. Knowing your Life Role is not only
interesting and illuminating in itself but has tremendous practical advantages
in the workplace in terms of career development and teambuilding, as well as
generally getting on better with colleagues through understanding them better.
Each Role has particular strengths and talents, as
indicated by its name - but in the broadest rather than narrowest
For example, Artisans are naturally drawn to the arts
and crafts, where they usually feel comfortable and happy, but their creativity
can manifest in any profession including science, marketing and therapy (which
they tend to see as a craft). Of course, your abilities and preferences
are also affected by other factors within the personality system (secondary
Role, centering etc) as well as outside it. However, your Role also
influences your work choices in more subtle ways. For example, Servers are
highly versatile and often happy to play a supporting Role, but they do need to
know their work is genuinely serving a person or cause in order to feel
Below are condensed and adapted extracts from the
book, which I hope you’ll find useful and interesting.
Artisans are very versatile in their creativity, so
have a lot of career options open to them. Arts and crafts are their
natural activity, and most painters, sculptors, potters, weavers, hairdressers,
tailors and graphic designers are Artisans, though other Roles are also found
They excel because of their ability to easily
integrate their creative genius with impeccable technical prowess, and an innate
understanding of structure. They are at the cutting edge of multimedia,
which they understand instinctively, inventing new technology to support it if
they need to. They also love working with larger, more complex and
challenging structures and many architects and engineers are Artisans.
There is an anonymous quote which sums up their
search for the unique new thing (as well as the difference between Artisans and
Scholars): "A scientist studies what is, an engineer studies what never
Artisans also predominate in the skilled trades as car
mechanics, repairmen, decorators, plumbers and electricians – anything with a
craft element, where their manual dexterity gives them an edge. Such
skills are always in high demand, and they can easily develop or fall back on
them if deprived of other career opportunities. As makers and users of
tools — displaying great mechanical aptitude and meticulous craftsmanship —
they can be very focused when working on projects in contrast to their dreamy
Competing Artisans love working in fashion as
designers and models. Moving-centered Artisans enjoy working in the
performing arts as dancers, jugglers, mime and trapeze artists, as well as
athletes and sportspeople.
One of the greatest baseball players Joe DiMaggio was
an Artisan, renowned for the grace and elegance of his style, on and off the
pitch. They can also flourish in medicine and the healing arts as
dentists, surgeons, body workers, physiotherapists and aroma therapists.
Artisans prefer working with materials to words, which
are the realm of Sages and Scholars. Being so attuned to subtle energies,
they find words clumsy in comparison. They can turn their craftsmanship
talents to word-smithing, but may put more energy into the design of the book
cover than the contents.
Having such fertile imaginations, they do well with
imaginative writing such as fairy tales, fantasy and children’s fiction.
They can be excellent songwriters as well as singers, having a talent for
expressing all the nuances of the human heart. They also do well in public
relations, advertising and marketing, working well with Sage copywriters since
they are so skilled at getting under the skin of another person.
Artisans are sometimes uncomfortable in the
Warrior-dominated corporate world. Competing
Artisans can be attracted to the power of big business, but will be happier in a
design, publicity or marketing department.
Artisans usually function better in a smaller, less ruthlessly commercial
company with more emphasis on relationships and the quality of the product or
service. They are a great asset to a business, so long as their creativity
is valued. Their innovative vision can produce a never-ending stream of
ideas, though it needs balancing with a more entrepreneurial Role to sort the
commercial goers from the hare-brained schemes. Artisans are better at
spending than making money, and can easily get themselves or their business into
Routine stifles their spontaneity, and they hate
mindless, repetitive tasks like data entry. If they feel too bored and
oppressed, they are likely to leave a job quite suddenly, whatever the
Artisans, like Scholars, tend to prefer working
independently to being team workers or bosses, but they don’t mind being
employees or part of a team so long as they have some freedom to
Of all the Roles, they are the least interested in
leadership, and can make problematic bosses if their talent gets them
over-promoted. While generally having good social skills, they can be
quirky and unpredictable, so colleagues can get confused not knowing where they
stand or what is expected of them. Artisans reserve the right to change
their mind suddenly, which is tricky in a large corporation where the wheels
grind slowly.
