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The Personality Game is a fun
way to learn about personality types and their unique � and often quirky
� traits.
personality system focuses on improving team-work and increasing productivity
within a company.
Components of The Personality Game:
Overview of the
Personality Game
Primary Life Role - Basic
Personality Type (Archetype)
Perspective -
Outlook on Life
Reactive Center -
Primary Response to Events
Attitude - Viewpoint
Toward Life
Mode - Primary Method of
Approaching Life
Personality Dragons �Obstacles to Make the Game Challenging
Goal - Primary
The Personality
Game is adapted for use in corporate environments from the work
of Dr. Jose Stevens (Pivotal Resources,
Inc. / The Power Path Seminars) and
others. Dr. Stevens, is a psychotherapist with over 20 years experience in personal
growth counseling, and founder of Essence Psychology and The Integral Personality
He is the author of The Personality Puzzle and other books describing the roots of this particular
personality system.
Many modern schools of philosophy and psychology illustrate facets of this system.
Readers of Abraham Maslow, Carl Jung, Eric Erikson and Sigmund Freud will find a ring of
familiarity, particularly the use of archetypes to describe personality traits.
of this system were taught by George Gurdjieff, P.D. (Peter) Ouspensky and Rodney Collin. Readers
will discover many of the underlying tenets resonate with Eastern philosophy and the
Enneagram system.
What It Is
The Personality
Game is a name used to convey the enjoyable
aspects of a system that can be viewed as very complex or as great fun.
We prefer to view it as a fun way to learn about yourself and
others. Use a little or use a lot - it's up to you how to use
it! Have fun with it. Play with it. See how it can
work for you and those you interact with. Use it to make your life
more interesting. Find yourself and see how to be more of who you really
are - rather than what your parents wanted for you or your boss thinks you
should do, or your spouse wants you to be. Be who YOU really are. Do
what YOU love to do.
Summary of The Personality Game
The Personality Game is a
practical, down-to-earth system of understanding yourself and others
called a "Personality system."
That is, it identifies people's personalities into Seven Primary Categories, called Roles (Artisan, Sage, Server, Priest, Warrior, King, and Scholar).
In addition, there are influencing layers (also called
"overleaves"), which make each person's entire personality a
very rich and unique set of traits. The basic layers are: Reactive
Center, Perspective, Goal,
Attitude, Mode, Personality
Dragon and other Influences.
- Perspective: A person's core
values that direct their outlook on life.
- Primary Reactive
Center: The way people react first to situations and
issues in a lifetime. The Centers used are: Emotional, Intellectual, Moving,
Instinctive. There
are three other centers that may be used for special purposes.
- Goal: The primary motivator for a lifetime.
The Seven Goals
are: Discrimination, Acceptance, Re-Evaluation
(or Abbreviation), Growth, Submission, Dominance,
- Attitude: The primary viewpoint for a lifetime.
Seven Attitudes are: Skeptic, Idealist, Stoic,
Visionary (Spiritualist), Cynic, Realist,
Pragmatist. (See Articles
for more in-depth information)
- Mode: The primary way issues are addressed in a
lifetime. The Seven Modes are: Caution, Power, Reserve, Passion, Perseverance, Aggression,
- Personality
Dragons: The part of us that provides
challenges to overcome in achieving our goals. The Seven Personality Dragons are : Self-Destruction,
Greed, Self-Deprecation, Arrogance, Martyrdom, Impatience, Stubbornness. Many of us
have two Dragons, just to make life more interesting. (See Articles
for more in-depth information)
- The Nine
Basic Needs:
We each have three of the nine needs
that are very high on our priority list. The nine needs are: Security, Adventure,
Freedom, Exchange, Power, Expansion, Acceptance, Communion, Expression.
It is up to us
to recognize our needs and find ways to fulfill them. (See Articles for more in-depth information)
- Other
Each individual person is also
affected by:
Secondary Role Influences (the flavor of one or two other Role traits
beyond the primary Role),
Body Type (i.e., tall, short, thin, heavy-set, delicate,
sturdy, athletic, plain, beautiful),
Family History (the type of
"imprinting" and "expectations" that derive from our Parents and
Family of Origin),
Individual Life History (what experiences you've had),
Individual Life Goals and Interests.
