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Projects and Surveys about Spirituality in the Workplace
The Michael
System - More about this body of knowledge and its workplace applications
Wisdom, Wit and Fun
We offer no guarantees or references about anyone on this list.
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- Innovative Leader (to stimulate creativity and
productivity. ISSN 1092-2156) Winston J. Brill, Editor, 4134 Cherokee Drive, Madison, WI 53711. Monthly. Phone: (608)
231-6766. E-mail: wjbrill [at] facstaff.wisc.edu.
- Intuitive Connections,
An Online Magazine for An Intuitive Learning Community
- Carol Pearson publishes The Inner Edge, an online magazine devoted to the topic of spirit at work.. http://www.inneredge.com. The site has a place
for discussion group forums.
- Carol James publishes a monthly e-newsletter about creating a more
spiritual, whole-living balanced work environment. http://www.inspiredbiz.com
or send e-mail to InspiredBizChat-subscribe [at] egroups.com
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Books (many of these are available
from Amazon.com or Barnes&Noble online)
- Disclosure: We get a small
commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
Quotes following the book listing are from the people who recommended them for this
- A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America: A Hard Look at Spirituality, Religion,
and Values in the Workplace (Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series) Ian I. Mitroff, Elizabeth A. Denton, 1999
ISBN: 0787946664
Jossey-Bass Publishers
- Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand (originally written in 1957).
Publisher: Signet; (September 1996) ISBN:
0451191145 (originally written in
1957, a classic that challenges the way we see the world)
- Breaking the Rules: Removing the Barriers to Effortless High Performance, Kurt
Wright. Sample chapters available at http://www.cpmpublishing.com.
CPM Publishing; (April 15, 1998) ISBN: 0961438339
- Capturing The Heart of Leadership: Spirituality and Community in the
New American Workplace, Gilbert Fairholm ("for help in
understanding how a manager can take on the daunting task of developing spirituality in
the workplace") Praeger Publishers; (August 2000) ISBN: 0275970965
- Clothed in Light: Elvis' Soul Journey. Paul
Jaffee, 2000. Excerpt
available at http://www.elvispresleyonline.com Elvis Presley Online; (April 1, 2000)
ISBN: 0967213118
(fascinating reading!)
- Community Building: Renewing Spirit and Learning in Business. Edited by Kazimierz
Gozdz with an introduction by M Scott Peck (collection of essays from 40 authors).
New Leaders Press; (September 1996) ASIN: 0963039059
- Compensation and Motivation (addresses the social and material reward systems that can be introduced into the workplace).
Thomas McCoy http://www.tjmccoy.com/
AMACOM; 1st edition (January 15, 1992) ISBN: 0814450296
- Creating an Open-Book Organization: Where all employees think and act like partners.
Thomas McCoy. http://www.tjmccoy.com/ AMACOM; (March 1996)
ASIN: 0814402933
- Conversations with God, Neale Donald Walsch (3 book
series). Book 1: Putnam Pub Group; (January 1999) ISBN: 0399142789
- Getting to the Better Future:
A Matter of Conscious Choosing. John Renesch. For excerpt see http://www.Renesch.com New Business Books; (February 1, 2000)
ISBN: 0961022809
- If it ain't broke . . . BREAK IT! and other Unconventional Wisdom for a
Changing Business World. Robert Kriegel and Louis Patler, Warner Books
ISBN: 0446393592
- Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah. Richard Bach, Dell Publishing,
1997 ISBN: 0440204887
- Jesus CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership. 1995
Laurie Beth Jones. Hyperion, New York .ISBN
- Leading Ladies:
Transformative Biblical Images for Women's Leadership. Jeanne
Porter. Innisfree Press; (August 2000) ISBN: 1880913453
- Leading with Soul, An Uncommon Journey of Spirit. Lee Bolman and Terrance Deal
("an incredible book"). Jossey-Bass; Revised and Updated edition (April 15, 2001)
ISBN: 0787955477
- Managing With the Wisdom of Love, Dorothy Marcic, Jossey-Bass.
See http://www.marcic.com
Jossey-Bass; (May 1997) ISBN: 0787901733
- Open
Christianity: Home by Another Road, Jim Burklo. Rising Star Press; (November 2000)
ISBN: 0933670052
Praying with Power: How to Use Ancient Shamanic Techniques to Gain Maximum Spiritual Benefit and Extraordinary Results Through Prayer
by Jos� Luis Stevens. Watkins Publishing Ltd (March 10, 2005).
