January, 1996
- Men and Women Working Together
- Men and Women are Different - Tips for Working Together
- Implementing a Sexual Harassment Policy
(This topic has been translated into Farsi)
Men and Women are Different!
This isn't big news to most people. It is just something that hasn't been talked
about at work until recently!
- Know the rules and policies
- Know your working environment
- Know your own comfort level, and the comfort level of others
- Know your priorities
- Establish clear boundaries
- Trust your instincts
- Learn to let others know how you feel
- Most Important (for ALL Management and Staff): Set a positive example!
- Each employee has a responsibility to be aware of organizational policies
and procedures.
- Each employee and each manager has the responsibility to stop
offensive behavior.
From Zero Tolerance Sexual Harassment Prevention Training program
(Certified by the California Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission) � Taylor,
Anthony, Thies 1993. Still in use in 1996 as the official program for law enforcement
agencies in California
a Sexual Harassment Policy
- Publish Policy on sexual harassment
- Include Policy in Employee Handbook
- Include list of possible disciplinary actions in Employee Handbook
- Give all employees an Information Sheet on sexual harassment
- Post required posters in workplace
- Assign two investigative officers (preferably one male and one female)
- Post investigative officers' names and contact numbers
- Train investigative officers
- Establish complaint process
- Inform employees of process
- Train staff investigators
- Train managers / supervisors
- Train employees
- Review all documentation:
- Complaint Forms and Procedures
- Investigation Forms and Procedures
- Interview Forms and Procedures
From Zero Tolerance Sexual Harassment Prevention Training program
(Certified by the California Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission) � Taylor,
Anthony, Thies 1993. Still in use in 1996 as the official program for law enforcement
agencies in California
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