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December 2012 ~ The End of the World As We Know It?
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2012 ~ The End of the World As We Know It?
There has been a lot of press about the "end" of the Mayan
calendar. Supposedly, the Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012 and,
therefore — according to the stories and movies I’ve seen — our world will be
Does anyone believe this? Really???
That some group of folks many years ago could predict to pinpoint
accuracy that on a single day in the very distant future when the world will
end. I don’t think so!!! I haven’t yet seen anyone’s predictions about
anything with exacting accuracy.
The Mayans were brilliant people, no doubt. We have climbed the pyramid at
Chichen Itza and visited many other ancient Mayan sacred sites in the Yucatan.
They are spectacular and obviously built by very smart and competent people.
We are not
Mayan scholars so cannot attest to the accuracy or validity of any Mayan
calendar or anyone’s interpretations of them. We have to take on faith that
some very smart people can read all those symbols to come up with a calendar.
From our perspective, it seems like us humans like to "create"
drama in our lives and we like to "deadlines" to help us focus our
energy and attention.
So, we can use the collective focus this year on "the end of the world
as we know it" to decide what WE want in our lives as we
re-create our world for a future that we want. We have a blank slate for 2013
and beyond, to create a life the way we want it to be. We can let go of the
"old" calendar, the "old" ways, the "old" stuff
and start fresh. We can create our own brand new future in any way we wish.
The focus of attention on the ending of the Mayan calendar is a good
thing. It helps us to collectively come together in a new way, to set new goals,
to decide how we want our world to be — unbound by someone’s ancient
prophecies or beliefs, and the dreary history of what was done before.
In December each year, we have traditionally written our monthly newsletter
article about "Fun in the Workplace" so we will try to bring in some
humor to what could be a very scary situation if we believed our world was
really going to end in a few weeks.
On the other hand, if our world did really end, what would happen? According
to most religions, if the world ended, we would go to "Heaven" or
"Nirvana" or "the Afterlife" or "Ascension" or a
"Higher Place" — not a bad place to be according to all accounts.
why be afraid?
If the world did come to an end, we would no longer have to worry about the
mortgage, our job, our boss, the time clock, the missed deadlines, the bad
economy, the moldy cheese in the refrigerator, our kids, our bills, our
frustrations, our unfulfilled hopes and dreams, that nasty neighbor or our crazy
in-laws. And we wouldn't have to worry about Christmas shopping this
year!! It would be all over. So why be afraid?
Our friend, Shepherd Hoodwin, wrote a delightful book called Enlightenment
for Nitwits: The Complete Guide to 2012 & Beyond. He pokes fun at
everything in his own very unique way and this little book has given us many
hours of laughter and joy.
Shepherd writes this about the Mayan Calendar:
Someone asked me to channel about why the Mayan Calendar ended in 2012.
Doreen explained that it was because they ran out of paper. The kind they
favored, with a row of little holes across the top, was hard to find —
they hadn’t yet discovered OfficeMax.
Of course, in our culture, we only print our calendars a year in advance.
The reason they decided to do their entire future calendar at once was that
the printer offered them a 15% discount.
Another factor was that the official calendar featured the Sacrificial
Virgin of the Month. Since there were not enough of them to have a unique
one every month for the foreseeable future, they dressed them up in a
variety of costumes. With changes in make-up and lighting, you couldn’t
tell the difference. However, when the shamans went into trance to foretell
what Sacrificial Virgins would be wearing each year, they were stumped when
they got to Project Runway. It was like the Native Americans who couldn’t
see Columbus’ ships because they had no frame of reference. Rather than
publishing a calendar that might have out-of-date fashions, and considering
the paper situation, they decided to cap it at 2012.
To Shepherd, nothing is sacred and he pokes fun at everything and anything in
his book. Please take this article in that vein and don’t be offended by
anything we write — it’s all meant in fun.
On a more serious note, we suggest that our readers do think about their
future for a few minutes this month — setting the intention for happiness and
joy in whatever you are doing next year.
And we remind ourselves again of this quote from Steve Jobs:
For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and
asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to
do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been
"No" too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.
We wish you a joyful
December and know that happiness is possible for everyone — no matter
what anyone else’s calendar says.
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- Enlightenment for Nitwits: The Complete Guide to 2012 & Beyond.
Shepherd Hoodwin. Summerjoy Press, 2011. ISBN-13:
978-1885469120 (very funny!)
- Mayan Calendar Prophecies, Part 1: Predictions for 2012 and Beyond.
Gary C. Daniels. The RealMayanProphecies.com, 2012. ASN:
- Income Without a Job: Living Well Without a Paycheck. Michael
Jay Anthony, Barbara J. Taylor. Lulu.com,
2008 ISBN-13:
978-0-557-00377-8. Website: www.income-without-a-job.com.
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Related newsletter article:
November 2011 ~ The Pinball Effect: How
to Create Happiness
About our resource
links: We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in
these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and
respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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