| |
The books and articles listed here are those we own, have used in our
training or consulting work or refer to regularly.
- "Developing the Human Side of Technology" workshop series presented by
Ouellette and Associates, Bedford, NH (long overdue, and much needed by the computer
- "Lean, Green and Clean: The Profitable Company of the Year 2000" Tom
Peters, TPG Communications, 1990 (presentation to "The Greening of European
Business" conference, October 1990 in Munich Germany)
- "Managers and Leaders: Are they Different?" Abraham Zalenik, Harvard
Business Review, Volume 3, 1989 (the best we've seen comparing the attributes of
managers vs. leaders)
- "She Makes You Feel So Jung" Michael Adams, Successful Meetings Magazine,
July 1990 (article describes the Heroic Myth Index, offered by Meristem, 4321 Hartwick
Road, College Park, MD 20742) (a fun way to understand personality types)
- "The Attraction Factor in Executive Success: Relationships in Your Office"
National Institute of Business Management, Inc. 1101 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.
1993 (Booklet)
- "Using Information Systems to Compete: Success Factor Profile" Jack Callon,
Books: (Business and
Relationships) - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- 10,000 Dreams Interpreted, or What's in a Dream. Gustavus Miller. Metro Books; (October 2000)
ISBN: 1586630954
- 14,000 Things to be Happy About. Barbara Ann Kipfer. Workman Publishing Company; (April 1990)
ISBN: 0894803700
- A Costly Proposition: Sexual Harassment at Work. BNA Communications Inc., 9439
Key West Ave. Rockville MD 20850. 1986. [trainers program]
- A Passion for Excellence: The Leadership Difference, Tom Peters and Nancy Austin,
Random House, New York, Original 1985 (a classic); Warner Books; Reissue edition (January 1989)
ISBN: 0446386391
- Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand (originally written in 1957). Publisher: Signet; (September 1996)
ISBN: 0451191145
- Avalanche: Heretical Reflections on the Dark and the Light. M. Brugh Joy.
Ballantine Wellspring; (July 1992) ISBN: 0345367227
- Awaken the Inner Shaman: A Guide to the Power Path of the Heart.
Jos� Stevens, Ph.D. Sounds True, 2014. ISBN
- Betrayal: The Shattering Sex Discrimination Case of Silver Vs. Pacific Press Publishing Association, Merikay McLeod. Mars Hill Publications Inc., PO Box 362, Loma Linda CA
92354. 1985 [The sex discrimination case of Silver vs. Pacific Press Publishing
Association � owned and operated by Seventh Day Adventists]. Mars Hill
Publications; (April 1985) ASIN: 0961423005
- Brain Sex: The Real Difference Between Men & Women. Anne Moir and David
Jessel. Lyle Stewart Division, Carol Publishing Group, Carol Communications Inc., 600
Madison Ave., New York, NY 10022. 1991. Dell Books (Paperbacks); Reissue edition (January 1993)
ISBN: 0385311834
- Break�Away Thinking: How to Challenge Your Business Assumptions (and why you
should), Ian Mitroff, (Pogo: "we have met
the enemy, and he is us") John Wiley & Sons; (June 1988) ASIN: 0471602027
- Caring Enough to Confront: How to understand and express your deepest feelings
towards others. David Augsburger. Regal Books, Ventura, CA. 1981
ISBN 0-8307-0733-6
- Computer Ethics (2nd Edition), Tom Forester and Perry Morrison, The MIT Press, Cambridge MA,
1990 (thought provoking and timely) MIT Press; 2nd edition (December 16, 1993)
ISBN: 0262560739 .
Note: There is now a 3rd Edition, which we have not read.
- Corporate Attractions: An Inside Account of Sexual Harassment. Kathleen Neville.
Acropolis Books LTD, 11250�22 Roger Bacon Drive, Reston VA 22090. 1990 (the author's
experience in suing Channel 2/Buffalo made her an expert on Sexual Harassment issues and
prevention in the workplace)ASIN: 0874919525
- Corporate Lifecycles: How and Why
Corporations Grow and Die and What to Do About It, Ichak Adizes,
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988 (rather detailed and academic, but
offers great information) Prentice Hall Press; (May 1990) ISBN:
- Corporate Romance: How to Avoid It, Live Through It, or Make It Work For You.
Leslie Aldridge Westoff. Times Books Division, Random House Inc. New York. (September 1985)
ASIN: 0812912578
- Deceptive Distinctions: Sex, Gender, and the Social Order. Cynthia Fuchs Epstein.
Yale University Press, New Haven and The Russell Sage Foundation, New York. 1988.
