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April 2001 - Consulting Skills for Managers
- How managers use consulting skills
- Evaluating and managing outside consultants
- Managing a consulting firm
- Internet Resources (books,
articles, links, the
lighter side)
Consulting Skills for Managers
Effective consulting skills are invaluable to managers. While
many managers do not want to be "consultants," they do in fact
have internal customers who depend on them for professional advice.
This month's article looks at effective internal consulting skills as
well as how to select and manage outside consultants.
The consulting skills we think should be in every good manager's
skill set include:
- Creativity to find new solutions and new options
- Good communication skills of all kinds
- Respect for clients, confidentiality and culture
- Vision to see possibilities beyond the obvious
- Partnership in working with clients or customers - both internal
and external
- Leadership in setting an example for others to follow
- Flexibility in facilitating change or adapting to changing
If you manage a Customer Support department, you should already
understand how effective consulting skills could help you by responding to
the needs of your customers.
How does the manager of a manufacturing operation or someone in the
Accounting department use consulting skills?
First, let's back up a bit and look at what a consultant does when
they are presented with a new assignment.
- Entry. The
process starts by someone asking for your help. The
client or customer could be an internal customer or someone who reports to you who needs your
help. In the entry step, communication skills are key.
You must listen to the person describe their problem, what they
think may be wrong and their ideas for how to resolve it.
- Contract.
This step involves defining what you will do. You must be
clear about your role in the process of finding a solution, what
steps are involved, determining how much time it will take and how
much it will cost (if appropriate). The skills needed here are creativity
(creating a plan), flexibility (being adaptable to your
client's needs), partnership (working with your client to
define the scope of the problem-solving "project") and vision (seeing beyond your first
- Data Collection.
The next step is gathering all the facts needed, contacting people
who may provide more information and organizing that
information. The key skills needed in this step are respect
(for the people you contact for more information), partnership
(working with the various people involved) and communication
(listening to them, understanding what they are saying and
transforming that understanding into something tangible). In
many situations, you must use appropriate respect
when you obtain confidential information that needs to be protected
or limited to those who need to know.
- Analysis.
This step involved transforming data into information and searching
for key items that provide clues to a solution to the original
problem identified by the client. This step involves creativity
(seeing the patterns in the data), flexibility (trying
different approaches) and leadership (organizing information
into a coherent fashion).
- Feedback.
This step gives an update to your client on what you have found so
far. At this point, you do not yet have a solution to the
problem but your client needs to know your data collection method
and the results of that process.
For example, suppose you are investigating a complaint about someone
and the request came from your boss. You might need to develop
a list of questions to be asked of those who know about the
situation. In the feedback step, you would present your list
of questions to your boss with a summary of the relevant points that
everyone agrees on and the differences in their knowledge of the
Obviously, communication plays a huge part in this step as
does flexibility if your client wants to change the process
or does not agree with your interpretation of the data you
- Alternatives.
This is where your vision, leadership and creativity
are most used. You use vision to
see beyond the information you have collected and use your creativity
to develop new possibilities. As the "consultant" in this process,
your leadership skills help you develop a list of alternative actions that would solve
the original problem presented to you. You might also ask
others to add alternatives and spend some time discussion the
outcome of each alternative, which uses your partnership
- Decision.
This step often involves several people, so again communication
is important. Use your communication skills to present
the alternatives. Your partnership and leadership
skills are important in working with all the people involved in
coming to a decision about what should be done.
- Action.
This where the results of all the other steps are executed. Communication
is important in letting people know the decision and what is
expected of them. Partnership and leadership
skills are important in guiding people to accept the decision and
the actions they must perform. You may need to use flexibility
and creativity if some people resist the decision or the
action required.
- Evaluation.
This step looks back at the entire process and reviews what
happened, what lessons were learned and what might be done
differently in future situations. Evaluation will also occur
along the way as checkpoints in a large project. This step
requires leadership skills in setting an example. If a
problem is large enough to take time and energy to solve, isn't it
important enough to be learned from? The evaluation step
provides time to organize, file or dispose of whatever files were
created. It also provides an opportunity to use whatever was
learned in a positive way for the future.
- Exit. This
step is the official end to a project. In large projects, this
might be the delivery of a final report to the client, requiring communication
skills. In other situations, the final step is the
acknowledgement that it is done and people can move onto something
else, requiring leadership skills.
We have elaborated on the 10 steps from the book, Getting Things Done When You Are
Not in Charge, Chapter 10 "Consulting to your Internal
Customers, " which provides much more information. The author notes, "When you are consulting with
others, get in, help and get out."
