August 2015 ~ Rule #1 - Respect Your Customers
- Rule #1 - Respect Your Customers
- Example 1: A technology project well done
- Example 2: A technology project no so well done
- Some tips for doing a technology redesign project well
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
2015 ~ Rule #1 -
Respect Your Customers
What is the definition of a business? Answer: Someone with a customer.
Without customers, no business can survive. Many have tried and many
have failed. Even with all the information about business success widely
available, some businesses make the same mistakes over and over and over.
We have recently been reminded of the importance of respecting customers and listening to
them. Companies who don’t listen do so at their peril.
When making major technology changes, there are good ways to roll out changes
and not so good ways to roll out changes.
Well managed projects do things differently than not-so-well-managed
projects. Well managed projects make changes based on the needs of their
customers, keep customers well informed about changes, what is coming,
when it is coming and what to expect. There are no unpleasant surprises
for customers when the technology changes.
Not-so-well-managed projects roll out unfinished technology to their unsuspecting and
unprepared customers, without respecting the needs of their customers. When companies do roll out
unfinished software, customer
backlash is a normal and expected reaction. That also makes the technology
conversion process more difficult and lessens the customer's respect of the
company. These are well-known and well-documented facts about technology
Doing it right the first time is much less costly. One estimate says:
if you fix a problem in the technology design stage, it costs one dollar.
If you have to fix a problem at the testing stage, it costs $1,000. If you
have to fix a problem after it is implemented, it costs $10,000. It
is much better and cheaper to learn from the mistakes of others and do it right
the first time.
The Washington Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) used to have a
website that was organized like many government websites – by functional
department. Customers had a hard time understanding where to find things
on their website.
In 2002, a project was initiated to redesign their website to
focus on the needs of their customers. "L&I embarked on this
project after a study that indicated up to 75 percent of the people visiting the
site couldn’t find what they were looking for." (*)
Website usability
experts were brought in to train the agency’s staff in usability testing
techniques before the redesign started.
Usability testing usually involves several key components:
- A group of actual
customers representing different areas of the business are asked to test a proposed new website design and provide feedback.
- Each volunteer is given a list of
specific tasks to complete using the website.
- A
technology consultant sits with each customer to listen to the customers talk as they
do each task. The consultants are not there to teach the customer how
to use the technology, just to listen and observe.
- The sessions are video-taped so that many people can see how each session went. The cameras
record the
customer’s mouse movements and key strokes on the computer screen as well as
capturing their verbal descriptions of what customers are doing and why.
This process showed clearly how the customers were thinking and their
expectations of the website as they tried to perform their tasks. Several rounds of customer testing were done
to make sure the proposed design was understood by customers who would
use it. After each round of testing, the website was changed to better fit
the customers’ needs.
As a result, the final website design (
allows customers to find what they are looking for much more easily than the old
website. Since the redesign, usage of the website has increased greatly.
In addition to providing much better use for customers, the redesigned
website won the "The People’s Voice" Webby Award in 2005 — the
leading international honor for websites — also known as the "Online
Oscars." In addition, L&I’s web site received awards from the Society for Technical Communications and the site
was honored by the American Association of State Compensation Insurance
Funds. (*) More at
In addition to website redesign, L&I started a project called "Plain
Talk" – a rewriting of all rules, regulations, forms and letters to make
them clearer for customers. The Plain Talk initiative was later adopted at
the state level and is now the standard process for all Washington state
government agencies. The rewards have been significant to the state as
well as to customers. USA Today did a feature article about the
benefits of this initiative in 2006.
" LLC is the world’s largest online resource for
family history with more than 2 million paying subscribers across all its
sites. Since starting as a publishing company in 1983, we have been a leader in
the family history market for over 30 years and have helped pioneer the market
for online family history research." [] is a paid subscription-based website-based service that allows people
to create and maintain their family trees, and to search more than 16 billion
digitized documents such as census records, vital records (birth, death,
marriage, divorce) and many other family history related documents such as
immigration and military records, city directories and many more.
In early 2015, Ancestry announced a major web redesign project. They
asked for customers who were willing to test the new site as it was
developed. Many people signed up for that. So far, so good.
They started out right.