Reprint edition (September 1990) ISBN: 0300046944
- Develop Your Business Plan, Richard Leza & Jose Placencia, part of the
Successful Business Library, Oasis Press, Sunnyvale, CA, 1982 (simple easy�to�use
workbook format). PSI Research; 2nd edition (December 1989) ISBN: 1555710204
- Disclosure. Michael Crichton. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. New York. 1994. (Novel
and movie about a woman executive who sexually harasses her male employee in the computer industry.).
Ballantine Books; Reprint edition (October 1994) ISBN: 0345391055
- Dr. Robert Anthony's Advanced Formula for Total Success: For Success-Minded People Who Want to Go Beyond Positive Thinking, Robert Anthony, Berkley Books, New York, 1973
(simple, yet profound wisdom). Berkley Pub Group; Reissue edition (June 1989)
ASIN: 042510804X
- EEO Discrimination in Employment. Ronald Hoh. California Chamber of Commerce, PO
Box 1736, Sacramento CA 95812�1736. 1992 ISBN: 1878630563
- Emerson's Essays, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Harper & Row, New York, 1926 (a
classic). Princeton Review; (September 12, 2000) ISBN: 0679783229
- Escape from Intimacy : Untangling the ``Love'' Addictions: Sex, Romance, Relationships. Anne Wilson
Schaef, (from the author of The Addictive Organization, this looks at ways we avoid
inter�personal intimacy) Harper SanFrancisco; (August 1990) ISBN: 0062548735
- Essentials of Business Ethics, Peter Madsen and Jay Shafritz, (collection of articles and essays by top social thinkers)
Meridian Books; Reprint edition (July 1990) ISBN: 0452010446
- Female Advantage: Women's Ways of Leadership. Sally Helgesen. Currency/Doubleday; (May 1995)
ISBN: 0385419112
- Games Bosses Play (36 Career Busters Your Supervisor May be Firing Your Way and
How You can Defend Yourself).
Russell Wild. McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books; (September 1, 1997)
ASIN: 0809230852
- Games Mother Never Taught You: Corporate Gamesmanship for Women. Betty Lehan
Harragan. Warner Books. 1977 (a classic book for anyone who wants to
understand corporate politics) ASIN: 0446344001 (a classic on corporate
- Genderspeak: Men, Women, and the Gentle Art of Verbal Self�Defense. Suzette
Haden Elgin, Ph.D. John Wiley & Sons Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York,
NY 10158�0012. 1993. Suzette Elgin has written several books on
communication. ISBN:
- Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples. Harville Hendrix. Harper &
Row Publishers, Inc. 10 East 53rd Street, New York NY 10022. 1988. Owl Books; Reprint edition (September 2001)
ISBN: 0805068953
- Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, Roger Fisher and William
Ury, Penguin Books, New York, 1981 (small book but solid advice). Penguin USA (Paper); 2nd edition (December 1991)
ISBN: 0140157352
- He & She Talk: How to Communicate with the Opposite Sex. Laurie Schloff and
Marcia Yudkin. Plume; (August 1993) ISBN: 0452270669
- He Says, She Says: Closing the Communication Gap Between the Sexes. Lilliam
Glass. Perigee Books, Putnam Publishing Group, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. 1993.
Judy Piatkus Publishers Ltd; (January 28, 1993) ASIN: 0749912006
- Helicopters, Drill Sergeants and Consultants: Parenting Styles and the Messages They
Send. Jim Fay. The Love and Logic Press, 2207 Jackson St. Golden, CO 80401.
1994 ISBN: 0944634036
- How to Make a Man Fall in Love With You, Tracy Cabot. (describes in detail the learning modalities: auditory, visual, feeling).
Dell Books; Reissue edition (February 1987) ISBN: 0440145368
- How To Read A Person Like A Book. Gerald Nierenberg and Henry
Calero. Original 1971. Pocket Books; Reissue edition (December 1982) ISBN: 0671735578
- How To Stop Looking For Someone Perfect And Find Someone To Love. Judith Sills,
Ph.D. St. Martin's Press; (October 1984) ASIN: 0312396260
- How To Survive The Loss Of A Love. Melba Colgrove, Ph.D. Harold H. Bloomfield,
MD. Peter McWilliams. Mary Book / Prelude Press; (January 1992) ASIN: 0931580463
- The I Ching (Book of Changes). (estimated to be 5,000 years old, its
wisdom still stands today). Princeton University Press; 3rd edition (October 1, 1967)ISBN: 069109750X
- I Love You, Let's Work it Out. David Viscott. Pocket Books; (August 1988)
ISBN: 0671649299
- If it ain't broke . . . BREAK IT! and other Unconventional Wisdom for a
Changing Business World. Robert Kriegel and Louis Patler, Warner Books
ISBN: 0446393592
- Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah. Richard Bach, Dell Publishing,
1997 ISBN: 0440204887
- I'm OK - You're OK. Thomas A. Harris. Avon; Reissue edition (September 1996)
ISBN: 038000772X
- I've Got What It Takes! Jim Fay. The Love and Logic Press, 2207 Jackson
St. Golden, CO 80401. (August 1994) ISBN: 094463401X
- In Love and In Business: How Entrepreneurial Couples are Changing the Rules of
Business and Marriage. Sharon Melton. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York NY. 1986.
