| |
Resources by Category
and Newsletters & Magazines
Books - list
of books and printed materials
Conference Websites
- general information
and Trainers who specialize in spirituality in the workplace
Education - Schools, Colleges and Training Centers
(current year) - Conferences,
Seminars, Workshops, Retreats, Classes
(past year events)
Information - general
information and services
Resources - individuals, companies and organizations
- Radio, TV
Projects and Surveys about Spirituality in the Workplace
The Michael
System - More about this body of knowledge and its workplace applications
Wisdom, Wit and Fun
We offer no guarantees or references about anyone on this list except
Pivotal Resources.
July 22-24, 2005 - Praying With Power: A Retreat Focusing on How to Pray the Shaman's Way,
Santa Fe, NM. Pivotal Resources (Jos�
& Lena
Stevens). Contact: (505) 982-8732, pivotal [at]
or http://www.thepowerpath.com/prayerretreat.htm
top of page
- Spirituality @ Work Awards - www.spirituality.com/work
- July 18 - 30, 2003 and September 25-26, 2003 July 18 - 30, 2003 Power
Path Professional Certification workshops for Consultants, Trainers,
Executive Coaches and Business Consultants, Santa Fe, NM: Details and workshop descriptions:
Presented by Pivotal Resources (Jos�
& Lena
Stevens). Contact: (505) 982-8732, admin [at] thepowerpath.com,
or www.thepowerpath.com
- May 28, 2003 2:00 PM EDT Online
Chat with Paul Werder, "Business Prosperity: What Role Does Spirituality Play?"
May 3 - 4, 2003. London, UK. Jose Stevens, Workshop on
Shamanism and "Getting on the Right Track for your Life" See http://www.alternatives.org.uk/
for details or contact Pivotal Resources at www.thepowerpath.com
- April 28, 2003. London, UK. Jose Stevens, talking
about 'The Shaman's
Rules of Power in Business and Life' See http://www.alternatives.org.uk/
for details or contact Pivotal Resources at www.thepowerpath.com.
Jose will be doing private consultations and coaching sessions by
appointment during the week.
- February 21 - 22, 2003 Power
Path Professional Certification workshops for Consultants, Trainers,
Executive Coaches and Business Consultants, Santa Fe, NM:
The Seven Character Roles: Know Who You Are Dealing With
: February 21-22
- Details and workshop descriptions:
Presented by Pivotal Resources (Jos�
& Lena
Stevens). Contact: (505) 982-8732, admin [at] thepowerpath.com,
or www.thepowerpath.com
- February 16 - 19, 2002 Power
Path Professional Certification workshops for Consultants, Trainers,
Executive Coaches and Business Consultants, Santa Fe, NM:
- The Nine Needs: 2�day certification: February 16 - 17
- The Principles of Coaching: February 18
- Principles of Prosperity: February 19
Details and workshop descriptions:
Presented by Pivotal Resources (Jos�
& Lena
Stevens). Contact: (505) 982-8732, admin [at] thepowerpath.com,
or www.thepowerpath.com
- February 15 - 23, 2002 Women of Wisdom 10th Annual
Conference in Women's Spirituality, Seattle, WA. Contact:
(206) 782-3363, www.womenofwisdom.org
or register [at] womenofwisdom.org
- September 15 - 22, 2001 Vancouver, BC, Canada 2001 Summit on Spirituality &
Sustainability Contact: The Centre for Spirituality and Sustainability, Ellen Hayakawa (604) 683-1104
- September 13-16, 2001 -
LifePart2: Spirituality issues pertinent to those over 40. San
Diego, CA. Topics include life balance, body, soul,
work/money, community, creativity, longevity, relationship and
fun. Call 1-877-309-1946 or visit www.lifepart2.org
- April 5-7, 2001 Power
Path: Transforming Your Dragons, a professional certification workshop for Consultants, Trainers and
Executive Coaches. Topics include: development of fear
patterns, how to identify the patterns through specific behaviors
and personality traits, how the fear patterns block the true
expression of personal power, how to communicate with employees,
managers and executives under the influence of the dragons, and much
more! $1,500 for this segment. Presented by Pivotal Resources (Jose & Lena
Stevens), Santa Fe, NM. More details and course
Contact: (505) 982-8732, admin [at] thepowerpath.com,
or www.thepowerpath.com
- April 9-12, 2001 Power
Path Professional Certification workshops for Consultants, Trainers and
Executive Coaches:
- The Essence of Communication: 1�day certification: April
- The Seven Character Roles: 1-day certification: April 10
- Attitude is Everything: 1-day certification: April 11
- Principles of Power Management: 1-day certification: April
1-day segments may be taken individually for $600 each, $2150 for
all 4 or $3,200 for all 4 plus Transforming Your Dragons.