They are easily distracted, especially if the task in
hand is a balance sheet or 5-year-plan, and will do anything to avoid it.
On the other hand, they can make inspired leaders of creative enterprises such
as an art studio, dance theatre, restaurant or fashion house, which can tolerate
chaos so long as the end product works.
At the Philosophical
Perspective, Artisans can be as practical, organized and focused as anyone,
well able to handle the challenges of management and leadership in an area
outside their normal comfort zone. One Artisan I interviewed said:
I have had my own law firm for the past five years
and two months. I love it. It is scary, fun, challenging,
creative, and I have learned a ton. I am steadily doing better
financially. The hardest part was when I started adding staff.
Dealing with personnel issues has been a big challenge for me. I have
relied a lot on my college teaching experience and my mothering experience
(I have four grown children) to help me mentor my employees. . . . I love
doing what I do for a living, which is negotiation and settlement,
mediation, collaboration with another attorney outside of court to settle
cases, and coaching people to represent themselves. (Meredith,
attorney/mediator, USA)
Whatever their choice of profession, it is vital for
Sages to find work that is fun and gives them lots of space to communicate and
express themselves. Acting is the archetypal Sage profession, but they
excel in any occupation based on communication.
They love working in film and television as
screenwriters, directors and presenters. Sages are excellent storytellers
and writers, and are among the world’s best novelists and journalists.
They are natural self-promoters, sometimes enjoying the publicity circuit and
parties more than the hard grind of writing a book. They enjoy the
challenge of making something entertaining out of unpromising material, for
example as political correspondents who can expose hidden agendas, put an
amusing spin or twist on the dullest government proceedings. Will Rogers
quipped: "I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and
report the facts."
Sages enjoy the cut and thrust of public life on a
real-world stage. They bring showbiz talents to the platform and the
courtroom, using their skill at rhetoric and acting to sway voters and juries,
and spin a case for the media. They enjoy pressing the flesh more than
most other Roles, and excel at the communication and PR aspects as press
secretaries and spin-doctors.
They make great entrepreneurs and salespeople, and do
well in any business that requires wheeling and dealing, a combination of charm
and ruthlessness, including agents and managers in the entertainment and sport
industries. Moving-centered Sages can become
clowns, acrobats, dancers, sometimes sporting champions.
Sages are excellent teachers, able to impart knowledge
pleasurably, entertainingly and keep a whole class riveted without needing to
resort to more brutal disciplinary measures. This ability makes them the
most popular teachers. One Sage remembers how he handled a music class as
a substitute teacher in a tough school:
The kids exchanged instruments, and when I started
to conduct them, it sounded as dreadful as you might imagine.
Afterwards, they expected me to get angry; instead, I said dramatically,
with tears in my eyes, "Guys, that was SO beautiful!" They
laughed, and were then on my side (as I was on theirs). (Shepherd,
author/teacher, USA)
Sages find it hard to work alone, preferring the
companionship and drama of a busy office. They are fine as team workers,
so long as they have opportunities to stand out and make a splash.
Despite their cardinality, unlike Kings and Priests,
they don’t need to be the boss or leader – and may even prefer not to if the
job comes with grindingly long hours, heavy responsibilities, and not enough
perks and playtime built in. [Editor's note: cardinal roles are
expansive roles - Sage, Priest and King.]
As bosses, they tend to be brilliant but unreliable,
blowing hot and cold, panicking or disappearing in a crisis. Their
favorite position is a starring role with lots of opportunity for
self-expression, fun and interaction, non-routinized and with good pay.
Public relations, publicity, sales and marketing fulfill these requirements
One Sage who has found fulfillment in the business
world describes his work, which in some ways bucks the stereotype of this Role:
I usually take the number two role in the
businesses for whom I consult. This allows me to give my input, make
decisions or help others in making decisions and not have to have the
responsibility for the overall running of the show. I am good at
seeing the overview of the business and the business owner’s (and
sometimes their employee’s) individual needs. My mind is
detail-oriented, quick and processes a lot. Being a cardinal Role,
leadership comes easily to me. I also provide facilitation services
for people. This allows me to utilize my gift for "speaking the
truth" as well as to listen and follow the deeper threads that run
through all of our individual lives. Finding the thread and guiding
people to it, what a wonderful experience for me! (Michael, business
manager, USA)
Capacity for hard work, administrative and
interpersonal skills and general helpfulness make Servers invaluable employees
in any organization. They can do well in any field, but will feel most
fulfilled in jobs than enable them to combine these qualities and provide a good
service for a cause they approve of.
