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Our name for this system is "The Personality Game"
- a fun way to learn about yourself and others.
Be kind to each other, for these teachings mean
nothing without agape. . . . Michael
The name "Michael" is simply one way to name a system of personality
understanding (or "teaching"). It has no real significance other than to make it
known in some definitive way.
This teaching is not a belief system and is not meant to be taken at face
value. It does not require belief to be valid.
It does ask that you validate it for yourself. You decide what parts you can use
and what parts you cannot.
With the knowledge of this system, you can choose whether to operate from the positive
parts of your personality - or from the negative parts of your personality.
When you come
from the positive parts, you are acting out of true personality. That is how your
essence (or your inner being) can grow and express itself. When you come from the negative
parts, you are acting out of false personality. This is deception, and results in
more struggle and strife to accomplish your purpose.
Before you can accept others, you must learn to accept yourself.
It is a universal law that you can only love others to the degree that you are able to
love yourself. So, in this teaching, you begin by studying yourself.
Through this process,
you develop a greater understanding of yourself - and of the challenges and agreements you
have set out to fulfill in this lifetime. Through this process, you can develop a greater
tolerance toward yourself and attain the balance that allows you to act as appropriately
as possible and to actualize your fullest potential.
The written word becomes carved in stone. Please do not "believe" what we
have written here, but check it out for yourself. And once you have mastered it, let it
go (adapted from The Michael Handbook and Michael: The Basic Teachings)
Evolution of the Michael Teachings
Many modern schools of philosophy and psychology represent facets of this system.
Readers of Abraham Maslow, Carl Jung, Eric Erikson and Sigmund Freud will find a ring of
familiarity (particularly in the use of archetypes). Elements of this system were taught
by George Gurdjieff, P.D. (Peter) Ouspensky and Rodney Collin. Many of the underlying tenets
resonate with Eastern philosophy, especially Sufism.
- The Personality Game
- A Practical Personality System (also known as the "overleaves" -
the foundation of the system)
- The Game Board
(overleaf chart) (in color).
- The Game Board (Overleaf chart)
- downloadable
in PDF format (color and black/white pages)
- Rules to Play -
Playing the Personality Game
- Famous People - Personality traits of famous people, places, organizations and countries
- Michael Math - Numbers
- Overview of the Number Qualities
- Michael Math - Sample
- Understanding "Michael Math" with examples
- Michael Math - Forms
- Understanding "Michael Math" with fill-in-the blanks form.
Michael Math - The Casting and Entity Numbering System, Global
Jobs and Community Responsibility
- People Net - Graphic
of Michael "centers" (large graphic)
- Spirituality - 7
Principles of Spirituality in the Workplace
Cosmology of the Michael Teaching - an overview of the Michael Teachings
(Stephen Cocconi) https://www.themichaelteaching.com/michael/
- Yahoo:
Faiths & Practices (Michael Teachings)
- The Michael
Interviews: Practical Wisdom from an Enlightened Perspective video
#1 - "Michael on Michael" - video from Dream Traveller Productions, PO Box 691, Zephyr Cove, NV
89448 $29.95 + $4.95 shipping. [Note: This contact seems to be
out of date and we do not currently have a way to reach the creator of the
- Wikipedia (The
Wikipedia article on the Michael Teachings has been edited the point of destroying any semblance of
usefulness in our opinion.)
Custom Wish Boxes and tiles - make great gifts for
the special people in your life.
Description, outline and handouts from a 7-week class "Creating
Your Own Life"
visioning techniques to help understanding the different personality Roles
and how they affect our lives. This class was taught March-April 2007
and is being made available for the first time publicly in April
2010. The material is copyrighted; please contact the author if you
would like to use it.
Michael Tarot
- created by Stephen Cocconi www.michaeltarot.com.
explaining the Soul Ages by Danny Searle on Youtube.com
explaining the Michael Teachings by Dave Gregg on Youtube.com
Donate to the Center for Michael
Teachings, Inc. - a non-profit organization supporting the
expansion of the Michael Teachings
Or, send email to CenterforMichaelTeachings [at] gmail.com.
