August 2007 - Conflict Resolution
- Managing Conflict in the Office
- Our Three Brains
- Our Choices
- Management Tips
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
Conflict Resolution in the Office
By Val Gee
All conflict comes from people taking things personally. This happens
when they operate from the animal brain. The only way to stop conflict is
for one or both people to switch to their human brain and look at the situation
To understand how to do this, we first have to look at our three brains.
The oldest is the reptilian brain
situated at the base of the skill. It operates automatically and without
thought to keep the heart, lungs and organs working at their optimal level.
Above that is the animal brain
or limbic system, which operates from survival and fear. Think of an
animal — it doesn’t do much except eat, sleep and reproduce. If it
feels threatened, it triggers the flight or fight syndrome, which is fine for an
animal living in a forest or out on the veldt — not so good for the human
animal working with other people in an office.
Surrounding the animal brain is the human
brain or cerebral cortex. We are the only ones with it
and it operates from love, peace and harmony. The human brain wants to
fulfill a purpose in life whether that be inventing a new product, creating a
new process, setting goals, managing people or any of the hundreds of different
types of jobs and careers available to us.
The human brain is in charge of discipline and of doing all the things that
make people feel good about themselves — like being on time, completing
things, doing a good job, volunteering, showing compassion, listening and
In-between the brains is something scientists call the Reticular
Activating System (RAS). It is the key to ‘turning on
your brain" and is connected at its base to the spinal cord. It runs
up to the mid brain and is a very complex collection of neurons, which serve as
a point of convergence where signals from the external world meet with the
internal world.
In other words, it is the part of the brain where the world outside meets the
inside world of thoughts and feelings. It is the point at which either the
animal or human brain is triggered.
- If conflict triggers the animal brain, fight or
flight will ensue.
- If conflict triggers the human brain, resolution
The way to trigger the RAS and switch on the human brain is through awareness
and realizations, "Oh wow — I just got angry again — that was my animal
brain. I’m going to switch to my human brain and take a
conscious breath and switch to my human brain to get a fresh
The evolving human being does not expect to operate all the time from the
human brain — it does expect however, to operate more and more from that place
and to have some discipline and control over the RAS and ultimately the animal
As a manager, you have a team of people who are operating from the animal and
human brain. You already know the 10-20% of employees who operate mostly
from their animal brains because you recognize the traits: they come in late,
always have an excuse, under-perform and get angry or defensive when
The other 70-80% of your team operates mostly from their human brain and only
switches to their animal brain when some kind of conflict arises. Your job
as a manager is to switch to your human brain and deal with the situation as
fast as possible. And since you are dealing with mostly animal brains (in
a conflict situation), it is helpful to use animal training tactics, which are
all about reinforcing and strengthening certain behaviors.
The easiest and most effective tactic for a manager to use is positive
reinforcement. This means starting or adding something good that the
person likes or enjoys — something that will cause them to repeat the certain
behavior that made it happen in the first place.
On a basic level, the dolphin gets a fish for doing a trick. The worker
gets a paycheck for working.
Conversely, our society also uses forms of punishment as a consequence for
wrong behavior. For example, a speeding driver gets a fine and a ticket.
Sometimes a manager will find it necessary to stop certain behavior by using
punishment tactics. However, for a happy environment and a positive
attitude, rewards may be the best way to go.
Here are the tactics:
1. Reinforce certain behavior with rewards:
- Give something good - or -
- Take something bad away.
2. Stop certain behavior with punishment:
- Give something bad - or -
- Take something good away.
Examples of how the reward and punishment tactics apply
in the office:
1. Reinforce behavior by giving
something good as a reward: Bill comes to you with a grievance and
wants coaching to find a solution. You reinforce his behavior by giving
recognition. "Bill, the fact that you want to be coached to find a
solution displays excellent conflict resolution skills."
2. Reinforce behavior by taking
something bad away as a reward: Mary is a hard worker — and has
been coaching Jim, the new person. She hates it and her work is
suffering as a result. "Mary, thank you for coaching Jim, I’m
going to let Bob take over now."
3. Stopping certain behavior by
giving something bad as a punishment: Jack is chronically late to
meetings, which affect the team. "Jack I want you to complete a
time log each day until you start getting to meetings on time."
4. Stopping certain behavior by
taking something good away as a
punishment: Kathy, asked you to coach her on work issues.
However she is telling you all her personal problems. "Kathy, I
want you to focus on work. I’m stopping the coaching until you’ve
completed all your current projects and get back on track."
Whatever technique you use to resolve conflict, be sure to operate from your
human brain, because when all is said and done, people learn most by example …
Copyright © 2007 Val Gee, All rights reserved. Used with
permission of author.
About the author:
Val Gee has published four books with McGraw-Hill, The
Winner’s Attitude, Super
Service, The Customer Service Toolkit and her
latest, OPEN Question Selling (March 2007). Before co-founding
McNeil & Johnson with her husband, Val worked as a sales rep for Pitney
Bowes and gained top sales award in her first year. She began her writing
career as a consultant and instructional designer developing and producing
hundreds of employee training programs for companies such as Motorola, Hyatt
Hotels, Siemens, Baxter Pharmaceutical and many more. Over the past ten years,
Val has been facilitating seminars based on her books to companies such as:
Computer Associates, MB Financial Bank, St Anthony’s Hospital, Motorola.
Val Gee
McNeil & Johnson Learning Company
24089 N Forest Drive
Lake Zurich, Il 60047
Phone: (847) 438 9366
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Related newsletter articles:
February 2003 - Agree and Disagree in
2002 - Resolving Interpersonal Conflicts
October 2004 - Conflict Resolution:
Winning Without War
2005 - Conflict and Conflict Resolution
2006 - The Power of Thought
1996 - Motivating Employees
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