May 2006 - Overtime Eligible (or not) and Why You Should Care
- Definitions
- Overview and Background
- What Managers Need to Know
- Exemptions: Executive, Administrative,
Learned Professionals, Creative
Professionals, Computer Professionals, Outside
- Other categories: Trades & Physical Labor, Law
Enforcement, Public
- Where to get Help
- Resources (links, articles,
books & fun)
Overtime Eligible (or not) and Why You Should Care
In the United States, one area of employment rules that is confusing to many
managers is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which defines (among
other things) which jobs are eligible for overtime and which jobs are not
overtime eligible. If you hear someone saying something like
"fleece-a" or "fleas-a" they are talking about FLSA.
Why is it so confusing? One reason is that within any job, there could
be overtime-eligible components and overtime-exempt components. The
portion of duties that is the majority of their work usually determines the
eligibility for overtime, although even that can be the different for a
particular type of job.
Another reason for the confusion is the various "exemptions" that
can be subject to interpretation. Many managers are not well trained in
human resources rules and details. Even some human resources professionals
may not be up-to-date on the latest rules and changes. Therefore, both may
make assumptions that could get them or their company in trouble.
Lawsuits filed over overtime eligibility can create severe fines and
penalties for the employer, not to mention morale problems, distrust of
management and resentment on the part of employees if the issue is not properly
handled. Even the United States Department of Labor mentioned the problem
of employers trying to follow the law becoming trapped by misunderstandings and
the ambiguity of the words used in defining various job categories.
In August 2004, a major update went into law to clarify the FLSA and to make it easier to understand (called FLSA "Final
Regulations"). If you have not received training or instruction in
the new rules recently, it’s probably time to schedule some current training.
Caveat: We should add here that we are
not attorneys and are not giving legal advice. We try to provide
information that can be understood by our readers with additional resources so
they can learn more on their own. For full determination of
overtime eligibility, refer to the US Dept of Labor’s website, your state’s labor
department, your local human resources department or your employment law
Overtime eligible (also called "covered" or "non-exempt"):
The employer must pay the employee overtime pay for any work performed over 40
hours a week at the rate of 1.5 times their base pay hourly rate.
Overtime exempt (also called "not covered" or
"exempt"): The employee is not paid any extra pay for
work over 40 hours a week. They are expected to work as many hours as it
takes to do their job. That could be 1 hour in a week or 60+ hours in a week or
anything in between.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) became effective nationally in
1938 and established the 40-hour basic workweek. Prior to that, employers often
required employees to work 6 or even 7 days a week.
In 1966, Congress extended coverage to a limited number of public employees,
mostly in schools and hospitals.
In 1974, Congress expanded FLSA coverage to all state and local governments,
thereby declaring that public employees should be entitled to the same standards
of decency as other workers. Some public employers disagreed and went to
court seeking to have FLSA coverage declared unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court sided with the public employers in its June 1976 National
League of Cities v. Usery decision. However, in 1985, this ruling was
overturned. In its Garcia v. San Antonio Transit Authority
decision, the Supreme Court finally guaranteed FLSA protections to all state and
local government employees.
The FLSA has been modified since then in some ways many times, and was
extensively updated and modified in the past few years. The most recent
major update was in 2004.
The Fair Labor Standards Act covers:
- Payment of minimum wage;
- Overtime pay for time worked over 40 hours in a work week;
- Restrictions on the employment of children; and
- Recordkeeping rules.
The FLSA applies to employees — not to contractors, vendors, external
consultants or independent contractors. To be covered by FLSA, the
"employee" (the individual person) and "employer" (the
company or organization) must have an employment agreement, either signed or
One area that has gotten many employers into trouble has been the
misclassification of employees as independent contractors. The IRS has a
detailed test to determine whether someone is an independent contractor or an
employee. See the Resources section for more about
this subject.
Over the years, some employers have tried to categorize all of their
employees as "managers" or as "overtime exempt" to avoid
paying overtime. This is also a dangerous practice since eventually the
employees with file a lawsuit and the employer will end up paying far more than
if they had paid their employees correctly in the beginning.