Servers are the mainstay of charities and voluntary
organizations, happy to work long hours unpaid or underpaid for a good
cause. They may be the secretary, the manager or anyone in-between, but
will always see themselves as the vital support for the organization’s
front-line workers. They generally don’t want to be in the limelight
themselves, but do like being appreciated.
Servers also like to support one particular person,
who they see as being especially important in advancing the common good.
In the workplace, the classic example of this is the secretary-boss
relationship, where as often as not the secretary holds together the reputation
and effectiveness of the boss.
Since Servers are fulfilled by playing a supporting
role in a good cause, they are often drawn to the helping professions including
teaching, medicine and the social services. Here they team up well with
Priests, the Role with whom they share the greatest compatibility.
Hospitals and social work departments have a strong Server ethos and
atmosphere. They make the most sympathetic family doctors and healers,
with an excellent bedside manner and a healing presence.
Their interpersonal skills make them good diplomats,
mediators and facilitators. They are popular as family lawyers and
accountants, good at reassuring and calming people in stressful
situations. Servers are modest, gentle and unassuming, but this never
stops them from being highly effective and getting results.
Servers have no objection to starting at the bottom of
the company, however low-paid the position. They are the fabled tortoises
who proceed slowly and methodically, unnoticed at first. Sooner or later,
their general helpfulness, efficiency and willingness to take on extra tasks
will be noted and rewarded. One result is that they will be the last
employees to be laid off. However, their usefulness may either make it
hard for them to rise through the ranks, since managers want to hang on to a
good assistant or they get promoted out of their depth.
If they are working for somebody as an executive
assistant or deputy — or reporting to them — they will discreetly take on
much of that person’s workload without making a big point of it or claiming
credit. In business, they often do well as personnel officers, where they
enjoy the opportunities to know everything that’s going on in a company and
pull strings behind the scenes. They particularly excel at customer
service, good at dealing with irate customers face-to-face or on the phone,
attending to any problems and leaving people feeling soothed and satisfied.
Servers are rarely happy working alone, preferring to
collaborate as team-workers. Generally, they are happy as employees even
at the bottom of the pecking order, and would rather work behind the scenes than
be exposed in a leadership position. More ambitious Servers aim to become
assistant or deputy to the boss.
As employers, they are apt to impose their idea of the
common good on their employees, which may include working late, overtime, taking
on other people’s work if they are sick or on holiday. Unless you can
persuade a Server that your dedication is equal to theirs — even if expressed
in a different way — and validate their own vision by assuring them of how
inspired you are by it, then you will probably be pressurized into doing a lot
more than you want to. However, in their positive pole they make popular
bosses, who can put a human face on a soulless corporation. They nurture
their staff, and are likely to remember their birthdays and the names of their
Priests are found in all jobs and professions, but are
happiest in a job where they can use their inspiration to be of
Servers and Priests share this motivation and so work
well together. Both Roles predominate in the helping and healing
professions including teaching, the social services and medicine, often working
in teams led by a Priest. Their natural healing talent helps them excel in
any work concerned with health and wellbeing, often more drawn to the spiritual
than physical aspects. They respond well to crisis, being unfazed by
suffering, which brings out the best in them. They therefore prefer to
work in something like bereavement counseling or with the critically ill rather
than the worried well.
Priests are at home in a religious setting, but
nowadays are often more drawn to become therapists, psychiatrists or healers,
since most people are more open to spiritual healing from these sources.
Generally, they prefer working with groups of people, but can work one-to-one
within the formality of the counseling relationship.