The combination of the layers and unique
traits make each human being a completely unique person with a completely unique
- Remember: In spite of our a tendency to attach "labels" to
personality traits, each person is individual and unique!
Mere words cannot
adequately describe that individual uniqueness.
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Personality Quiz - take the short online
quiz yourself to find your Role.
We added "male" sounding names as well as "female"
sounding names so people can better related to the various archetype names and
functions. All Roles/Archetypes are filled with both men and women; none
is better or less than the others. They are just all different and when
combined with the other personality overleaves and attributes, offer a
tremendous variety of humanity that can be used in many different ways.
Understanding who you are can help you understand yourself better. Knowing
who you are can then provide some insights into other people - how we are all
different and we each unique - yet all the different Roles are important
in a well-functioning society.
- Artisan
Artisans create moods,
environments, things, buildings, paintings, ideas. The entertainment industry is filled
with Artisans.
Typical occupations
include: artists, musicians, innovators, inventors, eccentrics,
interior designers, trendsetters. (20% of the U.S. population)
Famous People: Elvis Presley, Vincent Van Gogh, Michael Jackson, Shirley
Maclaine, Marilyn Monroe, Cher, Judy Garland. Albert Einstein, Elizabeth Taylor, Steven
Spielberg, Michelangelo.
- Sage
(Communicator, Storyteller)
Sages love knowledge, which they
share with large groups of people. These are media spokespeople, public speakers,
marketing/sales people. Sages love to appear on stage and receive applause. They are
light-hearted and fun to be around, sharing their love of life with as many people as
possible and reminding us to have fun and enjoy life.
Typical occupations
include: communicators, entertainers, teachers, business
leaders and snake-oil salesmen. (15% of the U.S. Population)
Famous People: President Bill Clinton, President Ronald Reagan, Mikhail
Gorbachev, Cary Grant, Bill Cosby, Cleopatra, Thomas Edison, Dr. Ruth Westheimer,
Senator Robert
- Server
(Caretaker, Facilitator)
Servers work behind the scenes,
taking care of everyone and everything. Servers make excellent facilitators.
Notice the
way former President Carter has been able to negotiate peace agreements with several
countries. Servers tend to shy away from publicity and may try to avoid attention.
Typical occupations
include: nurses, nurturers, helpmates, healers, clerks,
caretakers of all kinds. (10% of the U.S. Population).
Famous People: Mother Teresa, President Jimmy Carter. Phil Donahue, Tipper
Gore Queen Elizabeth II, Alfred Hitchcock.
- Priest /
Priestess (Inspirational
Found in
all walks of life, Priests are inspiring, uplifting and motivating personalities.
Many people say they feel better in the presence of a priest due to
their ability to be compassionate. Priests
challenge people to be the best they can be and can often see beyond the
obvious to where someone's growth is blocked. They
tend to be concerned about the larger aspects of society, rather than focusing on details.
Typical occupations
include: ministers, coaches, motivational teachers,
seminar leaders, counselors, healing professionals, business leaders.
It only takes a few
Priests to inspire a lot of people. (3-5% of the U.S. Population)
Famous People:: Joan of Arc, Joan Baez, John Calvin, Carol Burnett, Julius
Caesar, Princess Diana, Linda Evans, Steven Hawking, Adolph Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte,
Malcolm X, Carl Jung, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Oprah Winfrey, Reba McEntire, Imelda Marcos,
Priscilla Presley, Stevie Wonder, Lily Tomlin, Nancy Reagan, President
Barack Obama.
- Warrior /
Champion / Strategist (Active Defender and Protector)
Warriors are
solid folks (both men and women) that defend and protect society.
Warriors are productive,
organized do-ers. They like to make the laws and enforce the laws; they love to plan and
enforce plans, they love to compete and love challenges. They are very loyal to people and to ideals, sometimes following their
"leader" without question. Warriors like to work with physical
things. They love to organize everything and anything. They tend
to enjoy active sports and like to hang-out with other Warriors.
