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June 2000 � Taking Initiative at Work
- Thinking Outside the Box
- Think Differently
- Unleashing Creativity
- Managing UP
- Put Yourself in Your Customer's Shoes
- Resources (links, books, articles)
Our newsletter this month includes excerpts from 1001
Ways to Take Initiative at Work by
Bob Nelson. One of Bob's favorite quotes, "The biggest mistake you make in life is to think you work for someone else."
Innovation is the spark that keeps organizations moving ever onward
and upward. We innovate to
(1) improve products and services,
(2) find a new way to do something,
(3) make a task easier or faster,
(4) save money,
(5) enhance our jobs, and
(6) increase our promotability.
Without innovation, new products, new services and new ways of doing
business would never emerge, and most organizations would be forever
stuck doing the same old things the same old way.
It has been said that 98 percent of an organization's problems can be
solved routinely.
However, the remaining 2 percent of an organization's problems
coincidentally, the problems that have the greatest effect on the
organization-require employee innovation to surmount.
Despite the undeniably positive benefits of innovation within
organizations, it seems that roadblocks to thinking creatively
According to a UCLA study, at age five, we engage in creative tasks
98 times a day, laugh 113 times, and ask questions 65 times. By the age
of 44, however, the numbers shrink to 2 creative tasks a day, 11 laughs
and 6 questions.
Furthermore, the UCLA study found a 91 percent negative response rate
among adults exposed to new ideas.
Creativity and innovation flourish in an environment that encourages
them to grow and to blossom, but all it takes is a frown or a negative
word to shut them down completely.
- Look for new combinations.
- Ask "what if?" or develop "what-if" scenarios.
- Consider approaches you've never thought about before.
- Brainstorm with others.
- Be a champion of new ideas � the old ways aren't always the best
Just think how great it would be if all employees had the opportunity
to contribute their ideas to their organizations and be appreciated for
doing so.
Fortunately, organizations today are increasingly relying on
all workers, not just their managers, to find new creative ways to do
According to Grace McGartlan, president of GM Consultants of
Toronto, Ontario, anyone can unleash the untapped innovation and
creativity in the workplace by applying the following principles:
- Take the mystery out of creativity: define expected outcomes so
that everyone in the organization understands where employees should
direct their efforts.
- Discover how individuals are creative: every person has his or her
own approach to generating new ideas. Ask for input, but remember
that people have different work styles.
- Define challenges specifically: focus on areas where creative
solutions are needed instead of wasting time on areas that generate
little or no return to the individual or organization.
- Minimize fear of failure: find ways to absorb risk. Regard
mistakes as learning opportunities. Rewarding employees who take
prudent risks will encourage them to innovate even more.
- Take personal responsibility: develop an organizational climate
for innovation. Start with yourself and the people within your
personal sphere of influence.
- Encourage active communications: set up hot lines among groups for
quick, ongoing interactive idea exchanges.
- Enhance your own creative skills and behavior: set an example.
- Make your boss look like a hero. The better job you do, the better
your department-and your boss-will look to corporate
- Don't be shy. Tell your boss what's on your mind � don't make
him or her guess.
- Be proactive. Anticipate problems and solve them at your level,
before they become bigger problems that only your boss can
- Be your own best advocate. Learn how to present a clear and
compelling case for what you want, whether it's a raise or a
promotion, an increase in responsibility or authority, or something
else you want your boss to do for you. Support your case with hard
facts and evidence, not emotion.
- Enlist others to help. There is strength in numbers. The more
people you can bring around to your point of view, the better chance
you'll have to see it implemented.
A key part of being able to take initiative in helping a customer is
to put yourself in the customer�s position.
Understanding what a
customer really wants or needs is essential to delivering on that need.
Yet, the longer you are in a job, the more likely it is for you to lose
empathy with the customer.
Here are ways to keep your customer focus
Pay attention when you're the customer.
We are all customers in
most walks of our lives.
- Pay attention to how you are treated as a customer.
- Who gives you undivided attention and makes you feel welcome?
- How do you react to such treatment?
- When possible, ask others who provide exceptional customer
service how they are able to do it.
- What keeps their approach to dealing with customers fresh?
Think about what would be of value if you were the customer.
- As you deal with customers, try to put yourself in their
- When possible, ask customers what they think you should do to
help resolve their problems.
- If possible, try to identify multiple solutions to increase the
chances that you can meet their needs.
- Experiment with different potential solutions and scenarios by
being proactive.
- As you learn a customer's problems or needs, imagine doing
something that you have never done before to help them.
- Try to follow through and meet that need.
Have fun with the customer.
- Focus on enjoying your job and enjoying your interaction with
- Vary the way you go about your job tasks whenever possible.
- Be in the present as you focus on and deal with others.
� Bob Nelson 1999. Excerpts from 1001 Ways to Take Initiative at Work used with
permission of the author.
Thanks, Bob, or allowing us to share your tips with our readers!
Bob Nelson, founder of Nelson Motivation, Inc. in San Diego, is also
the author of 1001 Ways to Reward Employees and 1001 Ways to
Energize Employees. His company can be reached at 1-800-575-5521
or www.Nelson-Motivation.com
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- 1001 Ways to Take Initiative at Work, Bob Nelson 1999. Publisher Workman Publishing, New York, NY. ISBN: 076111405X
Bob Nelson, founder of Nelson Motivation, Inc. in San Diego, is also
the author of 1001 Ways to Reward Employees and 1001 Ways to
Energize Employees.
- Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey. Simon & Schuster; 1st edition (September 1990)
ISBN: 0671708635
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