- In Search of Excellence,
Tom Peters and Robert Waterman Warner Books; Reissue edition (August 1988) ISBN: 0446385077 (this book made Tom Peters a household word)
- In the Age of the Smart Machine, Shoshana Zuboff, Basic Books Inc., New York,
1988 (how people deal with the increasing impact of technology) Reprint edition (September 1989)
ISBN: 0465032117
- Information Payoff, Paul Strassman, Information Economics Press; (February 1985)
ASIN: 0029317207 (how the use of computers can really benefit our society)
- Intrapreneuring, Gifford Pinchot, Berrett-Koehler Publishing; 2nd edition
ASIN: 1576750825 (how to be a
entrepreneur in a corporate environment)
James E. Tolleson Success Consulting Company (straight talking
wisdom on tape) downloadable files: http://www.widerangeproductions.com/The_Doers_Club/download_free2.htm,
and http://www.widerangeproductions.com/millionaireship_training/download.htm
- Jesus CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership. 1995
Laurie Beth Jones. Hyperion, New York .ISBN
- Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Richard Bach, The MacMillan Company, New
York, NY 1970 (a classic, this little book is a "must read"
for anyone who wants to expand their horizons) Avon; Reissue edition (July
1995) ISBN:
- Journey of Awakening: A Meditator's Guidebook. Ram Dass, Bantam Books; Reissue edition (July 1990)
ISBN: 0553285726
- Keeping the Love You Find: A Guide for Singles. Harville Hendrix. Pocket Books; Reprint edition (February 1993)
ISBN: 0671734202
- Keeping Your Company Green, Stefan Bechtel, Rodale Press, Emmanus, PA, 1990
(helpful hints we all can use) ASIN: 0878579702
- Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge, Warren Bennis,
HarperBusiness; 2nd edition (February 1997)
ISBN: 0887308392
(one of the best books on leadership)
- Leadership Development Associates training programs, Paul Meyers (excellent ways
to hone your leadership skills)
- In Search of Excellence,
Tom Peters and Robert Waterman Warner Books; Reissue edition (August 1988) ISBN: 0446385077
- Life 101, John�Roger and Peter McWilliams, Prelude Press Inc., Los Angeles CA,
1990 (the book we wish we'd written, it uses humor and simple wisdom to make its point).
Mary Book / Prelude Press; (December 1996) ASIN: 0931580161
- Love is Letting Go of Fear. Gerald Jampolsky. Original 1981;
Celestial Arts; Revised edition (September 1988) ISBN: 0890872465
- Making a Difference: Twelve Qualities That Make You a Leade
r, Sheila Bethel.
Berkley Publishing Group; Reprint edition (October 1990) ISBN: 042512309X
(for those who need step�by�step definitions)
- Male & Female Realities: Understanding the Opposite Sex. Joe
Tanenbaum. Tanenbaum Associates; (January 1990) ISBN: 0942523377
("How everyone can win the
battle of the sexes")
- Male Chauvinism: How It Works. Michael Korda. Random House; (June 1973)
ASIN: 0394482050
- Man & Woman: The Encyclopedia of Adult Relationships (volume 4). Greystone
Press, New York. 1970.
- Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, Peter Drucker, Harper & Row
Publishers Inc., New York, 1973 (a classic). HarperBusiness; Reprint edition (April 1993)
ISBN: 0887306152
- Managing Organizational Change, Cynthia Scott and Dennis Jaffee, Crisp
Publications, Menlo Park, California, 1989 (one of the "50-minute series" books
- an excellent guide for anyone involved with change)
- Megatrends: Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives, John Naisbit,
Warner Books; (February 1984) ASIN: 0446356816
- Megatrends 2000. John Naisbit and Patricia Aburdene, Avon; Reissue edition (January
1991) ISBN: 0380704374
- Megatrends for Women. Patricia Aburdene, Random House Value Publishing; (September 1994)
ISBN: 0517131803
- Men & Intimacy: Personal Accounts Exploring the Dilemmas of Modern Male Sexuality.