Discounts available for groups and early registration (prior to March
1, 2001). <more details>
Presented by Pivotal Resources (Jose & Lena
Stevens). Contact: (505) 982-8732, admin [at] thepowerpath.com,
or www.thepowerpath.com
- November
1 - 3, 2000 Transforming Your Dragons Professional Certification.
A professional certification workshop for Consultants, Trainers and
Executive Coaches. Topics include: development of fear
patterns, how to identify the patterns through specific behaviors
and personality traits, how the fear patterns block the true
expression of personal power, how to communicate with employees,
managers and executives under the influence of the dragons, and much
more! Presented by Pivotal Resources (Jose & Lena
Stevens). Contact: (505) 982-8732, admin [at] thepowerpath.com,
or www.thepowerpath.com
- Starting October 2000 - "Spirituality in the Workplace"
Series (a number of weekend retreats starting in October, 2000 and
running through July, 2001) DOUAI ABBEY PASTORAL PROGRAMME, Upper Woolhampton Reading Berkshire,
England RG7 5TQ. Tel 0118 971 5333 Fax 0118 971 5203 E-Mail
douaiabby [at] aol.com
- September 14 � November 16, 2000 (10+ sessions) Interfaith Ambassador Certification Program,
Madison, Wisconsin. www.angelfire.com/wi/inroads/ambassador.html
- Aug. 21-23, 2000 Spirituality and Work: The Practice and the
Practical with.Martin Rutte (co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul at
or call 1-800-676-3393.
- August 5-11, 2000 - Learning Disciplines for an Enlightened
Society, a contemplative approach to social and organizational change, with Peter
Senge, Meg Wheatley and others. Nova Scotia, Canada. http://shambhalainstitute.org
Call (902) 464-7713 or email info [at] shambhalainstitute.org
- July 30-August 5, 2000 The Millenium Connection, Denver University, Denver, Colorado.
Sponsors: Global Cosponsors: Civicus (World Alliance for Citizen
Participation) and Inter-American Foundation, Institute of Cultural Affairs International.
www.ica-usa.org Phone: (303)
- July 5-26, 2000 SOUL ECOLOGY: Building Inner Capacities for Sustainable
Living" Occidental, CA Contact: Per Eisenman Per [at] arteverywhere.org,
(510) 290-6444
- June 4-6, 2000 - Going Public with Spirituality and Work in Higher
Education, at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Contact: Karen Manz, www.umass.edu/spiritual_conf/
- April 27-30, 2000 - Spirituality and Governance:
Re-igniting the Spirit of America Washington, DC, USA Contact: The Center for Visionary Leadership. (202)
237-2800. Email cvldc [at] visionarylead.org,
- Friday April 7 � Sunday April 9, 2000 - Southern Ontario Weekend Retreat,
Mt. Alverno Retreat Centre (near Orangeville), Centre for Spirituality at Work,
Ontario, Canada. Contact: Heather Skelton - (416) 444-9253 heatherskelton [at] home.com
or Carol-Ann Hamilton - (905) 822-2503 carol-ann_hamilton [at] interactivemedia.com
- April 6, 2000 - Navigating Organizational Change and Transformation in the 21st
Century Thought Leader Gathering, Heartland Institute
Contact: Sheila at 612-925-5995, e-mail sheila [at] heartlandinstitute.com
- March 22 - 24, 2000 T- hird International Symposium on Spirituality
and Business Leadership, Values and Ethics; Spirituality and Business for the 21st Century - Babson College, Boston, MA. Keynotes include: Tom Chappell, Eileen Fisher, Aaron Feuerstein.
Contact spirit&bus [at] babson.edu
- Sunday, March 5, 2000 6-8:30 p.m. - Spirituality in the Workplace - A Dialogue in Western New
Church of the Good Shepherd, 96 Jewett Parkway, Buffalo, NY (near the
Zoo) Facilitated by Patrick McNamara, co-sponsored by the Center for Spirit at Work. For more information contact him at
PatrickUN [at] aol.com
- January 26 to April 12, 2000 - Second and Fourth Wednesdays, 7:30 to 9:30 pm
Washington, DC, Spirituality at Work Seminar with Corinne McLaughlin
$20/session. Contact: The Center for Visionary Leadership, 3408 Wisconsin Ave. NW Suite 200, Washington, DC 20016; (202) 237-2800; email: cvldc [at] visionarylead.org. website:
- March 11-12, 1999 San Francisco Integrating the Creative Body, Mind
and Spirit in Work A 1-1/2 day workshop intensive The Golden Gate Club, The Presidio, presented by
Patricia and Craig Neal, Co-founders of the Heartland Institute, producers of "The
Inner Life of Business" conference series.
