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Sites we visited in November, 1995:
Listed by: Name of Site, Location
(Purpose of the Temple), [Type of Energy]
Great Pyramid, Giza (Journeying on the Astral
Plane), [6th and 7th chakras]
Sphinx, Giza
Temples of Ramses II and his wife, Nofretari,
Abu Simbel (Love, Partnership, Balance - temple moved from original site when Lake Nassar
was built) [4th chakra]
Temple of Isis, Goddess of Love, Philea,
Aswan (Love, Heart Opening - temple moved from original site when Lake Nassar was built),
[4th chakra]
Temple of Gods Sobek and Horus, Kom Ombo
(Physical Healing), [1st chakra]
Temple of Horus, Edfu Male Energy (negative
pole of Aggression) [3rd chakra]
Luxor Temples - Temple of Amon-Ra Sun God,
Luxor, ancient city of Thebes, ("Mystery Schools" - focus on Prosperity,
Abundance, Community and Integration) [5th chakra]
Karnak - Temple of Ramses II, Luxor, ancient
city of Thebes ("Mystery Schools" - focus on Male Energy - positive pole of
Action) [3rd chakra]
Karnak - Temple of Sekhmet, Luxor, ancient
city of Thebes ("Mystery Schools" - focus on Healing the Warrior aspect
(positive pole of Protection) [3rd chakra]
Temple of Amon-Ra and later Ramses II, Luxor,
ancient city of Thebes - So-called "Mortuary Temples" (Journeying/Astral
Plane Travel)
Colossus of Memnon, Luxor - Entrance statues
only remain - temples are gone
Tomb of Sendjem, Luxor - Valley of the
Artisans (Tribute to Artistic Creativity, Fertility, Family, Farming)
Tomb of Ramses IX, Luxor - Valley of the
Tomb of Mernptah, Luxor - Valley of the Kings
Tomb of Thutmosis III, Luxor - Valley of the
Temple of Goddess Hathor, wife of Amon-Ra,
Dendera ("Mystery Schools" - focus on Love, Creativity, Female Energy) [2nd
Cairo Museum of Antiquities, Cairo Artifacts
from the Tomb of King Tutkahamon (King "Tut") etc.
Step Pyramid, Saqqarra (Throat,
Communication, Growth, Expansion) [5th chakra]
Catacombs, Saqqarra ("Mystery
Schools" - Telekinesis Laboratory)
Great Pyramid, Giza Journeying on the Astral
Plane [6th and 7th chakras]
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