Edited by Franklin Abbott. The Crossing Press, Freedom, CA 95019. 1990 [a collection of
essays] ASIN: 0895944073
- Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus: A Practical Guide for Improving
Communication and Getting What You Want in a Relationship. John Gray. HarperCollins; (April 1993)
ISBN: 006016848X
- Men In Love: Men's Sexual Fantasies � the Triumph of Love over Rage. Nancy
Friday. Original 1980. Dell Publishing Co; (August 1998) ISBN: 0385333420
- Men Talk: How Men Really Feel About Women, Sex, Relationships, and Themselves.
Alvin Baraff. Plume; Reissue edition (August 1992) ASIN: 0452268303
- Men Who Hate Women & The Women Who Love Them. Susan Forward and Joan Torres.
Original 1987. Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing; (January 2, 2002) ISBN: 0553381415
- Men, Women and Relationships: Making Peace with the Opposite Sex. John Gray.
Original 1993. Quill; (November 12, 2002) ISBN: 0060507861
- Men: A Translation for Women. Joan Shapiro and George Hartlaub. Avon; Reprint edition (April 1993)
ASIN: 0380720043
- MetaBusiness: Creating a New Global Culture. Greg Nielson. Conscious Books,
316 California, Suite 210, Reno, NV. 1991 ISBN 0-9619917-2-0
- Mind of a Manager, Soul of a Leader; Craig Hickman, John Wiley & Sons Inc.,
New York, 1990 (how to balance management with leadership and come to integration of their
seeming opposites) ISBN: 0471569348
- Modern Manners: An Etiquette Book for Rude People, P.J. O'Rourke,
Atlantic Monthly Press, 1989. ISBN:
- Myths of Gender: Biological Theories About Women and Men. Anne
Fausto�Sterling. Original 1985. Basic Books; 2nd Revision edition (September 1992)
ISBN: 0465047920
- National Association of Female Executives, various publications
- Obsessive Love: When Passion Holds You Prisoner. Dr. Susan Forward and Craig
Buck. Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing; (June 1991) ASIN: 0553073850
- Opening Our Hearts to Men. Susan Jeffers. Fawcett Books; Reissue edition (April 1990)
ASIN: 0449905136
- Open Marriage: A New Life Style for Couples. Nena O'Neill and George O'Neill.
Original 1972. M Evans & Co; Reprint edition (June 1984) ISBN: 087131438X
- Passages: Predictable Crisis of Adult Life. Gail Sheehy, (every adult must read this, often)
Bantam Books; Reissue edition (1977) ISBN: 0553271067 .
Updated edition: New Passages: Mapping Your Life Across Time. Gail
Sheehy. Ballantine Books ; (June 1996) ISBN: 0345404459
- Passive Men / Wild Women. Pierre Mornell. Ballantine Books; (October 1980)
ASIN: 0345324919
- Personnel Law Update 1992. (c) Borgman Associates. Council on Education
Management, 325 Lennon Lane, Walnut Creek CA 94598�2418. 1992 [training program]
- Please Understand Me. David Kiersey & Marilyn Bates, Prometheus Nemesis Book
Company, Del Mar, CA, (based on Myers�Briggs, describes character and temperament
types in a way anyone can understand) 5th edition (November 1984) ISBN: 0960695400
- Please Understand Me II (updated version) David Keirsey, 1998.
ISBN: 1-885705-02-6
Prometheus Nemesis Book Company, Del Mar,
CA www.keirsey.com/
Praying with Power: How to Use Ancient Shamanic Techniques to Gain Maximum Spiritual Benefit and Extraordinary Results Through Prayer
by Jos� Luis Stevens. Watkins Publishing Ltd (March 10, 2005).
ISBN: 184293127X or www.thepowerpath.com.
(a great addition to any spiritual library; highly recommended)
- Rites of Passage at $100,000 to $1 Million+: Your
Insider's Lifetime Guide to Executive Job-Changing and Faster Career Progress
in the 21st Century. John Lucht.
Viceroy Press, 2000. ISBN-10:
0942785304 ISBN-13: 978-0942785302
- Running From Safety: An Adventure of the Spirit. Richard Bach, William
Delta; (December 1995) ISBN: 0385315287
- Sacred Sexuality: Living the Vision of the Erotic Spirit. Georg Feuerstein.
