1999 - Personality Roles
- Overview of the Role - Archetype for Primary Life
- Expressive Roles: Artisan and Sage
- Inspirational Roles: Server
and Priest
- Action Roles: Warrior and
- Neutral Role: Scholar
- Resources: Books and Internet
Our Personality Game
uses a system of personality traits that attempt to describe the many facets of
individuals. The "Role" is one of the most prominent personality traits,
although it is greatly influenced by the other aspects of the individual.
The Role is summarized on the Personality Game web page. In this month's article, we'd like to
delve more deeply into the Role and its attributes as they apply to workplace situations.
To take a short online quiz to find your
own role, take the Personality Quiz,
then return here to more easily follow the topic.
Our descriptions of the Roles and the occupations they choose are not meant to be
limiting, rather to give examples of where people might gravitate. Each person is
unique and there are no hard and fast rules about how a person's Role defines them as a
human being. There are so many other influences and other personality attributes
that everyone should remember to use these definitions as guidelines for understanding,
not as restrictive labels.
The Expressive Roles: Artisan and Sage
Artisans comprise about 20% of the US, with higher concentrations on
the coasts of the US and in the "creative" areas (Los Angeles; New York City;
Santa Fe, New Mexico). Artisans are about 20% worldwide also. . Famous
Artisans include many entertainers, artists and creative people of all kinds.
Artisans may be found in any place where their talents can be appreciated. In the
corporate world, Artisans may be architects or graphic designers, as well as
doctors, administrative assistants, trainers, department managers or executives. The
entertainment industry is filled with Artisans in every conceivable job.
Artisans are constantly looking for creative and innovative ways to accomplish
something. This is usually a positive effort, but a frustrated or bored Artisan can
create chaos quickly and easily. Artisans specialize in communication with a limited
focus through many different forms: acting, art, music, dance, crafts, writing, designing
and building.
Artisans like to dress in unique and creative ways, with colorful or unusual clothing,
jewelry or accessories. And they get tired of the same thing every day, so may
change their hairstyle or color frequently. This is especially true for female
Artisans, who have more cultural freedom to be creative than male Artisans. Male
Artisans may seem softer or more feminine because of their energy dynamics and love of
color. Male Artisans can also wear the color red, where many men in other roles can
The energy of Artisans seems to project forward from their abdomen (the creative
energetic center) and their throat (the communication energetic center). When in the
company of an Artisan, you may sense their energy as light or of high frequency. In
fact, Artisans have the highest energy frequency of all the Roles.
Physically, they tend to be "cute" with slightly asymmetrical (off-balance)
bodies. In their relationships, they tend to be chaotic, dramatic and colorful.
An Artisan can have a dramatic effect on a work group as a whole when they put
their mind to it, as they can be masters at transforming environments.
As managers, Artisans are creative in getting things done (on the positive side), or
(on the negative side) they can be scattered, unfocused and continually changing things
just for the sake of change. To balance their energy, Artisans often depend on lower
frequency roles (Warriors or Kings) for balance and they need more True
Play than True Work, True Rest or True Study.
Artisans are the zaniest of the Roles and if mentally unstable, they are the craziest
of all.
Positive Attributes: Creative, innovative trendsetters.
Negative Attributes: Self-deceptive, chaotic, unfocused, scattered.
Famous Artisans: Marie Antoinette, Dr. Christian Barnard, Marlon
Brando, Francis Ford Coppolo, General George Custer, Walt Disney, Princess Grace Kelley,
John F. Kennedy Jr., Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, Sir Walter Raleigh, Ted Turner.
Sages comprise about 15% of the US population, but they have wide
ranging influence through their love of media in all forms. World-wide, Sages
comprise about 5-8% of the population. Professionally, Sages are newscasters,
reporters, TV journalists, movie producers, teachers, corporate executives, sales people
and master communicators of all types.
Sages love to talk and they love to be the center of attention!! Sages love to
appear on stage and receive applause. They are light-hearted and fun to be around, sharing
their love of life with as many people as possible. If no one is listening, they
write vociferously.
A big part of the role of Sages is to teach the world how to have fun, so they are
usually the ones who like to get a party going. Because of their playful nature,
Sages often seem younger than they are or seem to never grow up. Peter Pan is a good
example of an immature Sage. More mature Sages love to teach and share their wisdom.