For more information, contact Patricia at: Phone: (612) 925-5995, Fax: (612) 920-7168,
email: hiinc [at] earthlink.net, website: http://heartlandinstitute.com or by mail: 4243
Grimes Avenue South, Edina, MN 55416
- September 22-24 , 1999 Austin, TX, USA Next Generation Leadership
The Heart of Business Conference - Join Peter Senge, best-selling author of "The
Fifth Discipline" and business visionaries for the 2nd year of this ground breaking
conference. At Townlake Hyatt Regency.
Contact: Kyle Fuller, (512) 416-1242 http://www.heartofbusiness.org
- September 29-OCT. 1,1999 San Francisco, World
Business Academy
Annual International Forum.
Speakers include Meg Wheatley, Ged Davis, Dr. Karl-Hendrick Robert and many others. Contact: 626-403-3358 or fax 626-403-3463
- October 14-16, 1999 Santa Fe, New Mexico, The International
Alliance for Spirit at Work (IASW) first annual international gathering in Santa Fe,
New Mexico, at beautiful Rancho Encantado.
Contact: http://www.iasw.org/ Click on
- November 6-13, 1999 - Acapulco, Mexico International
Conference on Business and Consciousness - Best Practices with Business Results.
The all-star cast includes- Meg Wheatley, Jack Canfield, Matthew Fox, Barbara Marx
Hubbard, Hazel Henderson, Ben Cohen, Pete Russell, Richard Barrett, Barbara Shipka, Bill
DeFoore, John Scherer and others..
Contact: (505) 474-7604, The Message Company. Email message [at] nets.com,
- March 11-13, 1998 -
The First International Symposium on Spirituality and Business Park Plaza
Hotel, Boston, MA. For more information, contact: Andover Newton Theological School,
210 Herrick Road, Newton Centre, MA 02159, phone: (617) 964-1100 x296, fax: (617) 965-9756
E-mail: spirit&bus [at] ants.edu
- April 30-May 1, 1998,
Expressing Your Soul in the Workplace Kripalu Center
For more information, contact: Phone (800) 741-7353
web: http://www.kripalu.org
- May 7-9, 1998,
Heart at Work Business Conference Austin Convention Center, Austin, TX
Co-sponsored by the Institute for Organizational and Human Resource Development and the
University of Texas Resource Development Program
For more information, contact: Kyle Fuller, Heart of Business Conference, PO Box 4579,
Austin, TX 78765.
Phone (512) 452-9777
E-mail: kpfuller [at] worldnett.att.net, web: http://www.main.org/heart
- May 27-29, 1998,
Spirituality in the Workplace: Improving the Quality of Worklife
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
For more information, contact: Bob McClellan Phone (416) 482-9175, 1-888-834-7778
E-mail: workconf [at] interlog.com, web: http://www.interlog.com/~workconf
- June 27-28, 1998,
Spirituality at Work Conference: The New Values-Based Productivity Washington
Marriott Hotel, Washington, DC
For more information, contact: Center for Visionary Leadership
Phone (202) 237-2800, fax (202) 237-1399
E-mail: cvldc [at] netrail.net
- August 22-26, 1998
Second Annual Spirit in Work Symposium, Orcas Island Washington
For more information, contact: Gail Bongard, Registrar, 4163 Beach Drive SW, Seattle WA
Phone: (206) 932-4701
E-mail: SYM9 [at] Juno.com
- October 19-20, 1998
Integrating the Creative Body, Mind and Spirit in Work
The Golden Gate Club, The Presidio, San Francisco, CA
A 1-1/2 day workshop intensive presented by PATRICIA and CRAIG NEAL, Co-founders of the
Heartland Institute
For more information, contact Patricia at Tel:: (612) 925-5995 Fax: (612) 920-7168
email: hiinc [at] earthlink.net, website: http://heartlandinstitute.com
4243 Grimes Avenue South Edina, MN 55416
- November 7-17, 1998,
1998 International Conference on Business and Consciousness, Sheraton
Buganvilias Resort, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
For more information, contact: The Message Company,
4 Camino Azul, Santa Fe, NM 87505. Phone (505) 474-0988 or (505) 471-7604
E-mail: message [at] nets.com, web:
top of page
- Centre for Spirituality at Work, Toronto, Canada http://www.spiritualityatwork.org/
- Hollyhock, Canada: http://www.hollyhock.bc.ca
- Institute for Transformative
Leadership - several conferences in 2000, e-mail info [at] transform.bc.ca
- International Conference on Business and Consciousness: http://www.bizspirit.com
- International Conference on Spirit at Work, Guatemala: http://www.IASW.org
- Kripalu Annual Conference on Expressing Your Soul at Work, Lenox, MA: http://www.kripalu.org
- Montreal Forum on Management, Ethics & Spirituality, Montreal, Canada: http://www.hec.ca/fimes
- Spirituality and Governance: Re-igniting the Spirit of America, Washington DC: http://www.visionarylead.org
- Spirituality, Leadership and Management Conference, Australia: http://www.csu.edu.au/faculty/commerce/market/conferences/slammain.htm
- The Heart of Business, Austin, TX: http://www.main.org/heart
- Toronto Spirituality in the Workplace Conference: http://www.interlog.com/~workconf
- Women's Art and Nature Retreat on Orcas Island, WA - spiritual content the major component.