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- Michael Books -
Complete list of books about the Michael Teachings
- Michael Concordance
- Sample of Concordance to the Michael Teachings and order
- The Power Path: Shamanic
Strategies for Success in Business and Life, Jos� Stevens. May 2002,
World Library.
ISBN: 1-57731-217-1
- The 7 Aspects of Sisterhood: Empowering Women Through Self-Discovery.
Debra Gawrych. Common Boundaries Consulting &
Communications; (September 2002)
ISBN: 0971064601
- Awakening to Your True Purpose,
a 5-tape set and study guide based on the book, Getting Thru to Your Soul.
Philip & Jane Mountrose, 2002. A combination of the Michael
teachings and Gurdjieff school http://www.gettingthru.org/spurpose.htm
ISBN 0-9700289-4-6.
- Jos� Luis Stevens - a series of downloadable
e-books (2010). From http://www.theppowerpath.com,
click the "E-books" link on the left side. The introduction
is free.
- Michael Speaks: The Legacy of
Sarah Chambers (Volume 1 and 2). Center
for Michael Teachings, Inc., Lulu Press (March 2013). http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/michaelteachings
Michael Speaks: The Legacy of
Sarah Chambers (Volume 3). Center
for Michael Teachings, Inc., Lulu Press (May 2016). http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/michaelteachings
Michael Speaks: The Legacy of Leslie Briggs. Center
for Michael Teachings, Inc., Lulu Press (May 2016). http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/michaelteachings
in the World. Shepherd Hoodwin (not published in the US). Russian
translation https://www.labirint.ru/books/634136/
- The Nine Needs and
how they relate to the workplace (newsletter article, June 1997)
Nine Needs (large graphic) - shows the
energetic relationship between the needs, chakra and aura
- The Personality Dragons
and how they relate to the workplace (newsletter article, June 1999)
- Slaying the Dragons
- tips for catching and slaying the dragons (newsletter article, July 1999)
- Four Pillars of Vitality
- True Work, True Study, True Play and True Rest (newsletter article, September
Obstacles to Success - Moving Beyond the Obstacles in the
Workplace (newsletter article, October 2000 - Jose Stevens)
Personality Roles - In depth look at the Roles
(newsletter article, September 1999)
- Attitude is
Everything - describes the 7 attitudes (newsletter article November
- Coping with Change -
how the different perspectives deal with Organizational Change (newsletter article May
Michael Jokes - just for fun.
Maslow's Hierarchy - How Maslow's
Hierarchy Relates to the Michael Teachings
- Stress: How It Affects the Roles We Play
- (newsletter article, May 2002 - Debra Gawrych)
- New Models of Education - How the Personality Game
compares to the Myers-Briggs System - Sarah Chambers (newsletter article,
March 2002 - Sarah Chambers)
- Community and Communion
by Sarah Chambers (1996)
- Memorial
to Sarah Chambers by Jose Stevens (1998)
- Expanding Your Personal Power (newsletter
article, May 1998 Jose Stevens)
- Cording/De-Cording
- excerpt from Tao to Earth with new graphic
- How
the Roles Affect the Workplace (newsletter article, September 2002)
- Conflict
and Conflict Resolution (newsletter article, February 2005)
- Support
Circle Positions - describes the support circle and how to use the
Frequently asked
questions (Lorie Tostado)
of terms (Shepherd Hoodwin)
- The Casting/Entity
model (Barry)
- Casting
Positions (by Ken Broom)
- Michael
Teachings Humor (Shepherd Hoodwin)
- Michael
speaks about the Election 2004 results (Troy
- Unconditional
Love in Politics: Or, Have You Hugged a Republican Today? (Shepherd Hoodwin)
- Centering
/ Chakra Cleansing - exercise
- Video
montage - Introduction to Soul Ages by Terri Benning
- Support
Circle: Anchor (Finding Support During Challenging Times)
(newsletter article August 2009)
- Life Roles in the Workplace
(newsletter article July 2009)
The 7 Soul types: What do they
look like? (Barry) http://personalityspirituality.net/articles/the-michael-teachings/the-seven-roles-in-essence/
Soul types: The Seven
Roles in Essence (Barry) http://personalityspirituality.net/2010/06/23/the-seven-soul-types-what-do-they-look-like/
YouTube video: Jose Stevens discussing President Barack Obama's personality http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6pIfYJv3Hg
Nine Circles of Acceptance (newsletter article July 2011)
"Death and Dying Can Be Fun" transcript from November
28, 1984 Michael study group session.
