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January 2007 - Forecast for the new year
- Themes and trends for 2007
- Suggestions and Tips for 2007
- Disclaimer
- Resources (Internet resources and
articles, books,
movies and music, International Happy
New Year)
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Themes and Trends for 2007
General Themes
- Optimism and a much brighter sense of the future
- A willingness to be inspired and to inspire others to reach beyond where
we are now
- Fast-paced changes fueled by creativity, flexibility and innovation
- Focus on the meaning of Freedom and Security
- Productivity and perseverance in attaining our goals
2007 looks like a year that will feel like a great
surge of energy in the United States at least. People are
getting excited about the new year in a way not seen for several years.
As a nation, we decided that we didn’t like the direction our leaders were
taking us and rebelled in November, making a dramatic statement by the voters to
change the balance of power in our national Congress and in many state capitals
as well. We have seen other nations view us as the terrorists we
supposedly sought to get rid of. Many people simply felt we had gone too far in
the quest that caused the United States to become involved in the Iraq War.
Citizens are questioning what Freedom
really means to them, what Security really
means to them and what price they are willing to pay. Last year’s focus
on questioning and cynicism have helped people to clarify what they want for
themselves and given them the determination to set new goals for their own lives
and for our country.
In 2006, our forecast talked about cynicism and
pickiness, people taking a thoughtful look at what is truly important
for them, re-evaluating choices, clearing out old ideas and making room for new
In 2007, we will expect optimism will be
shown in many ways as people find ways to inspire themselves and others to
create new ideas, new products and new ways of dealing with old
situations. There is a strong desire now to find a creative way to resolve
the Iraq War as quickly as possible and to bring our troops back home
again. Obviously, the US has a strong obligation there for the damage that
was done. It will take a lot of people working together to figure out a
way to stabilize that situation and give the country back to its people who have
suffered far too much already. Instead of focusing on war, we will expect
to see a focus on peace as people’s desire for Freedom
and Security help them define what those
ideals mean to them personally and as a nation. We mentioned last year the
cynicism of our local media.
Last year, we described cynicism in the media by a question asked of local
newspaper readers ." . . So what’s to celebrate? How can you be
hopeful in a world filled with despair? How can you even believe that God
is alive in such a world?" In contrast, optimism is showing up in
the media already. This year’s December 2006 reader poll question was
quite different. They asked, "We’re nearing the end of 2006, and
we at The Olympian were wondering what our readers would like to see happen in
2007 as we look ahead to the new year."
In a similar manner, the majority of people responding to a national AP Poll
felt their personal lives were better in 2006, though our country was in much
worse shape last year. And, they show great
optimism in the face of the significant challenges we face in the
Last year, we saw continued polarization
that we have seen in recent years. In 2007, we expect to see more interest
in working through our differences and being more
accepting of others. We certainly cannot achieve world peace if
we can’t get along with our family, friends and our neighbors.
We expect there will be great discussion about what Freedom
means this year, since it is such a strong part of the American culture and
heritage. People will be deciding for themselves and debating with others
how much Security is tolerable in order to
sustain the freedom we have enjoyed since our beginnings. Expect to see
some changes in the way people see themselves and the US over the next few years
as we come to terms with these ideals. We expect to see some of the laws
passed in recent years changed or even eliminated, especially those that sought
to restrict long-held individual freedom in the name of national security.
For those in government, and those who sell products and services,
expect to continue to see more people who expect high quality goods and
services. We are seeing this reflected in many government agencies already
as citizens demand good service for their tax dollars. Agencies that focus
on listening to their "customers" will find they have a much easier
time than those who continue to ignore what taxpayers are telling them.
One example of this is the move by many governments to using "plain
talk or "plain
language," which means writing rules and documents in a
way that the average person can easily understand them.
With corporate and government corruption scandals
still making news, people will be more vocal about what they expect from
their business dealings and will refuse to deal with those that they do not feel
they can trust.
The continued explosive growth of the Internet has
provided a wealth of information so that almost anyone can compare products,
find discount dealers, easily shop from home and express their frustration with
bad service in a very public way. They are also willing to use their
voting power to change situations.
Technology in many forms continues to explode, fueled by the
Internet and rapid methods of delivering information and products to
customers. Spam, viruses, adware and other types of "malware"
will continue to plague us, unfortunately. Their creators are getting
better and better at trying to fool people into opening malicious e-mails
(e.g., Happy
New Year virus). Software vendors are getting better and better at providing tools to make
the Internet experience more enjoyable.
