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August 2004 - Finding a Job: 21st Century Style
- Finding a Job: 21st Century Style
- Resources (links, books,
articles, humor)
a Job: 21st Century Style
By Kenny Moore
The economy is down. Outsourcing is up. Globalization is
in. And college grads have recently been let out. This has placed a
great number of unemployed people out on the streets looking for work. Some
timely advice is warranted.
For the past 20 years, I’ve worked for a heavenly CEO (figuratively
speaking) in a New York City Fortune 500 company. Prior to that, I spent
15 years working for another heavenly CEO (literally speaking) as a Catholic
priest in a monastic community. Oddly enough, the work remained similar in
both jobs. But the incentive plans varied greatly.
Here’s my practical list of worldly and other-worldly advice for getting
that perfect job:
- Suicide is no longer an effective strategy for initiating a job search.
- Employers continue to remain more interested in your personal passion than
a PowerPoint presentation.
- The ability to manage anxiety, ambiguity and uncertainty is more valuable
than a MBA in Finance.
- Developing a greater sense of humor and openness to surprise gives you a
competitive advantage in the marketplace.
- Selling your soul to gain employment is bad for business and prolongs your
stay in Purgatory.
The Sacred Side of a Job Search
Getting a job also has divine implications because it’s tied into our
vocation. We show up on this earth with a host of talents and personal
gifts that are meant to be used. Not only in the service of ourselves but
also for the betterment of others.
Aristotle said that where the needs of the world and your talents cross,
therein lies your vocation. Our ultimate happiness is connected less to
making wads of money and related more to cooperating with our divine
calling. We can also expect to undergo some suffering in living out our
destiny, but the price is worth paying.
As the corporate mystic, Elbert Hubbard, reminds us: "God will not look
you over for medals, degrees or diplomas - but for scars." I
anticipate that in our final performance review, we will be compensated
Finding one’s vocation is not an easy task, so here are some helpful hints
from a former monk to serve as a guide:
- Pay attention to things that you naturally do well —
skills for which you’ve received no particular training.
These "charisms," gifts from the gods, serve as an indicator for
your future role in the world.
- Give closer scrutiny to childhood memories. At an early age — well before parents and educators interfered — you
intuitively knew why you were here and what you were meant to do. But
very quickly it got socialized out. This wisdom is never lost
— just
stored in your soul for future reference and recall.
- Listen to your dreams. Write them down and host a dialogue with them
regularly. Angels are sent nightly to reveal divine wishes, offer
counsel for personal decisions and provide preparation for pending
challenges. Spend time improving your skill set for dealing with the
sacred realm of the night.
- Understand that luck and serendipity are intentional events that are sent
for encouragement, insuring that you continue to show up and cooperate with
a divine master plan.
- Strengthen your interior life. Spend ten minutes a day in silent
reflection. No prayer is required; no mantra needs recitation.
Simply sit in silence and listen to your lungs breath and your heart
beat. Wisdom will be dispensed, the work of your life will be revealed
and your vocation will slowly be made manifest.
Some Strange Parallels
Years ago, when I left the monastery and returned to the world, I was looking
for a job and seeking a spouse at the same time. These two searches
curiously seemed to have much in common and the lessons I learned then seem to
still apply today.
- In both venues, we are well advised to dress impeccably, put our best foot
forward and intentionally misrepresent the facts about who we really
are. This bolsters the odds of improving our standing in the community
as well as garnishing a better future.
- Someone once told me that the closest we get to being godlike in this
lifetime is on our resume. From what I can tell —
this falsification of our true identity, professionally and personally —
continues to remain a viable strategy for getting both jobs and
spouses. Unfortunately, the likelihood of staying with one job for
your lifetime seems to be statistically less likely than keeping the vows of
your first marriage intact.
- Showing good form continues to win out in dealing with both prospective
employers and potential mates. On the first meeting, good hygiene
matters. Also, as Bill Clinton reminds us, taking advantage of the
other person simply because you can has a way of hurting both your job and
marriage prospects.
- Surprisingly, keeping your mouth shut and listening on a regular basis
makes the other person experience you as a strong communicator;
- Lastly, before getting into bed with anyone (literally or figuratively),
make sure you protect yourself. Failure to do so leaves you legally
and/or physically at risk.
And for God’s sake, when consummating a deal, stay away from self-enhancing
drugs. Regardless of what Bob Dole tells you, it’s likely to compromise
your on-the-job performance.
© Kenny Moore, 2004 All rights
reserved. Used with permission of the author.
Kenny: Kenny says, "If you’re thinking about
writing me, give in to the temptation. I love getting mail ... and being
influenced by what you have to say. Please E-mail me at kennythemonk [at]
Kenny Moore is co-author of “The CEO and the Monk: One Company’s Journey to Profit and
Purpose” (John Wiley and Sons, 2004), rated as one of the Top Ten best-selling business
books on Amazon.com. He has over 20 years experience with change management, leadership
development and healing the corporate community. Prior to his work in corporate America,
Kenny spent 15 years in a monastic community as a Catholic priest – doing a very similar
kind of work, but getting paid a lot less.
Kenny has been profiled on CBS Sunday Morning News, and interviewed by Tom Peters,
Wall Street Journal and Fast Company magazine regarding his unique leadership style.
He can be reached at (973) 956-8210 or kennythemonk [at] yahoo.com
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- The CEO and the Monk: One Company’s Journey to Profit and Purpose,
Robert Catell, Kenny Moore, Glen Rifkin. John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
- What Color is My Parachute (2005 edition) - Richard Bolles. Ten Speed Press; Revised edition
September 1, 2004. ISBN: 1580086152
Related newsletter articles:
Other articles by Kenny Moore:
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