The FLSA has quite a few categories of jobs that are exempt
from overtime (see
for a list of those).
Significant changes were made to the FLSA for the Executive,
Management, Administrative and Professional exemptions effective August 2004 to
restore the intent of the law that had eroded since 1975 when it was previously
defined. Some of the changes updated the criteria for overtime
eligibility based on how much money someone makes, whether they are paid a
regular "salary" regardless of hours worked and the nature of the work
they do.
Some of the most commonly known exemptions are for management/executive,
outside sales
and computer
professional employees. These are often called "white
collar" jobs.
Even within these categories, there are a number of different rules that may
or may not apply, such as the provision that people making over $100,000 a year
are overtime exempt if they customarily and regularly perform at
least one of the duties of an exempt executive, administrative or professional
employee identified in the standard tests for exemption.
Employees who are not overtime exempt must be paid overtime pay if they work
over 40 hours per week. In some states, employees must be paid overtime if
they work more than 8 hours per day.
To be considered overtime exempt (meaning they are NOT
paid overtime) under the "executive" exemption, the employee must be
paid a salary of at least $455 per week. In addition, they must have one
or more of the following primary job duties:
- Manage a company, division or department;
- Direct the work of several other people; and
- Have significant authority or influence over promotion, hiring and/or
firing decisions.
To be considered overtime exempt under the
"administrative" exemption, the employee must be paid a salary of at
least $455 per week. In addition, they must have one or more of the following
primary job duties:
- Perform office or non-manual work related to the employer’s management
or general business operations; and
- Exercise discretion and independent judgment on matters of significance as
a regular part of their job.
To be considered overtime exempt under the "Learned
Professional" exemption, the employee must be paid a salary of at least
$455 per week. In addition, they must have the following primary
job duties:
- Perform work requiring the use of advanced knowledge in a field of science
or learning customarily acquired through a course of specialized
intellectual instruction.
This exemption does not actually require a specific advanced degree in the
field of science or learning, though generally it expects education beyond a
bachelor’s degree level or the equivalent advanced formal training.
It generally covers jobs such as lawyers, doctors, teachers, certified
physician assistants, pharmacists, registered nurses, engineers, executive
chefs, certified athletic trainers, some funeral directors (depending on their
advanced training) and commercial airline pilots. It does not generally
cover licensed practical nurses, beauticians, electricians, plumbers, law
enforcement, cooks, bakers, most paralegals or dental hygienists.
To be considered overtime exempt under the
"Creative Professional" exemption, the employee must be paid a salary
of at least $455 per week. In addition, they must have
following primary job duties:
- Perform work requiring invention, imagination, originality or talent in a
recognized field of artistic or creative endeavor.
This exemption does not actually require a specific advanced degree in the
field of arts.
It covers artists and artistic professions. It might cover some
journalists that have creative expression as part of their job. It does
not generally cover technical writers, editors and journalists who are reporting
facts or information or who follow management directives.
To be considered overtime exempt under the
"Computer Professional" exemption, the employee must be paid a salary
of at least $455 per week or more than $27.63 per hour. In addition, they
must have one or more of the following primary job duties:
- Application of systems analysis techniques and procedures, including
consulting with users to determine hardware, software or system functional
applications; or
- Design, development, documentation, analysis, creation, testing or
modification of computer systems or programs, including prototypes, based on
and related to user or system design specifications; or
- Design, documentation, testing, creation or modification of computer
programs related to machine operating systems; or
- A combination of duties described in the three sections above, the
performance of which requires the same level of skills.
This exemption does not cover computer employees who manufacture or repair
computers. Because the computer industry is changing rapidly, this
exemption has created great confusion over the years that continue today.
To make this category even more confusing, in the 1990’s the Department of
Labor changed the rules related to computer jobs to make many of them overtime
exempt as part of the management/administrative exemption if they made more than
6.5 times the minimum wage.
An employee in a computer-related job who has particular skills not described
above might not fit the computer professional exemption, yet still be overtime
exempt if they use considerable discretion and independence as part of their
business operations work.
