October 2008 - The Encore Effect
- The Power of Encore Performances
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Power of Encore Performances
(excerpt from The Encore Effect)
by Mark Sanborn
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.
. . . William Shakespeare, As You Like It, act II, scene 7
In Shakespeare’s comedy As You Like It, Jaques seems to think we
move through life controlled by a preordained script, with little or no control,
making our "exits" and "entrances" by divine cue. I
couldn’t disagree with him more. While I wholly subscribe to the idea of
the divine in our lives, I recognize that my life is a performance that I’m in
charge of.
We all have roles to play. Our performance at work, and in every other
aspect of our life, is a public display of our very best self. And if we’re
true to ourselves, we never have to remember what part we played with
whom. We don’t have to check our notes to see what the people are
expecting from our callback performance.
To make your performance better, according to the legendary founder of
Southwest Airlines, Herb Kelleher, you "change your practices, not your
principles." In other words, you don’t have to change who you
are. Different people can be successful in very different ways.
"My best lesson in leadership came during my early days as a trial
lawyer," says Kelleher. "Wanting to learn from the best, I went
to see two of the most renowned litigators in San Antonio try cases. One
sat there and never objected to anything, was very gentle with witnesses and
established a rapport with the jury. The other was an aggressive,
thundering hell-raiser. And both seemed to win every case. That’s
when I realized there are many different paths, not one right path. That’s
true of leadership as well. People with different personalities, different
approaches or different values succeed not because one set of values or
practices is superior, but because their values and practices are genuine.
And when you and your organization are true to yourselves — when you deliver
results and a singular experience — customers can spot it from thirty thousand
We all perform various roles in our lives on the stage of life. But
those roles should be different expressions of our best self.
Our performances matter. They can have a powerful impact on those
around us. As parents, our performance shapes and influences our
children. As employees and managers, our performance can make our company
better, move a project forward, spark ideas among colleagues, and influence
When I was sixteen, I learned that Og Mandino was scheduled to speak in
Akron, Ohio, about a ninety-minute drive from my home. Og is one of the
best-selling self-help authors of all time, and I had already devoured several
of his books, including The Greatest Salesman in the World and The
Greatest Miracle in the World. Rookie driver or not, I was determined
to go hear him speak.
In the course of the speech, Og talked about his troubled past; at one point
he seriously considered ending his life. He spoke about the influences
that had lifted him out of despair and set him on the road to remarkable
His delivery was low-key, but his message was powerful and sincere, and it
inspired me. I came away determined to work harder and better in my own
life. Others seemed to feel the same way — at the end of his talk, the
audience gave Og a standing ovation. I was witnessing the
Encore Effect in action.
The ideas and passion with which Og Mandino spoke planted the seeds of change
in me. The performance made me act.
And that is the potential impact of a remarkable performance. It can
change the lives of those around you. That is the kind of experience we
all want to have. And that’s why creating a remarkable performance is so key
to personal success.
Since that day spent listening to Og Mandino, I have observed performances of
every kind throughout the United States and abroad. From Broadway to
corporate boardrooms, I’ve learned that every remarkable performance affects
us. They:
- Move us to act.
- Make us feel good.
- Cause us to laugh.
- Stimulate us to think.
Only the most incredible performances accomplish all four, but over time, I’ve
learned that every remarkable performance achieves at least one of these four
I’ve seen plenty of performances that have disappointed me, and I’m sure
you have too — in corporate offices, restaurants, department stores, and
churches, at car rental agencies, at ticket counters and security lines at
airports, and in every other conceivable venue or location.
And, yes, I’ve been guilty of disappointing performance. In college,
I ran for a major office in an organization to which I belonged. I was
In the aftermath, I was asked to chair an important committee. I had no
passion for the work of the committee, but I didn’t want to look like a sore
loser so I accepted the role. I am ashamed to say that I did a terrible
job. I did, however, learn an important lesson: it is difficult if not
impossible to be remarkable at doing something you don’t have your heart in.
But coming face-to-face with my own disappointing performances has spurred me
on to act differently and better the next time.
A remarkable performance, on the other hand, moves us and makes us want more.
My vocation as a professional speaker puts me on stages several times every
week. The issue of performance is a front-burner reality for me.
But in fact, all of us, like Broadway performers, are called to be
"on" all the time — to give our best performance as individuals,
spouses, parents, employees or bosses. Whatever stage we find ourselves
on, most of us are called to perform every day. We need to be remarkable,
regardless of how we feel.
If I asked three people in your life — for example, your boss, a customer
and a family member — to use one word to describe your performance in life,
what word would they choose?
Would they describe you as . . .
- Disappointing?
- Marginal?
- Fair?
- Okay?
- Good?
- Excellent?
- Great?
These responses run the gamut, from the negative to the positive. But
there is one response that I don’t hear very often: "His (her)
performance is so amazing that I would do whatever it took to keep him (or her)
on my team."
What kinds of words might describe such a performance?
- Amazing
- Remarkable
- Unbelievable
- Unique
- One of a kind
- Inimitable
- Awesome
- Extraordinary
- Phenomenal
- Incredible
Those are the kinds of words we might use to describe the performance of an
artist who is called back for an encore. And they are the kinds of words
we should want others to use to describe our own performance in life.
There is one word that embodies all of these adjectives, with no need for an
exclamation point: remarkable.
I believe all of us would like to have our performance described as
remarkable. All of us would like to excel at the things that matter most
to us. And it is by giving such performances that we achieve the
Encore Effect.
From the book The
Encore Effect
by Mark Sanborn, published by Doubleday, a division of Random House,
Inc. Reprinted with permission. Copyright © Mark Sanborn
2008. Mark Sanborn is also the author of the national bestseller, The
Fred Factor.
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