Many Priests flourish in business. They are
excellent motivational coaches and corporate trainers, who can galvanize a
workforce and transform a whole organization with their vision, enthusiasm,
positive thinking and "can-do" attitude. The jobs a Priest will
feel most comfortable with are ones that involve interfacing with as many people
as possible.
Sales and marketing offer excellent opportunities for
this, and most Priests enjoy the process of going out, meeting with strangers,
and persuading them to buy a service or product. Personnel Management can
be a good choice, and better still corporate training.
They can also be found as financial advisors, with a
mission to help their clients against the corporate world or preaching ‘prosperity
One says, "My ministry is the business
world." She continues:
People have told me that I’m a good person to
work for. I know a few other Priests that I’ve heard their employees
rave about. I think it’s because we tend to care about people and
can really focus on helping them get ahead or find what they need to be
successful. To me, there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing
someone become a success after I’ve worked with them or coached them.
(Josephina, Management Consultant, USA)
Priests are natural leaders, whose political instincts
and skills will get themselves into the top job if they believe that is where
they are meant to be.
Once they achieve power, their cardinality enables
them to see the bigger picture and ways through difficulties that other people
have missed. They often feel confidence and success from a conviction they
are can make a difference or turn the company round. Unlike Kings,
attention to detail is not one of their strengths, so their projects tend to
work better if they can delegate to an efficient Warrior or Server.
It can be hard for Priests to recognize and accept
their leadership skills if they do not receive encouragement and opportunities,
particularly women.
Here is a case study of a woman in Finland who
achieved success once she had validated her Priest Role, which enabled her to
take on a leadership function with confidence. Her story is equally
relevant to men lacking confidence.
Heidi used to be a hardworking restaurant worker
with no real career ambitions, afraid of standing in front of a crowd.
She managed to get promoted to Human Resources manager, but felt stuck and
distressed, sensing a clash of values with the company she worked for.
Just after her new appointment, all managers in the company were introduced to
a new Leadership and Communication training, Keys to Balance, directed by a
Priest [see Resources section]. Heidi at first clung to the belief that
she was a Server, but when the Priest Role was clearly explained, it suddenly
hit her that this is her true type. She loves giving advice and people
are naturally drawn to her for counseling, but found it hard to believe that
Priests love being leaders and standing in front of people, as this still
terrified her. The revelation of her Role was a true turning point in
her life. She actively grew into the Role and became more balanced,
taking on leadership issues. She discovered her mission: to transform
the workplace into a more humane environment for everyone. She succeeded
in many ways, becoming a real asset as a moral leader. However, she felt
something important missing: not being able to really live according to her
values and operate on a broader scale.
Eventually, after over 15 years of service in the
restaurant business, Heidi took on the challenge of a new job in a different
area. She is now responsible for Leadership and Management programs in a
big training institute. What really excites her is helping people
develop their leadership skills in other companies. She plans and
facilitates the leadership programs, and now really enjoys speaking up as she
loves her new work. Heidi has never had doubts about her job change,
having found her mission: helping people by giving advice and waking them
up. It’s now possible for her to share the values of her workplace,
influencing many leaders and companies with great training programs and also
helping develop more branches. The work is very rewarding as it’s
long-term planning and she can see the change in people taking place as the
leadership programs are extensive.
Warriors enjoy the workplace and are naturally
productive workers, working extremely hard and being the backbone of any
organization. They are often the first to arrive and last to leave the
office, and can get quite competitive about it, going in for power breakfasts
and after-work drinking sessions. Anyone lacking the stamina for this
regime can be excluded from the inner circle of power.
The business world has a strong Warrior flavor and
they generally do well in it, being rapidly promoted. While they are good
at administration, being practical and efficient, they will get bored of
anything too routine, needing some challenge and adventure in their working
lives. Their motto is "‘Let’s not talk about it, let’s just do
Warriors are the best role in a crisis and do well in
the police, emergency services, as firefighters, ambulance drivers, security
guards and bouncers. Any physical occupation suits them will, including
sport, sports coaching, forestry and gardening, laboring, physiotherapy and
They are also attracted to occupations where their
talents for maintaining boundaries and order are needed such as school teaching,
management, hospital administration and raising children.
