June 2012 ~ The Power of Commitment
- Background
- Current 1940 Census Projects
- Family Benefits
- Business Benefits
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
2012 – The Power of Commitment
For the past few months, we have witnessed the incredible power of people who
want to make the world a better place — tens of thousands of people who are
willing to dedicate their time, talent and attention to helping to create
something will that help many others that they don’t even know.
On April 2, 2012, the 1940 United States census was released to the public,
after the 72-year mandatory waiting period. On that day, image copies of
the original pages were released to the public by the United
States National Archives. The raw images are available for searching
on the NARA website by "Enumeration District" – the census tracts
organized by city and/or county.
Tens of thousands of volunteers have signed up to help "index" the
images, so that records can be searched by individual names or other key
There are many supporting processes available to help people use the
census. For indexing, the largest effort in being organized by FamilySearch.org,
which calls itself "the largest genealogy organization in the
world." According to their website, "Millions of people use
FamilySearch records, resources, and services to learn more about their family
history. For over 100 years, FamilySearch has been actively gathering,
preserving and sharing genealogical records worldwide. Patrons may freely
access our resources and service online at FamilySearch.org or through over
4,500 family history centers in 70 countries, including the renowned Family
History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah."
FamilySearch provides a computer program that allows individual people to
"index" the 1940 census records (as well as other historical records),
from the comfort of their own home on their own schedule as they have time
available. FamilySearch provides training in how to use the program and
step-by-step help.
For each historical record, two different people enter
key data from the record (name, age, race, sex, marital status, place of birth
and place of residence in 1935), then those two records are sent to an
Arbitrator, who makes sure that the data is entered correctly before making it
available. Since most of the records were hand-written, there are many
opportunities for mistakes to be made. Over time, the indexers and
arbitrators are able to learn the various handwriting styles to make the work
There are also support pages and Forums on the FamilySearch site itself as well as
several groups on Facebook
for people who need help with a specific issue. All day long, people post
their problems to one of the support pages and others assist them with
answers, suggestions or any other type of support needed. Telephone and
email support is also available from the FamilySearch organization.
Other genealogical sites, such as Ancestry.com,
are doing their own indexing using paid indexing staff. Their records can
be searched at http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=2442.
Stephen P. Morse, PhD & Joel D. Weintraub, PhD are two
individuals who are assisting by providing easy methods to search the raw image
records. Their "1940
Census ED Finder" provides help for locating Enumeration Districts (E.D.)
using a specific street addresses and/or cross street.
The 1940 census is the largest census ever done so far, covering more than
130 million individuals. According to an article in TIME
Magazine on September 1, 1940, the total population of the United States
of 131,409,881.
Original estimates were that it would take
until the end of 2012 for the 1940 census to be completely indexed on
FamilySearch.org. Based on the work done so far (as of May
23, 2012), about one half of the total is now completed
— far ahead of original expectations — due the massive number of volunteers
who have come forward to assist in this effort. A graphic map showing the
status of each state is available at https://familysearch.org/1940census/.
Many other genealogy sites have information about the 1940 census. Just
use your favorite search engine and look for "1940 census" to see a
long list of resources.
There are tens of thousands of people who are interested learning more about
their family history and efforts toward making historical records more easily
available feeds that interest. Recent television shows such as Who Do
You Think You Are? (NBC) and Finding Your Roots (PBS) demonstrate the
benefits of finding out about your family history. This is a national
hobby that has great benefit for the individuals and for generations to follow
It also helps us awaken to facts about our heritage — both positive and
negative. We usually learn that we had relatives on both sides of any
national or regional conflict, we often have multiple races and ethnic origins
in our family history, and we have relatives that span the globe. That all
leads to wondering why we have such issues as racial or religious discrimination
if our own family has members on all sides of an issue.
What makes this current effort of indexing the 1940 census interesting for us
is the incredible power of people (all volunteers) working together to
accomplish a huge task – indexing historical records that result in free
records that anyone in the world can use.
This example of the power of commitment to a project can be used in any
business — large or small — to show how much can be done by interested,
enthusiastic and committed people to accomplish far more than
When people want to do something, their efforts are much
more powerful that someone telling them to do something or forcing them to do
something. People who are excited about what they are doing are very
highly productive and self-motivated to complete it. And, they feel good
about their efforts and about themselves.
People don’t even need to be paid for it if they are doing something they
believe in. This is the same motivation that drives most non-profit
efforts – highly committed people.
Businesses who hire people that are committed to their businesses goals, who
treat their employees well and are able to harness their enthusiasm, know how
much can be accomplished through their efforts.
So, we offer our deep acknowledgement and appreciation to all the many
volunteers all over the world who are assisting with the 1940 census indexing
efforts and to all of those who had the foresight to create easy ways to bring
so many strangers together for the common good. And, to all businesses who
have learned this simple fact: the power of commitment is worth far more than it
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