Consulting with people who report to you may seem a strange concept,
but the process and results are the same. Someone asks for your help,
you gather information, work through finding alternatives, make a
decision, implement some action and go on to something else.
A "consulting"
management style is very different from a "command
and control"
management style where someone gives an order and everyone is expected to simply
obey. Highly productive, positive corporate cultures do not use
the autocratic management style of command and control because it does
not work with educated, self-aware people who expect more participative
involvement in their work environment.
Many managers have learned from or worked for a command and control
boss so have to learn how to be more flexible and use different skills
to achieve what they want. Consulting skills are most effective at
gaining support from others. In management, especially in today's
high-pressure corporate environments, having people you can trust and
who trust you is vital to moving forward in your career.
Gaining a reputation as someone who cooperates with others, is
flexible, communicates well, shows creativity in solving problems and
demonstrates leadership will help you immensely. Compare that to
the manager who gives orders, does not listen well, thinks they know the
right answer and does not work well with others. Which of those two is
likely to have the most support when time comes for promotions?
Outside consultants play a vital role in all areas of business.
They may help with defining needs, provide short-term staff assistance,
provide interim management, manage an entire project or assist with any
project you can define.
As a manager or executive asked to evaluate a large consulting
company, a boutique consulting company or an individual
consultant, it is important that you understand what skills consultants
have, how they work, how to select them and how to manage
The Big 5 consulting companies are:
- Accenture (formerly Andersen Consulting a spin-off of Arthur
- Deloitte & Touche (merger of Deloitte Haskins Sells with
Touche Ross)
- Ernest & Young (merger of Ernst & Whinney
with Arthur Young)
- PriceWaterhouseCoopers (merger of Price Waterhouse and Coopers
- KPMG (formerly Klynveld Kraayenhof & Co,
William Barclay Peat & Co, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., and Deutsche
Examples of other large international consulting companies include Booz Allen
& Hamilton, Cambridge Technology Partners
(merging with Novell), Cap Gemini
(recently acquired by Ernst & Young), Electronic
Data Systems (EDS), HCL, IBM,
McKinsey, Perot
Systems, SAP, Siemens Medical Solutions
and Systems & Computer Technology
(SCT). There are many more not listed here.
Boutique consulting firms are smaller companies serving a local area
or specializing in a focused area of consulting services. Examples are Information
Management Resources Inc (IMRI), AEF
Systems, Consulting
Professionals United (CPU) and our firm, Rainbows
& Miracles etc.
Choosing a consulting firm is as important as choosing an
employee. The consulting firm or consultant will be with you for
the duration of a project and you depend on them to do some critical
task for your company. If you choose poorly, your company will
suffer and your professional reputation will suffer as well. If
you choose wisely, you will likely have a successful experience.
For very large projects, management often wants to use
the larger consulting firms because they provide breadth and depth
of resources as well as a strong reputation for expertise in a needed
Advantages: Large
firms can usually bring in additional resources quickly. Many of the
firms also use small firms to supplement their resources on a contract
or partnership
basis. In government projects, using smaller firms helps the firm meet small business
and diversity
Disadvantages: Large firms are usually the most
expensive. You may find individual consultants assigned to your
project who have little real world experience - for example, recent
college graduates. You may also find that you have less influence over the people
assigned to your project than when dealing with a smaller firm.
You may have
turnover in the people assigned to your project. You may be one of hundreds of clients for the firm
and, therefore, receive less of the firm's attention.
Advantages and disadvantages of
smaller firms
With smaller firms, you have more influence on the project
and the team assigned, although there are fewer people to choose
Advantages: Your costs will
be less with a smaller company because their overhead is lower. Many
smaller firms are part of a network of consulting companies so may be
able to draw on additional resources as needed.
With boutique firms, you will have more control and
influence over the project and the team assigned. Your
relationship with the firm will usually be stronger and you may get
their attention when there is a problem faster than with a larger
Many consultants in small firms have previously worked in large
firms, so their skills are comparable. Boutique firms rarely use inexperienced people
because it could destroy their reputation. Boutique firms
must develop strong client relationships and referrals,
which keep them in business.
Because the firms are smaller, the types of projects they can handle
also is smaller than a firm that can place 100 people at your site
quickly. If
you request a change in someone assigned to your project, it may take
longer to find a better fit. If your needs change, it may take
longer to adjust the team structure to fit the revised project.
You may select a consultant or a consulting firm based on a reference from someone you trust or
hire someone you have worked with in the past. If you are a large
company or government agency with a very large project, you may issue an RFP then interview the
responding firms.