Sages make the best office gossips and joke-tellers as well as the best office
communicators. Their brains are connected to their mouth and their purpose in life
is to communicate whatever they know. They can do this with or without all the facts
at hand. In fact, Sages make the best sales people and some can sell snake oil
better than anyone else. Because Sages talk so much, sometimes they don't remember
what they say or care whether it is true or not. Sages love words and information,
and they love to play with words and try out different meanings or interpretations of
words just to see how people react.
Sages like to dress colorfully as part of their enjoyment of being the center of
attention. Sages can be so good at "dressing up" and acting out a part
that they forget who they really are themselves.
In relationships with others, Sages have large egos and a constant need for
attention. They can be zany, spontaneous and playful, especially when they have an
audience. They can be fun to work with or maddening when things need to be dealt
with seriously. A Sage is hard to nail down to a commitment as they have an inherent
love of freedom and a desire to treat life less seriously than others.
As managers, Sages love to tell others what to do, but are not very good about
follow-up, discipline or enforcing rules. Like Artisans, Sages need the support of
others who are more grounded to manage well. Also, like Artisans, they need more True Play
than True Work, True Rest or True Study
Energetically, Sages project outward from their throat. Physically, Sages often
have large or noticeable mouths and a twinkle in their eye.
Positive Attributes: Communicative expression in a broad way, teach the
world how to have fun
Negative Attributes: Talk to much, write too much, large ego,
Famous Sages: Lucille Ball, Walter Cronkite, Michael Douglas, Duke
Ellington, Larry Flynt, Betty Friedan, Scott Hamilton, Hugh Hefner, Wolfman Jack, Mikhail
Gorbechev, Nikta Kruschev, Ann Landers, David Letterman, James Michener, Bette Midler,
Leon Panetta, Martha Ray, William Shakespeare, Linda Tripp, Barbara Walters.
The Inspirational Roles: Server and Priest
Servers comprise about 10% of the US population and about 30% of the
world-wide population. Servers provide positive, inspirational support to
individuals, usually in a way that keeps them out of the limelight. Servers can be
found in many support roles as caretakers, clerks, nurses, healers, secretaries, airline
stewards/stewardesses, waiters/waitresses and facilitators of all kinds.
Servers rarely enjoy the limelight and dress not to be noticed. They often wear
neutral colors, gray or black so they tend to fade into the background. When office
pictures are taken, Servers are behind the camera, not in the picture.
On a one-on-one level, Servers can be very inspirational, encouraging people and
helping them deal with life's challenges. While they are helping others, Servers may not
serve their own interests well.
Because Servers spend so much of their time and energy helping others, people come to
expect them to do all the dirty work. It is hard for a Server to say "no"
or to be assertive on their own behalf. This can lead to them feeling trapped
in a situation they cannot change. Their negative response to this feeling is to be
more manipulatively controlling of others when they find an opportunity.
Servers do not usually aspire to management or to leadership roles, although
occasionally they rise up to them. As managers, Servers are always concerned about
the welfare of others and how they can help them. Discipline may be very hard for
them as a manager, since it goes so much against their natural purpose of support.
In relationships, Servers are committed and dedicated, to the point of being
devotional. They tend to have the least power in any relationship although they can
be controlling at times in a very subtle way.
Energetically, the energy of a Server projects from the lower part of their body (root
energy center) and from their eyes (inspirational energy center). Their eyes may
sparkle with a look of "Can I help you?". Their physical bodies are often
slight and may not be noticeably attractive (in order not to stand out).
Servers need more True Rest in order to replenish the massive amount of energy they
expend helping others.
Famous examples of Servers include President Jimmy Carter, especially his work in
humanitarian efforts toward world peace.
Other Famous Servers: Prince Charles of England, Ram Dass, Pope
John XXIII, Monica Lewinsky, Emily Post, Grandma Moses, Florence Nightingale.
Positive Attributes: Supportive, inspirational and helpful
Negative Attributes: Controlling, manipulative; feeling trapped, can't let
go of perceived responsibility.
Priests comprise about 3-5% of the US population and 2-3% of the world-wide population,
so a single Priest must inspire a lot of people to be successful. Professionally,
Priests can be found in all walks of life as business leaders, advocates for a cause,
motivational teachers, ministers, counselors and coaches.
Priests love to inspire a group and naturally become the "counselor" because
of their ability to have compassion for others. The Priest's natural ability to see
beyond a situation to the heart of the matter can be a powerful force when they are in the
healing professions. When not thoroughly trained, they can be overly zealous in
their desire to help someone who isn't yet ready for help.
The Priest's ability to see beyond the obvious in an unhealthy corporate environment
can lead them to passionately try to fix something that may not be fixable. Priests
are strong advocates for human rights and will champion poor working conditions (or other
chosen causes) with a fervor no other role has.
