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Listed here are
many different
sites. If you can't find it with these, it may not exist!
Listed alphabetically:
- 01WebDirectory
- 555-1212.com -
Name, Address, Phone Number lookup
- About.com
- AcademicInfo
- Online Degree Information & Online College Search
- AltaVista - HUGE index with powerful
and FAST search functions
- America Online
- Ancestry - search
for family ancestors - U.S.
- Ancestry - search
for family ancestors - U.K.
- Ask Jeeves - allows
English-like questions
- Microsoft's search engine
- BizWeb - lists companies with information about
their products and/or services
- Career
Jet - job/employment search engine in the U.K.
Career jet - job/employment search engine in the U.S.
- ComFind - source for
everything that relates to public records or statistics
- Cool Site of the Day
- Excite- over 1,500,000 web pages (not web sites)
in their database
- Excite NetDirectory: Southern California
- Go.com
- Google.com - the most
popular search engine
- HotBot- joint venture of HotWired, publisher of
Wired magazine, and Inktomi
- InfoSpace
- Inkel.co.uk
- UK Search and Category Matching
- Intellius - Search
for people - re-sorted OK
- IxQuick.com
- searches 12 engines simultaneously, outstanding search relevancy,
fast response.
- Library of Congress
- main US Library of Congress page
- Lycos - One of the most popular robots
- Mega-Mathematics!
- My Virtual Reference Desk - Business
- My Virtual Reference Desk - Magazines
- Nerd World Media Internet Subject Index
- NetMall - selected by Point Communications as a
Top 5% of all sites. Very fast.
- Patents
Online - free patent searching, free PDF downloading, allows annotating
documents and sharing them, and free alerts for new documents.
- Point Com - "It's What You're Searching
- Retreat
Finder - Online directory of spiritual and healing retreats for individuals and groups.
- Search.com
- SearchTurtle
- Search Turtle is a human edited general directory. It takes pride in its strict guidelines for inclusion. Site submission is free.
- Spirit
and Sky - the Definitive Spiritual Directory
- State of California
government website - searchable site with links to all state agencies
- State of Washington
government website - searchable site with links to all state agencies
- Stock
Market Yellow Pages - search engine for public companies
- SuperPages -
Online "Yellow Pages" - find local businesses
- Switchboard - 90 million individual listings
and 10 million business listings
- Teaching and Learning On
the Web
- The Rail - the eccentric folks at Glacier
Software are building a railroad across the Internet
- THOMAS - US Congress
- UK
Business Index - UK Business Directory
- U.S. Federal Government
- New combined
US Government site
- Wage
Information - Australian wages, employment conditions, labour issues, taxation, salary surveys
and resume services. We also provide free information on wage and labour information in parts of Europe, US, UK, Canada, Asia and Africa.
- WebCrawler - one of the first, biggest and most
important robots; owned by America Online
- Where2Go - search by any
combination of business name, URL, address, city, state, zip, telephone, product,
keywords, and more
- White House -
U.S. White House
- Yahoo - Big One, the Big Yahoona
Page updated: May 11, 2023 with the generous help of Nathan.
This page is http://www.itstime.com/searchengines.htm