Technology miniaturization is growing as well. Now, new cell phones can
"talk" you to your destination with accurate driving directions.
Music can be played from devices as small as 1 inch by 1 inch that can clip on a
belt or pocket. What will they think of next?
We expect to see creativity showing
itself in many different ways as people seek to express
themselves. It may show up in fashion, in housing design and
home décor, in technology choices, in car selections and in any way that a
person can express their individual creativity.
We expect to see many new products coming to market this year that will be
improvements over their predecessors. The pace of new product releases may
be dizzying at times and may lead to over saturation of the market place.
We expect to see a jump in the productivity of businesses this year with a
steady yet growing economy. People will be inspired to complete projects
they may have left unfinished in the past due to the optimism and creativity of
the year. We may see previously "unsolvable" problems resolved
in very creative ways as people shift their viewpoints to a more accepting and
partnership oriented way of dealing with each other.
Weather will continue to be
"unusual" and unpredictable in many parts of the country. This
is a reflection of the chaos that is a necessary part of creativity.
Everything is connected. As weather patterns change and storms rage, we
learn more about how to work with others to protect ourselves, our families, our
businesses and our homes.
We’ve watched Southeast Asia struggle with the results of the bird flu and
know that eventually, it will spread around the world. We realize that our
leaders and many of our public organizations are not really prepared to cope
with major disasters. We must find ways to help ourselves and to be
prepared for national disasters like we have not seen before. Weather and
unusual storms provide some "exercises" that help us cope with and
prepare for the larger disasters that will eventually come.
Overall, we expect 2007 to be a year of significant
accomplishments in many different fields and in people’s personal
and family lives.
We wish you freedom, security, inspiration, peace, love, friendship, personal
satisfaction, good health, good friends, good times and whatever brings you joy
in 2007.
- Clean up your life, your closets, your house, your
relationships. Throw out or donate what no longer serves you.
- If you have an unfinished project, finish it, give it up or get rid of
it. Let the energy that was tied up with it be used for something
else that will bring you enjoyment.
- Make space for new things, new ideas, new friends, new associations.
- Be willing to express your own creativity in whatever ways bring you
- Be gentle with yourself and others if you have differences of
- Be willing to seek out inspiration for yourself and be willing to
inspire others.
- Be willing to do something to make things better in your life, your
business and your relationships.
- Be willing to listen to others and acknowledge that you might not
always agree. Allow your disagreements to be respectful.
- Make time for adventure and for simple pleasures.
- Find ways to have fun every day.
- Laugh at least once a day, even if you have to make up something to
laugh about.
- Remember that we are all on this planet for a reason and we have to
find a way to co-exist, even when we don’t agree with each other.
- Hold yourself and others to high standards. Don’t accept
inferior products and services.
- Trust in your own self and your own ability to manage your life and
- Acknowledge others who do a good job, create good products, offer good
services or contribute to your life in some way.
- If someone criticizes you or your organization, try to listen to what
they are saying with an open mind and find some value in their
opinion. Think about how that information could make you a better
person or better organization.
- Take a good look at how you can improve your products, your services,
your methods, your business practices. Take time to brainstorm new
ideas regularly.
- Operate ethically at all times and demand high ethical standards from
the people you interact with.
- Be peaceful, kind and generous - with yourself and others.

Here’s an exercise that you might try:
- Find a quiet place and meditate about what you want to release from
last year.
- When you are ready, write down what you want to release on a piece of
- Burn the paper, consciously releasing whatever is written there and
knowing that it is also gone from your consciousness. If you are
not in a safe place for burning, you can tear it up into little pieces
and throw it away.
- Meditate on what you want for yourself in 2007.
- Allow yourself to be open to receiving a word, name or short phrase
describing who you are and what is true for you
in 2007.
- Write down whatever comes to you.
- Spend some time understanding the meaning of that word, name or phrase
and allow it to assist you this year. Find ways to use that
word, name or phrase all year. Each time you use it, reaffirm what
it means for you.
This forecast represents our views and opinions. Please, don’t just
take our word (or anyone else’s) for what will or will not happen. Use
whatever methods work for you in planning for the future. Wise people will
use all the forecasts they can find, then see what feels right for them rather
than letting any one dictate their activities.
No guarantees about the future are implied or given - use our views as you
would anyone’s opinions.