J. P. Tarcher; Reprint edition (October 1993) ASIN: 0874777445
- Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know. Barbara DeAngelis. Dell Books; (March 1, 1991)
ISBN: 0440208416
- Sexual Harassment (and Other Discrimination Issues) in Law Enforcement Work. Barbara
Taylor, Michael Anthony, Victor Thies. [Training
program] 1993.
- Sexual Harassment. George Schrader, Anaheim CA Police Department. [training
- Sexual Harassment: Current Controversies. Carol Wekesser, Karin Swisher,
Christina Pierce. Greenhaven Press, PO Box 289009, San Diego CA 92198�9009. 1992
ASIN: 1565100204
- Sexual Harassment: Know Your Rights. Martin Eskenazi and David Gallen
(attorneys). Carroll & Graf Publishers Inc., 260 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10001. 1992
ISBN: 0881848166
- Sexual Harassment: Reexamining Its Meaning, Prevention, Investigation and Defense. Littler,
Mendelson, Fastiff & Tichy (a professional legal corporation), Los Angeles CA. 1991
[training program]
- Sexual Science: The Victorian Construction of Womanhood. Cynthia Eagle
Russett. Harvard University Press; Reprint edition (March 1991) ISBN: 0674802918
- Small Business Success, Pacific Bell and U.S. Small Business Administration
- Speaking Your Mind in 101 Difficult Situations. Don Gabor, Simon
& Schuster, New York. 1994 ISBN
- Stopping Sexual Harassment: An Employer's Guide. Susan Kemp, Richard
Stephen Hirschfeld (all attorneys). California Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 1736,
Sacramento CA 95812�1736. 1993ASIN: 1878630431
- Success! Michael Korda, Ballantine Books, New York, NY 1977 (author
of Power! How to Use It, How to Get It and Male Chauvinism: How
it Works) Ballantine Books; (August 1978) ASIN:
0345310551 (author of Power!
How to Use It, How to Get It and Male Chauvinism: How it Works)
- Surviving Corporate Transition: Rational Management in a World of Mergers, Layoffs, Start-Ups, Takeovers, Divestitures, Deregulation,
and New Technology, William Bridges (further expansion of his work on personal transitions)
Doubleday; (February 1988) ASIN: 0385237618
- Teach Only Love: The 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing. Gerald
Jampolsky. Original 1983. Beyond Words Publishing Co; 2nd edition (May 2000)
ISBN: 1582700338
- Teaching the Elephant to Dance: Empowering Change in Your Organization
, James
Belasco. Plume; Reissue edition (July 1991) ISBN: 0452266297
(there may be hope !)
- Tender Power: A Revolutionary Approach to Work and Intimacy. Sherry Suib Cohen.
Addison�Wellesley. 1978 (January 1989) ASIN: 0201092425
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal
Change. Stephen R. Covey. Fireside Books, Simon & Schuster; New York
NY 1990 ISBN:
- The Addictive Organization
, Anne Wilson Schaef. Harper
SanFrancisco; (September 1990)
ISBN: 0062548743
(everyone in a corporation should read this one � most enlightening !)
- The Art of Creative Thinking, Gerard Nierenberg, Original 1982 (for those of us who need help getting more creative)
Cornerstone Library; (June 1986) ASIN: 0671627546
- The Best Companies for Women. Baila Zeitz, Lorraine Dusky. Simon & Schuster; (July 1988)
ASIN: 0671607413
- The Black Book of Executive Politics by Z, National Institute of Business
Management Inc., New York, 1989 (fascinating booklet) zShops ID: 0415R200226
- The Body Language of Sex, Power and Aggression: How to Recognize It and How to Use
It. Julius Fast. M Evans & Co; (January 1977) ASIN: 0871312220
- The Business of Ethics, Richard Doss, Original 1988 (academic approach to learning about ethics and value systems)
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company; 3rd edition (January 1994) ASIN: 0840397046
- The Charismatic Leader: Behind the Mystique of Exceptional Leadership, Jay
Conger,Jossey-Bass; (September 1989) ISBN: 1555421717
(more about how to become a
- The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure. James Redfield, Warner Books; (November 1997)
ISBN: 0446671002
- The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision. James Redfield, Warner Books; (December 1998)
ISBN: 0446674575
- The Female Advantage: Women's Ways of Leadership
, Sally Hedgesen.
