March 2007 - Safety in the Workplace
- Is Your Safety Process Rigorous or Just Plain
- 5 Factors for Rigorous Safety Leadership
- Get Rigorous for a Bright Future
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
in the Workplace: Be Rigorous, Not Ruthless
By Carl & Deb Potter
You may have read the book Good to Great by Jim Collins. In his
book, he explains how many companies thought being good is . . . well,
"good enough." In these times of constant change and global
competition, it is important to always look for improvement — especially when
it comes to safety.
Who wants to settle for "good enough" safety? In most cases,
"good" means the company is willing to settle for an injury.
"Good enough" safety means setting safety goals based on lagging
indicators. (An example is to reduce lost time injuries by 10%.)
Great safety means setting a rigorous goal of zero injuries. According
to Collins, you want to be rigorous and not ruthless when growing your
company. This same concept should also apply to safety in the workplace.
Ruthless safety could be characterized as a company that tends to punish
employees by verbally beating them over the head with the safety manual for
getting hurt on the job.
Don’t read this wrong — every company must have a disciplinary policy to
get the attention of employees who don’t understand the consequences of unsafe
behavior. To truly change behavior, frontline leaders must always clearly
identify the behavior required to prevent injuries. After all, the goal is
"Nobody Gets Hurt."
Rigorous safety could be characterized as clearly defined behaviors that
workers are held accountable for that prevent known hazards from injuring
them. If a worker continually proves that he or she has no intention of
behaving safely, then disciplinary action must be taken.
Rigorous safety means that leadership has the best interest of the employee
at heart.
Leading employees to behave safely on the job is not always an easy
task. During our 15 years of experience of consulting with top executives
on workplace safety, we have had many leaders tell us that if they had known
leading employees to behave safely on the job was so hard to do, they might have
turned down the position of supervisor, foreman or lead. Yet, there is
Leaders from the frontline can be effective by learning about dealing with
these five human factors:
1. Expectations
Unspoken, unrecognized expectations in the workplace can lead to job
frustration, substandard safety performance, decreased job safety commitment and
even high turnover. Understand that most employees expect to have a
workplace free of hazards.
Workers have varying expectations when it comes to factors such as autonomy,
work/life balance, career opportunities, stability, structure and
teamwork. The key is to learn what expectations the individuals in your
organization have and then work with them to meet or — in some cases —
adjust those expectations.
2. Communication
Being a superb safety communicator is difficult to accomplish. Think
about the people to whom you communicate safety requirements on a daily basis.
You will notice some are strong in certain communication skills, but weak in
other skills. Learn everything you can about your communications style and how
it affects others.
What impact do you have? If you don’t usually get a positive reaction
from those around you, take a course in interpersonal skills.
3. Innovation
Change — whether anticipated or unanticipated — can be difficult.
To innovate, grow and improve a safety culture requires individuals who are able
to see the big picture. Accept that change is a part of life and learn to
let go of the past, then embrace and apply new techniques, technologies and
tools when appropriate.
4. Organization
Safety innovation cannot happen without teams of people dedicated to hitting
the goal:
A Zero-Injury Workplace.
Leaders must be able to organize a team and motivate it towards the
goal. Imagine everyone leading each other to the goal of a zero-injury
5. Appreciation
Great leaders accomplish great things. Great leaders appreciate the
people who make things happen. Understanding how one reacts to certain
situations as a leader is vital to being a successful leader.
Becoming rigorous about safety can be hard work. However, it is very
When a company and its leaders commit to improving their effectiveness with
rigorous safety programs, employees are more motivated to behave safely so they
can go home to their families every day without injury.
After all, no matter what level you are in the company, the goal is "Nobody
Gets Hurt."
That’s a goal everyone can live with.
About the authors: Carl Potter,
CSP, CMC and Deb Potter, PhD, CMC help top executives target a zero-injury
workplace so everyone can go home to their families every day without
injury. As advocates of a zero-injury workplace, they can help your
organization raise its safety performance and cut its workers compensation
insurance expenses in half.
© Carl & Deb Potter, 2007 - All rights reserved. Used with
permission of the authors.
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
January 16, 1989
Mary Jones, Insurance Claims Adjuster
Joe Smith, Bricklayer
My Accident Claim
am writing in response to your request concerning Block #11 on the insurance
form which asks for “the cause of injuries” wherein I put “trying to do
the job alone.” You said you
needed more information, so I trust the following will be sufficient.
am a brick layer by trade and on the date of the injuries, I was working
alone, laying brick around the top of a four-story building when I realized
that I had about 500 pounds of brick left.
than carry the bricks down by hand, I decided to put them into a barrel and
lower them by a pulley that was fastened to the top of the building.
loaded the bricks into the barrel and flung it out over the side of the
building with the bricks in it. I
then went down and untied the rope holding it securely to insure the slow
descent of the barrel.
you will note on Block #6 of the insurance form, I weigh 145 pounds.
to my shock at being jerked off the ground so swiftly, I lost my presence of
mind and forgot to let go of the rope. Between
the second and third floors, I met the barrel coming down.
This accounts for the bruises and lacerations on my upper body.
Regaining my presence of mind, again I held tightly to the rope and
proceeded rapidly up the side of the building, not stopping until my right
hand was jammed into the pulley. This
accounts for my broken thumb.
the pain, I retained my presence of mind and held tightly to the rope.
At approximately the same time, however, the barrel of bricks hit the
ground and the bottom fell out of the barrel.
Devoid of the weight of the bricks, the barrel now weighed about fifty
pounds. I again refer you to
Block #6 and my weight.
you would guess, I began a rapid descent.
In the vicinity of the second floor, I met the barrel coming up.
This explains the injuries to my legs and lower body.
Slowed only slightly, I continued my descent, landing on the pile of
bricks. Fortunately, my back was only sprained and the internal
injuries were minimal.
am sorry to report, however, that at this point I again lost my presence of
mind and let go of the rope. As
you can imagine, the empty barrel crashed down on me.
trust this answers your concern. Please
know that I am finished “trying to do the job alone!!”
Note: Above all else, maintain a sense of humor !
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