Online Newsletter
We are moving away from these values: | And, we are moving toward these values: |
Cut-throat Competition | Cooperation |
"Getting Mine" at any price | Partnership |
Homogeneous work forces | Diversity in: ethnic, gender, life-style, religion |
Hierarchical chain-of-command | Matrix, participatory management |
Command and control | "Empowered" employees |
Threatening and punishing | Motivating |
Denial | Honesty |
Deception | Respect |
Greed | Sharing |
Blaming everyone else | Accepting responsibility for our own actions |
Dysfunctional systems | Healthy systems |
Radical changes | Incremental changes |
Violence | Creativity |
Destruction of resources | Responsible use and protection of resources |
Fixed, rigid models | Flexible, fluid models |
Mega-corporations | Network of smaller companies |
"America is best" isolation | Global economy and global inter-dependency |
People as machines | People as unique and valuable human beings |
Shallow facade ("Looking Good") | Credibility of Quality ("Being Good") |
Criticizing others who are different | Accepting the value of diversity |
Patriarchy | Balanced Male/Female partnerships |
Short-term thinking | Longer-term thinking |
Fighting | Loving |
Anger | Happiness |
Frustration | Joy |
Government as "parent" | Government as "servant of the people" |
Restrictive ideas, plans, structures | Expansive ideas, plans, structures |
Selling a product to a market | Building a product to meet market needs |
Mechanized businesses | Information, people-oriented businesses |
Polarization of opposite viewpoints | Blended, balanced viewpoints |
Financial success as the highest goal | Success as a result of doing the right things |
For the past 2,000 years, we have been operating as a male-focused, competition-focused culture. Before that, we operated in a female-focused, community-focused culture. Those previous times in our history focused on the strength of male ways of being or the strength of female ways of being.
We now have the opportunity to operate as a partnership of male and female - feminine and masculine working together in equal partnership so that we can use the both so that we have a more powerful future.
When we use the best that everyone has to offer, we are far stronger than focusing on one or the other. United we stand, divided we fall. We are stronger together than when we are competing with each other.
We hope that everyone in our country will make an effort to look at their own life and see where they can use more of their inherent gifts and talents to be stronger in their own right — whether male or female.
We are hoping that the concepts of power and strength are viewed as something more than just fighting and winning wars, that people begin to recognize that power and strength can also be nurturing and caring. We know it is possible and have been blessed with many real life experiences that reinforce that belief.
Related newsletter article:
Nov 2001 – The Essence of
About our resource links: We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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