One woman works with her husband: "I have become
a manager of these offices which really amounts to becoming a "guard"
making sure none of his employees are stealing from him and being in control of
the accounts." (Jenna, manager, USA)
Warriors are the most entrepreneurial role, the most
likely to succeed at running their own business, especially in practical areas
like construction and transport.
Warriors can be the driving force of any organization,
pushing the work and mission of the group forwards. The marketplace
becomes their battleground and they do well in business, particularly as
salespeople – the shock troops of capitalism.
Other Roles also have selling skills, but Warriors
have the energy and personality to persuade you to buy – and to close a
deal. However, while excellent at strategy and tactics, they are often not
as good at negotiating as they like to believe, tending to apply relentless
pressure or offer inducements. This can be a handicap in sales and
marketing situations where the product or service being sold is a sophisticated
one. The Warrior salesperson needs to understand that they are not there
simply to "get a result" for their own side, but to meet the genuine
needs and expectations of the customer – in other words, to build a stable,
long-term relationship.
Tact, diplomacy and finesse are not typical Warrior
qualities, but they are quick to learn if given proper training.
Warriors are very versatile, able to work
independently but equally happy as employee or boss. They are the best of
all the Roles as team-workers, being able to give and take orders, collaborate
well and help forge a close-knit team, be enterprising yet loyal. Warriors
like the company of other Warriors, and will spend much of their time together
in like-minded groups. To push the Warrior analogy, they could be called
Warriors also understand that action is very specific,
and other Warriors are needed in order to carry out "missions."
Cooperation is essential. They make good leaders, though prefer to be
given clear instructions, aims and objectives and to report to a cardinal Role.
Kings can be found in all trades and professions, but
will be happiest as the one in charge, whether of a team, department, company or
country. They are more interested in power than status (though ideally
both), so if they can’t have both would rather work behind the scenes, perhaps
as a mentor, than just to be a figurehead.
Surprisingly to some people, in order to achieve
excellence, Kings are happy to start at the bottom, learn the ropes and master
all aspects of a business. They prefer to begin with the top company on
the principle that to learn how to win and be the best, you have to work with
the best. Their progress is usually speedy and may look effortless, but is
supported by hard work, discipline, vision, the capacity to come up with
improved strategies and processes, and perhaps luck – luck for Kings being
mainly the ability to make and seize opportunities. They may come in as a
secretary and become CEO within three years.
Kings like to work in large organizations and can be
found heading up many global business empires. They are not always
innovators but they are visionaries who think big and are excellent at spotting
the long-term commercial potential of a new idea or invention, including
long-shot winners. It may seem to others like a big risk, even a foolhardy
gamble, but their self-belief is based on sound instincts and excellent
As the (King) financier James Goldsmith quipped,
"If you see a bandwagon, it’s too late." They are capable of
holding their nerve over a long period, sustaining losses and setbacks, finally
emerging in the dominant position.
They love start-ups and are willing to take big risks,
extend themselves personally and financially, for long-term gain.
Their preference for problem fixing over routine
management (which bores them) makes them not only successful entrepreneurs but
also excellent consultants and trouble-shooters. They enjoy the buzz and
challenge of walking into a new company, quickly spotting the problems and
coming up with solutions, motivating managers and workforces, setting up
structures to implement the changes, then leaving others to run it and moving on
to the next challenge.
One entrepreneur describes the process, having set up
two successful companies and transformed business practice in her industry:
When looking back, I realized that the biggest fun
was in the first few years, the raw years when I didn’t really know what I
was doing but just kept at it. I had to create, materialize, multitask
and figure things out. When I look back, I am amazed at my
fearlessness — maybe coming from ignorance
when you are so young. You just go and do things.
If you don’t know how, just figure it out.
Create your own system if there isn’t one that you can use. Once I
had things more under control and running smoothly, I started to get
bored. How many new products can you launch and get excited
about? Also, I needed something to do with more and deeper meaning to
the world. (Sula, entrepreneur, Iceland)
Most Kings prefer being the boss to being an
employee. As employees, they work best with some general guidance and a
boss who’s there to help and support but not to micromanage. They need
people around them, so most would rather work in a team than alone.