Currency/Doubleday; (May 1995) ISBN: 0385419112 (case study of several top women leaders and their management style)
- The Gamesman: The New Corporate Leaders, Michael Maccoby. Simon & Schuster
(January 31, 1977). ISBN: 0671223534 (A Must Read for Anyone in Organizations)
- The Hazards of Being Male: Surviving the Myth of Masculine Privilege. Herb
Goldberg. New American Library, 1633 Broadway, New York NY 10019. Original
1976; 10th anniversary edition
1987. Wellness Institute; (January 2000) ISBN: 1587410133
- The Heart Aroused: Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in Corporate
Currency/Doubleday; (June 1996) ISBN: 0-385-48418-6
- The Hundredth Monkey, Ken Keyes (this little
book changed my thinking, suddenly, all at once) DeVorss & Company; (June 1984)
ASIN: 0942024001
- The Incompatibility of Men and Women and How to Overcome It. Julius Fast. Avon
Books, The Hearst Corp. 959 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10019. 1971ASIN: B00005W69B
- The Inner Male: Overcoming Roadblocks to Intimacy. Herb Goldberg. New American Library; Reprint edition (November 1988)
ASIN: 0451156633
- The Invisible Partners: How the Male and Female in each of Us Affects our
Relationships. John Sanford. Original 1980. Paulist Press; (March 1984) ISBN: 0809122774
- The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana: The Ultimate Guide to Physical Sex. Translated by
Sir Richard Burton and F. F. Arbuthnot. Berkley Publishing Group; Reissue edition (May 1995)ISBN: 0425095932
- The Illustrated Kama Sutra : Ananga-Ranga and Perfumed Garden - The Classic Eastern Love Texts. Inner Traditions Intl Ltd; (September 1991) ISBN:
- The Knight in Rusty Armor,
Robert Fisher. Wilshire Book Co; (May 1989)
ISBN: 0879804211
- The Leadership Challenge: How to Get Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations,
James Kouzes, Barry Posner. Jossey-Bass; (May 1990) ASIN: 155542211X (excellent and practical ways to improve our ability to work with
- The New Male-Female Relationship. Herb Goldberg. Original 1983. Wellness Institute; (June 2000)
ISBN: 1587410982
- The Other Side of Midnight, 2000: An Executive Guide to the Year 2000
"Problem", Barbara Taylor and Martha Daniel. Stargazer Publishing
Company, 1998. ISBN-10:
0964385392 ISBN-13: 978-0964385399 (Amazon) or direct order.
- The Opposite Sex is Driving Me Crazy: What Boys Think About Girls, What Girls Think
About Boys. Joyce Vedral. Ballantine Books; (August 1990) ASIN: 0345352211
- The Perfumed Garden: The First Illustrated Version. Translated by Sir Richard
Burton (first published in 1886). Edited by Charles Fowkes. Inner Traditions Intl Ltd; Reprint edition (October 1992)
ISBN: 0892814438
- The Primal Whimper: More Readings from the Journal of Polymorphous
Perversity. Glenn Ellenbogen, Ballantine Books, 1989 ISBN 0-345-36474-0
Guilford Press; (July 28, 1989) ISBN:
0898623774 (A hilarious and goofy look at psychologist's made-up research
- The Popcorn Report. Faith Popcorn, HarperBusiness; Reprint edition (September 1992)
ISBN: 0887305946
- The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes. Original 1938
(change your thinking ... change your life). J. P. Tarcher; Reprint edition (August 1998)
ISBN: 0874779219
- The System Made Me Do It! A Life Changing Approach to Office Politics, by Susan
Osborne, PhD., 1997, Life Thread Publications, P. O. Box 185, Newark CA 94560-0185 (September 1, 1997)
ISBN: 0965536807
- The Tao of Leadership, John Heider, Humanics Pub Group; (April 1986)
ISBN: 0893340790
(wonderful short insights)
- The Tao of Management, Bob Messing, Humanics Limited, Atlantic GA, 1989
(wonderful short insights and words to ponder) ISBN: 0893341118
- The Third Sex: The New Professional Woman. Patricia A. McBroom.
Original 1986. Marlowe & Co; Reprint edition (April 1994) ASIN: 1569249083
- Thoughts & Feelings: The Art of Cognitive Stress Intervention, Matthew McKay,
Martha Davis, Patrick Fanning; (workbook for
understanding the way our thoughts and feelings affect us every day) New Harbinger
Pubns; (August 1981)
ASIN: 0934986037
- Thriving on Chaos: Handbook for a Management Revolution
, Tom Peters.
HarperCollins (paper); Reprint edition (September 1991) ISBN: 0060971843 (the great one
continues his effort to help us make sense of the business world)
- Tickets to Success: Techniques to lead children to responsible decision-making.
