Overview of the Number Qualities
"1" Example: Servers Lift People Off the Ground and Help Them Get Back on Their Feet. |
Service (+ Positive Aspect), Bondage (- Negative Aspect). Initiation; the 1st step in a process; the 1st chakra (instinctive). Inspiration with a narrow focus. |
PriestNumber "6" Example: Priests Lift Up Causes and Ideas, Help People to Pursue Lofty Purposes and To Be All They Can Be. |
Compassion (+ Positive Aspect), Zeal (- Negative Aspect). Perception; the 6th step in a process; the 6th chakra (understanding). Inspiration with a broad focus |
ArtisanNumber "2" Example: Artisans Create Things, Ideas, Forms. |
Creativity (+ Positive Aspect), Self-Deception (- Negative Aspect). Creation; the 2nd step in a process; the 2nd chakra (creativity); Female Energy. Expression with a narrow focus |
SageNumber "5" Example: Sages Shape Communication and Spread the Truth (or help us understand the truth by spreading untruths) |
Dissemination of information (+ Positive Aspect), Verbosity (- Negative Aspect). Expansion; the 5th step in a process; the 5th chakra (throat). Expression with a broad focus |
WarriorNumber "3" Example: Warriors Explore, Conquer, Protect and Organize. |
Persuasion (+ Positive Aspect), Coercion (- Negative Aspect). Organization; the 3rd step in a process; the 3rd chakra (power); Male Energy. Action with a narrow focus |
KingNumber "7" Example: Kings Extend Mastery Over Life. |
Leadership (+ Positive Aspect), Tyranny (- Negative Aspect). Mastery; the 7th step in a process; the 7th chakra (crown). Action with a broad focus |
ScholarNumber "4" Example: Scholars Study all Aspects of Life (Pro and Con). |
Knowledge (+ Positive Aspect), Theory (- Negative Aspect). Integration; the 4th step in a process (mid-point); the 4th chakra (heart). Assimilation of Knowledge |
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Page updated: May 11, 2023
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