to speak
in anything other than computer-speak.
Be willing to explain things step-by-step
in ways that make the business people feel comfortable with you.
For top executives, sending someone from IS to their home or office
for one-on-one tutoring helps the executive learn by making them feel
more comfortable.
Find someone who is a good teacher and can earn the
respect of business executives, then designate them as executive liaison �
someone who will not laugh at an executive�s simple questions or
think they are stupid for asking.
Another approach is to find an
executive who is already computer literate to act as a "coach"
for those executives who are still technology novices.
Remember, teach
executives how to use technology in their job; don't expect them
to become
Keep it simple and easy until they ask for more advanced
instruction. If at all possible, streamline menus and sign-on
procedures to make their technology experience as painless as possible.
They want bottom-line answers, not computer-speak!
Tip 6: Enforce the Ground Rules of
Good Project Management
Good project management consists of at least these things:
- Good up-front planning
with realistic budgets and schedules
- Documentation of needs, goals,
deliverables and status
- Standard project management methodology
- Candid communication at all times
- Rigorous testing and quality
Occasionally, the sponsor must provide discipline to
the team by setting a high standard and refusing to shortcut
quality controls. Projects often face delays as people underestimate
the work required or find they want to change or add features after they
start seeing the prototypes.
Details of a project are often missed in the early stages when people are
anxious to get started, rather than spend time and energy in planning.
Successful projects allocate a significant amount of time to developing
plans, documenting needs, specifying deliverables, developing data
models and reviewing business procedures that will be impacted.
planning process alone may take 20-25% of the entire project budget.
Shortcuts in the initial stages often lead to delays and revisions in
the future � potentially derailing the entire project if major
aspects are overlooked in the early stages.
Most project plans are developed by estimating the tasks and
schedules needed, then computing a budget. Many forget to add
significant time for project management, which can add another 25% to
the project.
This is an area where many companies try to cut corners by assigning
someone who does not have prior management experience or by expecting
the project manager to manage the project in their spare time while
doing other critical project tasks. That is a recipe for
Tip 7: Help the Team Manage Expectations
The Executive Sponsor must be sensitive
to the challenges every project faces and the human tendency to minimize
change. Users often want to force a new system to fit their old office
procedures, rather than change the way they do business. The IS folks
may hold firm in their commitment to technology standards, completely disregarding the user�s desires.
The Executive Sponsor must be willing to watch for signs of
resistance and deal with them promptly before they turn into
unconscious sabotage.
Human beings resist changes that are forced upon them. New technology
systems, corporate re-engineering, massive down-sizing and general
society pressures make it even harder for people to deal with the
day-to-day pressures of corporate life. Understanding the diverse
humanistic forces at work requires different skills than building a new
widget or building a new system.
A natural tendency to make a project "better" as it
develops can lead to Scope Creep (an ever-expanding project
As the new system grows and becomes available for testing, many
people will ask for little improvements. If the system has been
well designed in the early planning and specification stages, these
changes should be minimal. If users have very different expectations
than the system can deliver, disillusionment sets in quickly.
example, in today�s Windows-oriented world where people have
computers at home or see exciting examples in the media, installing an
old-style character-based system could lead to mass revolt in the
office. Even if the IS department has not promised a fancy new system,
there may be a high level of expectation on the part of users.
When new systems fail to deliver on their expectations, IS
pays the price of failure in lost credibility and resource
allocation. The organization pays the price of widespread
dissatisfaction and low productivity. These issues must be identified before
the project begins, not after it is rolled out. There are many
ways to anticipate such problems as a project develops and be proactive
to avoid many commonly-known problems.
Many organizations use prototyping to develop specifications and
manage user expectations.
For example, a
model computer screen (prototype) is developed so users can actually see
how it might look. This way, expectations and usage patterns can
be uncovered very early. Then, the system can be built behind the
With early involvement by many people on a small scale, users
develop a sense of
what is coming and have more time to adapt. IS folks know the user
interface is acceptable early on. There are fewer surprises down the
Advance preparation saves pain all around.
