June 2011 - Workplace Spirituality in Pakistan
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Spirituality in Pakistan
by guest author, Waqqas Alvi
We must understand the reason why we are here in this world. There is a
reason, a purpose of us being here because without a purpose we will not
exist. There is a purpose for which we were created and connected with
each other. This purpose connects us, pulls, guides, thrives us and it is
the purpose that binds us together.
What is that purpose? A purpose that is strong enough to keep us alive
even in the toughest time of our lives. A purpose that gives us hope and
strength to keep going when we are about to get disappointed.
We have seen a number of physicians and doctors who did their medical science
degrees from the most reputed medical and health universities. Who are
specialized in their field of medicines, have written a number of research
papers and books but they are not very well known for curing a disease.
They are very well educated and have very sound knowledge of human body.
They are good teachers and professors but they are not gifted with the art of
healing people.
On the other hand, we have seen some doctors who did their medical science
degrees from an average health university and do not hold any specialization but
still a large number of ailing were well treated and had been cured by the
medicines they recommended. What is the reason behind it? Why a
junior doctor succeeded where a senior and specialized doctor was not able to
cure people?
The major difference between these two types of health practitioners is the
difference of their purpose of learning and getting the medicine
degrees. The first type of doctor obtained the medical science
degree to become reputed in the world and for the financial gains associated
with it. They do get reputed as teachers and authors. They also get
tremendous financial gains but they fail to serve the actual purpose of being a
doctor, that is, to serve humanity and cure illness.
Whereas, the other type of doctor have a purpose aligned with the natural and
built in value system of human beings. They achieve their goal of serving
humanity, treating illness, helping people, curing the diseased and making
people to live a healthier and better life. Such doctors also get very
well reputed and have financial gains as well but their focus is always to serve
humanity. Money, fame and power come to them as a by-product of their
actual mission.
The above example explains the purpose we are here for. We are here to
serve others and this is the only purpose and reason that connects us with each
other. Our natural value system is based over humanistic values of truth,
honesty, respect, courtesy, love, commitment, justice and above all, to serve
others. Aligning these values with our profession, gives us the ultimate
satisfaction and pure contentment.
Most of the companies, organizations and corporations, in today’s corporate
West, are established not only to get financial gains but also to serve a
greater cause to the community. They always have a purpose, vision and
mission that clearly states how they are going to serve the humanity. The
people working with these corporations have found that their individual values
are integrated with the business principles of these corporations. They
understand that an employee is a part of a greater whole — a corporation —
and thus enables it to serve the greater purpose of serving humanity.
Teachings of faith and religion are the oldest ones that deal with the
concept of serving humanity. Love, respect, peace, equality and justice
are some of the common values that are being taught to the followers of a
religion. Faith delivers the foundations of a community that is always
aligned with the laws of nature and it is because of this alignment that more
than 80% of today’s world population feels comfortable in believing in God or
a divine power and keep a faith.
Pakistan is a growing business market with tremendous potential. The
economic reforms in the country have accelerated the growth of national
companies. Foreign direct investment has also increased and a number of
multinationals have already established themselves in Pakistan. These are
the global giants who understand the importance and reason of incorporating
faith at the workplace. They are already following the concept of
spirituality and faith within an organization and are enjoying the benefits of
Human resource development has become an important part of national companies
of Pakistan as well. Management and HR trainings are already taking place
in a number of organizations. The HR heads realize the importance of
people working around them as the most integral asset of the company and
personal development programs are conducted on regular bases. These
efforts are done not only in the interest of people but also to make employees
perform to their peak in the interest of the organization.
Human resource departments of different companies in Pakistan have a
different approach towards the motivation and performance management of
employees. Management trainings conducted within these companies are
effective and help in grooming of not only the employees but also in the growth
of company. Some HR officials are satisfied with the results but many have
reported that the motivation and performance increase does not sustain for
long. People get motivated to work and they start to produce results but
this lasts not for a good enough time and the workforce again start to find
excuses for their nonperformance. People start to blame each other for not
showing results and no one takes the responsibility of a failure.
This case is not only associated to Pakistan; the corporate West had faced
this issue as well. Researches were conducted to identify the gap because of
which, even the most effective management trainings were not able to sustain the
change they had brought in the behaviors of people.
Years of research showed that the change in human behavior is only
sustainable if it is a change from within one’s self. The human value
system rates the deeper and integral values of a being to the highest level and
these values are in synergy with the laws of nature. We tend to react and
a change is never welcome but if this change in behavior is a call of our
inner-self, we follow it.
Our inner values of love, respect, justice, truth etc are based over human
nature. If a message of change that is aligned with these inner values is
transmitted to the human brain, it is treated as a call of inner-self and the
external message of change doesn’t feel to be an external element. So
the change in behavior that is brought by addressing the basic human moral and
ethical values is a sustainable change.
Understanding the human nature has helped the corporate West to incorporate a
new concept of motivating people and bringing a sustainable change in their
thoughts and behavior. This concept deals directly with the inner-self of
a being and reactivates the true values of love, respect and commitment.