Ages of the Soul: How to Tell a Young Soul from an Older One (articles by
Jose Stevens and Joya Pope 2009) http://druidsegg.reformed-druids.org/newsimbolc09-21.htm
The major Michael teachers are listed below. Some of them travel extensively.
Many of
them have newsletters, books and/or tapes, as well as mailing lists of interested
students. If you live outside the major teaching areas, contact the folks listed below.
Ask if they travel to your area or if they could put you in touch with other Michael
students in your area. The Michael network is growing rapidly!
Power Path Seminars (web)
(formerly known as Pivotal
Resources Inc.) Jos�
& Lena
Stevens - Workshops, Professional Services, Vision Quests,
Spiritually-oriented Travel, Authors of many Books, Annual Forecasts,
free Monthly Newsletter, Regularly scheduled workshops and
[Santa Fe, NM] web: www.thepowerpath.com
and articles about his PersonEssence system (another name for
the Michael System).
Education Foundation, JP Van Hulle
- Books, Tapes, Monthly Forecast, Professional
Services, Role
Personality Quiz, Books,
newsletter, regular meetings and events [San Francisco/Oakland area: Orinda,
CA] web site: www.AskMichaelJP.com
and older website: www.mef.to, www.michaeleducationalfoundation.com.
North works closely with JP Van Hulle. Offers individual
sessions, classes, one-on-coaching, workshops. https://www.northchanneling.com
& Miracles etc. (web) Barbara
Taylor- Corporate/business version of the Michael Teachings (The Personality Game), Michael Math.
Professional Services, Author of The Concordance to the Michael
Teachings [Lacey, WA - Pacific Northwest] web: www.itstime.com
or www.michaelteaching.com
(web) Shepherd
Hoodwin - Author of Journey of Your Soul and others, Professional Services,
Newsletter, Books, Glossary [Southern California] e-mail: sh [at]
shepherdhoodwin.com web: www.shepherdhoodwin.com
Sarah Chambers - Sarah Chambers made her transition on December 8,
1998. She was widely known and loved by the Michel community and will be deeply
missed by all who knew her. Sarah Chambers was one of the original Michael
and it is through her that the overleaves were transmitted. [She was
called "Jessica Lansing" in the Messages from Michael
books.] Her specialties were health
& well-being and death & dying. Sarah's work is continuing through the
work of Victoria Marina-Tompkins, Kay
Kamala and Jos� & Lena Stevens. Articles by Sarah Chambers: New Models of
Education and Community and Communion.
- Tribute to Sarah Chambers. Also see
(link no longer valid).
Joya Pope (web)
- Professional Services, Author of Upcoming Changes and The World According to
Michael. [Fayetteville, Arkansas]
web: www.itstime.com/joya.htm
Kirjat (web) Riitta
& Juha Metsovuori - Publishers of Michael books translated into Finnish (Finland) web:
Teachings (maintained by David Gregg) -
Overview of the Michael Teaching, online groups and scheduled events, Frequently asked
questions [Southern California] web: www.michaelteachings.com/
Terri Claire
Benning ~ Metaphysical mentor and professional Michael channel
specializing in obtaining Akashic record information, full casting
placements information, past life information, facilitating monadal sequence
completions and bringing through new seven stage structures and information.
Terri offers online classes, email and phone sessions. [San Francisco/Oakland
area, CA] ~ Web: http://www.michaelmosaics.com Liana
Benning Memorial page (June 2009)
Cocconi (web) - Professional Services, Workshops, focus on career
and physical health issues. e-mail: stephen [at] themichaelteaching.com.
web: www.themichaelteaching.com [Sacramento,
Truth Love Energy (web)
Troy Tolley
- Professional Services Online and in person , Group Events Online and Locally; Web Site with Glossary, Highly InterActive Community, Discussion Forum, Discussion
List, Articles, Chat Room, and More! [New York City, NY] web: https://truthloveenergy.com/
TLE Library https://truthloveenergy.cloud.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/
Study in Michael Teachings
- Kathryn Neall. Forays into advanced study on the path of spiritual growth.