Tip 8: Conduct Regular,
Productive Committee Meetings
Strong teams develop
through regular contact and shared experiences.
Regular meetings of the
Project Steering Committee (Technology Council or whatever it is called
in your organization) provide a vehicle for problem resolution and
status updates.
In long-term projects, the meetings may be weekly in the
beginning when specifications are being developed, then move to
monthly while the technology is being developed, then move to weekly
again as people prepare for the final stages.
A formal agenda and a regular meeting time helps people stay on topic
and move the meetings along efficiently. The chair of the committee must
be committed to the overall process of guiding the meetings so they are
effective, yet stay on topic.
As people become more familiar with each
other, meetings can degenerate to complaint sessions or to off-topic
discussions. Each person�s views need to be respected. However,
sometimes off-line meetings need to address those concerns in order to
keep the project on course.
Managing steering committee meetings effectively includes individual
discussions in advance of the meeting between the Executive Sponsor, IS management and individual
project managers. The results of these
individual discussions guide the steering committee meetings.
into a high-level meeting and being hit unexpectedly with a number of
critical issues is not a good way to maintain rapport among team
members. If a critical issue comes up between meetings, don't wait
to discuss it with the key people involved.
Tip 9: Hold People Responsible and
includes: delivering on plans and commitments, being part of the team,
acknowledging when there are problems and being willing to adjust
personal priorities in favor of the overall project priorities.
Each member of the team must understand the rules of the project. And they must understand the penalties for not following the rules. Too
often, threats are made that have no force behind them (Management by
Intimidation), so people learn that the threats have no value.
people work best when they know where they stand. When they understand
what the rules are, what the rewards are and what the penalties are for
not following the rules, they are more likely to act consistently. In
organizations where "rules" are based on personal agenda, ego
or unpredictable actions, motivation and productivity are impossible to
The team leaders (the Executive Sponsor and the
Project Manager) are responsible for clearly defining what is
expected from each member of the team.
Members of the team must understand and agree to their
responsibilities. The team is also responsible for
maintaining consistency. If someone needs help, they are
responsible for asking for help. If someone sees that another needs
help, they are responsible for trying to assist. If someone sees that
work is being done badly or improperly, they are responsible for
reporting the problem to someone who can deal with it.
Occasionally, a person doesn�t fit in a project team. While
every effort should be made to help them participate, sometimes the
person must be reassigned to a more appropriate job or fired from the
project. Compassion and understanding cannot overcome incompetence.
sooner the reasons for someone�s lack of performance are identified
and dealt with, the sooner the entire team can return to productivity.
Ignoring a person who is not contributing or who weakens the entire team
effort is not acceptable. The entire team cannot be placed at risk
because of one person�s inability to perform, for whatever reason.
Certain things must be designated as intolerable: any abusive
treatment or language, any discriminatory or derogatory words or
actions, violence (including verbal assault) or any other physically
inappropriate behavior. Should intolerable actions or language occur,
management must deal with the person immediately and remove them from the
Tip 10: Don�t Micro-Manage the Project
Provide leadership not
micro-management to the team.
If you have hired the best project manager
and developed a good rapport with them, you should trust them to handle
the day-to-day tasks.
Ask them to report on how well they are performing
against your long-term goals and expect them to ask for your assistance
on strategic and political issues.
Provide guidance to make sure that the focus on business objectives
is maintained.
Tip 11: Stay Out of the Way
Most of the Time
This is a touchy issue to balance. If you have children, you
know how hard it is to let them grow and develop on their own when you
think you know better ways.
If you�ve developed a good working
relationship with the project manager and the team, you get regular
feedback on progress and the project is progressing as it should, then you should not
interfere in the details.
For projects to succeed, the team must feel that they are able to do
things their way and that their experience is highly valued. If you have
appointed good people in the first place, they don't need someone
meddling with their project.
Tip 12: Know When to Step In
However, if there are
differences between your strategic goals and the direction you see the
project moving, it�s time to pull in the reins a little.
- Meet with the project manager and review your goals and expectations
- Make sure they are able to repeat back to you what they heard you say.