Last year’s forecast: January, 2006
you have comments about this month’s topic, please let us know or take our
newsletter survey. If you would like to receive free notices of the new
monthly topic, please sign up for our mailing list. See our Privacy
Resources and Articles
- "Hope abounds for Americans
in 2007" http://www.theolympian.com/101/story/58334.html
"South Sound readers weigh in on their New Year’s wish lists"
"Plain Language: the bottom line" http://www.plainlanguage.gov/whyPL/benefits/bottomline.cfm
- "Happy New Year" e-mail
contains a virus http://www.komotv.com/news/consumer/5045791.html
- Mattie Stepanek's home page http://www.mattieonline.com/
tells the story of Mattie's inspirational and amazing short life focused on peace and
his own poetry ("heart songs")
- You are a
Miracle - flash movie - beautiful words, music and pictures.
- May You Be
Blessed - flash movie - beautiful words, music and pictures.
- The Inner
Christmas Movie - beautiful flash movie with words, music and
- Newsletter Article - February 2003 "Resolving Conflict" http://www.itstime.com/feb2003.htm
- Agreeing and
Disagreeing in Peace
Guidelines for resolving conflict peacefully
- We shouldn't choose security over freedom - http://www.theolympian.com/105/story/60454.html
- SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security) Institute’s Top 20 computer
vulnerabilities http://www.sans.org/top20/
- Farmer’s Almanac http://www.almanac.com
- Entrepreneur Magazine
"What’s Hot for 2007" http://www.entrepreneur.com/startingabusiness/article171870.html
- Mercury Retrograde schedule 2007 http://www.astroprofile.com/2007mercuryrx.htm
- 2007 Feng Shui annual forecast http://www.geomancy.net/resources/yearly-forecast/fortunes-2007.htm
- 2007 forecast for IT salaries http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,2066920,00.asp
- What's Ahead for 2007? Knowledge@Wharton Network Surveys the Globe Http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=1621
- Prospects for the Global Economy (World Bank)
- 2007 Economy forecast http://blog.nam.org/archives/2006/12/2007_economic_f.php
- Sports forecast for 2007 http://www.onmilwaukee.com/sports/articles/forecast2007.html?10527
- 2007 Restaurant industry forecast http://www.restaurant.org/research/forecast.cfm
- 2007 Wall Street forecast http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-petruno31dec31,1,7775807.column?coll=la-utilities-business
- Toyota
set to lift crown from GM www.iht.com/articles/2006/12/22/business/toyota.php
- Forecasters
predict busy 2007 hurricane season
- Manufacturing forecast to slow in 2007 www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D8M8MBCG0.htm?chan=search
- Stocks to Own in 2007 http://www.kiplinger.com/magazine/archives/2007/01/eightstocks.html
- Top Home-Based Business Trends for 2007 www.homestead.com/~site/hslo/news/homebusinessopportunities.ffhtml
- Dave Barry's 2006
year end review
- Travel forecast '07: more costly www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/12/21/BUGOBN39DU1.DTL
- Many inspirational links on our Wit and Wisdom page http://www.itstime.com/swisdom.htm
Some of the products we recommend to protect your computer:
- Disclosure: We get a
small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
Happy New Year in many languages around the world:
Arabic : Kul ‘aam u antum salimoun
Chinese: Chu Shen Tan
Slovakia and Czech republic:Scastny Novy
Dutch: Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar
English: Happy New Year
Finnish: Onnellista Uutta Vuotta
French: Bonne Annee
German: Prosit Neujahr
Greek: Eftecheezmaenos o Kaenooryos
Hebrew: L’Shannah Tovah Tikatevu
Hindi: Niya Saa Moobaarak
Irish (Gaelic):
Bliain nua fe mhaise dhuit
Italian: Buon Capodanno
Khmer: Sua Sdei tfnam tmei
Laotian: Sabai dee pee mai
Polish: Szczesliwego Nowego Roku
Portuguese: Feliz Ano Novo
Russian: S Novim Godom
Serbo-Croatian: Scecna nova godina
Spanish: Feliz Ano Neuvo
Prospero Ano Nuevo
Turkish: Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun
Vietnamese: Cung-Chuc Tan-Xuan
Welch: Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!
About our resource
links: We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in
these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and
respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
This page is http://www.itstime.com/jan2007.htm
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Page updated: October 16, 2023
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