October 2003 - Managing Your Software Records
- Managing Your Software Records
- Resources (links, books, articles,
Your Software Records
If you work in a large corporation, someone is keeping
track of all the software you use. They make sure that appropriate
licenses are obtained for the people using the software and the renewal dates
when needed.
For those of us who have small businesses or use a
computer at home, keeping track of software is becoming much more complex than
it was in the "early days" when all we needed were a couple of
programs to do everything we might need. This
month, we provide tips for keeping good software records for yourself at home or
for your small business. The next time your computer crashes or you
upgrade to a new computer, good records will prove to be very valuable.
Software licenses
Most software today requires that you purchase a software license and/ or register
the software with the manufacturer. You will want to keep good records of
the serial numbers and registration information of your software.
This is
an excellent way to use your database software. If you don't have a database program, you can use a spreadsheet program or
your word processing software. Be sure to print out your records and keep
them in a safe place.
If you prefer, you can keep records by hand on paper. We have included a
fill-in-the-blanks form in the resources section that you can use to keep
software license records. Even if you keep your records on your computer, you might want to
use the filled in form as your backup.
Why keep software records?
Software license information becomes critical when you reinstall
software, upgrade to a newer version or upgrade to a new computer system.
If you have 20 or 30 programs, it may be difficult �
if not impossible � to
contact all the software vendors to verify that you really do have the right to
use the software.
If you keep good records and lose the original software CD or your computer
crashes, contacting one or two vendors might be feasible for you. They
will want to know when you purchased the software and your license number as
proof of ownership.
Buy legal software
Do not fall into the trap of "borrowing"
software from a well-meaning friend. This is a crime and
could cost you far more problems and money in the long run than purchasing your own
Software may be purchased at retail stores, ordered from Internet vendors or
downloaded from a vendor�s website. To purchase software via the Internet, you will need to provide your credit
card number. Be sure to check the privacy and security policies of the
vendor before giving out your credit card number.
We strongly recommend that you use a credit card service that allows you to provide a
one-use only number rather than your full credit card number for better security
protection. Check with your bank or credit card company for this option.
If you have a dial-up modem, downloading major software may not be feasible
due to the size of the software and speed of the modem. If you have DSL or
a cable modem, you may find the download method preferable.
Be sure you
know what you are buying, what warranties and protections are offered, whether
you can get a refund and how much support is offered for the software.
Registering software
Today, major software is registered via the Internet. If you
purchase software in a retail store, you can usually also register via a mail-in
form or via an 800-number to the vendor.
When you purchase software from the Internet, be sure to save the
registration information including any serial number and/or unlock codes
provided. You will need these when you install the software and if you
upgrade your computer at a later date.
It is wise to print out that information and keep it in a file with your
other software records.
Keeping software records
We suggest you keep the following minimum information about any software you
purchase or upgrade:
- Date of purchase
- Place or method of purchase
- Date of installation
- Software vendor, software name and version
- Vendor�s name, website and technical support contact (phone number or
- Serial number (if any)
- Unlock code (if any)
- Other codes required to install (if any)
- The name and company name you registered as the purchaser of the
- The e-mail address you registered with the purchase
- Any warranty information and return policy
- Length of the license or renewal date.
Keep the same information for any upgrades you purchase later. Software
vendors regularly issue upgrades, new features and fixes to their
software. If you provide an e-mail address when you register, many vendors
will let you know when new features or upgrades are available.
Downloading vs. buying retail
Many types of software are now available via download from the
Internet. In fact, some software is offered only by download. Other major software is packaged for distribution in retail stores.
Retail packages contain software on a CD and some printed instruction
manuals. Most software companies in recent years have greatly reduced the
size of instruction manuals, expecting customers to either learn by themselves
via the Help menus or take a class.
If you download software from the Internet, be sure to create a backup CD for
yourself (if possible) and keep in a safe place.
Also, make sure you save all license information, including purchase price,
serial number, unlock code or other critical information needed to install or
upgrade the software. <See
the downloadable form.>
If your budget is extremely tight for software, you might choose to use very
low cost or free software You might find an older version of software
that fits your needs at a very low price.
There are many good software products available. Visit the online warehouse
stores for ideas, comparisons and customer reviews.
About our resource
links: We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in
these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and
respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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