February 2008 - Dealing with "Problem" Employees
- Performance Monitoring, Discipline and Termination
- Seven Tips for managers
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
Monitoring, Discipline and Termination
The least liked part of their job for supervisors, managers and executives is
dealing with employee performance issues. This includes performance
appraisals, monitoring, discipline and termination. Because of the dislike
for this part of their job, many managers ignore problems and issues with
employees until they become so severe they have to do something. Some
managers never do deal with the problems. They push off the problem to
someone else or they themselves leave for a different job.
While discipline and termination are not pleasant tasks, there are many
options for dealing with them early that can turn the situation into a win/win
for both the manager and the employee.
Case Study:
When I was a young manager young in age and experience I was blessed
to have some difficult challenges presented to me and some very good coaches
and mentors who helped me deal with them. [I have to admit that at the
time I had a much less philosophical view.]
I once had an employee I'll call Jane (not her real name). Jane had
been an excellent project manager and I had worked on her projects before she
became my employee. Jane was a mentor to me and was twice my age; I had
great respect for her skills and talents.
Some time later, I occasionally thought I noticed the smell of alcohol when
I talked with her. I ignored it and thought "maybe it was my
imagination." One day, one of my other employees who shared an
office with Jane came storming into my office saying, "you have to do
something about Jane." I asked what was going on and he told me
that he regularly noticed that she seems to be unsteady on her feet, she
"reeked" of alcohol and she didn't seem to be doing anything at all
some days.
Now, I was stuck. I had to do something - but, what? I also
felt great internal conflict because I was so young and had such great respect
for Jane, how could I question her about her performance or tell her what to
do? I went to the library and book stores (this was before the Internet)
and tried to learn about employee performance issues. I read that there
actually is a good process to follow for dealing with alcohol problems in the
workplace. I met with our Personnel Department and we developed a plan.
Next, I met with my department head and told him what I was planning to do
and got his support. Then, I scheduled a meeting with Jane. It
went something like this:
Me: Jane, I've noticed that you are not getting your work done as well
as you used to. I've sometimes noticed what smells like alcohol when I
talk with you. I have spoken with our Personnel Department about what
options I have. I can fire you for non-performance or we can walk over
to the Personnel Department and they can enroll you in our Employee Assistance
Program (EAP) and see if that can help get your work back up to your usual
good quality. Are you willing to go to Personnel with me?
Jane: Yes, I will go to Personnel with you.
We went directly to the Personnel Office right then (they were expecting
us). The personnel officer also explained that she could be terminated
for bad performance or she could enroll in a program that would help
her. Jane agreed to enroll in the program.
At that point, I only knew that she planned to enroll. The EAP
program is confidential so if she had quit the program, I would not have
After a few weeks, we began to see an improvement in Jane's work. She
no longer appeared to "reek" of alcohol and seemed steadier. A
short while later, she thanked me for helping her get into the program and
told me that she was committed to following through on the program. Jane
quit drinking and her work went back up to its previous high quality and she
eventually left for a much higher paying job.
It's interesting that for alcohol issues, there is a specified course of
action to take that works and we followed that. For other types of
employee issues, there is not a strict "to do" plan that always
Certainly, not all the employee issues I've faced were as successful as this
one. I have had to fire employees, or in personnel lingo
"terminate" them. It was never easy and I learned a lot
about myself in the process that I hope made me a better manager, leader, coach
and management consultant.
So, what do supervisors, managers and executives do when faced with
"problem employees"?
1. Deal with employee problems
First of all, don't ignore the problem thinking
it will go away. It won't. In fact, it will get worse
and other good employees will lose respect for the manager. If ignored too
long, the good employees will leave and you will be left with only the
"problems." I'm sure some people reading this article are
nodding their head and know what I'm saying either for themselves or they
have seen it happen to others.
Make sure you have the facts and are not reacting simply to rumor or
someone's "story" about what happened. Give the employee a
chance to give their side of the situation and listen to their issues and
concerns with an open mind. If you can turn around a problem employee for
the better, everyone wins.
2. Get help from others.
Your company's Personnel (or Human Resources) Department often has resources
to assist you. They can explain what your options are: progressive
discipline, probation, firing, retraining, performance monitoring techniques,
For some issues such as alcohol, drugs,
family stresses Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
may be able to help the employee come to grips with issues that may be affecting
their work performance.