Where they went wrong was to switch new customers over to the new design,
which didn’t yet work well, without preparing them for the sudden change.
They also started touting the new website design to existing paying customers without
revealing that it was still an unfinished product and that many important
features don’t work. Many existing customers switched over to the new
site design without understanding what they would encounter. Many customers are not able to
do the work that they are paying for on the website. They feel very upset
when their personal family tree was changed in ways they didn’t expect or they
can't do what they need to do on the site.
And, many customers don't know how to get back to the old design, which is still
Some of the
customers comments are very strong in their upset over the changes. User
comments on the June
5, 2015 update page run 116 pages as of today (July 29, 2015). Comments on the July
15, 2015 update run 30 pages as of today. Unhappy customers far outweigh
those who like the new design. There is even an online petition
created by customers to stop the changes.
Ancestry has asked for feedback, which is good, and they are now starting to
spend more time and effort in explaining what they are trying to do. That
could have been done much better before the changes, not after people discovered they
were being forced to become unwilling beta testers and that many features were
not working as they should. Ancestry has announced their plan to roll out
the design to everyone, like it or not, at some undefined time in the future,
further agitating unhappy customers.
According to reports posted by people who signed up as beta testers
voluntarily, many of their suggestions and problem reports were ignored when the
new design was pushed out to unsuspecting customers.
Ancestry’s website redesign may or may not turn out to be a good one.
Where they stumbled badly was in surprising paying customers with a flawed
product without warning. Many customers have said they plan to cancel
their paid membership subscription as a result of this.
As we said at the beginning of this article, fixing a technology problem
becomes more expensive the later in the project that it occurs. What has
been lost by the mistakes in this website design effort are a great deal of
customer loyalty and trust, as well as some paying customers.
It is still too early to predict the ultimate cost of the mistakes.
Maybe someone will learn something important so that it doesn't happen again and
- Rule
#1 – Respect Your Customers. Don’t surprise your
customers in unpleasant ways.
- Make sure you do usability testing with people who volunteer
and really listen to the issues raised by customers as they are trying to
use your technology.
- Make sure that the changes you are making will be helpful to your
customers, based on the way actual customers use your website or technology
- Let customers know in advance why you are making changes, when the changes will be made, the extent of the
changes and how they will affect customers. Prepare customers well for the
changes before they are made, not after they complain. Remember Rule
#1 – Respect Your Customers.
- Take time to thoroughly test your product before putting it into
production. Testing should be done by actual customers who volunteer,
not only by programmers who know how it is supposed to work.
- Constantly listen to feedback from testers and customers, and implement
their recommendations as much as possible. Real customers are the best
source of information about how they use a website or a technology product.
- Take the time to do it right. The rewards are far greater and the
costs are far lower in doing
it right the first time than trying to explain why you did it a certain way and then have
to deal with the ire of customers who were unpleasantly surprised and take
their business elsewhere. Remember Rule
#1 – Respect Your Customers.
It takes 20 years to build a business and five
minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things
. . . Warren Buffet
Resources – about the examples mentioned:
Resources – about business success and failure:
Resources – about usability testing and good website design:
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- The Lean Product Playbook: How to Innovate with Minimum Viable Products and Rapid Customer Feedback.
Dan Olsen. Wiley, 2015. ISBN:
- Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely
Anyone. Mark Goulston. AMACON, 2015. ISBN:
- Creating a Customer-Centered Culture: Leadership in Quality, Innovation
and Speed. Robin L. Lawton. American Society for Quality,
1993. ISBN:
- Don't Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web
Usability (3rd Edition). Steve King. New Riders, 2014.
Related newsletter articles:
October 2013 - Keys to Great
Customer Service
August 2001 - eBusiness in Today's
Turbulent Times
June 2007 - Good Customer Service Tips
February 2004 - Corporate Integrity
& Credibility: Why Is It So Important?
June 2001 - Successful Project
May 2010 - The 5 Goals of a Project
Dilbert cartoons by Scott Adams:
IT Software Feature List
Dilbert: Your user requirements include four hundred
Do you realize no human would be able to use a product with that level of
Consultant: Good point. I'd better add 'easy to
use' to the list.
Results of Beta Testing
About our resource
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these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and
respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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Page updated: October 16, 2023
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