The use of the words like "similar skills" or the "same level
of skills" in the FLSA rules adds a continuing area of confusion for the
If you are a computer professional or manage computer professionals, this is
an area you should pay close attention to so that you understand your rights as
an employee and/or your obligations as a manager for proper payment of your
employees. Quite a number of lawsuits have been filed alleging that
computer professional employees should receive overtime while their management
emphatically believes they are overtime exempt. Only a detailed job
analysis will determine whether it is overtime eligible or overtime
To be considered overtime exempt under the
"Outside Sales" exemption, the employee has the following primary job
- Makes sales or obtain orders or contracts for services that will be paid by
the client of customer; and
- Regularly engaged away from the employer’s place of business.
This exemption covers sales people who work most of their time outside of an
office. It does not generally cover service repair people, truck drivers
who deliver goods or inside sales
Employees who fall into the category of "blue collar" workers (an
employee performing ‘‘work involving repetitive operations with their hands,
physical skill and energy’’) are overtime eligible no
matter how much money they make. These include carpenters, electricians,
plumbers, construction workers and other "trades" people.
Workers in categories such as ‘‘police officers, detectives, deputy
sheriffs, state troopers, highway patrol officers, investigators, inspectors,
correctional officers, parole or probation officers, park rangers, fire
fighters, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, ambulance personnel, rescue
workers, hazardous materials workers and similar employees, regardless of rank
or pay level, who perform work such as preventing, controlling or extinguishing
fires of any type; rescuing fire, crime or accident victims; preventing or
detecting crimes; conducting investigations or inspections for violations of
law; performing surveillance; pursuing, restraining and apprehending suspects;
detaining or supervising suspected and convicted criminals, including those on
probation or parole; interviewing witnesses; interrogating and fingerprinting
suspects; preparing investigative reports; or similar work" also are overtime
eligible no matter how much money they make.
Police officers, fire fighters, paramedics, EMTs and other first responders are
entitled to overtime pay. Police sergeants, for example, are
entitled to overtime pay even if they direct the work of other police officers
because their primary duty is not management or directly related to management
or general business operations; neither do they work in a field of science or
learning where a specialized academic degree is a standard prerequisite for
For some categories, the FLSA allows public sector organizations to grant
"comp time" in lieu of overtime pay. The Public Sector includes
the federal government, state governments, city governments, county
governments, other government organizations, municipalities, public universities and public colleges — in
other words, employers who are funded by tax revenues or governments rather than
selling products or services to make a profit.
Congress amended the FLSA in 1985 following the Garcia decision to
readjust how the FLSA would apply to public sector employers by allowing:
- Compensatory time off in lieu of cash overtime pay;
- Partial overtime exemptions for police and fire departments;
- The use of unpaid volunteers in certain circumstances; and
- A temporary phase-in period for meeting FLSA compliance obligations.
Compensatory leave time ("comp time") is leave accrued in lieu of
payment for time worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a week by an FLSA
non-exempt employee. Comp time may be accrued at the rate of time-and-one-half
up to a maximum accrual set by the public sector employer. Comp time is
not generally allowed for private sector employers.
With growing use of the Internet, the US Department of Labor, now has
step-by-step tools that can be used to help employees and managers more easily
determine whether a particular job is overtime eligible or overtime exempt.
Each of the 50 states may have additional rules that may be stricter than the
federal laws so be sure to check your own state’s laws.
We have included a number of good resources for further reading.
Business & Legal Reports
Society for Human Resource Management
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL):
Books -
The Lighter Side
- Disclosure: We get a small
commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- To Bee or Not to Bee. John Penberthy. Panorama Press,
2005. ISBN:
0976864207 A book for beeings who feel there's more to life than
just making honey.
(Reviewer comments: "A delightful fable,
honeycombed with wit, singing with wakefulness."
"A book for
the child in all of us ... a simplicity that is powerful, a parity that
reminds us of the Light we all are"
"This tender allegory
mirrors our learning to Bee Here Now" )
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respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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