September 2013 ~ Credibility
- Characteristics of Admired Leaders
- Case Studies
- Credibility Gained and Lost
- Tips for looking at your own credibility
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
2013 ~ Credibility
What is "credibility"? I don't understand what that
That question was asked by a local city official after many people in a
public meeting questioned the decisions being made by the local city council and
someone mentioned the word "credibility."
James Kouzes and Barry Posner tackled the topic of credibility in their
best-selling book, Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People
Demand It, originally published in 1993, with an updated version in 2011.
The results of what people surveyed feel are the most important traits of
leaders were compiled into a table in the book called the Characteristics of
Admired Leaders:
- Honest 87%
- Forward-looking 71%
- Inspiring 68%
- Competent 58%
- Fair-minded 49%
- Supportive 46%
- Broad-minded 41%
- Intelligent 38%
- Straightforward 34%
- Courageous 33%
- Dependable 32%
- Cooperative 30%
- Imaginative 28%
- Caring 27%
- Mature 14%
- Determined 13%
- Ambitious 10%
- Loyal 10%
- Self-controlled 5%
- Independent 5%
Honesty stands out clearly as the most important attribute.
Edward R Murrow described credibility this way:
To be persuasive, we must be believable; To be
believable, we must be credible; To be credible, we must be truthful.
For public officials at all levels, credibility must be earned through
gaining the trust of the public they serve and credibility must be constantly
maintained. When trust in leaders is lost, we can have revolt, rebellion
and sometimes war.
Business leaders must have credibility with their employees, customers and
business partners. Without credibility and cooperation, businesses cannot
succeed. No one can do it all alone.
The history of our country is filled with stories of citizens who left their
homelands to come to the shores of a new country to start over. Our
democratic form of government was designed and built to give citizens ways of
providing feedback about decisions made by government officials and to provide
ways of holding public officials to a high standard of behavior.
We have the right to vote for public officials at all levels in this
country. We have representation at various levels of government and we
have the ability to recall public officials who lose the trust of those who
voted for them.
We have a court system set up to allow for redress of our grievances and the
right to appeal certain decisions all the way to the highest courts in our
country, if needed.
Some recent case studies where credibility is at stake:
Case study #1. A developer submitted a plan that would violate existing open
space plans that had been developed over a period of many years to protect
delicate natural areas. The developer's proposal went to the county
governing body and was approved over citizen protests and many signed petitions
asking that the project as proposed be denied because it violates the master
plans for the area. The area in question is part of the national forest
and a very sparsely developed area.
Result: Citizens filed a lawsuit
and the case went to trial. The judge issued an order that the developer
and the county governing body must follow the master plans already in
place. They cannot arbitrarily bypass those plans.
Credibility: The county
governing body has lost much credibility over this issue now leading to
mistrust of their other decisions.
Case study #2. A developer submitted a proposal that would require rezoning a
section of an existing commercial area to a residential area and contained
design elements that are not currently allowed in existing city zoning
rules. The proposal was recommended for denial by the planning board until
the plan conformed to the city’s existing zoning guidelines. The
developer went to the city council and claimed that they met all the city’s
requirements and, therefore, the project should be approved over the
recommendation for denial by the planning board. Several misrepresentation
of facts were documented in the developer’s testimony in public hearings at
the planning board and the city council. The city council ignored those
concerns, approved the rezoning and approved the project to go forward.
Result: Citizens are now holding
public protests, writing articles and Internet blogs against the project and
circulating petitions to overturn the city council’s decision.
Credibility: The city council
has lost tremendous credibility over this issue as they did not listen to
their planning board and did not seem to care whether the developer was
telling the truth or not. The public video-taped meetings show strong
disagreement between the council members who believe the project was not
appropriate as proposed and those who voted to approve it. Citizens want
their leaders to behave appropriately and to be able to work together.
When they can’t do that, a great amount of credibility is lost. The
council members who publicly spoke out about the misrepresentations, gained
credibility. Those council members who voted to approve in spite of
concerns, lost credibility. The entire body also lost credibility since
they cannot work well together.
Case study #3. A developer built a large number of homes about 20 years ago
and went bankrupt before finishing the project. Now, they are back in
business and want to develop another area adjacent to the original
project. There have been many public meetings and the developer started out
with a lack of credibility and judged to be unreliable due to past
behavior. Many of their proposals have been publicly challenged.
Result: The current
representatives of the developer have been working hard to gain credibility by
meeting with local homeowners, community organizations and the city to get
input on design proposals and areas of the project that are open to citizen
Credibility: When the developer
went bankrupt 20 years ago and left behind unfulfilled promises, they lost
their credibility. So far, for the proposed new development, the
developer’s staff seem willing to work with citizens and to adjust plans and
proposals based on community input. Should that willingness to work with
the community continue throughout the entire project, they will regain some
measure of credibility.
Case study #4. The local planning board for the above project
(Case study #3) has
been open to citizen input and listened to many expressed concerns about traffic
and environmental issues. They hired a traffic specialist who
that one proposed entrance to the proposed project should be moved to a
different location (as suggested by citizens). Moving that entrance
alleviated most of the concerns about traffic and safety at the originally
proposed location.
Result: So far, the projects are
being adjusted to be better than they would have been without that 3-way
cooperation between the city, developer and citizens. The full build-out
is still years away, so cooperation will need to be maintained over the course
of the project.