Jim Fay. Love & Logic Press; (August 1994) ISBN: 0944634028
- Transitions: Making Sense of Life�s Changes 2nd Edition, William
Bridges, Perseus Press, 1980 (excellent for anyone undergoing change � which
is most of us) ISBN:
- Turf and Other Corporate Power Plays, Pamela Cuming (a fictional story about Larry's career progression from MBA
graduate to CEO over 20 years; gives excellent examples of corporate power and politics at
work. This is an excellent book, now out of print but available in
libraries or used). Simon & Schuster; (January 1986) ASIN:
- U.S. Small Business Administration, management aids
- Values Clarification; Sidney Simon, Leland Howe, Howard
Kirschenbaum; (provides many practical examples and exercises).
Original 1978; Warner Books; (September 1995) ISBN: 0446670952
- What Color is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job�Hunters & Career
Richard Bolles, Ten Speed Press, Berkeley CA, (this annually updated book
continues to grow and provide invaluable methods to determine the best
job/career) 2003 issue ISBN: 1580084605
- What Every Woman Ought to Know About Love and Marriage. Dr. Joyce Brothers.
Simon & Schuster; (February 1987) ASIN: 0671441590
- What Men Really Want: The Definitive Guide to Love and Intimacy in the 1990's.
Herb Goldberg. New American Library; Reissue edition (June 1991) ISBN: 0451169727
- What Really Happens in Bed: A Demystification of Sex. Steven Carter and Julia
Sokol. Dell Books (Paperbacks); Reprint edition (October 1990) ISBN: 0440503302
- What Really Works With Men. A. Justin Sterling. (how to pick a
man, philosophy, etc.) Warner Books; Reprint edition (June 1993) ASIN: 0446364398
- What to Say to Get What You Want: Strong Words for 44 Challenging Types of Bosses, Employees, Co-Workers, and Customers. Sam Deep and Lyle
Sussman. Perseus Publishing; (January 1992) ISBN: 0201577127
- What Was It Like in Vietnam? Honest Answers From Those Who Were There Linda
Calvin and Sandy Strait. Royal Fireworks Press; (June 1, 1995) ISBN: 0880920491
- What You Get When You Go For It. Beth Milwid. ("Startling accounts from professional women about
their male colleagues") Dodd Mead; (June 1987) ASIN: 0396089054
- When I say no, I feel guilty (bestseller on Assertiveness Training). Manuel J.
Smith. Bantam/Non-Fiction; Reissue edition (February 1, 1975) ISBN: 0553263900
- When Smart People Fail,
Carole Hyatt and Linda Gottleib, Simon and Schuster Inc.,
New York, 1987 (excellent way to re�think 'failure' and 'success') Penguin USA (Paper);
(Updated May 1993) ISBN: 0140178112
- Why Can't Men Open Up?: Overcoming Men's Fear of Intimacy. Steven Naifeh and
Gregory Smith. Warner Books; Reissue edition (July 1988) ASIN: 0446348988
- Why Men Are The Way They Are. Warren Farrell, Ph.D. Berkley Publishing Group; Reissue edition (December 1990)
ISBN: 042511094X
- Will the Real Me Please Stand Up?: 25 Guidelines for Good Communication.
John Powell, Thomas More Publishing; Reprint edition (June 1995) ISBN: 088347316X
- Women Men Love, Women Men Leave: What Makes Him Want to Commit? Connell Cowan and
Melvyn Kinder. New American Library; Reprint edition (May 1988) ISBN: 0451166418
- Words That Heal Today. Ernest Holmes. Original
1949, Health Communications; 3rd edition (May 1999) ISBN: 1558746854
- Working. Studs Terkel. Avon Books. 959 Eighth Ave. New York, NY 10019. 1972,
1974. ("People talk about what they do all day and how they feel about what they
do"). New Press; (March 1997) ISBN: 1565843428
- You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation. Deborah
Tannen. Original 1990. Quill; (July 24, 2001) ISBN: 0060959622
- You'll See It When You Believe It!
, Wayne Dyer. Quill; (September 2001)
ISBN: 0060937335
(with 50 million books in print, Wayne Dyer knows how changing his thinking
profoundly changed his own life and the lives of millions of others who follow his work)
- Zapp: The Lightning of Empowerment: How to Improve Productivity,
Quality, and Employee Satisfaction, William Byham, Jeff Cox.
