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March 2014 ~
Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World
- Questionnaire
- Interpreting Your Answers
- Techniques for Dealing with Stress
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
2014 ~ Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World
Socrates said, "Know thyself." This month, we
share a handout from a recent workshop with Josh Reeves (used with his permission, of course). The handout forms the
basis for this month’s article on ways of coping with stress, based on a
self-assessment that helps us look at areas where we might be experiencing
stress, with some suggestions for coping with those stressors. Each of us
is a unique individual so what is happening for one person, may be experienced
differently by someone else.
Answer the questions below by circling the choice that fits you
most closely (the questionnaire may be downloaded
as PDF file):
1. What is more difficult for you . . .
1. Being Present
2. Forgetting past Experiences
3. Feeling confident about the future.
2. Is your stress more related to . . .
1. The task that you are currently engaged in
2. Regret about a previous event
3. Anxiety about an upcoming event.
3. Are you more apt to seek counsel . . .
1. On how to be
2. On how to cope
3. On what to do.
4. What drives your concerns in relationship . . .
1. Everyday interaction
2. Past behavior
3. Direction of relationship.
5. Are you more apt to . . .
1. Get distracted
2. Feel guilty
3. Worry.
6. Are you more likely to be in judgment about yourself for . .
1. How you are acting
2. What you've done
3. What you've yet to do.
7. What do you respect more in others . . .
1. Live in the present
2. Have no regrets
3. A clear direction.
Your answers
Count the number of times you circled each answer choice:
1. ________ 2. ________
3. ________
If you circled more of the number 1 choices, your challenge is
being in the present moment.
If you circled more of the number 2 choices, you tend to dwell
on past events.
If you circled more of the number 3 choices, you tend to focus
on possible future events.
You might have a tie or have a hard time choosing which choice
fits you most closely. That’s OK. Each person is unique and different.
When we feel stress beyond the occurrence of a specific event,
it means we are stuck somewhere, leading to continued stress that keeps us from
enjoying life as much as we could.
for Dealing with Stress
For being in the present moment, one good technique to use is
meditation — quieting the mind and detaching from outside stresses so that a
state of peace and quiet can be achieved.
The benefits of meditation
include a reduction in: high blood pressure, depression and anxiety.
Scientifically demonstrated benefits of
mindfulness practice include an increase in the body's ability to heal and a
shift from a tendency to use the right prefrontal cortex instead of the left
prefrontal cortex, associated with a trend away from depression and anxiety,
and towards happiness, relaxation and emotional balance. [from
"Jon Kabat-Zinn
gives a Google Tech Talk about introductory mindfulness practice
online". YouTube,
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meditation#cite_note-mindful_tech_talk-149]
There are many different ways to meditate. A few examples
include: sitting quietly with a focused mind, staring at a candle, listening to
soft music, listening to nature sounds (birds, water, soft breezes), chanting,
walking with focused attention and more — so each person can find what works
best for them. A wide variety of meditation techniques can be learned in
classes, books and via the Internet.
The most well-known teacher of meditation techniques was Buddha.
For learning not to dwell on past events, one good technique is
forgiveness — releasing the energy attached to a person or event that keeps us
trapped in the past.
As with meditation, there are many ways to learn forgiveness
The benefits of forgiveness include: greater happiness and
overall health (mental, emotional, spiritual and physical, including improved
cardiovascular and nervous systems). According to research studies, less
forgiving people reported a great number of health problems.
In three separate studies, including one with
Catholics and Protestants from Northern Ireland whose family members were
murdered in the political violence, he found that people who are taught how
to forgive become less angry, feel less hurt, are more optimistic, become
more forgiving in a variety of situations, and become more compassionate and
self-confident. His studies show a reduction in experience of stress,
physical manifestations of stress, and an increase in vitality.
[Fred Luskin, Ph.D. Forgive for Good: A Proven Prescription for Health
and Happiness (Harper,
2002)] – [from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forgiveness#cite_note-14
The most well-known teacher of forgiveness was Jesus.
Another well-known person who has demonstrated forgiveness in modern times is
Nelson Mandela.
Prayer / Positive Thinking
For those who tend to focus on future events, one good technique
is affirmative prayer — knowing beyond a shadow of doubt that things will work
out in a positive way.
As with mediation and forgiveness, there are a variety of ways
to learn positive thinking techniques and a myriad of books, workshops and ways
to learn how do it.
The benefits of positive thinking
include a greater ability to cope with stress, the ability to be flexible in the
face of changes, being able to focus on the positive aspects of life and a
greater sense of control when stressful situations do occur.
The Mayo Clinic reports a number of health
benefits associated with optimism, including a reduced risk of death from
cardiovascular problems, less depression, and an increased lifespan.
While researchers are not entirely clear on why positive thinking benefits
health, some suggest that positive people might lead healthier
lifestyles. By coping better with stress and avoiding unhealthy
behaviors, they are able to improve their health and well-being. [from
Teachers of positive thinking / affirmative prayer techniques
include: Dr. Ernest Holmes (Science of Mind textbook), Dr, Wayne Dyer (You’ll
See When You Believe It!), Charles and Myrtle Filmore, James Allen (As A
Man Thinketh), Dr. William James,
Morris Lichtenstein and Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
Learning stress reduction techniques is like learning any other
skills — it takes practice to learn now to do them well until they become a
regular habit and part of your daily routine.
If you meditate, forgive and see life from a positive viewpoint,
life becomes easier and stress is more manageable.
Unless we live as a
hermit on an isolated mountain top, modern life will provide many opportunities
for us to encounter stress in daily living and to practice better coping
We wish you a positive and less-stressful month, as we shift
seasons from the challenges of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere to the coming
of Spring.
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- You'll See It When You Believe It!
, Wayne Dyer. Quill; (September 2001)
ISBN: 0060937335
(with 50 million books in print, Wayne Dyer knows how changing his thinking
profoundly changed his own life and the lives of millions of others who follow his work)
- Buddha in Blue Jeans: An Extremely Short Simple Zen Guide to Sitting Quietly.
Tai Sheridan. CreateSpace, 2011. ISBN:
- Forgiveness: Overcoming the Impossible. Matthew West.
Thomas Nelson, 2013. ISBN:
- Mandela's Way: Lessons on Life, Love and Courage. Richard
Stengel, Nelson Mandela. ISBN:
- Forgive for Good. Frederic Luskin. HarperOne, 2003. ISBN:
- As a Man Thinketh. James Allen. Encore Books, 2013. ISBN
- Science of Mind. Ernest Holmes. Wilder Publications,
2010. ISBN
- Income Without a Job: Living Well Without a Paycheck. Michael
Jay Anthony, Barbara J. Taylor. Lulu.com,
2008 ISBN-13:
978-0-557-00377-8. Website: www.income-without-a-job.com.
Tap into your own creativity and use your full potential. Learn
how to see opportunities that others miss.
Related newsletter articles:
Oct 2002 - Reducing Stress in the Workplace
Sep 2004 - Stress Busters: Managing Stress
Nov 2009 - Healthy and Safe Workplaces
Jul 2001 - Balancing Life and Work
Sep 2008 - The Joy of Work
May 2002 - Stress: How It Affects the Roles We Play
Feb 2009 - Staying Inspired
Oct 2012 - Crucial Conversations: Learn to Look
Sep 1997 - Balancing Life and Work.
Three beautiful Spring cards from Jacquie
of Spring
Wit, Wisdom and Fun http://www.itstime.com/swisdom.htm
About our resource
links: We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in
these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and
respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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