This will be based primarily in Michael Teachings from the original transcripts of the founding group.
This site emphasizes the spiritual, perceptual part of the teaching far more than the philosophical, structural base that most students are familiar
with https://adeptpath.wordpress.com/
[New Jersey] (link no longer valid)
and Spirituality (web) - Barry
[United Kingdom] - http://personalityspirituality.net/articles/the-michael-teachings/
and http://personalityspirituality.net/
Overview of
the Michael Teachings
[German] - by Rolf
Herklotz - http://www.seele-verstehen.de/
Teachings in Czech - Jana - "Michaelovo učen�"
[Prague, Czech Republic and England, United Kingdom]
Teachings in Russia - Varidhi Volebogov - http://michaelteachings.ru/
Former Teachers with changed
Kay Heatherly (web) - Monthly meetings, Professional Services
[San Francisco, Marin
County, CA] web: www.kayheatherly.com (changed
Kay Kamala (web) - Professional Services (specializing in relationship
issues), workshops, tapes, quarterly newsletter [Santa Fe, NM] web: www.kaykamala.com (changed
Coleman (web):
Holly Coleman specializes in connecting people to their life's purpose,
meaningful work and higher self. As a longtime intuitive coach, she
uses a variety of tools including an in-depth personality assessment called
the Michael System to help people enhance their relationships, environments
and careers. Individual sessions as well as home and land clearings
are available in person or by phone. web: www.GlobalWisdom.com
[San Francisco Bay area, CA] (changed focus)
Former Teachers with inactive
(web) Emily Baumbach
- Monthly meetings, monthly newsletter with forecast, Professional Services,
Books and Tapes,
online chat. Author of Celebrities:
The Complete Michael Database, Michael's Cast of Characters and Parallel Universes:
Your Other Selves [San Francisco area: San Rafael, CA] web: www.causalworks.com
(on long-term hiatus).
- Flight
of the Hawk (web) Victoria Marina-Tompkins - Workshops, Training, Shamanism, Monthly meetings, Professional
Services, Tapes, Retreats [Half Moon Bay, CA] e-mail: FOTHawk [at] gmail.com,
web: www.flightofthehawk.com (link
no longer valid) Blog:
Little Book of Spirit Stories: Encounters with the Paranormal (book
Heideman "Old Soul, Michael Channel, Unicorn and
Pattern-Breaker" [Austin,
Texas] http://www.carolheideman.com
(link no longer valid)
The Entrancer (web) Gay Avice du Buisson - Meetings,
Classes/Workshops, Professional Services, Michael Comic Book [South Africa] web:
www.icon.co.za/~entrance/index.htm (link
no longer valid)
(web) Caris
Palm Turpen - Professional Services [Fort Worth, TX] web: www.lightcatcher.com/michael.htm (link
no longer valid).
Rising (web) Karen Murphy - Monthly newsletter, articles, channeling
[Vancouver, BC, Canada] web: www.polarisrising.com
(link no longer valid)
Fontaine (web)
- "The Michael Line" newsletter, other
articles - http://webspace.cal.net/~tedfont/michael_channeling.html
(link no longer valid)
Teachings in Portuguese - Jos�
"Bem-vindo ao mundo do Michael"
"Welcome to the World of Michael" http://www.michaelnobrasil.com/Michaelnobrasil.com/Mundo_do_Michael.html (link
no longer valid)
Teachings - interactive discussion group via email, sponsored by Dave
Gregg. See https://groups.io/g/michaelteachings
Teachings Facebook - hosted by Dave Gregg https://www.facebook.com/groups/8198681125/
Love Energy - sponsored by Troy Tolley:
Love Energy Social Network -
Michael Teachings (TLE) - Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/michaelteachings
Michael Teachings Stephen Cocconi - Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MichaelsConsortium/
Coast Gathering of Michael Students Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/116769581735475
This page is http://www.itstime.com/michael.htm
Page updated: June 27, 2024