The corporate West has termed this concept as Workplace Spirituality.
Spirituality at the workplace is to find the connection and integrating your
personal values with the values of your work. Every profession in this
world has some values attached to it. You are a doctor, a scientist,
salesperson, legal advisor, business consultant, realtor, teacher, financial
advisor or an engineer. There is always a set of moral and ethical values
associated with your profession.
If you are a camera salesperson, it is your profession’s value to help your
client find a solution to take pictures of better resolutions and you are not
actually selling a camera, you are helping him with a solution of better
If you are a business consultant, it is your profession’s value to help
your client in researching and identifying a new market. You are not
making your client to buy your research services; in fact, you are helping him
in expanding his business to new markets.
Note that in both cases, you are actually fulfilling your inner value of
serving and helping.
"Spirituality" is defined as enabling yourself to identify the
essence of your being. Identifying the deepest values that serve the
purpose of existence and that purpose of serving connects and binds us together
as humans.
"Workplace Spirituality" is not a new concept in the West anymore
but it has never been practiced or discussed in the corporate world of Pakistan.
The term "spirituality" is usually considered to be a religious
term and in the current corporate environment of Pakistan, people tend to keep
spirituality out of office, no matter how religious they are in their private
life. Human resource departments are unaware of the research going on all
over the world to keep spirituality within the office boundaries and the
positive impacts of talking and practicing faith within an organization.
All moral and ethical values are derived from faith and when people are provided
with a comfort of practicing their faith within an organization, they get
relaxed, motivated and passionate that makes them committed to their work.
It gives them a purpose of working and helps them find the reason they are here,
in this world.
Spirituality does not only affect the morale and performance of employees, it
also helps in brand recognition. "Business Week reported that 95% of
Americans reject the idea that a corporation’s only purpose is to make
money. 39% of U.S. investors say they always or frequently check on
business practices, values and ethics before investing. The Trends Report
found that 75% of consumers polled say they are likely to switch to brands
associated with a good cause if price and quality are equal." [The
abstract was taken from the official website of Ace Center for workplace
Spirituality on April 3, 2011 and can be retrieved from http://acews.com.]
Increased spiritual and faith based activities are not only associated with
the West but in Pakistan also; the cause-based brands are getting popular.
The corporate world of Pakistan is also moving towards the new concept of faith
and spirituality at workplace. It’s only a matter of time and the
organization that will establish its vision, mission and values, based over
spirituality, is going to take the first mover advantage in the business market
of Pakistan.
(c) 2011 Waqqas Alvi, used by permission of the author. Waqqas Alvi is a business analyst, management and sales consultant for online
businesses. He is the founder and CEO of SEO
Limited, an Internet marketing firm. He believes in
learning and sharing the knowledge. The process of learning, development
and sharing the acquired knowledge has led Waqqas to become a part of the first
ever organization of human resource development incorporating faith at workplace
and addressing the core human values of a being, Ace
Center for Workplace Spirituality, in Pakistan. He is now an associate
at AceWS and a part of the team that believes in success of others as their own
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- Heart at Work: Stories and Strategies for Building Self-Esteem and
Reawakening the Soul at Work. Jack Canfield, Jacqueline
Miller. McGraw-Hill, 1998. ISBN
- The Living Organization: Spirituality in the Workplace.
William Guillory. Innovations International, 1997. ISBN
- Awakening Corporate Soul: Four Path to Unleash the Power of People at
Work. Eric Klein, John Izzo. Fairwinds press, 1998. ISBN
- The Tao of Leadership: Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Adapted for a New Age.
John Heider. Humanics Publishing Group, 2005. ISBN
- Leading with Soul. Lee Bolman, Terrence Deal. Jossey-Bass,
2001. ISBN
- Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work: 101 Stories of Courage, Compassion
and Creativity in the Workplace. Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen,
Maida Roberson, Martin Rutte, Tim Clauss. Health Communications Inc.,
1996. ISBN
- The Corporate Shaman: A Business Fable. Richard Whiteley.
HarperBusiness, 2002. ISBN
- The Power Path: The Shaman's Way to Success in Business and Life.
Jose Stevens. New World Library, 2002. ISBN: 1577312171
- Income Without a Job: Living Well Without a Paycheck. Michael
Jay Anthony, Barbara J. Taylor. Lulu.com,
2008 ISBN-13:
978-0-557-00377-8. Website: www.income-without-a-job.com.
Tap into your own creativity and use your full potential. Learn
how to see opportunities that others miss.
Related newsletter article:
November 1995 - Seven Principles of
Spirituality in the Workplace
May 2004 - Spirituality in the
Complete list of newsletter articles: http://www.itstime.com/newslet.htm
Do not
go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path. ~
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of
success. When you do a thing, do it with your might. Put your
whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active,
be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your
objective. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Great people are those who see that the
spiritual is stronger than the material and that thoughts rule the
world. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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