January 2012 ~ Forecast for the year
- Themes and Trends
Tips for the new year
- Our intentions for the new year
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
for the year 2012
2012 is a pivotal year ~ a year of change, a year of growth, a year of
letting go of old ways and old institutions, and a year of creating a vibrant
new future.
The future will be more based on cooperation than on
competition. The changes won’t happen all at once, of course. They have been in
process for many years and will take many more years to fully develop.
The predictions that the world will end in 2012
— the supposed Mayan
calendar "predictions" that the world will end in 2012 — are based
in fear and misunderstanding. The physical world will not end in
2012. The "world as we know it" may end for many people.
The language translations get very confusing and people get very confused.
And, there is some manipulation of messages for personal agendas as well.
When fear rules, almost anything is possible as an
outcome. When hope rules, almost anything is possible as an
So, what is the difference between fear and hope? It’s really a
choice for each individual person – whether they choose to live in fear and
draw to them negative experiences, or whether they choose to live in hope and
draw to them positive experiences.
In 2012, there will be plenty of fear and plenty of hope — as if the world
is splitting apart. One group is clinging mindlessly to the fear of
whatever they are afraid of and the other group is feeling more and more joyous
as they recognize the powerful energy of change at work.
For each person, there will be many opportunities for growth and personal
development in 2012. They may encounter situations that others would see
as fearful, yet they find joy in the opportunity to break through old barriers
and to re-create things the way they want them to be now, in this new time and
space form.
Many staid and long-trusted institutions are feeling the quakes of the
changes — the banking industry, the religious
institutions, the educational systems, the health care industry, governments at
all levels, the military — all are being faced with massive pressure to break
out of their rigidity and become more aligned with the needs of their customers
and citizens.
No longer is rampant greed valued as a good thing. The citizen
uprisings that focused attention on "Occupy Wall Street" are growing
to include many other grass roots focus areas all over the country. People
are saying "we’ve had enough of the old ways" and are putting
themselves out in public to protest behavior and business practices that are no
longer acceptable. This time in history might be somewhat like the
American Revolution or the Boston Tea Party - the people are speaking up loudly
to let their displeasure be known.
We listened to a financial update a few weeks ago where they described our
current economic situation as the "New Normal"
— volatility and unpredictability in the stock market, and long-term
prospects for very low inflation and slow growth.
Politics is not the same as it used to be. We can all see that.
Some people are happy about it and many are not. With the United States
presidential elections coming in November 2012, it is possible that anything
could happen. Whatever happens should reflect the changing needs and
growing demands of the citizens for government to be responsive to their
needs. Those who are not paying attention may find themselves out in the
cold after Election Day.
One thing to note is that Mercury
goes retrograde in 2012 right around the US election time, so it is possible
that there will be computer breakdowns, communications breakdowns and some
confusion in getting the election results counted and audited. ()
We expect to see lots of chaos and confusion as things shift and change, and
those who want to stick to their rigid set of expectations or habits will be
resisting more and more as the rest of the world moves forward. This is
the nature of change. It is nothing new. It will just be more
noticeable as the pace of daily life continues to increase.
People may feel as if they are not sure which way is right – the old way or
the new way or some way in between. During times of very active major
societal changes, this is just what happens.
We expect to see new medical discoveries coming forth – cures and new
treatments that will help to keep the population healthier. We expect more
people to feel responsible for their own health and want to learn more about how
to take better care of themselves. That means that we will see more
personal responsibility for people’s lives taking hold as they realize that
when they are responsible for their own health, they take better care of
themselves, and their body is very responsible to good care. Healthy means
emotional, intellectual, physical, mental and spiritual health.
We expect to see more people turning to alternative methods of health care
– meditation, buying organic foods, growing their own food in some way, being
more careful about what goes into the body (less alcohol, smoking, drugs of all
kinds), being more careful to get proper rest and nutrition. They will be
seeking health practitioners who have the same philosophy and are willing to
respect the needs of the individual and help teach people how to be healthier,
rather than just prescribing unnecessary drugs.
We also expect to see people revolting against food products that have been genetically
altered. These are causing many more food allergies than have been seen
over the past thousands of years.
There will be a continuing interesting in doing something about the serious
over-medication of many people with resulting high costs, addictions, accidental
overdoses and serious damage to the body from the medications themselves.
