May 2000 - Case Study: The Birth of
NetRam Computers
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This compelling
true account shows both the upside of
high-tech start-up success as well as the harsh realities faced by high growth
Our guest author, Don Klosterman, is a client who originally found us
through the Internet. We watched the story unfold as it actually
happened and can attest that it was even more exciting, intense and breath-taking
than his story reveals. As you read it, try to imagine what you would do
in the same situation. Thanks again, Don, for allowing us to share
your story with our readers.
Birth of NetRam Computers as a Viable Consumer Brand
By Don Klosterman, Sr. Vice President, Parker Stephens (used with permission)
This is a true American success story of small group of people who
were armed with little more than determination on their way to creating
the opportunity for themselves to become the next Dell. If only things
had gone just a little differently ... .
Some History
Parker Stephens is a medium sized advertising and marketing services
firm located in Costa Mesa, CA. We are principal-owned and operated by a
group of seasoned advertising executives who trained and worked for
years in big 10 advertising agencies such as Saatchi & Saatchi,
McCann Erickson, Ogilvy & Mather, as well as Wells Rich & Green
and former O.C. regional power Salvati Montgomery Sakoda, which merged
with Bozell and is now FCB. Additionally our key partners have client
marketing experience at Sunkist Growers, Allergan Pharmaceuticals and
at IRS Records (a former division of Capitol Records). That broad
experience was put to the test with this client.
One day in 1997 we were introduced to a couple of motivated
individuals who manufactured single units and small batches of
computers, mainly for corporate customers. They made them in their very
small offices in Orange County, one at a time. They had sales then of
about $1.5 million per year. They wanted to increase their business, so
one of the partners, a determined person, decided he wanted to sell
computers at retail, and specifically at Fry's Electronics. Fry's is the
13th largest computer retailer in the country, and is well known for its
hardball style of relationships with its computer vendors.
Going for the Brass Ring
The partner was terribly naive as to what it takes to be successful
in the retail environment, but he got on the phone one day nevertheless,
called the Fry's headquarters, learned the name of the computer buyer
and became such a persistent pest for 30 days that the buyer finally
caved in and granted a meeting. He was given three weeks to make his
once-in-a lifetime pitch.
The Chance of a Lifetime
The two NetRam partners met with us to ask for our assistance, which
we promptly declined. The world did not need, we felt, another
non-descript, white box computer built by a couple of determined, yet
na�ve guys in little more than a garage-type environment. They also had
little backing, little marketing knowledge, no packaging, no
positioning, no sales materials, no technical support, no retail
presence whatsoever....etc.

Following Your Intuition
But for some reason, I couldn't get it out of
my mind, so later that night I decided to stop in to the Fry's store in
Fountain Valley on my way home.
I thought I'd be there for about 15
minutes. I ended up being there until closing, some three hours later.
The reason was that I had found the Fry's sales people receptive to
talking with me and I became intrigued. Of course, I posed as a customer.
I was able to become very friendly with one of them.
Doing Marketing Research
The next
morning, I decided to stop in to the store again and the same sales
clerk from the night before was there again. This time, he suspected I
wasn't a customer, so I confessed and told him I was performing in-store
research for a new computer company.
We'd become friendly enough that he
saw I had developed a genuine interest in how Fry's sells computers, so
he opened up to me to reveal the inner secrets of what was wrong with
competitive offerings and where the opportunities for a new computer
company existed.
Using that information as a foundation, I spent the good part of the
next week going into most of the Southern California Fry's stores and some
After this period, there were some very obvious
opportunities that arose for a new computer company and that enabled
our firm to put together the proper strategies, which eventually lead us
to what was to become a great success.
Making the Pitch
During the next two weeks, we put together the presentation for Fry's. I boarded a plane to their headquarters in San Jose along with
one of the NetRam partners and proceeded to make the presentation to
the buyer.
I took a direct and frank approach, laying out all the issues
I'd learned in my many hours in his stores. Of course, this was risky
because all the issues I laid out were problems for which
the buyer was responsible.
I felt I had to take the aggressive road. It
turned out to be the right one.
To my surprise, the buyer was appreciative of all the research that
had been done, but he was especially interested in the fact that we had
set up NetRam as the only computer company that A) was aware of the
unique competitive issues that existed at Fry's; and B) had set up our
marketing plan and in-store presence to uniquely address those issues.
A few short days after the meeting we received an initial order. That set off a frenzy back at our place, because most of the
marketing materials we presented to Fry's were only in concept form.
the packaging, labeling, in-store marketing and P.O.P. (point of
purchase), sales training
to store personnel, returns, customer service, 800 lines, in-store
factory reps, you name it, all had to be put into place in a short one
month period.
The two NetRam partners were barely equipped to handle the
office and manufacturing duties, so it was incumbent upon us to become
NetRam's Marketing Department and for me to assume the surrogate
marketing director's job.
Our first purchase order was for 32 machines. They were to be the industry's
first Pentium II systems offered at retail, so the deadline was very
The launch was a complete success, in spite of some severe
manufacturing issues that strained our patience, as well as that of the
Fry's buyer. Those 32 machines all sold within 36 hours.