Also ask peer managers if they can offer suggestions. Ask people in
your professional network or business associations for suggestions. Sometimes,
conflicts between employees and managers are simply incompatible personalities
or working styles. Or, maybe the employee is a bad fit for the particular
job they are in. Sometimes, discussions with other managers in your
company will reveal
someone who might be interested in working with the "problem" employee
and a transfer can be considered that will result in a 'win/win' for
3. Learn how to do "progressive
Progressive discipline means that the manager must develop a detailed plan of
work-related performance expectations and meet with the employee to gain agreement
that they both will participate in changing their work experience. The
plan much include expected actions by the employee and manager. The
manager must work closely with upper management and personnel/human resources so
they know what is happening and can support any further actions that may need to
be taken.
An example of the steps used in progressive discipline.
- Verbal coaching session with the employee where you identify the issue of
concern and work out a plan for how to resolve it.. Start a log with a
detailed description of your verbal discussion with the
- Written warning or reprimand letter is done if the verbal coaching session
did not produce the desired work results and/or the employee did not change
their work in the agreed upon way. The letter goes in the employee's
personnel file. The letter must clearly identify what was expected and
what did or did not happen. The employee receives a copy of the
- Probation may be required for some period of time so that you can closely
monitor the employee's performance. The employee must clearly understand
that if their work performance does not improve that they are subject to
suspension or termination.
- Suspension can be used for serious offenses where immediate action is
required either for an egregious action by the employee, for continued
lack of performance, during an investigation or for other
- Termination (firing) the employee is the highest level resulting in the
employee losing their job.
If unions are involved, the manager may need to consult with the shop
steward and/or the employee may have specific rights built into the union
agreement that must be adhered to. There are often timelines that must be
followed strictly if the manager is heading toward more discipline or
Progressive discipline means that the manager must follow-up and
follow-through consistently with the employee. They must also monitor the
work of other employees so that one person is not being singled out for harsher
treatment than others.
4. Be persistent, diligent and
do not give up
Too many managers throw up their hands when faced with serious progressive
discipline issues or really difficult employees. Resist the feeling to do
When an employee is first hired, managers must make sure they are properly
trained and given reasonable expectations that they agree to. Most
companies have some type of probation period where employees can be terminated
more easily than if they are long-term employees.
The manager must monitor new employees during their first few weeks and
months, not just sit them at a desk or a machine and "hope" they will
learn the job on their own. Sometimes, managers bring a new employee to a
team and expect the team to train the new employee. That works well in
some companies and is a dismal failure in others, depending on the workplace
It is still the manager's responsibility to make sure that the employee is
getting the right type of orientation and training. It is the manager who
will need to do discipline of that becomes required.
If there are signs during the probation period that an employee isn't
performing as expected, do not delay and do not ignore the warning signs.
Start paying strict attention to what is happening with the employee and take
action early to avoid small problems from becoming big problems. Many
employees who make mistakes at the early stages can be coached toward the right
path and will go on to fully develop in the job. However, if left alone,
they may be heading down a path that eventually will get them in trouble.
If the employee cannot be coached early on toward your desired goals, let
them go. Employee issues are like bad apples - they will contaminate your
entire work group if left alone. You will lose the good employees (or
their willingness to work hard) and be left with a bunch of rotten apples.
5, Set a good example and
teach others what you expect.
Make sure your employees know what is important to you
by your actions as well as your words. If you regularly come in late and
leave early, don't expect your employees to be punctual every day and work hard
if you are not willing to show them that you are willing to do the same.
If you expect teamwork, then you need to be a good
example of a good team player.
If you expect employees to get along, you must be
someone who gets along with others.
If there are workload issues or other challenges in
your job, ask employees for their ideas about how to resolve them. It's
always amazed me at the creativity of employees if only people take the time to
get them involved in solving problems. Use your employees' ideas ideas if
you can. If you can't, explain why it won't work this time.
Encourage them to continue to bring ideas to you and to work with you in solving
And, just to make sure we don't miss the obvious
things: treat all your employee with respect and dignity. Reward them for
a job well done. Acknowledge them when they perform well. Encourage
them when they try, even if their efforts are not completely successful.
Listen to their ideas.
6. Stay up-to-date on laws,
union regulations, personnel policies
The world of work is changing rapidly. There are
many articles being written about the "X" generation or the "Web
2.0" generation. Different age groups have different
expectations. Different cultural groups may have different
Managers need to be aware of how the world of work is
changing. Employees are no longer willing to simply "take
orders" at work. They want to participate in decisions that affect
them. They expect to be treated with respect and dignity. They know
they can get another job if this one doesn't work out.
Many employees are less willing to do whatever it takes, just for
a paycheck. They are more interested in quality of life
by their definition which may not be the same
as your definition.
