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Feng Shui, pronounced "foong swee" or "fong shway" or "fung shway," is the Chinese art of arranging buildings, objects and space in the environment to achieve energy harmony and balance. The English translation of Feng Shui is "the way of Wind (feng) and Water (shui)" or "the natural forces of the universe." Energy is called "chi." |
by Barbara McNary
The Chinese art of Feng Shui has made its way into Western homes over the last decade. The energy within a workplace should be no less scrutinized.
In the workplace, Chi (or vital energy of all things) can be harmonized for success or ignored and allowed to run chaotic � usually ending in failure.
The work environment should also support and reflect the hopes, dreams, goals and intentions of the business � thereby carrying that energy into the conscious minds of all employees and clientele.
There! Doesn�t that feel better already? Your space now shines with the pride of being cared for. There is nothing left that is not needed or wanted. And everything that remains is easily accessible. Half of the stress is gone.
Now take a look at safety within the environment.
The unconscious mind is no longer preoccupied with the safety of its body but is free for the flow of creative genius!
The next step is more complicated. It is the balancing of the 5 essential elements of our universe: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal.
The chi of each element brings with it its own auspicious energies. One element without the others may produce strength in one attribute of business, but weakness in others. Carefully survey the materials in the environment to determine which element is heavily represented and which is not. Aligning all five elements in equal portions will bring harmony to work.
Water carries the qualities of flow and relaxation � allowing for synchronistic events.
Too much water in an environment might lead to passivity and inconsistency. And too little water tends to cause anxiety and inability to handle stress.
The chi of water is recreated in today�s materials through the use of fountains, reflective surfaces such as mirrors and glass, in art that depicts waterscapes, the use of black and dark-toned colors, and in freeform and asymmetrical shapes.
Wood manifests the qualities of trust,
open and progressive thoughts, flexibility and continual growth.
Too much of this element may cause over-expansion and feelings of being overwhelmed. Too little will inhibit any kind of growth.
The chi of wood is present in wooden furniture, paneling, columns, beams, stripes, natural textiles, plants and the color green.
Fire brings forth the qualities of vitality, enthusiasm and originality.
Too much of this element in an environment may lead to aggression, impatience and impulsive behaviors, while too little may bring forth a lack of motivation, warmth and creativity.
The chi of fire can be found in any spectrum of red, triangular shapes, representations of animals or people and all electrical equipment and lighting.
Earth enhances the qualities of practicality, stability and organization.
Too much of this element will cause seriousness and conservatism. And not enough earth will produce a feeling of being disconnected from all things and spacey.
The chi of earth is in any earth-tone colors, squares, rectangles, flat surfaces, brick, tile and landscapes of deserts or fields.
The last element, metal, emits the qualities of strength, clarity, determination and perseverance.
Too much metal may bring about excessive rigidity. And too little may be represented in weaknesses, procrastination and lack of mental sharpness.
The chi of metal manifests in all metal surfaces, white and pastel colors, circles, ovals and arches, and in marble, flagstones and gemstones.
The last step in accessing the auspicious energies of your workplace is to pay attention to what the environment speaks.
For example, if you have recently downsized and have many empty cubicles, the environment is saying, "Business is not good. We do not have enough work to fill our space."
If you took that same space and gave the remaining employees double cubicles, the environment would be saying, "Business is so good we can afford some luxuries."
What you think, is what you are.
Blessings for success in all of your endeavors,
Barbara McNary
� 2002 Barbara McNary, used with permission of author. Barbara McNary is a Feng Shui consultant in Colorado. Thanks Barbara!
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