Keeping the Ball in Play
With some adjustments and success in the manufacturing process, and a
couple of short test months at Fry's, it wasn't long before we started
receiving larger, substantive orders on a weekly basis. $100,000 worth
of orders per week came through the fax machines.
Then, a few weeks later half
million dollar orders, then 1 million dollar orders, then 2 million
dollar orders � PER WEEK!
Can you imagine? A company that was selling only
$1.5 million in annual sales is now a $30,000,000 company and is on
track to be a $50 million company in its first year of retail presence!
Building Strong Vendor Relationships
We also started to become the favorite computer to sell of a few key
store salesmen throughout the chain who were extremely influential to
the rest of the sales army at Fry's. Our strategy was to have a strong
management presence in each of the 16 stores, identify the key sales
people and make them strong advocates.
That required thousands of hours
of our time in the trenches. We knew we had the best computer on the
market and we added the best sales closing materials, the best in-store
marketing, the best packaging, the best sales training, the best
manufacturer's rep presence, and the best sales commission of all the
We didn't spend one dime on traditional advertising, so our
profits were applied in the store where many customers would come in not
having a specific brand in mind at the time of purchase.
Growing the Relationship
Remember that
pre-launch research? We accurately determined that if we could get a
small percentage of those naive buyers we'd be a hit. After all, Fry's
is a very high volume chain and even a small percentage of market share
there can make a company successful.
We devoted a strong presence to the five new Fry's grand openings
that were a huge success. 
Computers literally sold by the pallet
load at these festive and high volume events. We used them not only as
promotional launching pads, but as tremendous "first
impression" opportunities to train the new sales forces at these
new stores to sell NetRam as the "Go To" system.
It was common
to see up to three end caps and huge sales "mountains" of our
NetRam Computers for sale and it didn't take long for those mountains
to whittle down in the form of fast register sales.
We became the number one selling computer in the Fry's chain � outselling all other
brands including the national brands � combined!
It wasn't long before we were able to break into another major,
mid-west retail chain.
Sales soared.
The two partners could not continue
managing the company with this growth so they sold it to another party
who had been helping them with financing along the way.
Going National with a Celebrity Spokesperson
Our in-store marketing was beefed up with the new owner's ability to
persuade NFL Hall of Fame legendary coach Bill Walsh to become company
spokesperson. They had a contact who knew Mr. Walsh and since we didn't
have much operating profit yet, he agreed to provide his services for
few dollars and interest in the company.

We worked with Mr. Walsh in producing
on-screen sales videos, in-store P.O.P. materials and of course web site
Mr. Walsh's name and likeness gave our unknown computer brand
accelerated credibility that endeared NetRam not only to unknowing
customers, but also, and very importantly, to the Fry's sales staff who
are so influential to the sales process. After all, that army of sales
people held the keys to our success or failure.
Our success was made
possible by our ability to endear ourselves to them. Of course, using
Mr. Walsh properly was critical and we did that very well.
Bill Walsh Gets
Coached for NetRam 
Hall of Fame member and 3-time Super Bowl Champion coach with the San
Francisco 49ers, Bill Walsh receives direction from NetRam�s Retail Marketing
Director, Don Klosterman, during a recent shoot for a video project at a
Fry�s Electronics store. Fast growing NetRam Computers and Mr. Walsh
have teamed up to promote its increasingly popular line of high quality
computers that are made only with world-class, brand name components.
past press photo and caption.)
Expanding to Handle the Growth
That company decided to build a new factory in the Irvine Spectrum. It was a beautiful, state-of-the-art facility.
I referred to it as
"The House that Parker Stephens built."
Prior to that the
larger orders were built by a third-party contractor in Costa Mesa. He
was very efficient and built computers to very high standards.
We had a
great thing going and felt we were on our way to becoming a true
national power in the category.
New Owners Take Over
The new owners took over. When the new factory opened, the new owners
found it extremely difficult to manufacture computers with the same high
quality on which our foundation had been built.
And worse, they could
not deal with the new economics of the computer business.
problematic computers left the factory and became faulty returns. This
turned out to be the kiss of death.
Our reputation was gravely damaged
and NetRam soon lost the Fry's account.
. . . and the Dream Slips Away
NetRam went out of business. It
was heartbreaking, to say the least.
Lessons Learned
We proved that we have the ability to successfully create a
unique presence for a new brand in a very crowded field. And better, we
did it without spending one dime in advertising, putting all our
energies into the in-store environment.
The experience also
unfortunately reaffirmed to all of us that great marketing and
determined effort alone don't create success. It's truly a team process.
We put our many years of working for blue-chip, national brands to
work for NetRam and succeeded.
Author: Don
Klosterman, former Senior Vice President, Principal,
Parker Stephens, Inc. is currently: Principal, Klosterman Marketing Communications (updated August
2005), contact: donklos [at] (714) 501-5949
� Copyright 2000 Don Klosterman (used with author's
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