High Price of Manhood:
A man's action plan
for getting along better in the 21st century
by Michael Jay Anthony
This is a book about men: 
- About what we believe, what we feel and what we think.
- About our behavior and our conduct.
- About our roles and expectations.
Most importantly, about our health and our relationship to the world around
About how it feels to invest so much into work, to be a devoted — yet often
absent — husband and father, to be a trustworthy friend (but maybe not a
confiding one).
This is also a book about success — your success.
- About arriving — as opposed to striving.
- About achieving success in life, while developing an emotionally healthy
life regardless of what work you choose.
This is not a business plan. It is a strategic life strategy designed
specifically for men. It is about dealing with our changing social order
and the effects of those changes on your male being. While we provide many
detailed suggestions in these pages, it is the psychological impact on you and
those around you that is most important as you change and alter your world to
create health and prosperity in the 21st century.
When a man’s life is hidden from everybody else . . . it seems also to
become much hidden even from himself, and it permits disease and death to gnaw
into his substance without his clear knowledge. Men who are unknown and/or
inadequately loved often fall ill, or even die, as if suddenly and without
warning. . . . If one had direct access to the person’s real self, one
would have had many earlier signals that the present way of life was generating
illness. . .
Sidney Jourard
This book is a companion — a handbook to be consulted when the going gets challenging.
This is a resource to show you and those dear to you the way to contentment, achievement and fulfillment.
It is a book about taking care of you, your family and friends. About how to deal with changes, insecurity, relationships and issues that are psychologically common to humans.
These pages are about dealing with those issues in a straight forward manner so that you grow from the experience of your choices, whatever they may be.
[The section above is an excerpt from the Foreword of the book.]
To be successful and well-adjusted to success, failure, disappointments,
rewards or accomplishments of work and/or relationships, you need only to open
your mind to new possibilities. .. Michael Anthony
The High Price of Manhood includes exercises, checklists and
worksheets for men to identify their thoughts, feelings and perceptions about
the material. That helps them to know here they might make changes to
improve their own lives. The High Price of Manhood also provides an
opportunity for women to better understand the men in their lives.
Published February 2016.
- Foreword
- Chapter One: He / She and Where We Are!
- Chapter Two: Identity — A Check on Value
- Chapter Three: A Man and His Work
- Chapter Four: The Power to Change
- Chapter Five: Understanding Self and Dealing With It
- Chapter Six: Relationships
- Chapter Seven: Dealing with Stress
- Chapter Eight: Fear of Failure as an Underlying Theme
- Chapter Nine: Potential
- Chapter Ten: Commitment to Success
- Chapter Eleven: Action Steps to Better Behavior
- Chapter Twelve: Planning — A One-Step-at-a-Time Procedure
- Chapter Thirteen: The Start is Here
- Chapter Fourteen: The Steps to a Quality Life
- Chapter Fifteen: Epilogue
- Appendix
Michael Anthony was well known for his Organizational Development work, his unique corporate training techniques and
inspiring public speaking.
Michael had a wide variety of full and part time jobs and careers, which included serving as an Army soldier in Vietnam, a Law Enforcement Officer, a Radio Host in Los Angeles, an Advertising Agency Executive then Voice-Over recording artist then Seminar Leader, Author, Business Coach, Psychologist and Organizational Development Consultant.
Many of these career experiences he held simultaneously.
After training employees and managers for some of the nation’s top companies, Michael teamed up with Barbara Taylor in 1984.
Together, they continued the work that each had been passionate about alone.
As a public speaker and trainer, Michael always received outstanding reviews from workshop attendees.
His personal style was relaxed and fun, yet his presentations were filled with powerful teaching to help people manage their lives in ways that are more productive.
Michael had one of those wonderful “radio voices” that we hear and wonder, “Who is that?”
When Michael talked, people naturally stopped to listen. [Click on Michael's
photo to listen to his voice.]
As an author and trainer, Michael shared what he learned through a number of books, articles and training programs.
Barbara Taylor, Editor
Barbara Taylor worked with Michael Anthony as a business partner and friend for more than 30 years.
They co-authored the book Income Without a Job as well as many corporate training programs and articles.
When Michael died in June 2014 — more than 6 years after he was told he only had a few days to live — there were still several unpublished books that he wanted to release.
This is one of them, in a training workbook format as he developed it.
Michael dedicated his life to teaching others how to live better lives.
Michael knew very well the high price of manhood. He paid the price during his life and overcame numerous obstacles in his quest to share his wisdom.
Michael’s speaking, training and writing touched, inspired and motivated thousands of people.
His wisdom carries on beyond his physical presence in this earthly plane. While he walks with the angels now, Michael left a legacy in the form of books and the many people he helped to become better people.
They continue to help others and so his wisdom lives on and endures into future generations.
The Appendix includes excerpts from some of Michael’s greatest challenges and his greatest successes.
Related newsletter articles:
March 2016 ~ Dealing with Stress: Type A Behavior
October 2015 ~ A Man and His Work, excerpt from The High Price of Manhood,
Chapter 3
August 2014 ~ Don't Take Life Too
Seriously ... It's Only a Hobby
July 2014 - Pushing Beyond
June 2008 ~ The Art of Making
story behind the book - Don't Let Your Dreams Die Too Early
Books by Michael Anthony - Disclosure:
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Page updated: October 16, 2023
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