Fawcett Books; Revised edition (February 1998) ISBN: 0449002829
- Body Types: The Enneagram of Essence Types. 2nd edition. Joel Friedlander. Globe Press Books; 2nd edition (February 1993)
ASIN: 0936385251
(Based on the Enneagram, this
book gives a fuller description of the Body Types than any of the "Michael"
- Celebrities - Volume I. Emily
Baumbach. Updated in 1996, for more 1,000 celebrities. Causalworks; (January 1996)
ISBN: 0965066819
Clash of Souls, W. Lawton
Brown. NEO Books, 2005 More about the book at www.clashofsouls.com.
Amazon: ISBN:
0976958805. [A new adventure novel that pits the forces of good
against forces of evil as the hero tries to deliver a message of hope to
mankind. Like the Celestine Prophesy and The DaVinci Code,
this book provides answers to questions long kept secret. The author
is a dear friend who incorporates parts of the Michael
Teachings to explain how the world works. We enjoyed his new book
- Concordance to the Michael Teachings. Barbara Taylor. Updated 1996, for the all
the books listed here (21). Sample and ordering information
- Earth to Tao: Michael's Guide to Healing and Spiritual Growth. Jos� Stevens.
Original 1989. Bear & Co; (February 1994) ISBN: 1879181150
- Loving From Your Soul: Creating Powerful Relationships. Shepherd
Summerjoy Press, (January 1995) ISBN: 1885469020
- Meditations for Self-Discovery: Guided Journeys for Communicating with Your Inner
Self. Shepherd Hoodwin. Summerjoy Press (January 1995) ISBN: 1885469012
- Messages from Michael. Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Berkley Publishing Group; (October 1980)
ASIN: 0425065332
- Michael for the Millennium.Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Berkley Publishing Group; (December 1995)
ISBN: 0425150747
- Michael: The Basic Teachings. Aaron Christeaan, JP Van Hulle, M.C. Clark.
The Guided Crystal; (December 1988)
ASIN: 0942663012
- Michael's Cast of Characters: A Not-So-Serious Guide to the Michael Teachings. Emily
Baumbach. Causalworks; (November 1989) ASIN: 0942663071
- Michael's Gemstone Dictionary: Metaphysical Properties of Gems and Minerals. Judithann
David, JP Van Hulle. Affinity Press; (June 1990) ASIN: 0942663055
- Michael's People. Chelsea Quinn Yarbro.Berkley Publishing Group; (July 1988)
ASIN: 0425109321
- More Messages from Michael. Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Berkley Publishing; (March 1986)
ASIN: 0425086623
- Searching for Light: Michael's Information for a Time of Change. Carol
Heideman. Twelve Star Publishing; (December 1, 1994) ISBN: 0964345501
- Tao to Earth: Michael's Guide to Relationships and Growth. Jos� Stevens.
Original 1988. Bear & Co; (February 1994) ISBN: 1879181142
- The Journey of Your Soul: A Channel Explores Channeling and the Michael Teachings. Shepherd
Hoodwin. Summerjoy Press; (March 1999) ISBN: 1885469071
- The Michael Game: 101 Questions to Ask a Channel and More! The
Michael Digest Group. Warwick Assocs; (May 1988) ISBN: 0941109011
- The Michael Handbook: A Channeled System for Self Understanding. Jos� Stevens,
Simon Warwick-Smith. Warwick Assocs; (March 1988) ISBN: 0941109003
- The Personality Puzzle: Solving the Mystery of Who You Are. Jos� Stevens, JP Van
Hulle. Pivotal Resources; (December 1990) ASIN: 0942663063
- The Power Path: The Shaman's Way to Success in Business and Life.
Jos� Stevens. New World Library; 1st edition (June 15, 2002) ISBN: 1577312171
- The 7 Aspects of Sisterhood: Empowering Women Through Self-Discovery.
Debra Gawrych. Common Boundaries Consulting & Communications; (September 2002)
ISBN: 0971064601
- The World According to Michael: An Old Soul's Guide to the Universe. Joya Pope.
Emerald Wave; (August 1987) ASIN: 0942531000
- Transforming Your Dragons: Turning Personality Fear Patterns into Personal Power.
Jos� Stevens. Bear & Co; (July 1994) ISBN: 1879181177
- Upcoming Changes: Prophecy & Pragmatism for the Late Nineties. Joya Pope.
Emerald Wave; (October 1995) ISBN: 0942531388
- Upcoming Changes: The Next 20 Years. Joya Pope. Emerald Wave; (March 1992)
ASIN: 0942531337
Overview of The Personality Game.
- Brain Sex: PBS Video Series (3 hours) [Program based on the book]
- She Says, He Says. [Video with Deborah Tannen, author of You Just Don't
Understand: Women and Men in Conversation.]
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