The U.S. promotes
Warriors as the "ideal" male role model, because Warriors are the majority
personality role here in the US. Women Warriors are everywhere
as well in world.
Typical occupations
include: physicians, massage therapists, counselors who
use confrontive techniques, athletes, business people, strategists, police officers,
lawyers, project managers, advocates, soldiers, construction workers, organizers, solid
citizens, good dependable employees. (30% of the U.S. Population)
Famous People: John Wayne, Sylvester Stallone, Robert Redford, Oliver Stone,
Fidel Castro, Hannibal, Martin Luther King Jr., Hilary Clinton, Clint Eastwood, President
Dwight Eisenhower, Jane Fonda, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Jodie Foster, Richard Gere,
Ayatollah Khomeini, Mary Kay Ash, President Ulysses S. Grant, Oliver North, Paul
Newman, First Lady Michelle Obama.
- King / Queen /
Monarch (Chief, Born
Kings/Queens are born leaders,
usually handling very large-scale efforts throughout their life with power and
authority even if they choose a career as an administrative
assistant or a department supervisor.
Typical occupations
include: presidents, generals and master organizers.
Not all leaders are Kings/Queens; not all Kings/Queens are famous leaders. A few Kings go
a long way in a society. (1-2% of the U.S. Population)
Famous People:
Charlemagne, Diahann Carroll, Sean Connery, Queen Elizabeth
I, singer Madonna, Katherine Hepburn, President John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy
Onassis, Aristotle Onassis, Billy Graham, Martha Stewart, Donald
- Scholar (Teacher,
Philosopher, Information Keeper)
Scholars are teachers,
philosophers, writers and information gatherers of society. Scholars truly thirst for
knowledge and love to try everything just to see what it's
like. Scholars tend to be low-key
Typical occupations include: philosophers, students, adventurers,
anthropologists, authors, academics, teachers, librarians, researchers. (15-20% of the
U.S. Population)
Famous People: Ludwig Beethoven, President George Bush, Roger Ebert (of
Siskell and Ebert), Johan Sebastian Bach, Vice President Al Gore, King Henry VIII, Steven
Jobs, Immanuel Kant, Gloria Steinem, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, President George
People have a primary Role and may have one or two secondary
influences. Influences are strong Role characteristics that
"influence" how their primary Role shows up in the
For example, someone with a Role of Warrior and strong
Priest and Sage influences will be quite different from someone with a
Role of Warrior and no secondary influences. There is nothing
better about having multiple Role influences or having no other Role
influences � they are just different and add to the infinite variety of the
human race.
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Reality is a state of mind. People don't see life as it is . . . they see life as they
"Surviving" Perspective
- People using this perspective view
life in a very inexperienced way; unable to comprehend that there is any rhyme or reason
to life. "Survival" perspective people cannot handle the complexities of modern
society any more than infants can manage their life.
- Most people at the "surviving" perspective live on the fringes of society, in primitive
cultures or those who are
institutionalized for anti-social behaviors.
- This perspective can be compared to Abraham
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as the Survival Level.
The motto of this perspective is "Life is too complicated for me to
handle." (5% of the U.S. Population)
Famous People: David Carpenter, Richard Ramirez, Larry Singleton
(all criminals). Very few
of people at this level become famous for obvious reasons.
"Rule-Making/Structuring" Perspective
- People using this perspective
view life through the limits of rules and authority - needing to
build a structure of rules and authority or breaking rules to test
the limits of the authority or rules that have been
- Life is very simplistic and follows a rather rigid pattern for
this perspective.
At this perspective, following the rules is very important to the point of aggressively
defending what is "right" in their view of the
People at the Rule-making perspective want everyone to follow
the same rules. They do not tolerate ambiguity or "free spirits" very
- Many government bureaucrats fall into this level. People at this
perspective love making rules for everyone else to live by.
- This perspective can be compared to Abraham
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as the Safety/Security Level.
The motto of this perspective is "Do it my way or
(20% of
the U.S. Population)
Famous People: Queen Elizabeth II, Adolph Hitler, Stephen King, Jimmy
Swaggart, Rush Limbaugh, Benito Mussolini, Colonel Kadafy (Libya).