While not generally cooperative, they may use
consultation as a reconnaissance exercise "useful to ‘help’ others
come up with ideas the King had first, to create trust and loyalty, to persuade
and modify your plans." (Helena, USA)
Kings are the most demanding of employers, requiring
as much loyalty from an employee as from a subject (i.e., total loyalty).
However, they will reward loyalty, capability and good service richly with high
salaries, unlimited expense accounts and lots of perks.
They like to delegate and — being
supremely confident and aware of the importance of good support —
are unafraid to appoint the strongest people to complement their own
abilities. Their subordinates are required to be on the same wavelength
and share their vision, but will be given a lot of independence. Most
Kings prefer to be challenged by brilliant innovators than surrounded by
While Warriors tend to throw their weight around
(needing to prove themselves), Kings can be quite gentle and relaxed, but
everyone will sense their inner authority and respect them as bosses.
Those who have attained an inner integration will find a more compassionate,
service-oriented leadership style.
One King — who is now
ready to move into a more public position and set up her own business —
Although I want to call the shots, I also want to
be the best leader I can possibly be – leading by example, being honest,
straightforward and open. … I want to experiment with kinder, more
empowering forms of management and create a community around my business.
Diane, administrative assistant, Chinese American)
The white-coated scientist is the iconic
Scholar. Academia is their natural home, and any kind of teaching,
training and research appeals to them. Being good at absorbing knowledge
and passing exams, they dominate the traditional professions particularly
medicine and the law.
Other occupations using a broad knowledge base such as
publishing and the media will also appeal. Scholars are useful if not
essential in most professions and as the neutral role can fit in well almost
anywhere. Their main requirement is mental stimulation, though they can
enjoy basic technical work if it includes a problem-solving element. [Editor's
note: the Scholar is a neutral role.]
Scholars are the world’s great record keepers and
can be happy as historians, librarians, curators, registrars, accountants and
Like Sages, they are natural writers and do well in
journalism, particularly in the more serious investigative areas, comment and
opinion pieces. They particularly flourish in creating online resources —
being one of the great contemporary Scholarly achievements.
Paradoxically, Scholars are oriented to the future as
much as the past, and excel as futurologists, climatologists, financial analysts
and trend-spotters, and perhaps best of all running think tanks. Since we
live in exciting but uncertain times, good forecasting skills are much in
Scholars team up well at work with most Roles,
particularly Warriors. Scholars understand that their knowledge is of
limited value without action, while Warriors know that action without
underpinning knowledge can be harmful. These two Roles run most schools,
as well as collaborating in the army, the police, business and politics.
They enjoy combining action and knowledge out in the field as archaeologists,
geologists, anthropologists and explorers.
Being in nature is healing to Scholars’ busy minds,
and of course, an interesting field of study. Many ‘ornithologists,
botanists, gardeners, guides and trackers are Scholars. They are good with
animals — who find their calm neutrality non-threatening — and make
excellent veterinarians, zookeepers and animal trainers.
In the modern workplace, the Scholar is a key
figure. Their neutrality and knowledge base make them indispensable
all-round players in the team. Few teams will stay functioning for long
unless there is at least one Scholar playing a significant part as mediators
bridging the gaps between the various Roles.
The leadership position is not something that Scholars
normally seek, but they are often chosen to be the team leaders in situations
where rivalry is intense. Their neutrality and mediation skills help
defuse interpersonal tensions and bring the team together. Once in a
responsible supervisory or managerial job, they can often come out of their
determined detachment and blossom into a formidable champion for their
Perhaps the hardest thing for Scholars is to assert
themselves, speak out when needed and fight their corner against the plots and
schemes of colleagues. They believe intelligence and capability are
enough, not appreciating the need for social and political skills to advance
their career. Sometimes they may know the answer to a problem, or the best
way out of a tight spot, but remain quiet, perhaps preferring to mull over the
pros and cons of the situation. The way out of this detachment is either
mentoring by an older hand (ideally a Warrior) or management training, such as
assertiveness courses. Alternatively, a person can become aware that they
are a Scholar, be alert to the impartiality of their role and consciously
counteract it when the time comes for decision and action.
Further information: