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March 2006 - In Search of "Corporate Soul"
- Changing Expectations
- Wake Up and Smell the Coffee
- Popular Books Describe the Changes
- Current Trends
- The Coming Revolution
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Search of "Corporate Soul"
Consumers and employees are crying out for a change, a change in the ethics
of America, a change in responsibility by corporations for their actions, a
change in the way governments govern. They are demanding responsibility by the
accounting firms who audit corporations and demanding more "humane"
They are taking their demands into the voting box, showing them at the cash
register, showing them in letters to newspapers, writing their views on the
Internet and showing them in lawsuits against employers in increasingly rapid
People are demanding that employers have "soul" — that elusive
quality defined in the dictionary as "the spiritual, immaterial part of man’s
being; the sacred part of the human being." This "soul" is
not a religious idea, but one that demands that people be more human toward each
other — that corporations deliver on their promises (stated or implied), that
they operate with honesty and integrity that they do what they say they will do,
and that governments uphold the promises they make.
No longer is it good business to sell a product that breaks down repeatedly.
Consumers expect to get what they pay for!
No longer is it good business to certify that a company is financially
solvent when it is not.
No longer is it okay for politicians to make promises they don’t keep.
No longer is it okay for managers to harass employees and get away with it.
No longer is it okay for the medical profession to cover up the questionable
practices of doctors.
No longer is it okay for a government agency to abandon their
responsibilities in a time of crisis.
Corporations and public institutions are expected to provide a "safe and
healthy" workplace, which includes not only physical safety from toxic
chemicals and dangerous equipment, but free from stressful conditions.
California usually leads the U.S. in setting higher workplace standards for
employers. However, Great Britain is far ahead in the area of harassment
and bullying laws that mandate what constitutes a healthy workplace.
Never before has an unhappy or mistreated employee had such legal force
behind them. Many are using this new-found legal power against their
employers or former employers. Expect this trend to increase as people
realize the power they hold to correct historic abuses.
Why is this happening now? What is different about this time in history from
other times in history?
Many factors contribute to this increased pressure at this time in our
history. Never before have we had so many people at their prime earning
years (35-55) — the "baby boomers." This is a time of reaching
the high point in their career. Many are finding — with corporate
restructuring, down-sizing, right-sizing and economic recession — that their
"dream" is no longer reachable. They are disillusioned in the
status quo and they are learning to take their future into their own hands.
Employees no longer place blind trust in their employers. They question
everyone and everything. How many truly secure jobs are there? Not
many. Even governments and universities lay off employees. There is
no real job security. People are realizing that they must create their own
security for themselves, not depend on the government or their employers to do
it for them.
How can companies and employers deal with this unrest in the general
population? By developing "Corporate Soul, " by showing that
they DO truly care about their employees (and their customers), by creating a
safer, more secure environment for their employees. By doing business
ethically, by being "human" and "real people caring about real
people." This is a large task for those companies who have hidden
behind impersonal policies, dehumanizing procedures, sloppy products and
unsafe/unhealthy workplaces. These will no longer be tolerated.
The companies who prosper during the worldwide shift in values will be those
that truly do have "Soul" — those who care about their customers and
employees, who are real human beings willing to value other human beings, who
are "up close and personal" in their advertising, in dealing with
employees, in dealing with customers. For many companies, this requires a
new understanding of who they are and what their corporate culture says about
them to employees and customers increasingly skeptical of false images, false
slogans, false promises and false people. Everything is being questioned
and only those who can stand the questioning will survive the shake-out.
The world is changing rapidly. Anyone who doubts that need only
remember the last few years of radical change. The collapse of the Soviet
Union, the re-unification of Germany and the collective efforts of Europe are
all events that 25 years ago would have been viewed as impossible. Yet,
they have happened in a few short years. The pace of change is accelerating.
What changes lie ahead? Only more and more change of greater magnitude
than we have ever experienced in our lifetime. A wild ride to come!
To see what is happening in the world and the new expectations that are being
created, visit any book store. You’ll see titles such as:
- First, Break All the Rules
, Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman
Leadership is an Art, Max DePree
Awakening Corporate Soul, Eric Klein.
Saving the Corporate Soul, David Batstone.
Corporate Religion, Jesper Kunde.
Liberating the Corporate Soul, Richard Barrett.
The Heart Aroused: Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in
Corporate America, David Whyte.
Soul Survival in Corporate America, Lynne Leahy.
The Soul of an Organization, Richard S. Gallagher.
Mind of a Manager Soul of a Leader, Craig
R. Hickman.
The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz
You’ll See It When You Believe It!, Wayne Dyer.
How many employees and consumers are saying "Right on! Why doesn’t
my company do that?" when they read these books? People everywhere
are affected by new ideas, new thoughts and new ways of doing business often
long before the corporate hierarchy understands what has happened. People
change their buying patterns and their friends change their patterns.
Marketing departments are the last to understand what happened; entrenched
management may be years late in figuring out why their market
"suddenly" collapsed.
A few trends we have noticed:
- Americans are moving toward a more
mature way of seeing and dealing
with the world we live in. This could be viewed as
"teenagers" moving into young adulthood. We’ve had a
wonderful, prosperous childhood where we didn’t have to worry about
responsibility, where we got as many toys as we could, now we are facing
life in a different way. This carries with it wanting a
"safe" place (home and work), yet still wanting to experiment a
little. We are expecting our "parent" figures (government
and employers) to be what they said they would be — always safe, secure
and honest. Teenagers test the rules and start to make their own
rules. One minute we are acting like a child, then like an
adult. It is a crazy, volatile time.
- The workplace is experiencing increasing diversity
of all kinds — all requiring attention to their individual
"special" needs. And, a growing awareness that we in the
Unites States live in a global economy, no longer just a separate
country. We cannot be successful by keeping to ourselves and ignoring
the rest of the world.
- Religious and spiritual interest of all types is increasing,
also contributing to the expectation of "soul." A quote from Megatrends,
"In turbulent times, in times of great change, people head for the two
extremes: fundamentalism and personal, spiritual experience."
- Increasing focus on cooperation
instead of competition. Growing numbers of women entering leadership
and management positions in corporations have contributed to a
"softening" in the way people are treated. From the book, Megatrends,
"The dominant principle of organizations has shifted, from management
in order to control an enterprise to leadership in order to bring out the
best in people and to respond quickly to change." This is not
only a feminist principle. It has long been known that cooperative
teamwork gets better results than isolated competitors, no matter what the
- People are more educated than ever
before. They know they have choices; they vote with their feet and
with their pocketbooks. They know they can choose where to work and
choose what to put up with in their workplace. Threats and
intimidation no longer bring loyalty. Only treating employees with
respect and value generates productivity gains.
- There is more concern than ever about our planet
and ecological system.
No longer the concern only of the radicals, every single man, woman and
child on the planet is now aware of the potential of living in a garbage
dump. Re-cycling is becoming a mainstream fact of life.
"Green" is not only a good thing to do, it is a profitable way of
life for smart consumers and smart businesses.
- People are more stressed than ever and
looking for ways to escape from the pressure. Movies and recreational
actives give some respite from the pressures of becoming an
"adult" in a fast-changing world. There is an increase in
"fantasy" products, such as sexy lingerie for women and sports
cars for men.
- The affects of the aging of the
population means that people are viewing life in terms of where they are:
looking toward retirement but still feeling young at heart, looking toward
the kids leaving home and enjoying life, looking toward slowing down the rat
race and cashing out to that "dream" place.
Notice that none of the above examples focus on making more money, working
longer hours, covering up scandals, getting rich by cheating others or producing
shoddy products. In fact, there is growing attention to exposing the
tarnished ethics of people in high places. Just read the newspaper any day
or watch the latest news to see multiple examples of people having to explain
their behavior, being tried in court, convicted or going to prison.
No longer is it the "in" thing to be a high living stock broker on
Wall Street cheating their clients, president or executive of a failed
corporation, a crooked politician, a doctor who abuses their patients, a builder
who uses low-quality materials or an auto-maker whose cars lack quality.
Many of our major industries are being scrutinized with a very large magnifying
glass — by employees and by consumers.
America is ready for another Boston Tea Party — a revolution that may
manifest as a taxpayer’s revolt, a strong voter statement against incumbents
or employee strikes (whether unionized or not). Too many people are tired
of broken promises and transparent attempts to cover up false promises with
glitz and glamour. They are mad, and not going to take it anymore!
The Russians and Germans have shown us all the power of the people.
Just as teenagers can be revolutionary, the American people (your employees
and customers) have power they have just begun to recognize, without the benefit
of adult experience to temper their use of that power. How that power is
directed toward their employers, is only beginning to be felt.
Some companies are forced into bankruptcy or reorganization before they
realize they must change the way they do business. Smarter, more aware
companies are looking at themselves and finding that their own sense of
"self" is not what is should be for this new world order. They
are cleaning up their act, polishing off their mission statement and re-visiting
their purpose for being. They are shifting their priorities from focusing
on just making money to giving better service, from getting new customers at any
cost to maintaining the loyalty of existing customers; shifting from viewing
employees as expense to viewing employees as assets.
When companies attempt cost-cutting moves primarily through massive lay-offs
of long-term employees, they are also cutting out the heart and soul of what
made the company successful. How many companies can survive without their
heart and soul?
Instead, companies can encourage employees to work smarter or cut their hours
(instead of jobs) so that everyone works a reasonable number of hours.
Many years ago, this method worked extremely well and many young companies
survived and prospered enough to return to full productivity.
Why isn’t this done more often today? Mostly, because the biggest
companies became so large and impersonal, that we let a few key people run the
finances in the company, instead of all employees having some part in the
functioning of the company as they do in many small, entrepreneurial endeavors.
Smaller companies know how hard it is to make a profit, so they must work
harder and smarter all the time. Larger companies have gotten so used to making
money — almost in spite of themselves — that they’ve gotten fat and
lazy. Many large organizations that seemed almost invincible are facing
the harsh reality of their lack of sensitivity to a fast-changing world.
Germany and the Soviet Union know the price they paid for ignoring the will
of the people. When the German people finally woke up, how long did it
take for them to take down the Berlin Wall? An awesome example for the
entire world of the power of people to change their environment when they become
motivated! How fast did the Soviet Union crumble once the people decided
they had enough. Life afterward has not always been easy in either of these two
countries as they adjust.
What should companies and governments do to adapt to today’s changing
- Smart companies and organizations will be honest with themselves, be
honest with their customers and honest with their employees.
- Management and employees will acknowledge that they need to change, and
get help from any and all sources for those changes.
- Management will be personally visible and personally responsible.
Their word will mean something again.
- People will do what they say they will do.
- People will keep their promises.
- People will create a humane workplace. This means management and
employees must work toward eliminating hazards and respecting everyone.
- Management will know what type of product they are selling, because they
will spend time at the cash register, answering the phone and in the
- Management will be out of their ivory tower office and mingle among the
- Management will be in front of their customers — on TV ads, in radio
ads, in letters, in person — personally known for the products they sell
and they will stand behind them.
Many CEO’s are writing books about new styles of leadership and standing up
for what they believe in. Some examples are Tom Peters (The Tom Peters
Group), Max DePree (Herman Miller, Inc.), Mark McCormack (IMG), Faith Popcorn (BrainReserve,
Inc.) and Herb Kelleher (Southwest Airlines). Think about the ones who
have found themselves on the other end of the law in the past few years.
Do you really care what they think or write about?
Herb Kelleher, on the television show 60 Minutes, described his
philosophy as the "School of Management through Fooling Around."
Herb's airline (Southwest Airlines) is not only a fun place to work, it is
financially successful as well.
Frank Perdue (of Perdue Farms) made his company famous through his simple
country philosophy, "Consumers want to know not only what they’re buying,
but who they are buying it from. The people, not the logo."
That’s what developing a "corporate soul" means - BE-ing what you
SAY you believe in, living your corporate image — personally every day in
every way.
Don Miguel Ruiz says it this way in his Four Agreements
1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the
word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your
word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don't Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a
projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the
opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
3. Don't Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really
want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings,
sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform
your life.
4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be
different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance,
simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- Awakening Corporate Soul: Four Paths to Unleash the Power of People at
Work. Eric Klein. Fairwinds Press, 1999. ISBN:
- Saving the Corporate Soul--and (Who Knows?) Maybe Your Own: Eight
Principles for Creating and Preserving Wealth and Well-Being for You and
Your Company Without Selling Out. David Batstone. Jossey-Bass,
2003. ISBN:
- Corporate Religion: Building a Strong Company Through Personality and Corporate Soul. Jesper Kunde.
Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2000. ISBN:
- Liberating the Corporate Soul: Building a Visionary Organization.
Richard Barrett. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998. ISBN:
- The Heart Aroused : Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in
Corporate America. David Whyte. Currency, 1996. ISBN:
- Soul Survival in Corporate America: A Woman's Story of Business Success
and Inner Peace. Lynne Leahy.
iUniverse, Inc., 2004. ISBN:
- The Soul of an Organization: Understanding the Values That Drive
Successful Corporate Cultures. Richard S.
Gallagher. Kaplan Education, 2002. ISBN:
- Reclaiming Soul in Health Care: Practical Strategies for Revitalizing
Providers of Care. Linda Gambee Henry, James
Douglas Henry. Jossey-Bass, 1999. ISBN:
- Mind of a Manager Soul of a Leader. Craig
R. Hickman. John Wiley & Sons, 1990.
ISBN: 0471617156
- The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A
Toltec Wisdom Book). Don Miguel Ruiz. Amber-Allen Publishing,
1997. ISBN:
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