July 2015
– Coping with Sudden Changes
- What is the world coming to?
- 5 stages of coping with change
- Keep Calm and Carry On
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
2015 – Coping with Sudden Changes
In the past 2 weeks, we’ve seen horrific violence in Charleston, South
Carolina, seen forgiveness and outpouring of support for
the families, seen two
historic US Supreme Court decisions, and heard our president sing live on TV.
We’ve seen Facebook and the Internet turn into a sea of rainbows and spontaneous parades filled
with rainbows.
We’ve seen flags
go up and flags go down.
We’ve seen shock, dismay and anger at the Supreme Court decisions, and
virulent outpouring of messages declaring that our country has been destroyed.
We’ve also seen some mature and emotional discussions about how to deal
with very beloved historic symbols that have been used to justify hatred and
What is the world coming to?
It is true that many things have shifted in ways that may have been
unexpected or may not have been expected this soon.
How do we deal with those changes for ourselves and in our workplace?
How do we set a good example for others to follow if we are not sure what we
believe or what we feel ourselves about the changes?
As good managers, executives and leaders, our job is to set an example.
To do
that, we have to recognize that people deal with change in different ways:
- Some people embrace anything new, are comfortable with changes and adapt
- Others hold back a while until the dust settles and they have a chance
to figure out what the change means to them.
- Others hang on to the status quo until their dying breath or until
they are grudgingly forced to go along with something new.
As leaders, we need to have compassion for where each person is in their
ability to deal with change and help them adjust in a way that allows them to
deal with it in their own way. We need to recognize where we are ourselves in
the change process.
As with any sudden or major corporate change, societal changes can cause
havoc in the workplace. People don’t know what is expected of them or how to
deal with new events. They seek guidance in many ways – from leaders, from
co-workers, from family and from friends. They often seek to express their thoughts and
With the Supreme Court rulings on the Affordable Care Act and marriage
equality last week, many business and government workplaces will be
re-evaluating how those decisions affect how they do business. Rules may have to
change. Policies and Procedures may have to change. Computer systems
may have to change. Attitudes may have to
Those things don’t happen overnight. Thoughtful discussions between
affected parties will facilitate the process of change and help people adapt to
the new realities.
Some people will be unable to concentrate on their work due to their anxiety
about the changes. As leaders, our challenge is to provide ways for staff to
feel comfortable that they will be heard and their needs can be accommodated.
Some people will want to cheer at the changes and use their feelings of
superiority or as "winners" to berate others. As leaders, we need to
recognize and stop that type of behavior. Beating others over the head
with biased views does not help anyone.
There may be more gossip and water-cooler activity as people try to make
sense of the changes and how the changes will affect their job or their life.
Sensitive managers may want to provide an open forum for people in small groups
to discuss their concerns just as they would with any corporate change.
Staff need to be reminded that the world has not come to an end because of a
major change or even a couple major changes. Life will go on, albeit with
changes. The business will go on, albeit with changes.
The 5 Steps of Coping with Change
Leaders can help by recognizing that many people will go
through the well-known 5 stages of grief developed by Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.
The 5 steps have been adapted to fit major changes rather than death:
1. Denial — One of the first
reactions is denial, wherein the person imagines a false, preferable reality
or simply refuses to recognize that a change has happened.
2. Anger — When the individual
recognizes that denial cannot continue, they become frustrated, especially at
people nearby. Some psychological responses of a person undergoing this
phase would be: "Why me? It’s not fair!" "How can this happen
to me?" "Who is to blame?" "Why would God let this
3. Bargaining — The third stage
involves the hope that the person can avoid the change. People may bargain to
keep things the same so they don’t have to deal with changes, or they may
try to compromise on how the change will be implemented or their role in a
major change.
4. Depression — "I’m so sad,
why bother with anything?" "It’s never going to work, so why
try?" "I miss the way it used to be, so why go on?"
During the
fourth stage, the individual becomes saddened by the certainty of the loss of
the old reality. In this stage, the individual may become silent, refuse to
connect with others and spend much of the time mournful and sullen.
5. Acceptance — "It’s going to
be okay." "I can’t fight it, I may as well prepare for it."
In this last stage, individuals embrace a new inevitable future, which
typically comes with a calm, retrospective view for the individual and a
stable condition of emotions.
In the case of corporate or major societal changes, the stages of grief
relate to the death of the "old way" and adjustment to the "new
way" rather than a physical illness.
Look around your workplace. Can you recognize where people are in their
reactions to recent changes? Do you know where you are?
Keep Calm and
Carry On
The English motto Keep Calm and Carry On may help some
people. By recognizing that a great many things in life have NOT changed,
we can help people see that there is security in knowing they still have a job,
still work in the same place, still have the same co-workers and that many other
things around them have not changed.
As leaders, recognizing that people go through a variety of emotions as they
cope with sudden changes, we can
better help ourselves and our staff to recognize that this new change is not the
end of the world. It is one more step in our evolution as a country, as a
business and as a human race. We have survived a lot of things. We will survive
this also.
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your
Work and in Your Life. Spencer Johnson. Putnam, 2002. ISBN-10:
0399144463 ISBN-13: 978-0399144462.
- Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change. William
Bridges. Da Capo Lifelong Books (3rd edition), 2009. ISBN: 978-0738213804
- Excuses Begone! How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits.
Dr. Wayne Dyer. Hay House, 2011. ISBN: 978-1401922948
- Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao.
Dr. Wayne Dyer. Hay House, 2009. ISBN: 978-1401917500
- Awaken the Inner Shaman: A Guide to the Power Path of the Heart.
José Stevens, Ph.D. Sounds True, 2014. ISBN
- Transforming Your Dragons: Turning Personality Fear Patterns into
Personal Power. Jose Stevens. Bear & Co; (July 1994) ISBN:
- Income Without a Job: Living Well Without a Paycheck. Michael
Jay Anthony, Barbara J. Taylor. Lulu.com,
2008 ISBN-13:
978-0-557-00377-8. Website: www.income-without-a-job.com.
Tap into your own creativity and use your full potential. Learn
how to see opportunities that others miss.
Related newsletter articles:
May 1997 - Coping with Change
August 2011 - Changes, Changes and
More Changes
September 2014 - Change is in the
March 2009 - The Seven Steps to
March 2011 - Dealing with Change:
Life's Natural Transition Points
October 1998 - Leading Change
September 2012 - Dealing With Changes
in the World"
- Dilbert by Scott Adams http://dilbert.com/
- Keep Calm and Carry On - one of the slogans used by the British
during World War II to help people stay calm.
About our resource
links: We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in
these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and
respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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