Priests cannot be controlled or dominated and can be hard to supervise. Priests,
like Sages and Kings, like to be in leadership positions where they can influence large
groups of people in their chosen way.
Priests tend to stand out in a crowd, through their high energy or their inspirational
clothing; Priests like colorful clothing that reminds people of robes or royalty.
In relationships with others, Priests can be very charismatic and overwhelm others at
times. Their energy stretches far around them so that when they are with someone
else, the other person can actually feel a deep sense of compassion and comfort.
When a Priest focuses their energy on someone when mentoring or healing, the person can
feel a deep sense of peace. The sudden withdrawal of that feeling as the Priest
shifts their attention to others can be quite disturbing to the person who loses it.
Because Priests have so many people constantly seeking their attention, it is hard
for them to stay focused and committed to just one person or project.
Energetically, Priest's energy projects outward from their eyes, often prompting people
to give them nicknames like "Bright Eyes" or "Blazing Eyes."
Priests have the 2nd highest energy frequency and for those in lower frequency roles,
Priests may seem to "buzz" or be "off the planet."
The Priest's particular blend of energy and their ability to be deeply compassionate,
leads many people to want to be in their presence because it simply feels so good.
Male Priests find women falling in love with them, and female Priests find men falling in
love with them just to stay in their warm glow of energy. A Priest's energy can be
drained from all the attention of the many people they interact with, so like Servers,
they need a lot of True Rest to replenish themselves.
Because a Priest's energy is so different and their numbers are very limited in the
general population, sometimes people will try to 'capture' them and hold onto to
them. No one can own or dominate a Priest, they simply will not allow it.
Given their role in bringing inspiration to the world, that makes sense.
Physically, Priests tend to be tall and thin, with rather fragile bodies, like violins
that must be finely-tuned to work well. Their heads seem to be in the clouds at
As managers and coaches, Priests are very inspiring, encouraging people to be all they
can be. Priests are able to intuitively sense someone's potential as well as
their blockages to improvement. When Priests are operating in a positive way, they
encourage people to improve themselves and fulfill their potential. On the negative
side, Priests sometimes tell people about their faults, even though the person may not yet
be ready to hear about them or to deal with them.
Because Priests deal with a larger vision of possibilities, they often do not remember
details well.
Priests will fight for what they believe in, sometimes when no one else has the courage
to pursue a cause that needs attention. Priests can be very effective at enlisting
others to help them with whatever project they need help with.
Famous examples of a Priest in action include Princess Diana in her compassionate work
with children and advocacy of Land Mine reform. Ralph Nader exemplifies the work
that Priests do in getting attention to issues that may be harmful to the population as a
whole. Kevin Costner provides inspiration through his movies, which usually have a
theme of someone overcoming the odds and doing something that benefits many people.
Other Famous Priests: Edgar Cayce, Bob Dylan, Jerry Falwall,
Mahatma Gandhi, Sigmund Freud, Alger Hiss, Barbara Marx-Hubbard, Corretta Scott King, St.
Francis of Assisi, Diane Sawyer, Dr. Bernie Siegal, Denzel Washington, Terry Cole
Positive Attributes: Inspiration for a broad audience; insightful and
able to see through a person's internal blocks to growth; deeply compassionate and
sensitive to other's pain
Negative Attributes: Overly zealous for a cause they believe in, telling
people about their faults (whether they are ready to know or not), head the clouds or
"off the planet"
The Action Roles: Warrior and King
Warriors are the most common role, comprising about 30% of the US
population, which explains why we have such a high level of productivity, technology and
development of our physical resources here. World-wide, Warriors comprise about 20%
of the population. Warriors are solid folks (both men and women) that organize,
defend and protect society.
Warriors are action-oriented and love to get things done, whether building roads,
creating laws, developing technology or planning strategy. Warriors like to work in
groups and tend to organize any endeavor, whether they are the leader or not.
Warriors love strategy and the law and seeing things get accomplished. They are
also strong defenders of others and can be counted on to fight society's battles when
necessary. Warriors love physical things and making things, which explains the
American love affair with automobiles, sports, high technology gadgets and
"toys" of all kinds. Everyone in the US is deeply affected by our
predominant Warrior culture. And, the world at large looks to the U.S. to serve as
defenders of people, where ever they are. That is a natural recognition of the
Warrior's inherent talents and abilities.