- Explain your concerns and your
suggestions for getting the project back on track.
- Be willing to work
together to find a way to resolve your concerns.
If you are faced with political pressure
and the project becomes delayed, make sure the project manager
understands the implications to them personally, as well as the
implications for the entire project.
Sometimes, the project manager or a team member simply cannot handle
the project at a certain point. When that happens. you must be
prepared to intervene and take corrective action.
Tip 13: Know When to Ask for Help
Occasionally, the dynamics or
communications between a sponsor and the project manager (or the team)
create a situation that isn�t working as well as it should. That�s
the time to ask for help � from other executives who�ve encountered
similar situations, from the Human Resources department or from trusted
According to much personality research done in the last few years, the
prevalent (or "typical") personality type of IS folks is often
very different from the prevalent personality type of executives and
business-oriented people. This difference can create challenging personality conflicts as well as communication difficulties. To resolve
these differences, some training and/or individual consulting may be
required to come to a mutual understanding of goals.
Writing off conflicts (or differences in perspective) as simply
"personality conflicts" does not get to the root of the
problem. Ignoring the problem will only make it grow worse and the
project will suffer.
Dealing with conflicts as quickly and as thoroughly as possible is the best solution. If it
is not dealt with, the success of the project can be at risk.
Each person and each personality type brings something of value to
the team as a whole. When everyone learns to value the differences
and understand on each person's strengths, the entire team
Tip 14: Don�t Accept Guesses -
Make Sure the Facts Support all Project Adjustments
People naturally want to please their
"superiors." This desire to please can lead to overly
optimistic project forecasts.
Lack of experience in similar projects
also leads to underestimating implementation time. This where having the
best project manager, the most experienced team members and a good
schedule/task management system pays huge dividends.
The best project control tools provide for both capture of tasks
completed against expectations and a projection of the success rate for
the balance of the project.
For example, the initial project plan
contains a list of tasks and the expected time for each task. Over time
as tasks are completed, the expected time is compared against the actual
time. If tasks tend to take 10% longer than planned, the remaining task
estimates are automatically increased by 10% to reflect a more realistic
If tasks are taking 50% longer than expected, then perhaps future tasks
should be increased by 50% as well.
Industry research shows IS projects frequently taking
200% or 300% longer than expected. The failure rate for projects never
implemented is alarmingly high (31%).
There are many valid reasons for projects taking longer than
expected, some due to changes in priorities, agreed-upon expansion of
scope or changes in technology offering new solutions. Many projects
take longer simply due to bad management and poor productivity of the
people involved.
Don�t be lulled into
thinking your organization is different unless you have facts to
support a better success rate.
Set tight goals, be realistic about your expectations and
be prepared to change over time when appropriate.
When adjustments must be made, re-check your project assumptions and
get all the facts to avoid constant adjustments in the future.
Tip 15: Identify and Solve Small Problems as
They Surface
One of the
reasons projects take longer than expected is that sometimes small problems are
People change their mind as they begin
to see the results of the new system. They "thought" they
wanted a report one way, then realize they need something different
� leading to changes in task estimates, resources and
People assigned to the
project change � and the requirements may change as a result � leading
to more delays. As inexperienced users become more educated, they find
that their procedures must change. That can lead to system requirements
changes � and more delay.
Time spent in the beginning of a project in system design, business
process review and prototyping saves more than its weight in gold later
Prototyping sample screens and sample reports so people can
"touch and feel" the end product before the system is created
can unearth many of small issues. When people see what they will get,
they begin to get excited about the final result. It becomes more real
for them, rather than a system that will be imposed on them "some
day." And, they have something tangible they can begin to work with
in changing their business operations.
Enthusiasm on the part of users
is a major hurtle to overcome � the earlier it starts, the better the
project will be.
IS people often fail to do the "people" parts of the
system, feeling that their only job is to build a good computer system. In
reality, the system will only be successful if people are willing
to use it.