Credibility: The planning board
has gained a great deal of credibility by actively encouraging public input on
their projects, really listening to the citizens’ concerns and following
through by working with the project owners and city staff to adjust plans.
Once credibility is lost, it is hard to regain and requires much more work
than continuing with good credibility. Once trust is lost, it takes a lot
to overcome the mistrust and to find common ground again. People who lose
trust in their leaders feel betrayed. A feeling of betrayal is one of the
most difficult issues to overcome.
When people listen to each other — even with they disagree on some things
— a lot of credibility is gained and trust can develop. Being honest,
admitting mistakes and looking for ways to adjust to make a project better; all
lead to improved credibility.
Dishonesty — real or perceived — is a fatal blow to
credibility. Successful public officials and business leaders have learned
how important it is to have the trust of those they serve. Leaders cannot
function without trust and credibility. People will not follow leaders
they don’t trust.
Business leaders and public officials are watched. Closely. They
are very visible to many people. Even small mistakes can cost them
important credibility and make doing their job more difficult.
All humans make mistakes. Even leaders and public officials. When
a mistake happens, do they deny making a mistake, pretend it didn’t happen,
refuse to accept responsibility or honestly "fess up" and try to do
better? How they handle their mistakes is tied into their
credibility. People are generally more receptive when people are honest
about what happened, take responsibility for their actions and and try to remedy
the mistake.
As a leader, how is your own credibility holding up?
- Are you clear about your vision for the future and do you share that with
those whose help you need to achieve it?
- Do you regularly ask for feedback and listen to suggestions? If not,
start doing it now.
- Do you get feedback that people trust you and your decisions? If
not, why not and what are you doing about it?
- Do you truly appreciate suggestions made by those you interact with?
If not, change your attitude and remember that most people are really trying
to help you be successful when they give feedback.
- Do you consider in advance how your actions and/or decisions will be
perceived by others who are affected? If not, start doing that now and
make it a regular habit.
- Are you willing to constantly learn and grow to become a better
leader? Are you constantly working to improve your knowledge and your
- Do you try to understand the perspective of others and help them to
understand your perspective? Being willing to dialog about our
differences and to be able see the views of others goes a long way toward
developing credibility.
- Disclosure: We get a small
commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It (2nd
edition). James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner. Jossey-Bass Publishers.
2011. ISBN
- The Truth about Leadership: The No-fads, Heart-of-the-Matter Facts You
Need to Know. Jossey-Bass, 2010. ISBN
- There's No Such Thing As "Business" Ethics: There's Only One
Rule For Making Decisions. John C. Maxwell. 2003, Warner Faith. ISBN:
- The Transparency Edge: How Credibility Can Make or Break You in
Business. Barbara Pagano, Elizabeth Pagano, 2003, McGraw-Hill.
- 7 Personality Types: Discover Your True Role in Achieving Success and
Happiness. Elizabeth Puttick, PhD. Hay House, 2009.
US version: ISBN-10:
1401924565 ISBN-13: 978-1401924560 (UK & Australia
- The Personality Puzzle: Solving the Mystery of Who You Are. Jose Stevens, JP Van
Hulle. Pivotal Resources; (December 1990) ASIN: 0942663063
- The Power Path: The Shaman's Way to Success in Business and Life.
Jose Stevens. New World Library, 2002. ISBN: 1577312171
- The 7 Aspects of Sisterhood: Empowering Women Through Self-Discovery.
Debra Gawrych. Common Boundaries Consulting &
Communications; (September 2002)
ISBN: 0971064601
- Transforming Your Dragons: Turning Personality Fear Patterns into Personal Power.
Jose Stevens. Bear & Co; (July 1994) ISBN: 1879181177
- Income Without a Job: Living Well Without a Paycheck. Michael
Jay Anthony, Barbara J. Taylor.,
2008 ISBN-13:
978-0-557-00377-8. Website:
Tap into your own creativity and use your full potential. Learn
how to see opportunities that others miss.
Related newsletter articles:
Feb 2004 - Corporate Integrity
& Credibility: Why it is so important
Aug 1997 - Improving verbal skills
Nov 2001 - The Essence of
Mar 1996 - Laws of Life;
Changing Values
Nov 2008 - Being trustworthy won't
make you a Trusted Advisor!
Nov 2000 - Effective Written
A man told his son “You may believe only fifty per cent of what you read in books, thirty per cent of what you read in newspapers, and about twenty per
cent of what they say in the TV news. What else you want to believe (or not believe) depends on your sweet will”
It's not about how much movement you do, how
much interaction there is. It just reeks of credibility if it's
real. If it's contrived, it seems to work for a while for the people who
can't filter out the real and unreal. ... Fred
Durst (independent film maker)
All credibility, all good conscience, all
evidence of truth come only from the senses. ... Friedrich
Nietzsche (philosopher)
The more you are willing to accept responsibility for your actions, the more credibility you will
have ... Brian Koslow (American author and entrepreneur)
Consultants have credibility because they are not dumb enough to work at
your company ... Scott Adams (Dilbert
Leaders aren't born they are made. And they are made just like anything
else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that
goal, or any goal ... Vince Lombardi (award winning football coach)
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all
the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time ... Abraham
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