Warriors are found in any profession that can use their talents for organization,
teamwork, physical endeavor or strategy. Professionally, Warriors may be athletes,
builders, construction workers, doctors, engineers, firemen, police officers, soldiers,
lawyers, judges, models, physicians, massage therapists, managers and strategic organizers
of all kinds. Warriors like using their bodies and are often physically fit, whether men
or women. A growing proportion of Warriors are women, leading them into the legal
field and into opening up many previously male-oriented jobs to women.
Warriors like challenging the world, seeming as if they always want to fight,
especially younger or immature Warriors. It is part of their nature to do that and
they are usually ready to go whenever a challenge appears. Warriors like to get
right to the point in any business endeavor and are interested in bottom-line
results. Warriors can be very direct, to the point of being blunt and are not
sensitive to the undercurrents of corporate politics and people's emotions the way Priests
Warriors like to be surrounded by and "hang out" with other Warriors.
They like to win and can be intensely loyal to their leader, to the point of following
without questioning them. Should their leader betray their trust, a loyal Warrior
can be devastated and unable to resolve their pain easily.
Physically, Warriors have a solid stance and a direct stare. They tend to have
eyes close together and a square jaw, with strong bodies. Warriors tend to dress in
very utilitarian ways, the opposite of Artisans, Sages and Priests. Even female Warriors
tend to be less concerned about wearing distinctive clothing, although Warriors make
excellent models because of their attention to their body.
Energetically, Warriors project energy outward from their solar plexus. When
provoked, they can project energy very strongly that feels like a blow to the stomach to
the person on the receiving end.
Warriors tend to have a very low energy frequency giving them a sense of being
grounded, the opposite of Artisans and Priests. When in the room with a Priest or
Artisan, a Warrior may notice the higher energy frequency and feel uncomfortable, even
though they usually cannot identify the reason.
Because of the difference in their energy levels, Warriors and Priests have a natural
energy attraction that helps each of them provide balance for the other (almost like a
magnet). This attraction can develop into extremely compatible and productive
working relationships, or it can create conflicts if they are not able to understand the
energy dynamics.
Warriors are very hard-working and loyal, but not very emotionally open or sensitive.
Warriors need more True Work, and less True Rest, Trust Study and True Play.
Famous Warriors John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and Demi Moore (through her
movie "G.I. Jane") exemplify the physical strength and protective ability of
Warriors. Hilary Clinton and Janet Reno are examples of female Warriors in the
legal field, while Sharon Stone and Mae West show the softer, more feminine aspect of
female Warriors. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and President Nelson Mandella show the
ability of Warriors to be peaceful leaders.
Positive Attributes: Hard-working, loyal, organized, strategic
thinkers, very persuasive, excellent members of a team.
Negative Attributes: Coercive, trample on the rights of others, overly
forceful (physically or in other ways).
Kings are even rarer than Priests, comprising only 1 - 2% of the US
population. Kings are as rare in most other countries, with the exception of
Iceland, which has a large population of Kings.
A single King goes a long way. Kings are exceptional at leadership and like to
rule whatever group they are involved with. If not in charge, a King may be very
competitive in holding their own. They do not like following others. Even as
children, this trait shows itself very early.
Professionally, Kings can be found at the heads of countries, companies or departments
and as leaders in any field. Occasionally, a King will take a lower-profile position
(such as an administrative assistant), where they can still direct things according to
their own sense of what is right. In such a position, they handle large projects
with amazing ease.
Kings are superb at broad strategy, giving orders and getting others to follow them.
Warriors are especially willing to follow the leadership of a King.
Energetically, Kings have a lower energy frequency like Warriors. Their
energy is very solid and grounded yet softer than a Warrior with a commanding presence
that draws attention toward them where ever they are. Most Kings have strong
piercing eyes. Like Warriors, Kings tend to take care of their body and like to be
physically active.
Kings and Artisans have a natural attraction to each other because their energy
frequency is so different. When they recognize their differences, these two roles
can help balance each other quite effectively. If they are confused by the differences,
they may feel incompatible or conflict with each other.
Because they are usually in command, Kings often find themselves as loners, with few
intimate friends and confidantes. They tend to take charge of their relationships,
rather than sharing the power and decision-making with others. Kings can be very
generous and magnanimous with those they care for.
Kings tend to master whatever they attempt, whether it is building a company or
managing a business project. They do it with a style that makes it look natural and
easy. For the King, few things can intimate them and they believe they can do
whatever they choose to do. Failure is not a word in their dictionary; should they
fail at something they attempt, they are devastated.