Contact: Susan Slapin, Art Process Facilitator orcasa12 [at] rockisland.com
top of page
- College of Metaphysical Studies - http://www.cms.edu
- Presidio World College offer a 9-Month Certificate in Responsible Enterprise
and a 2-Year B.A.-Completion Program in Creating Sustainable Ventures.
Contact: Presidio World College, Presidio Building 36, PO Box 29502, San Francisco, CA.
Phone (415) 561-6590, fax (415)
561-6483, or e-mail: info [at] presidioworldcollege.org www.presidioworldcollege.org
- The Institute of Certified Professional Managers - 29 year old
non-profit that offers management training and certification; affiliated
with James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. www.icpm.biz
Phone: 1-800-568-4120.
top of page
- May 2003 - Spirituality in Organizations by Jim Clawson and Mark Haskins,
Professors, Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Virginia. Survey at http://faculty.darden.virginia.edu/clawsonj/project_spirituality/
- February 2003 - Spirituality and Software Development. Survey
at http://www33.brinkster.com/sdsurvey/SpiritualitySurvey.asp
- April, 2001 - Jerri
Paulison is a doctoral student at University of Phoenix. She
is conducting a research project on spirituality in
leadership. If you are an organizational leader, and are
interested in participating or learning more, contact her at JPaulison [at] aol.com
Jerri says, "The purpose of this research is to determine
the degree to which spirituality factors relate to personality
traits of mid and upper level leadership in mid to large sized
businesses. I will be utilizing the Myers Briggs Type
Indicator and Hamilton Beazley's Spirituality Assessment to gather
statistical information. My target population consists of
individuals in positions of influence, mid level and above, in mid
to large sized organizations.
"My goal is to send out the surveys at the end of April and
have them returned by mid May. The replies will be completely
confidential and anonymous. I will offer to send my findings
to any participate who would be interested in reading the
dissertation. If someone wanted to know their specific scores
and the relationship between the two surveys, they would need to let
me know and, of course, I would keep it confidential but I would
need to know where to send the data, hence the anonymous part is
Update July 1, 2001: Jerri is in the heart of the analysis and
will report the results where her dissertation is completed.
- April
27, 2000. Dr. Ronald Mann is working with the Liberty Consulting Team to develop a new
assessment instrument, which will be validated and normed for the business
world. The Liberty-Mann Business Maturity Profile is designed to measure a variety of
areas that relate to effective functioning at managerial
levels. The scales assess the following main areas: Emotional Maturity,
Problem Solving Ability, Values Orientation, Interpersonal Skills
and Wisdom/Insight.
They are in the validation phase to collect data on a variety of individuals in a variety of
different business, government and non profit settings. You can view the various instruments being used in the study at
(Ronald L. Mann, Ph.D., Mann Consulting Group, Executive Coach, Psychologist, Organizational Consulting.
Author, "Sacred Healing: Integrating Spirituality with Psychotherapy."
and "Find the Zone: Master the Mental Game of Golf.")
- Bill Harvey is doing research for a
graduate studies project at George Mason University on Spirituality
in the Workplace. His survey is available at: http://intercom.virginia.edu/SurveySuite/Surveys/Harvey
More details on the project is posted on the website. (available until April 2000)
- WWW_UCLA Millennium
International Research Project - working to summarize the views of people in countries
around the world, including: hopes and fears about the new millennium, beliefs about what
are the most important things we've learned and accomplished (individually and
collectively), beliefs about what we need to learn and do in the new millennium
(individually and collectively). Sponsored by the University of California, Los Angeles,
Office of Protection for Research Subjects, Project Approval #97-034. Contact: jhillig [at] ucla.edu (subject: Millennium Study
Many thanks to Judi Neal and
the members of the Spirituality in the
Workplace discussion group for adding many valuable links.
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