Regardless of what size the consulting firm, you should spend some
time getting to know the consulting firm, their methods and their people
before making a final decision.
Evaluate the consulting firm's partners, senior partner, account
manager, project manager and staff consultants for evidence of appropriate skills.
Do this in interviews and in your reference checks. Be sure that
you meet the team of people who will be working on your particular
Consider the list of consulting skills in evaluating firm and the
team members:
- How well do they show respect
for your needs, your situation, your people, your schedule and your
- How well do they show creativity
in approaching your particular problem?
- How well do they communicate?
Do they return calls promptly, do they listen well, do
they demonstrate they understand your situation in their written
communications, do they provide follow-up to outstanding issues?
- How well do they use vision to
see possibilities and move past any obstacles?
- How well do they use partnership
skills in working with you, your staff, their other clients or customers?
- How well do they demonstrate leadership
in their approach to your situation and your project?
- How well do they demonstrate flexibility in adapting to changing
needs or changing requirements?
Choosing between a large firm and a small firm is a decision based on
the needs of your particular project. You may choose to use
a large firm for part of a project, use a smaller firm for another part
of a project or use an individual consultant you like working
with. All the consultants you retain should be able to work well
with all other members of your "team," whether inside staff or
outside staff.
Managing consultants is as important as managing any vendor or any
member of your staff.
Consultants need general direction from you, but should be able to
work without day-to-day management since that is why you hired them.
You should receive regular written status reports and have regular
meetings (at least weekly) with the Project Manager to go over the
status of their work.
The consulting firm should bring your attention to any problems that
crop up as quickly as possible and you should work with them to resolve
any issues. You are paying them to deliver some result and you
must be prepared to help them get through any political issues when
A consulting project is a team effort - each member of the team has
schedules, deadlines, tasks, roles and responsibilities that must be
completed for the project to be successful. That team effort
requires that you trust the consultants to do their job and they must
trust you to do your job.
Hiring an outside consulting company can create internal problems if
a staff member is jealous or is bypassed in the decision-making process,
so be aware if conflicts or delays appear. The procedure for
handling these should be addressed before the consulting company begins
work, although conflicts may not appear until the consultants are
already in place.
Good consulting firms are aware of potential client problems and
will be conscious of ways to make sure everyone is committed to working
together in a productive manner.
Together with the project manager or account manager, you and the
consulting firm will monitor progress against schedules, deadlines and
budget expense. If the schedule slips, deliverables are not
completed on time or your costs are growing more than they should,
discuss those issues as soon as possible.
Many projects change over time so adjustments often must be made.
These decisions are always between client management and the consulting
firm's management. Do not allow a project to get out of control
due to a desire not to create conflict. If you are meeting
regularly with the project manager and/or project team, you will stay
close enough to resolve small issues before they become large issues.
If you are not getting good feedback from your consulting team or you
feel at all uneasy about what they are doing, address the issues as
quickly as possible with the consulting firm's management.
Allowing issues to fester and grow will cause more damage than facing
them squarely. Such issues will not go away by themselves.
Occasionally, a consulting firm must be removed from a project - an
unpleasant event for all concerned.
When it's time to wrap up, make sure that you and the consulting firm
agree on the wrap-up procedure. Be willing to write reference
letters if asked or be a future reference for the firm's
Good consulting firms will leave your situation better than when they
arrived. Your people should understand what was done, where the
files are and how to continue the work without the consultants.
Your staff should have learned what is needed to continue from the
Hold a review session to go over lessons learned and ask the
consulting firm to provide a written wrap-up report.
Hold a party to celebrate a successful project and provide mementoes
for everyone who has worked hard to achieve success.
- Ouellette & Associates http://www.ouellette-online.com
(Training seminars teaching "soft" skills to folks in the
information technology business. We have taken several of
their excellent workshops.)
Books Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- A New Brand Of Expertise: How Independent Consultants, Free Agents,
and Interim Managers are Transforming the World of Work
Marion McGovern and Dennis Russell, 2001. ISBN:
0-7506-7292-7 Butterworth-Heinemann www.anewbrandofexpertise.com
- Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the life you were meant
to live. Martha Beck, 2001. Three Rivers Press, 2002 ISBN: 0812932188
- Fight Your Fear And Win: 7 Skills for Performing Your Best
Under Pressure - at Work, in Sports, on Stage. Don Greene, 2001.
Broadway Books, New York. ISBN: 076790625X
- Getting Things Done When You Are Not in Charge, George
Bellman, 1992. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-6718-6412-2
- The Consultant's Calling: Bringing Who You Are to What You Do, George
Bellman, 1990 Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 1-5554-2411-2
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