ISBN: 184293127X or www.thepowerpath.com.
(a great addition to any spiritual library; highly recommended)
- Running From Safety: An Adventure of the Spirit. Richard Bach, William
Delta; (December 1995) ISBN: 0385315287
- Sacred Healing: Integrating Spirituality with Psychotherapy, Ronald L. Mann,
Ph.D. Institute of Alternative Healing; (April 5, 2001) ISBN: 0971060509.
- Sermon on the Mount according to Vedanta. ("Excellent and inspirational book
to read; it changed my life totally") Vedanta Press & Bookshop; Reprint edition (March 1991)
ISBN: 0874810507
- Soul
& Silicon: Spirits in a High-Tech World. Carl Goldman. Rising Star Press; (January 1998)
ISBN: 093367001X
- TABOO: Sacred, Don't Touch: An Autobiographical Journey Spanning
Six-Thousand Years. Kay Taylor Parker, Book
excerpt Star Source; (June 1, 2001) ISBN: 0971368406
- The Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous' ("a look at the 12 steps of recovery and
contemplate what it is saying to us all")
- The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure. James Redfield, Warner Books; (November 1997)
ISBN: 0446671002
- The Corporate Mystic: A Guidebook For Visionaries With Their Feet on the Ground.
1996 Gay Hendricks and Kate Ludeman, Bantam Books, New York ISBN 0-553-37494-X
(Stephen Covey says,
"This important book will sweep you into a different level of consciousness - one of
spiritual perspective and feeling - so necessary in future leadership")
- The Executive Mystic: Psychic Power Tools for Success. 1998. Barrie Dolnick
HarperBusiness, New York. ISBN 0-88730-903-8
(includes chapters on using: I Ching, Tarot,
crystals, intuition, power animals, symbols, moon cycles, dreams, astrology and more!)
- The Voice Celestial: Thou Art That (An Epic Poem). Original 1960 Ernest Holmes
and Fenwick Holmes. Science of Mind Publications, Los Angeles.1978 ISBN 0-911336-71-0
- The Heart Aroused: Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in Corporate
Currency/Doubleday; (June 1996) ISBN: 0-385-48418-6
("..brings a poet's
ever-deepening imagination to the world of business and work" - Thomas Moore)
- The Soul at Work: Embracing Complexity
Science for Business Success. Roger Lewin and Birute Regine,
(results of a longitudinal study of a dozen companies of different sizes and in different
industries who are applying complexity science to their
organizations). Simon & Schuster; ASIN: 0684843846
- The Stirring of Soul in the Workplace, Alan Briskin Berrett-Koehler Pub; Reprint edition (April 1998)
ISBN: 157675040X
- The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision. James Redfield, Warner Books; (December 1998)
ISBN: 0446674575
- The Voice Celestial: Thou Art That (An Epic Poem). Original 1960 Ernest Holmes
and Fenwick Holmes. Science of Mind Publications, Los Angeles.1978 ISBN 0-911336-71-0
- Think on These Things. Jiddu Krishnamurti. Original 1964 Krishnamurti Writings, Inc.
Perennial; Reprint edition (November 1989) ISBN 0-06-091609-5
- Winning in the Game of Life: Self-Coaching Secrets for Success, Tom Gegax.
Book excerpts - http://www.tiresplus.com/tomg/
Three Rivers Press; Reprint edition (August 22, 2000) ISBN: 0609805681
- Women in New Religions: In Search of Community, Sexuality and Spiritual Power, Elizabeth Puttick
(liz [at] puttick.com) Palgrave Macmillan; (July 1997) ISBN: 0312172605
Also, see Book List for many related books.
top of page
- Radio - Wisdom at Work with Scott Cluthe 713-283-8197 (Houston Office)
888-694-7366 (Wisdom Radio).
Mondays Live on Wisdom Radio and www.wisdomradio.com
Schedule: 9 - 11 am Eastern / 8 - 10 am Central / 7 - 9 am Mountain / 6 - 8 am Pacific
- WisdomNet, a television production company devoted to programs on wisdom and
spirituality, is doing a number of interviews with people active in spirituality in the
workplace. http://www.wisdomnetwork.com.
top of page
Many thanks to Judi Neal and
the members of the Spirituality in the
Workplace discussion group for adding many valuable links.
Page updated: October 16, 2023
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