Conscientious doctors and medical practitioners will be more willing to speak
out about abuses they see themselves.
We expect to see continued interest in a national health care system or a
single-payer system, perhaps based on the very successful Canadian system.
Our health care system has been tampered with by too many people who have been
only interested in their own personal gain, not the health of the people they
are supposed to treat. Patients are frustrated and doctors are frustrated.
There are too many complications and too many people in between a patient and
their doctor as the system is working now, and too many people who need care who
cannot afford it.
We expect to see interest in recreating our educational
system to be more
responsive to the needs of students. Now, everyone receives the same type
of education regardless of who they are or what they might need. If
children were valued for their own individual uniqueness and given opportunities
to reinforce their natural talents, they could blossom into more competent
adults, instead of being forced to endure training that makes them feel
incompetent or bored or is not interesting to them.
We expect to see the continuing and growing interest in spirituality and
philosophies that help people to be responsible and to understand the larger
scope of human existence beyond a single physical life. There are numerous
ways this could be experienced and each person will find their own "teaching"
(a spiritual teaching, a life philosophy or religion) that
works for them. Or, they will keep searching until they find one that
resonates with what they believe. We expect to see more media attention to
methods and teachings that highlight the great variety of ways that people can
experience their humanity and their spiritual connection to All That Is
(or whatever people call the larger forces at work).
Times of great change allow for great creativity and we expect this will come
forth in many varied ways — through new products, new ways of doing things,
new colors, new designs, new features on existing products, new ways of
approaching old problems, etc.
Creativity also means destruction of old materials, old ways, old
institutions to make way for the new. In order to bake a cake, you have to
destroy the old ingredients and bring them together in a new way. 2012 and
the next few years will have plenty of opportunities to create new recipes and
using new ways to combine old ingredients, or finding totally new
Since weather is tied to the overall energy of the planet, we expect to see
the weather helping to create situations for destruction / rebuilding /
recreating and for helping people to change their old habits. Sometimes,
not by conscious choice, but because suddenly the weather destroys something or
shakes something up that allows the new-ness to come forth.
Creativity also allows and encourages new businesses to come forth so we
expect to see a blossoming of entrepreneurial ventures as people realize the old
corporations simply can’t or won’t do the job that is needed to meet
emerging needs. The larger companies are still struggling to maintain
their place in their industry, so innovation is not at the top of their priority
list. Innovation usually comes from small, more nimble companies and
individuals who are willing to take the risk to create something new or bring
something new into the market place.
As more of those people who were born in the 1940s start to retire, we expect
to see an influx of healthy, active people becoming involved in issues and
endeavors that they are passionate about. This could include starting new
companies, supporting the entrepreneurial efforts of others where their wisdom
and great experience can be shared, interest in exploring their family history,
writing books about their experiences, coaching/mentoring for non-profit
organizations, or becoming politically active in causes that interest
them. These retirees have many years left to them to assist our society in
making a major transition of being, so watch for their impact in the news.
We expect that the "wisdom of the elders" will become more valued
as they really do have the answers to many of society’s problems that have not
been solved by those less experienced who got us into some difficult
predicaments over the past few years.
We expect to see a focus on the military with many endeavors recognizing that
war doesn’t solve anything. War does not create peace; it only creates
more war, violence and heartbreak for those involved. Watch for peace
ambassadors to come forth to help develop peaceful ways of getting along with
those we disagree with.
Our economy will be more stable though it will be many years before we see
significant growth. There are still many underlying weaknesses in our
economic system, some yet to be revealed that will take time to restructure and
correct. We expect to see more interest in global economic issues as
countries and their governments realize that we are all connected.
We expect to see many hidden secrets being revealed as things break open and
change. It’s time for some things that have been hidden to become more
public so they can be resolved.
We expect continued interest in new energy sources. We haven’t had a
formal "energy crisis" in a while, but the underlying reliance on
fossil fuels is a known lost cause. The cost of gasoline is much too high
today, mostly driven by greed and manipulation of the markets. We need to
find better and cheaper ways to provide fuel and electricity to our world.
There are many smart people working on this and we expect in the next few years
for some of these to break through into the mainstream.
