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May, 1996
- Business and Professional Code of Conduct
- Business Code of Conduct
- Professional Code of Conduct
Business Code of Conduct
"Members" designates members of <any business association, trade group
or industry>. "Employees" includes all officers, owners, managers, and
[Note: If using this Code for an individual business, change
"members" to "company name" and change verbs accordingly.]
Section I: Corporate Citizenship
- Members demonstrate courtesy, respect, honesty and fairness with customers, clients,
suppliers, competitors, employees, investors, stockholders, business partners, associates
and other members in all interactions.
- Members demonstrate compliance with health, safety, legal and security regulations
applicable to the business entity.
- Members immediately investigate and resolve health, safety, legal or security
violations, or violations of the Code of Conduct.
- Members conduct business operations in an ethical and humanistic fashion.
- Members recognize the diversity of the work force and that the company can only be
successful through the respect, fair treatment, cooperation, and empowerment of employees.
- Members communicate their business vision, mission, goals and objectives to all
employees and provide training as required toward achievement of those goals.
- Members are environmentally conscious in conserving resources and protecting the
environment in which the company operates.
Section II: Protecting the Business
- Members recognize that a healthy and safe working environment is critical to the overall
success of the business. At all times, employees are responsible and accountable for
maintaining a healthy and safe environment for the business. While on company business,
employees will not engage in any activity that is (or gives the appearance of being)
unhealthy, unsafe, illegal, immoral or harmful to the business, its employees, clients,
customers, vendors or environment.
- Members are in compliance with relevant laws, regulations and policies. Where there is
dispute with any law, regulation, or policy, members work with the appropriate parties to
resolve the dispute.
- Members avoid activities which conflict with or impair the performance of their duties.
Members make decisions objectively without regard to personal gain. If conflicts arise,
members disclose the conflict and obtain objective opinions to resolve any apparent
conflict of interest.
- Members do not participate in bribery, in any form.
- Members do not provide false or misleading information about the business, its products
or services to any party.
Section III: Protecting the Assets of the Business
- Members provide an environment that encourages employees to constantly improve the
health, safety, productivity and profitability of the company. Members strive to create a
place where employees enjoy working, recognizing that highly motivated employees are the
company's most productive and dependable asset.
- Members protect and use assets of the business in a fair and responsible way. Assets of
the business include, but are not limited to: employees, products, services, trade
secrets, financial resources, and information.
- Members strive to provide the highest quality products and services, working for
constant improvement of quality in all areas of the business.
- Members maintain confidentiality of all records in their care and possession including
information about: customers, clients, vendors, employees, and other members.
- Members exhibit high standards of personal integrity and professional conduct.
I agree to abide by the Code of Conduct:
Signature: ____________________________________
Date: ________________________________________
Name:: ________________________________________
Title:: ________________________________________
Company Name:: ________________________________________
Street Address:: ________________________________________
City/State/Zip:: ________________________________________
Phone:: ________________________________________
Fax:: ________________________________________
Permission to Use:
This document [Sample Business Code of Conduct] may be distributed
freely (at no cost) as long as the following copyright notice is included. "�
Barbara Taylor, 1992-2003, Rainbows & Miracles etc.
www.itstime.com. Used with permission of author."
<Consultant> designates any professional providing consulting-type services to
clients, whether independent or by sub-contract with another entity. Services include:
accounting, business consulting, computer consulting, counseling, creative services,
financial services, management consulting, ministry, sales/marketing/advertising/public
relations consulting, etc.
<Consulting Company> designates an entity (consulting company, agency,
professional association or business collective) contracting with (or employing)
[Note: Individual consultants and sole practitioners may adopt the Code
by making appropriate changes in wording.]
Section I. Independence, Integrity and Objectivity
- A consultant will express an opinion for a client only when consultant and
consultant's firm are organizationally and contractually independent of the client. Areas
of possible conflict include, but not limited to: financial interests, purchase or sale of
products and services, and potential future contracts with the client.
- A consultant will not knowingly misrepresent facts when providing managerial
advice to client for personal gain or for any other reason not in the best interest of the
Section II. General and Professional Standards
- A consultant will undertake only those engagements that she/he can reasonably expect to
complete with professional competence.
- A consultant will exercise due professional care in the performance of an engagement.
- A consultant will adequately plan and prepare for an engagement with a client.
- A consultant will obtain sufficient relevant data to afford a reasonable basis for any
conclusions or recommendations made to a client.
- A consultant will not permit her/his name to be used with a forecast of future
transactions or in any way create a belief that the consultant vouches for the
achievability of the forecast by the client.
- A consultant will express an opinion regarding legal or financial matters only if
the consultant is adequately trained in the particular area of expertise.
- A consultant will complete the contracted services within the agreed upon time schedule.
Section III. Responsibility to Clients
- A consultant will not disclose any confidential information obtained during a
professional engagement.
- When performing work under contract to <Consulting Company>, fees charged
for professional services rendered will be in compliance with the policies of
<Consulting Company>.
- Client fees will be paid directly to <Consulting Company>, which will
compensate the consultant upon submission of invoice for work performed.
- Consultants will not attempt to charge clients additional fees beyond those
provided by the contract for services with <Consulting Company>.
Section IV. Responsibility to Colleagues
- Consultants will support their fellow consultants when called upon to do so as long as
such services are in accord with <Consulting Company> policies and the Code of
Professional Ethics.
- Consultants will not obtain clients of <Consulting Company> by unorthodox
or unscrupulous means.
Section V. Other Responsibilities and Practices
- A consultant will conduct herself/himself with integrity and credibility to their
profession and to <Consulting Company> at all times..
- A consultant will not present himself/herself to a client in a misleading manner
or seek to obtain clients by any form of solicitation that is false, misleading or
- A consultant will not offer any business or service to a client that may create a
conflict of interest in the rendering of services through <Consulting Company>.
- A consultant will present himself/herself to a client in an organizational format that
is acceptable to <Consulting Company>.
Section VI. Relationship with <Consulting Company>
- All consultants in <Consulting Company> abide by the Code of Professional Ethics.
Failure to do so will result in the severing of relations between the consultant
and <Consulting Company>.
- Consultants will provide full disclosure of their relationship with clients of
<Consulting Company> whenever called upon to do so by <Consulting Company>
- Consultants abide by the policies and procedures of <Consulting Company> at
all times. Consultants conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to maintain
<Consulting Company's> image in the business community.
I have read, understand and agree with the Code of Professional Ethics adopted by
<Consulting Company>. I agree to abide by the Code in all professional engagements
contracted with clients obtained through <Consulting Company>.
Signature: ____________________________________
Date: ________________________________________
Name:: ________________________________________
Title:: ________________________________________
Company Name:: ________________________________________
Street Address:: ________________________________________
City/State/Zip:: ________________________________________
Phone:: ________________________________________
Fax:: ________________________________________
Consulting Specialty: ___________________________________________
Professional Licenses: __________________________________________
Permission to Use:
This document [Sample Code of Professional Ethics] may be distributed
freely (at no cost) as long as the following copyright notice is included. "�
Barbara Taylor, 1992-2003, Rainbows & Miracles etc., www.itstime.com.
Used with permission of author."
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Page updated: May 11, 2023