7. When faced with a difficult
situation, feel the fear and press forward anyway.
Few managers enjoy the discipline portion of their
job. Firing people is not what managers talk about when asked what they
like about their job. It is a fact of life that employee performance
monitoring, discipline and dealing with employee issues is part of a manager's
job it actually defines what a manager
is: someone who has the authority to hire, fire and discipline.
You are not alone in facing whatever management
problems or employee issues your are facing. Someone, somewhere has
been through it before. Seek them out. Ask for help. Search
the Internet. Ask your peers for help in dealing with tough issues.
Ask professionals for help. Ask your own management for their wisdom
and guidance. Learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others.
I've sure made my share of mistakes and the experience has made me stronger and
a better manager.
"What doesn't kill you, makes you
stronger" is something I've had to remind myself of and others as well
many times.
It is worth
repeating again and again when faced with a potential
"problem employee," do not delay or hope it will get better on
its own or hope the problem will go away. It won't. It will
only get worse and corrective action will only get harder, not
easier. |
If employee issues are something you really, really
don't like to do, find another job where you don't have to manage
people. There are plenty of great jobs that do not require direct
management or supervision of employees. There is some recognition that
some people are not meant to be managers and career ladders are being created to
provide long-term opportunities for highly skilled employees.
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One
That Isnt. Robert Sutton. Warner Business Books,
2007. ISBN-10:
0446526568 ISBN-13: 978-0446526562
- What Doesn't Kill You Makes you Stronger: Turning Bad Breaks
into Blessings. Maxine
Schnall. Da Capo Press, 2003. ISBN-10:
0738208604 ISBN-13: 978-0738208602
- Dealing With Problem Employees: A Legal Guide (3rd edition). Amy
Delpo, Lisa Guerin. NOLO, 2007. ISBN-10:
1413307116 ISBN-13: 978-1413307115
- Complete Idiot's Guide to Managing People (3rd Edition) . Arthur
R. Pell Ph.D. Alpha, 2003. ISBN-10:
159257145X ISBN-13: 978-1592571451
- 101 Sample Write-Ups for Documenting Employee Performance Problems.
Paul Falcone. AMACOM/American Management Association, 1998. ISBN-10:
0814479774 ISBN-13: 978-0814479773
- How to Manage Problem Employees: A Step-by-Step Guide for Turning
Difficult Employees into High Performers. Glenn Shepard.
Wiley, 2005. ISBN-10:
0471730432 ISBN-13: 978-0471730439
- A Survival Guide to Managing Employees from Hell: Handling Idiots,
Whiners, Slackers, And Other Workplace Demons. Gini Graham Scott.
AMACOM/American Management Association, 2006. ISBN-10:
081447408X ISBN-13: 978-0814474082
- From Losers to Winners: How to Manage Problem Employees and What to Do
If You Can't. V. Clayton Sherman. AMACOM/American Management
Association, 1987. ISBN-10:
0814459188 ISBN-13: 978-0814459188
- Discipline Without Punishment/the Proven Strategy That Turns Problem
Employees into Superior Performers. Dick Grote. American
Management Association, 1995. ISBN-10:
0814402763 ISBN-13: 978-0814402764
- An Honest Chance: How to Give a Problem Employee an Honest Chance to
Improve or Leave in Five Stress-Free Steps. Marvin Franklin.
Writers Club Press, 2002.
ISBN-10: 0595221424 ISBN-13: 978-0595221424
Related newsletter articles:
1999 -- Dealing with Difficult People
July 2000 -
Dealing with Co-Workers We Don't Like
September 2003 -
Dealing with Difficult People (Working with Personality Dragons)
June 1999 - Dealing
with Personality Dragons
July 2006 - Giving
and Receiving Feedback
April 2007: Tips
for dealing with workplace jerks
May 1999 - Respect
in the Workplace
May 2003 -- Respectful
July 2005 -
Bullying in the Workplace (Dealing with Difficult People)
- Don't Fire That Problem Employee - Sell Him on eBay! http://www.thespoof.com/news/spoof.cfm?headline=s8i13605
- Cartoons: What
Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
- Good management is the art of making problems so
interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get
to work and deal with them. .. Paul Hawken
- So much of what we call management consists in making
it difficult for people to work. . ..
Peter F. Drucker
- If you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread
their wings and put compensation as a carrier behind it you almost
don't have to manage them. . ..
Jack Welch
- That management is best which manages least, and in the end, when workers are ready for it, that management is best which
manages not at all.. ..
- Catch someone doing something right. . ..
Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
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