As the pace of energy increases, manifestation of ideas is becoming
quicker. You think about someone, then they contact you. You wish
for something and it appears. You think about attending an event and find
yourself invited to it, or see an unexpected opportunity to attend. You
all have had these experiences with increasing regularity. Watch for them
as they will be happening more and more. This really could be the year
that your biggest dreams come true.
The lesson: be careful what you wish for. Realize that what you think
and what you feel are the driving forces behind creating your own life.
With all the changes and possible chaos, it may seem like there is nothing
solid to hang on to. Well, potentially, that is quite true.
Everything solid is being restructured and recreated.
We can’t always control events that happen to us or happen around us.
What we can control is how we react when surprises happen. We can be
fearful, we can ignore them and stick our head in the sand, or we can be excited
and jump on board with what is happening, or we can ignore it and go on with
what we want to do.
This year it will be extremely important for most people to have a belief
system, a philosophy or a teaching of some kind that gives them good tools for
handling sudden changes. If you don’t already have such a thing in your
life, now is the time to find one so you are not thrown about by the changes.
Having a belief system or teaching provides methods for dealing with sudden
changes and helps people to find a place of comfort and stability when it seems
like the rest of the world is going crazy. It could be a prayer practice,
a meditation practice, a mantra, a way you shift your attitude, a mental or
emotional or physical method that allows you to find the calm center of the
hurricane. Find what ever method works best for you when changes happen.
If you have a good support system and good personal practices, you should be
able to ride the waves of change like an experienced surfer. You might get
tumbled over occasionally by the big waves, but you won’t be totally
destroyed. Or, you may choose to experience the terror of being thrown off
your surfboard and dumped into the furious waves. Or, you may fly over the
turmoil in your personal flying device and enjoy seeing the huge waves without
having to experience them yourself. It’s all part of the experience that
is possible for the year.
- Whatever happens, know that you will be OK. You have made it through
your life to this point and you will live though this year. And, if
you don’t, that’s OK too. It’s just another path to take.
- Use the energy of creativity this year to create your own life the way you
want it. Set good, clear intentions and stay focused on what you want,
no matter what obstacles might show up. At the same time, be flexible
and open to change when appropriate.
- Find whatever ways of inspiration work for you and use them when ever
- Use the tools of your "teaching" to help keep you centered,
grounded and aligned with the truth as you need them.
- Offer your skills to help others when ever you can and where ever you can
when times get chaotic.
- If you are passionate about something, do something about it.
- If you are not happy about the way things are evolving, don’t just sit
on the sidelines and watch. Do something about it in your own way.
- Connect with people who are important to you. Continue to
build your own personal support network so that when times are challenging,
they can help you and you can help them.
- Pay attention to your dreams and your intuition. You may find that
as you do that more, you will get more information that is useful to
- Be willing to learn new things, to try new ideas and to listen to
others. Be willing to trust your own intuition and go your own
way — to ignore
new things, new ideas and others at times.
- Get plenty of rest. Keep your body, mind and emotions healthy.
- Connect to your own version of All That Is at least daily to remind
yourself that there is a stable force in the Universe. There are
timeless truths that are unchanging no matter what is happening in the physical
May your blessings be multiple many times over and may your heart always be
filled with joy. May you remember who you truly are and why you
created the wonderful life you lead. And, may 2012 be your best year ever!
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide. Jacco van der Worp,
Marshall Masters, Janice Manning. Your Own World Books, 2007. ISBN-13:
- Transforming Your Dragons: Turning Personality Fear Patterns into Personal Power.
Jose Stevens. Bear & Co; (July 1994) ISBN: 1879181177
- Income Without a Job: Living Well Without a Paycheck. Michael
Jay Anthony, Barbara J. Taylor. Lulu.com,
2008 ISBN-13:
978-0-557-00377-8. Website: www.income-without-a-job.com.
Tap into your own creativity and use your full potential. Learn
how to see opportunities that others miss.
Related newsletter articles:
April 2011 - Remembering What's
August 2011 - Changes, Changes and
More Changes
March 2009 - the Seven Steps to Change
March 2011 - Dealing with Change:
Life's Natural Transition Points
May 1997 - Coping with Change
April 1996 - Managing Change
October 1998 - Leading Change
About our resource
links: We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in
these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and
respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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