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April 20-28, 1996
Stone Circles, Sacred Sites and Power Spots
Bath: The Roman Baths. Focus on
Feminine energy, Creativity (2nd chakra), Very powerful Goddess energy.
Bath Abbey: the 3rd great
church on this site (the 1st was a Saxon Abbey in 781, the 2nd a
Norman Cathedral in 1107).
The Maze at Lockleat: Sacred site for
balancing energy. One of the world's largest mazes.
Glastonbury: Tor Hill. Focus on:
Compassion and Forgiveness, Feminine Energy, Creativity, and Magic. Qualities of Priest
and Spiritualist.
Glastonbury: The George and Pilgrims
Hotel, built in the 1400's; frequent site of political gatherings and intrigue. The
ghosts are friendly!
Glastonbury: The Chalice Well. Sacred
site of the Druids, provides healing spring water, flowing to King Arthur's Court and the
Glastonbury Abbey.
Glastonbury: ruins of Glastonbury Abbey.
Focus on the Priest and Spiritualist. Tomb of King Arthur and Lady Gweneviere (very
high energy spot).
Glastonbury Area: King Arthur and Avalon.
The Legend of King Arthur contains Seven Archetypes within The Hero's Journey: (1)
the Great Goddess; (2) Courtly Love and Chivalry; (3) the 12 Great Battles; (4) the
"Other" World helpers; (5) Tales, Stories and Myths; (6) the Search for the Holy
Grail; and (7) Sovereignty and Unity. The legends are a combination of Paganism and
Christianity. Originally based on real events, the legends eventually grew to include the
great deeds of many other people and events.
Stonehenge. Stonehenge is an energy
portal; part of a massive energy grid connecting the major power spots of the earth.
Very strong masculine focus on intent and accomplishment. The local Druids are making a
major effort to open this area for use by respectful groups.
City of Salisbury: Focus on Masculine
energy: commerce, politics, etc.
Salisbury Cathedral: One of the
finest cathedrals in the world.
Old Sarum: Site of the original
ancient fortress town. Setting for the massive historical novel Sarum by Edward
Woodhenge: Site of the Seven Circles,
each devoted to understanding one of the Seven Roles.
Avebury: Massive stone library,
containing energetic records of many aspects of life on this planet.
London: Westminster Abbey. Major
power spot at the alter. Paintings on the walls of the Chapter House show the Seven Dragons.
London: Tower of London. Home of the
Crown Jewels and prison of many famous (and infamous) folks.
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Page updated: May 11, 2023