Famous Kings include both President John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline
Kennedy, which of course raised the image of Camelot, an appropriate kingly image.
Billy Graham and Donald Trump command their chosen professions. Elizabeth Dole shows
her strength as a female King through her success at the Red Cross and now as a candidate
for president of the United States. Sandra Day O'Connor is a commanding force on
the U.S. Supreme Court.
Positive Attributes: Mastery of whatever they attempt, broad strategy
with a deep concern for others, excellent leaders.
Negative Attributes: Tyrannical, dominating, forcing their will on others,
giving orders rather than leading.
The Neutral Role: Scholar
Scholars comprise 15-20% of the US population and are found in every
conceivable industry. World-wide, Scholars comprise 12-15% of the population.
Scholars may be writers, academics, adventurers, anthropologists, authors, detectives,
librarians, judges, mediators, philosophers, researchers, spies, students or teachers.
Scholars may find themselves in any position that requires a love of knowledge and
Scholars gather, maintain and preserve our cultural history and love to share their
knowledge. Ask a Scholar what time it is and they may tell you the entire history of
time as they know it. Once they get started telling you about something, it is hard
to stop them. They get very frustrated with other people who are not as interested
in knowledge for the sake of knowledge as they are.
When Scholars don't have an answer, they may develop extensive theories about why
something is the way it is.
In any company or organization, it is usually the Scholars who are asked to write a
report, do the research and develop written materials - that is their prime
specialty and
usually do it well.
As teammates, Scholars can get along with almost everyone. They don't like
conflict and can usually adapt to most situations, although when they defend their
theories, they can become quite adamant. When confronted, they tend to withdraw rather
than fight.
Scholars do not do well in environments filled with intense, passionate people or
energy. They usually don't have the emotionally capacity to deal with those well.
Any group that is searching for knowledge will be filled with Scholars.
Scholars often project a "cool" feeling because of their strong intellectual
bent, often seemingly devoid of emotion.
Energetically, Scholar's have a "soft" energy centered around their heart,
with a kind and gentle look.
Physically, Scholars may have a pronounced forehead and their bodies may seem stiff and
unrelaxed. They are on the alert for any knowledge that may come their way and don't
want to miss anything. If you ask a Scholar a question, they may seem "spaced
out" for a while. Actually, they are searching their internal archives for an
answer; if you wait, they will tell everything they know. Scholars tend to dress in
neutral colors, so they may not be noticed or stand out.
Famous Scholars are plentiful as writers (Michael Crichton, Carlos
Castaneda, Carl Sagan, Jane Bryant Quinn), researchers (George Gallup, Faith Popcorn),
musicians (Johan Straus Bach, Ludwig Beethoven, Peter Tchaikovsky), adventurers (Augustus
Caesar, Margaret Mead), actors (Claire Danes, Bridget Fonda, Susan Sarandon), philosophers
(Plato) and technology wizards (Stephen Jobs).
Positive Attributes: Keep records, observe and study life, explain
life for the rest of us.
Negative Attributes: Theoretical, verbose, stiff, spaced-out, overloaded
from taking in too much information; can't connect their brain to their mouth; may be
The purpose of this information to help people learn more about themselves and those
around them in order to work together more effectively. The Rules
to Play give examples of using the Personality Game for fun and for teamwork.
The books, teachers and other resources listed below provide more in-depth
The Positive Attributes listed with each Role are those shown when people are fulfilling
their true purpose in a positive way. The Negative Attributes usually appear when
someone is under stress or not working in a positive way for whatever reason.
The examples of Famous People provide additional clues to how
the Roles manifest themselves and show the great variety of unique combinations of
personality traits.
- Disclosure: We get a small
commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- The Personality Game
- A Practical Personality System for the 90's (also known as the "overleaves")
- Rules to Play -
Playing the Personality Game
- Famous People -
Personality traits of famous people, places, organizations and countries
- The Nine Needs and
how they relate to the workplace (newsletter article, June 1997)
- The Personality Dragons
and how they relate to the workplace (newsletter article, June 1999)
- Slaying the Dragons
- tips for catching and slaying the dragons (newsletter article, July 1999)
- Four Pillars of Vitality
- True Work, True Study, True Play and True Rest (newsletter article, September
- The Game Board
(complete overleaf chart) (in color)
- Coping with Change -
how the different perspectives deal with Organizational Change (newsletter article May
- The Michael Teachings
- complete list of Internet sites, resources, teachers, books, etc. related to this body of knowledge.
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Page updated: October 16, 2023