"Competing/Striving" Perspective
- People using this perspective
view life as competition with others. At this perspective , the focus is on making money, becoming a success,
attending the "popular" schools, having the most beautiful body, car or career
� typical "Yuppie" culture focus and being "politically correct."
- The
United States was a primarily a "competitive" culture focused on extreme
competition with everyone and everything until the late 1980's.
Now the country is
shifting into a relationship/partnership orientation.
- The Competing perspective can be compared to Abraham
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as the Social Level.
The motto of this perspective is "I want to get mine
first" and "He with the most toys wins!" (32% of
the U.S. Population)
Famous People: President George W. Bush, Vice
President Dick Cheney, Billy Graham, Bonaparte Napoleon, Dan Quale, President
Theodore Roosevelt, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Lucille Ball, Cher, Johnny Carson,
Eddie Murphy, President John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Mike Wallace, Saint
Joan of Arc, O.J. Simpson, Donald Trump, John Wayne, Vanna White, Sean Connery, Mao Tse
"Relating/Partnership" Perspective
- People using this perspective
view life as cooperative - with a focus on partnership, teamwork and relationship with
others. This perspective corresponds to someone focusing on a "family"
or "team" orientation
where cooperation and trust become more important than the individual's needs.
- People at this perspective have the most public relationship
issues (and personal dramas) as they strive to develop good
- The shift
in the entire country's perspective to this perspective accounts for the focus on more
partnership in business and international affairs. There is a growing recognition that we
can't do it all alone � that we need other people to help us.
- Notice that the 4-person Clinton Presidential team falls in this
perspective, providing leadership in the shift to more concern
about people working together and helping each other. Also,
notice the almost constant relationship dramas that played out
- This perspective can be compared to Abraham
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as the Self-Esteem Level.
The motto of this perspective is "Let's work it out together."
(33% of the U.S. Population)
Famous People: President Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, Vice President Al
Gore, Tipper Gore, Aristotle, Warren Beatty, Shirley Maclaine, Angela Lansbury, Martin
Luther King Jr., Bob Dylan, Oliver Stone, Meryl Streep, William Shakespeare, Elizabeth
Taylor, Vincent Van Gogh, Ernest Hemingway, Michael Jackson, Julius Caesar, Princess
Diana, Willie Nelson, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Marilyn Monroe, Bette Midler, Jack
Nicholson, Jane Fonda, Linda Evans, Oprah Winfrey, Robin Williams.
"Teaching/Philosophical" Perspective
- People using this perspective
view life with more wisdom, tolerance and acceptance - seeking to teach others and seeing
life as a broader vision of possibility without the intense drive for "success"
at any price. These are philosophers, teachers, business executives,
mentors, gardeners, mature consultants and peaceful spiritual
leaders. They may be found anywhere that a broader perspective is valuable.
- This perspective can be compared to Abraham
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as the
Self-Actualization Level.
The motto of this perspective is "Live and let live." (10% of the
U.S. Population)
Famous People: Joan Baez, President Thomas Jefferson, George Burns, George
Carlin, Leonardo da Vinci, Clint Eastwood, Michael J. Fox, Steven Hawkings, Carl Jung,
President Abraham Lincoln, Michelangelo, Paul Newman, Yoko Ono, Dustin Hoffman, Mark
Twain, Mother Teresa, Robert Redford, Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, Werner Erhard,
President George Washington.
"Guru" Perspective (*)
- People using this perspective
view life with detachment. They have transcended the day-to-day existence on this planet
and focus on a larger reality, beyond the concerns of the rest of us.
The Guru perspective teaches from a place of "When
I see you, I see me" and "When I serve my brother or
sister, I serve myself." (Percent of
population - extremely rare).
Famous People: Mahatma Gandhi,
John the Baptist, Prophet Mohammed, Socrates, St. Francis of Assisi, Zarathustra.
"Spiritual Master" Perspective (*)
- People using this perspective have power far beyond those of most
The Spiritual Master perspective is "Love is all there
is" and "There is no you or I, there is only we," an extremely
rare and enlightened person who can change the course of
history. (Percent of
population - extremely, extremely rare).
Famous People:
Abraham, Amon-Ra (the Sun
God), the man Siddhartha
Gautama who became Buddha, the man Jesus of Nazareth who became
Christ at the end of his life, Confucius.
Related article: How the Perspectives relate to Maslow's
Hierarchy of Needs.
(*) Note: We have changed the name of the Rule-Making perspective to
align more closely with Pivotal Resources and more accurately reflect
what it is. Formerly, this perspective was called
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- Intellectual Center
Intellectually centered people "think" about
an event when it happens, then feel or move. Our educational system and society tends to
value "intellectual" centering over the others, particularly for men.
Predominant Traits: Intellectually centered people seem to be
"cooler" than emotionally centered people, and have less ability to express
their emotions. (50% of the U.S. Population)
Famous People: President George Bush, Tom Brokow, Vice President Al Gore,
Hilary Clinton, Galileo Galilei, Johan Sebastian Bach, Katherine Hepburn, Rev. Jesse
Jackson, Mary Tyler Moore, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Elizabeth Taylor, Prime Minster
Margaret Thatcher, Michelangelo, Star Trek's Mr. Spock and Commander Data.
- Emotional Center
Emotionally centered people "feel" something
first, then think or move. They react more quickly than intellectually centered people,
and are more perceptive of others' feelings. However, they may not be able to explain in
words why they react or how they know something.
Predominant Traits: Emotionally centered people seem to be
"warmer" or more friendly. Women have more freedom to express their emotions in
our society. Men who are emotionally centered may try to suppress their emotions, creating
an internal buildup of energy. (40% of the U.S. Population)
Famous People: President Bill Clinton, Judy Garland, President Jimmy Carter,
Vincent Van Gogh, Rev. Billy Graham, Marilyn Monroe, Steven Spielberg, Ludwig Beethoven,
Bill Cosby, Carl Jung, Tom Selleck, Meryl Streep, Beverly Sills, Mark Twain.
- Moving Center
Moving centered people tend to "move", then think
or feel. They may be considered "hyperactive" or "nervous" when
compared to others. Many star athletes are moving-centered.
Predominant Traits: Moving centered people must move - it's their way
of reacting to the world. Because they are a distinct minority, they are often
misunderstood. (10% of the U.S. Population)
Famous People: Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Princess Diana, Sylvester
Stallone, President George Washington, Malcolm X, Bob Dylan, Boxer Mohammad Ali, Robin
Williams, Eddie Murphy, Bette Midler, John Wayne, Cher, Richard Gere, Whoopie Goldberg,
Ayatollah Khomeini, Paul Newman, Marlon Brando.
- Instinctive Center
The Instinctive Center is our physical automatic system
that controls the body's breathing, heart, brain functions, etc. It's
the "automatic pilot" function that keeps the body alive.
The Instinctive Center can cause you to be come fearful when things are changing too quickly - equivalent to the
automatic "fight or flight" reaction. The Instinctive Center
may "remember" past events that were hurtful and when someone
encounters what seems to be a similar situation, that old "fear"
comes forth. The Instinctive Center
is peaceful when it feels safe and comfortable. The Instinctive Center
also "remembers" peaceful events so that a person may feel
immediately peaceful when encountering a similar situation in the
future. People use their
Instinctive Center all the time but don't spend much time there in the same
way as the other centers mentioned above.
1. When you were a small child, a very large dog ran up to you,
barking viciously and showing its gigantic teeth. You were very
frightened and afraid you were going to be eaten alive. As an
adult, every time you see or hear a large dog, you may immediately feel
fearful even if your logical mind tells you there is no real danger to
- 2. When you were a young child, your mother rocked you to sleep and
you felt loved, safe, warm and protected. As an adult, when you encounter
a rocking motion (such as a riding in a boat, in a car or on a horse), you
may immediately feel calm and peaceful. You might even find yourself
rocking your body when you are under stress as a way to stimulate that old
Instinctive Center memory.
The information provided on this website may not give enough
information to people who want to play the game without prior experience
with this system. Corporate training
programs are available for many of the components.
Books and Resources for learning more
- Disclosure: We get a
small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.