As the Executive Sponsor, your job is make sure that the
people issues and solutions are as important as the technical issues and
solutions. And, that small problems do not grow into big
Constant communication and trust between you, the project manager and
members of the team is needed so that people are willing to tell the
truth and deal with the consequences of issues as they occur.
Tip 16: Understand the Dynamics of
Your Organization�s Culture
Each organization has its own unique corporate culture or corporate
As Executive Sponsor, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your
organization is your job. Translating that culture into guidance for the
project manager and team is also your job.
Using the knowledge of the
culture to create a successful project is both your job and the job of
the project manager. You must both be "reading from the same script
and singing the same song."
Projects often fail simply because the technical team fails to
understand the corporate culture or the Executive Sponsor does not guide
the team through the political land mines that exist in most organizations.
example, the project steering committee (or IT Senior Governance
committee) expects regular reports on the progress of large projects. If
a technical person makes a highly technical presentation, the audience
may not understand or appreciate what is being said. If the
Executive Sponsor does not understand the implication of technical
problems, they may present the wrong impression of the project's
You � as the Executive Sponsor � should make most high level presentations on the
project�s status. You must be able to understand and explain which
problems are serious and which are not. Or you must groom people to
help you make presentations
in a way that can be understood by everyone on the committee.
Tip 17: Use Your Political Clout,
if Necessary
There will come a
time when you must get something done politically that the
team cannot accomplish on its own.
Since your political power must be used sparingly, be sure
of the situation and all the facts.
For example, a business section manager is not working well with the
project team or is not making changes in their
office to prepare for a new system. You could create havoc with them
directly or with their line executive (using a "big hammer") or
you could draw the executive into a conversation with the goal of
helping everyone be successful (using the "velvet glove on an iron
hand" approach). Ask for ideas about how to break through the
roadblocks. Give them a chance to handle the problem of their departmental
resistance and report back to you before stepping on them.
Involving other executives in solving a problem goes a lot
further toward to enhancing your own political clout than having a lot
of people think you�re just ruthless!
If you are the executive
being approached due to resistance in one of your people, work with
those involved to create feasible solutions rather than creating a new
turf battle.
The political benefits of a teamwork approach extend far
beyond today�s issues to building a reputation as being strong,
yet fair and reasonable.
Tip 18: Be the Project�s Champion
One of your most important roles
is to champion the project. Talk about it to others and express
excitement and enthusiasm about it.
If you have problems, work with the
appropriate people to resolve them. Don�t bad-mouth the project or the
people or you will look like the loser.
Remember Tom Sawyer and his enthusiasm about painting the fence. When
he complained, no one wanted to help. When he got excited about
painting the fence, everyone wanted to join in. People everywhere react in similar
ways: the Martyrs are left to suffer alone and the Pied Pipers draw a crowd.
the Pied Piper, not the Martyr.
Tip 19: Reward Success
Positive actions must be acknowledged and
rewarded in appropriate ways. Small, consistent actions mean a lot to
most people. A
"good morning" smile, "thank you" for a job well
done, needed supplies being available and a general level of
respect for team members can do far more to keep the team motivated than
a party once a year in the grand ballroom.
Certainly, milestone celebrations with fancy speeches are nice.
However, many people would rather have a day off, an engraved memento or
an award they can frame. Others would prefer money or time off with their family.
Structure the rewards so that people feel appreciated. Take some time to
work out ways to show support for your
Tip 20: Set a Good Example
In everything you do, set a good
- Show people how well you can work with them by
demonstrating your leadership and teamwork skills.
- Express enthusiasm by showing others
how to stay excited and upbeat � even when problems surface.
- Demonstrate the ability to resolve conflicts, solve problems and
mediate conflicts.
- Tell
others about the project�s success by expressing excellent
communications skills.
- Constantly imagine yourself as the Executive Sponsor of the most
successful project your organization has ever had! This is the method
used by the most successful business people and athletes � using your
powerful vision of what is possible � to seeing it become reality.
- Act
as if you are a leader and other people will sense it.
- Act as if you are
the most successful Executive Sponsor ever and it will happen.
Congratulations on a successful project!
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Page updated: October 16, 2023
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